Chapter 182: Edge of Collapse
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Enidri cleared out most of the overgrowth ahead, leaving Janus and Itzel a trail to follow. The pair darted over downed branches as they travelled along the path. More glass shattered, showering them with sharp and shiny bits. 

“Enidri!” Itzel shouted over the ground’s rumbling. “Do you see Gurk?”

“I might!” the swordswoman shouted back. 

“You hear that, Janus?” Itzel said with relief. “All of us might be getting out of her after all!”

“Mag’s still armed. And he doesn’t seem too intent on letting us go without a fight,” Janus said with his hands covering his head from the bombardment of glass bits. 

The path through the jungle ended. Enidri stood over a long rift in the middle of the forest while looking up at the same support pillar that Mag had told them to meet by. A small figure stood on one platform while holding a long weapon that rested on his shoulder.

“That doesn’t look like a gun someone goes hunting with,” Enidri said once Janus and Itzel were by her side. 

“Seems more like desperation to me,” Itzel replied. “He’ll do anything to make sure Gurk doesn’t get out of here alive!”

Mag sprinted around the tower, his cannon frantically moving around. The hunter focused on one area and shot another red beam into the ground.

“He’s looking for Gurk!” Itzel shouted with anger. She stepped forward, ready to dash towards the support pillar until Enidri grabbed her wrist. 

“Hey! What’s the big idea?”

“It’s nothing but open space! If Mag sees you, you’re as good as dead.”

“We’ve gotten this far! I can’t turn back now when we’re this close to getting Gurk back!”

“If you go in, then we’re going to lose both you and that big reptile! I know you’re upset but you’ve got to think clearly,” Enidri said while tapping her forehead.

Itzel huffed and stomped her foot. She stared at the looming pillar with disdain. “Then what do you suggest we do, huh?”

“We find Gurk first,” Janus said. “Avoid confrontation. And then we all meet up with Dallas.”

“I’m liking Janus’ idea,” Enidri said as she pointed to the physicist with her thumb. “It’s a win-win scenario for everyone.”

“I wish Sheila never gave you that offer!” Itzel barked with a stomp of her foot. “I’m not running anymore! If you want to bring Mag back in alive, you’ll have to get to him before me!”

The fighter ran past Enidri’s arm and dashed across the tearing plan. Mag remained on the platform, his back to the trio. 

“She’s going to get herself killed,” Enidri groaned. She ran behind Itzel with her sword brandished. Janus followed behind in silence, keeping an eye on Mag’s cannon. 

“Itzel!” Enidri shouted as loud as she could. “Turn around right now! We just need to talk it out a bit more!”

“But I see him!” Itzel replied as she pointed towards the horizon. Janus and Enidri focused their attention on the bulky speck in the distance. The silhouette of Gurk’s head jutted out from the horizon as he waddled closer to the now-crooked pillar. “Over here, Gurk! Over here!” Itzel stopped a few dozen yards away from the pillar and jumped and down while waving one hand above her head. 

As she jumped, Enidri leapt from behind and pinned her to the ground. Mag turned around, aiming his cannon at the spot where Itzel was. Janus remained visible, taking a few steps back when he saw Mag’s enraged face.

He grit his teeth while his eyes opened as wide as possible. He breathed through his mouth as he focused his attention on Janus. 
“What happened to our deal?” the hunter shouted from the platform. 

“We got Sheila out!” Janus yelled. “She’s alive and fine.”

Mag lowered his weapon a bit and took in a few breaths. “She is?” 

“She’s out by the landing platform,” Janus replied. 

“You brought enforcers here too?” 

“We had no other choice! How else are we supposed to get out of here?”

“With Sheila in captivity, they’ll be able to get her for sure now!” Mag said as his entire body trembled. He took aim with his cannon again, pointing it directly at Janus. Seeing the gun facing him, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction. The hunter took no time in pulling the trigger. Another long red beam pierced the air and head directly towards Janus’ back. 

“Flying Cutter!” 

Enidri’s sword flew in a straight line, intercepting the blast. There was an enormous explosion, with the edge of the blast knocking Janus forward on his face. Once the smoke settled from the blast, Enidri’s Ion Blade had turned into metal shrapnel embedded in the dirt. 

“Dammit!” Enidri shouted as she poked her head out from the tall grass. 

“Now you’re good as useless!” Itzel said. 

“Thanks a lot, Janus,” the swordswoman said to the physicist. “Now we’re both defenseless!”

Janus looked back at the support pillar. It continued to topple over to the side, making the slope of the platform to stop for Mag to stand. The foundation of the structure pulled up from the ground as slowly leaned closer toward the group. 

“It’s going to crash!” Enidri said as she darted from the safety of her cover. Janus and Itzel darted in opposite directions as they watched the platform come crashing on its side. Mag dangled from the railing that was now sideways, his feet kicking in the air as he pulled himself upright. The entire beam crashed into the ground, creating a deafening crash as it flattened everything beneath it. The impact split the already collapsing Eco-Dome further, splitting the perpendicular fissure beneath the metal beam even further. 

The structure served as a makeshift bridge, connecting the two halves of the divided Eco-Dome. Janus, Itzel and Enidri all shot up to their feet, only to stumble about as the ground beneath their feet continued to tremble. 

“One of you! Come in!” Dallas said, forcing his image to appear via Itzel’s projection. “Have you taken care of Mag yet? I can’t get any closer if he’s still armed!”

“That’s something we’re still working on!” Itzel replied. She took her eyes off her projection to focus on the top of the make-shift bridge. Mag could be seen climbing up the metal beams with his cannon still strapped on his back. After glancing further down, Gurk was on the other end, climbing up top. 

“Nobody is leaving this place alive!” the hunter shouted as he set himself upright on the highest point of the steel structure. His tight suit was torn to shreds, showing off long cuts and bruises. His eyes stared manically at Itzel while his hands fumbled around for his cannon.

“He’s going to shoot again!” Enidri called out as she pulled the fighter to the ground. The Eco-Dome shook once more, throwing Mag off balance and giving Itzel enough time to set herself upright. 

“Serrated Gale!”

The attack flew across the downed structure and hit Mag in the chest. He fell on his back, sending his cannon skidding down into the chasm. The hunter rolled over, reducing the brunt of the impact. 

“Nice shot, Itzel,” Enidri said. “Now Dallas can get us out of here.” The swordswoman nudged Itzel to the side and made her way to the collapsed beam. “And you made hauling him in that much easier!” As she approached, Mag’s hand reached down at his hip. With a flick of his wrist, he brandished another smaller pistol. He haphazardly fired a few rounds, one hitting Enidri in the shoulder armor. The force from the bullet was enough to knock her down and forcer to grab the point of impact with her other hand. 

“Dammit!” Enidri grunted as rolled to safety. Both Janus and Itzel attempted to help the hurt swordswoman, but the barrel of Mag’s gun made them hesitate.

“You think I’d really come down here with only one gun?” Mag said with a chuckle. “I’m not a fool like the other hunters you killed! That’s the first rule I taught Sheila! Don’t play fair if you don’t have to!” Mag stepped across the rickety platform, looking to get a better angle to shoot with. “Since I can’t find that overgrown lizard friend of yours, I’ll just have to settle with the next best thing!”

With his attention focused on the trio, Gurk jumped on the platform. The sudden shift in weight made the bridge rock from side to side. Mag wobbled, but held onto his gun. He pivoted around and fired a few shots at the crocodile.

Gurk lowered his head, the bullets bouncing off his metal mask as his head flinched with each shot. The hunter aimed towards Gurk’s torso, but as he pulled the trigger the weapon clicked. 

“Of all times!” he barked at the gun. 

With the hunter out of ammunition, Gurk sprinted as fast he could. He spread his arms open and widened his jaw as he darted to Mag. Despite the crocodile’s advance, he smiled. He let Gurk run undisturbed, waiting for him to approach. 

“He’s got a trick planned, Gurk!” Janus shouted. He dashed from his cover and towards the crashed support beam. Despite Janus’ words, Gurk continued to run forward. Once he was within a few feet, Mag pulled a small metal device from his belt. With the press of a button, a bright green Ion Blade shot out. A horizontal slash connected with Gurk’s mask, knocking him to the ground. 

“Did you not listen to a word I said?” Mag taunted as he stood over the floored Neo-Sapia. A long slash formed on the metal of Gurk’s mask as he slowly turned his head to the hunter standing above him. “I think I’ve had enough for one day.” Mag hoisted the sword up. “Time to put you down like the animal you are!”