Isekai: Lets go and confusingly shift somewhere!!!
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Enjoy this chapter I placed because I want something in my feed(creations), and has been done in 20 minutes... Don't ask why the time limit, I'll do overtime either way(Heyo, two month's later and imma feelin' like fixing up this story cause... why not, i lose nothing and I feel more fulfilled, of course... I'm still not quite as good as writing, so, enjoy what ya get while you are bored cause no way I could turn my story from a 2 to a 8 quickly.) <Heya, part 3 of author! Imma go fix the long ass sentences! I have been informed that it sucks, and that chinese novels has affected my writing... So imma fix it!! See you folk in part 4 when I get alerted about somethin else...


Have you questioned why some things just seem awfully weird. yet quite weirdly, normal?

Well, it's a weird question but... I'm asking this question to the Peeps Reading/Hearing/Watching my thoughts, and myself most likely, because the road I'm taking to reach the nearby arcade... 

Feels like a discouraging road to walk, yet strangely inviting...? That's what i feel, but what I see is a regular sidewalk and one way asphalt road...

I mean, the normal scenery which I pass through and see all the time for the past 5 years or so is there... which include but are not limited to the following place of interests like~! 

...Please excuse any side tracking, I sorta suck at thinking on one thing at a time like the rest of my friends... Sorry in advance...1i'll leave the rest to tomorrow me...

The hardworking loving elderly couple that are resting on the park bench nearby that faces the street and gives them A nice view, away from the sun, which of course I wave my hand and say my normal greetings because I respect these elders... Though thinking now, I'm pretty sure I was next in taking care of their grandchildren they care for in stead of the deceased parents... Wait no, i'm pretty sure today was Amy and tomorrow was Tom, it's Wednesday September 4th after all, I'm scheduled by my friends to help Mr. and Mrs. Thompson on Friday because they had plans on Friday. Fortunately, I'm free all month!


10 minutes(lmao this is not needed)


Next on the passing scenery is my favorite, for the sole reason that's it's fun to join when I don't have too many plans and am bored enough to talk all day, you guessed it right, it's the talkative housewives sitting in front of the grocery store! They even have their children playing together on the little play place built for the sole purpose of not having children running around inside their store while the housewives talked about the latest news and such... And before someone in my mind asks, the only reason they aren't moved away for loitering is because the manager of the store is the husband of one of the regular gossipers. Still, them having their own place to talk sure is nice... And, of course, i'm gonna go help out in the store during the weekend for extra income in the side after wasting it on the arcade and daily utilities.

Only problem I have in their group is a being of pure evil that is leashed close to the housewives... The gosh darn Chihuahua, Sparkles, which was named by the owner's daughter of course, but the problem I have with it is that it just stares at me without blinking... It doesn't bark, it doesn't bite, it just stares at me as if they are staring at nothing but void... and it doesn't blink unless I blink, I tested it. I figured that out by recorded both of us staring at each other, ending with me blinking with it blinking quickly as well before it continued staring at me as it never blinked. But of course, other than the staring problem, it's a good girl that loves it's pats. Unfortunately, Only I have the pleasure of being watched intensely, the others gets it's pure love without her thousand yard stare.

Whatever, to the next of the common fun parts around here that was circling me on his scooter for a while now... It's the hyperactive child that claimed the front of his house, in the corner I need to turn to reach the arcade, that always asks for a price to cross that everyone in the neighborhood pays, naturally, with me needing to Pay donate a chilly watermelon flavored lollipop, and like usual, I wave at the Ms.Rachel that is rocking in the front porch taking care of the child while relaxing, that waved back and gave me the go ahead with the donation as standard. Of course, I give him his lollipop with the additional coconut aloe vera juice, which he is gonna share with Ms.Rachel as per our agreement.

After such short encounters and a few more that I'm  expecting, it still feels like this road is still a unknown one... A life one doesn't know will begin... Even though i'm just going to the arcade, wow.

It almost feels as though if I just stop and look around, everything I know would crumple somehow... though when I did just that, absolutely nothing changed, other than me noticing that some hard working ants are doing their best devouring through the leftover of the contents of a bag of chips that was left by the side of the road. I decided to continue walking.

'Well I'll be, why would people litter in this quaint little neighborhood... it's not like there are middle schoolers that decided to make this their route to their hangout spot and call me nerd...' I thought to myself sarcastically while a group of middle schoolers riding on their skateboards rode past me to reach the small park I passed... not before the leader said their friendly little greeting. 

"Ha! Later stupid nerd! Have fun playing your old games old man!"

'...and off they go, though I'm not quite sure how a nerd could be stupid, but it might just be a middle schooler thing... and I would like to add that I'm not old, I'm barely 19...'

I sighed at my own excuses and took out my phone while walking to look at the time, it showing the date -wed. Sept. 4, 2019- then the time underneath showing it was 3:29 pm, good time in my opinion, so I increased my pace to make it to the arcade right at 3:33 to gain the luck to get double quarters at one of the machines when pre-refunding in order to play a bit more.

Though the moment I took my 9th step, the world just seemed to shift then with a blink of my eyes, I found myself standing in the the edge of a forest and a almost village like town...

I closed my eyes softly and took a short breath before giving my hypothesis...

"Well I'll be... Don't tell me I just got wisked away to a different world or the past... but I live in California so the past in the same place is out I suppose...2nah, it's probably just his imagination

Connecting... Success... Heya there fellow readers, hope ya enjoyed the probably only chapter of this novel... unless I find more random thoughts to fuel this little story... I guess I'll work on the second chapter some day this week... see y'all!