Chapter 16: Wouldn’t have known if he didn’t hear it..
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Sunday morning. I didn't do much last night after eating. I was still a bit groggy so I slept early. 

I feel so refreshed right now though. It was like I just was drowning and tasted the breathe of air for the first time.

I faintly have an idea why and with some expectation, inspected my mind. I observe the mental ball inside my mind and as expected it seems to have grown a little. Although I haven't tested it I knew that my power have grown. 

Do I only have to keep using my powers for it to grow? Seems simple enough. Before I set out what to do today I decided to test powers first. Get coffee along the way as well.

I went to the nearby coffee shop, ordered a cappuccino and while choosing where to sit I activated my powers reading the mind of the girl at the counter,

[I don't get why Jennie did that..  I mean]

Then slowly i increased my distance to her to see how far can I read her minds. Finally at about 8 meters and just a bit over I couldnt hear her thoughts anymore. It was cut off. 

About 8 meters, no it was probably over 8 meters and nearing 9 meters. Pushing myself may not be so bad then if I can continue to grow. Such a shame that I can only read their minds and cant control or communicate with them mentally without touching them.

I didn't deactivate my powers. I eventually choose to sit at the counter by the large window that's showing the outside and while drinking my coffee I listened to the thoughts of the people around me. I don't want to invade on anyone's thoughts much unless they're my costumers or necessary but its nice to just let it freely activate.   

[God, im so sick of this everytime I get a little better that fuckers always gets in the way....]

[Im so close, if was just a bit early and didnt drink last night, I would have been the one thats chosen]

[My head still a bit hurts from last night, and I still have to drink this afternoon, ]

[Argh how much did i drink last night? my stomachs bloating]

[That smile still gets me? She sure is charming]

[When am i gonna tell him? Im so tired of this relationship]

Its been sometime since I gained this powers but it still feels weird hearing all these thoughts their secrets laid bare. If I fully use my powers theres very little thing I can't do. A bit of haughtiness and arrogance welled up inside of me but I held it down. Is this what happens when you have powers in your hands? 

A woman then walk in with sunglasses, average look and a good figure. She was particularly eye-catching cause she was tall, she was probably over 170 in height...hmnn maybe even as tall as me? I was just finishing my coffee, I haven't yet deactivated my powers so when the woman who after ordering some cake and a coffee went near to the right of me and entered my range of powers I heard her thoughts.

[That was too close, I should lay low for a while. I don't want to use my escape goat yet. His still useful]

I raised an eyebrow hearing her thoughts. It was suspicious. But I didn't come to any doubtful conclusion immediately.

[The boss wants me to file the report immediately tomorrow, He sure can't wait]

After the suspicious thought it was only normal thoughts about work and buying things. Maybe I just misunderstood it. But then she suddenly seem to see something in her phone....judging from her thoughts it was the news. 

[A bunch of monkeys. I guess the police got no one smart enough to link it to me. Even now they still think the killer is a guy...they'll never be able to link it to me, so long as im careful of course]

I stood up in shock! My sudden movement got the attention of the other customers including the girl so i immediately sit back down. but the shock was still on my face. Luckily I was facing the window to the outside so the girl can only see a small side of my face

I then opened my phone and looked for the local news. I made sure the angle of my phone can't be seen by that girl even though shes about 6 meters away from me. 

There i found the news,

"killer on the loose= 3 killed who will be the next victim?"

I breifly read about it especially the details about the killer.

The latest photo and the only photo taken is on date xxx. Police said the the killer is a guy over 175cm in height. Says the killer is very carefull, and meticulous. Says the killer probablly like has no remores of whatsover about killing that is why he can be so decisive. Last seen on....

A guy...... Complicated thoughts went my head that I didnt notice someone took a seat two seats away. The place was near the edge of the city so its a bit far from here. I then turned to try and secretely look at the woman when I was once again stunned! She was  sitting just two seats away from me and she took a glance of my phone. Because I didn't expect this would happen my face was still shwoing a shocked experiosson. A big mistake. She had a confused look as she looked at me after taking a glane at my phone. Judging from her expression she was confused as to why I showed a shocked look when I saw her but reading her thoughts says otherwise..

[A shocked experision? A moment ago he was doing nothing but just looking outside when he suddenly stood up, although i didnt clearly see his expresion I knew he was shocked about something. He was doing nothing so he might be shocked by something he just remembered or.. he was observing something outside that gave him the shocked? Curios I also went to the counter to see outside when I took a glance at his phone... even though his phone was tilted i could still see part of it and I knew what it was, I was just looking at it a moment ago]

Shiitt.. Shes thinking fast. To cut off her thoughts and to save my shocked expression I could only say

"Hey baby, Im never seen someone as beautufyl as you, may I know your name? " I said so while falshing my best flirtatious smile ever. 

Then she potrayed a small suprised expression before saying

"How chessy, You should choose a better pickupliner next time" She said while slightly snickeint seemingly looking down on me. But her thoughts was different.

[I thought he saw something outside, then he searched for that news and more importantly he also was shocked seeing me, as if he wasnt thinking about something or saw something outside... as if he was obsercing someone inside... he was observing me?]

How the hell did she come up with that?! Is she the mind reader or am I? 

"Im a frank person. Those are the very first words the came out of me when I saw you. I was shocke by your beauty that I couldnt but point it out" Ah fack I used to look down on guys who says cheezy lines like this but now im hoping i could creep her out and maker her leave.

"Haha I bet you say that to alot of woman" She said while giggling. 

I then pretened to shrugged and continue to act and said

"Indeed, I say it alot, Again Im a frank person" I said directly. I wanted to end this conversation fast and get her to leave but..

[Was he really observing me? The murder news and a shocked expression when he saw cant be a coincedence. Is my identity discovered??  No things still doesnt make sense. There should be nothing that can point out to me.]

"So you admit it? Thats new... mind telling me if it ever worked before?" She said again while looking at me with interest. 

[I need to ask him about the news..... if its is true and ive been discovered then my frame person is useless or I might have to use him soon]

"Gotta be honest, it didnt work for the majority of the time but i felt fine because talking them is enough" I said a little embarrased.

"hahah at least youre honest.." She said while smiling at me then she said

"I saw that you were looking at some news, what was it?" She said so while still look straight in my eye. If I was a normal guy I would probably thought she was just looking to continue to the conversation as she is interested in me but.

[Lets test you shall we? Why did you show a shocked expression when you saw me? Its definitely not as simple as being attracted to me]

Just great, instead of pushing her away ive given her a reason to continue the conversation. Now it'll be hard to back out from this without arousing suspicion.