Chapter 174: Hunter “Awakened”
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Janus and Itzel kept their bodies low as they advanced towards the designated meeting point. The grass and surrounding leaves were tall enough to conceal them as they walked while crouching through the forest. Gurk's size, however, kept him a visible targe despite his attempt to lower his profile. With Sheila slung over his shoulder, he took slow and deliberate steps, trying his best to obscure his large body with the bigger trees.

"You see anything suspicious, big guy?" Itzel whispered after taking a moment to stop.

Gurk put one hand over his head and looked ahead towards the enormous metal pillar that reached to the top of the Eco-Dome. "Nah," he grunted.

"Mag is an expert hunter. I doubt he'd put himself somewhere that we'd be able to see him just by squinting," Janus said as he continued forward.

"But if he sees Sheila, he'll probably think twice about blasting one of us to bits!" Itzel said. "Just keep focusing on getting to that support pillar. Maybe we can manage a sneak attack if he reveals himself too soon."

"Or..." Janus said in a drawn-out manner. "We could try to get him to cooperate. If he surrenders his weaponry, then he wouldn't be a threat for all three of us. That way we can make sure no one else has to get hurt."

"Yeah," Itzel said as she turned her head away from Janus to roll her eyes. "That sounds just like Mag. The same guy that put his own daughter in the middle of an Essencima filled forest is the kind of person to just 'surrender.'"

"He might if his daughter is at risk."

"Call me skeptical, Janus. I'd say we take him out fast. And maybe we can get Sheila to lead us out. She's the one that seems like the type to just give up."

Both Janus and Itzel stopped their movement to look back at Gurk. He too had taken a pause from the walk to look at the girl over his shoulder. Her legs started to move.

"Is she starting to wake up?" Itzel asked.

"Yeah," the crocodile replied. 

"H-huh?" Sheila said groggily. She moved her head up as much as she could. "What...?"

"Well, time to put her back to sleep." Itzel stood up and cracked her knuckles as she headed towards the awakened captive until Janus blocked her patch. "What now, Janus?" she said with annoyance. 

"Let's... just talk to her," he said quietly. As Janus stopped Itzel from advancing further, Gurk lifted Sheila of his shoulder and helped her to her feet. "Maybe she can help us out now that she's conscious."

"You fine?" Gurk said to the hunter. She wobbled from side to side as she placed a hand on her forehead. 

"What?" Sheila repeated, but this time louder and a hint of fear. She looked at Gurk in the eyes before taking a step back. The hunter put both hands in front of her face and continued to retreat until she backed into a tree. "Please!" 

"Please?" Gurk asked in confusion. 

Sheila slid down against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes tight while looking away from Gurk. "D-Don't hurt me!"

"Now's not the time to play victim, Sheila," Itzel said as she towered over the cowering woman. She lowered her arm, ready to launch another Serrated Gale. If you don't cooperate, it'll be lights out. Again. And I won't be holding back either."

After some panting, Sheila turned around and faced the trio. "I just want this to be over with."

"So does everyone else in here," Itzel said. "That's why we're trying to find your psycho dad so we can end this once and for all."

"What did he say?" Sheila asked.

"We agreed to meet him by the support pillar." Janus pointed to the large metal structure that stretched to the top of the Eco-Dome. "He said if we brought you in safe, he'd help all of us get back to safety."

Sheila shook her head. "Oh, no."

"What?" Itzel snapped. "Oh, no? You know something that we don't?"

"Yes." She looked down, keeping herself from making eye contact. "That doesn't sound like my father."

"Told you Janus!" Itzel exclaimed as she faced the physicist. "I knew he wasn't to be trusted!"

"My father plays to win. He'd never just... give up like that," Sheila said with disappointment. 

"Even if it meant your life was at stake?" Janus asked. The hunter remained silent.

"Mag only cares about having bragging rights. He's willing to let his daughter die if it means killing that big prize he and his friends were hyping up for the past few months!" Itzel interjected.

"Itzel," Janus said quietly, gesturing with his hand for Itzel quiet down. "Give Sheila a second to speak.

"Am I wrong?" she replied.

Sheila got up to her feet. "No, you're not. But neither is Janus."

"Elaborate," Itzel said as she crossed her arms. "Seems like it’s a 'one or the other" kind of situation."

"My father just wants to win," Sheila with sorrow.

"You can say that again."

"He's not going to let Gurk walk out of here if he can help it," the hunter said. "And he'll do anything in his power to make sure I'm all right."

"So, he's got two conditions for victory then," Janus said somberly. Sheila nodded in response.

"That means we'll have to take him out like how I suggested," Itzel said. "No more being soft and trying to find a middle ground."

"W-What did you plan on doing with me?" Sheila asked as she gulped. "If... you're going to do what I think you plan on... could you at least make it painless?" She turned her head away and pressed her back further against the tree. As she shut her eyes tighter, a small tear slipped down her cheek.

"Don't fall for it you two!" Itzel said as she walked past Janus and Gurk. "I already know what you two are thinking. You see a small girl crying and you're both ready to start comforting her. Don't forget that she's partially responsible for everything here today!"

"I... I know!" Sheila shouted. She crossed her arms as if she were hugging herself. The hunter started to hyperventilate as she slowly slid back down along the trunk of the tree. "I deserve whatever you were going to do."

"Stop!" Itzel reached down and grabbed Sheila by her jacket and pulled her up. The younger woman continued and exhale at an abnormal rate, unable to focus on Itzel despite being held tight. "Get yourself together, all right?" Itzel gave Sheila a stern shake. "Your freaking out isn't going to help anyone!"

"But... but..." Sheila's words were almost incomprehensible as her tears flowed heavier down her face.

"I said stop! You're making it really hard for me to not want to knock you out again!" Itzel moved her hands down the length of Sheila's arms, soon clutching onto her wrists as she held the hunter steady. "Now. Can you just focus? For a second."

After a few more deep inhalations, Sheila steadied her entire body. "I-I think so."

"All right then. Now, this entire event was a birthday gift, right? A sick one, but one to celebrate you becoming an adult, correct?"

Sheila nodded.

"That means you have to act like an adult. I know you've been pampered and spoiled your entire life, but can you at the very least try to act like someone with just a tiny bit of common sense?" Itzel said as she pinched her pointer finger with her thumb.

"I-I'll try," the hunter replied, her words mixed with a series of sobs.

"Don't try."

"Got it."

"Now. You want to get of here, right?" Itzel said in a calmer voice.

"Of course."

"And we want to get out of here. Looks like we share a common goal."


"I think it's possible for all of us to make it out," Itzel said as she looked back at Janus and Gurk. "Enidri, Donva and that other guy too. But it's your dad that's getting in the way of everything."

Sheila felt around her waist, clutching onto her empty belt. "You took my radio?"

Janus stood next to Itzel and flashed the small communication device. "I've got it right here."

"What did you have in mind, Sheila?" Itzel asked, still holding onto the hunter. "I'll let you talk to you dad. But only after you tell me what you were going to say."

"I just want to talk to him. It might be the last time. Maybe I could convince him to end this hunt. It'd be a long shot, but there's nothing in this world he loves more than me."

Itzel raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that? Winning seems like it takes priority over everything else."

"Oh, I'm certain. Everything he's done for me and my mother. He always says he'd do anything for me and Mother."

"What do you think, Janus?" Itzel asked, still holding onto Sheila's wrists. "Should we let her talk on the radio?"

"It's worth a shot. If I managed to get Mag to reason with us even just a bit, there's a good chance Sheila could convince him to go all the way."

Itzel turned to face the sobbing woman again. Her calm face instantly shifted to one of aggression. "We'll let you talk to your dad. But if you do anything suspicious." Itzel raised a fist. "Give our location. Use any weird codewords. And you won't be waking up. Got that?"

Sheila blinked a few times as she nodded her head. "Yes ma'am."