Vigilante System: Chapter 8 – Deal and a Meal
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Hidiko leaned forward, eagerness on his face as he waited to hear Enidri's words. However, she paused and gave her client a nervous stare as he waited for a response. "Is... everything all right, Miss Saelex?"

"What?" Enidri snapped out of her confusion and leaned back in her seat again. "Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because you were going to tell me why you changed your mind about helping me."

"I did?"

Enidri blinked before staring back at her still-confused client. Her mind raced to think about why she decided to call Hidiko and reverse her decision. She thought about explaining her history with her brother Donva and the loneliness she's felt ever since, but she had a reputation to maintain. Her lips trembled as she struggled to come up with an excuse.

"Because... I can."

"Really? Because... you can?"

"That's what I said, wasn't it?" the Exterminator said as she forced a chuckle out. "Do I sound nervous or something?"

Hidiko shrunk back in his chair and rubbed his nape with his hand. "No. I suppose not."

"Exactly. Now. Did you figure out what you wanted to eat yet?"

"Oh! That's right!" Hidiko shifted to the menu screen and started scrolling through the options. "I'm fine with a simple sandwich."

"Damn, kid. You sure are adventurous." Enidri leaned over the table and looked at the young man's stomach. His toned muscles flexed with each breath he took, occasionally showing his ribs when he breathed in. "I know you can eat more than a sandwich, kid. I can see your bones from here."

"I don't want to be rude. I was raised to be thankful for what I have and not to ask for too much, even when offered."

"But your body says otherwise. Go ahead and put an order in for whatever. Because remember, if I was low on Tokens, I never would have taken this offer of yours."

Hidiko's stomach growled. Instinctively, he covered his exposed skin with his hand before looking at Enidri with guilt written on his face. "Fine. If you say so."

Enidri brought up her menu as well. With a single tap, she ordered a bowl of tomato stew. Not the most flavorful of meals, but not something that would be hard to mess up. She waved away her screen with a flick of her wrist and watched Hidiko put in his order. "You done?"

His screen disappeared. The client leaned back in his seat and nodded. "I'd say so."

"Good. Now while we wait, we can get to the bulk of business." Enidri turned her head and eyed the surrounding one more time before leaning forward over the table and whispering. "Make sure you watch what you say, all right? Try not to be too blatant. Understood?"

Hidiko nodded again. "Understood."

"Good. First things first. You got an Affinity?"

"No, Miss Saelex. Seems like my sister was the only one fortunate enough in our family to be blessed with one."

"What's hers?"

"Fire," Hidiko replied. 

"She got any Techniques?"

"Just one. She can generate a pillar of flame in a specific location near herself. That's why..." Hidiko stopped himself from continuing.

"Don't need to say anymore. I get what you're saying."

"But why do you ask?"

"If we're... going to do... that task... we need to make sure you're prepared."

"But I'm no fighter, Miss Saelex," Hidiko said. "I've never even sparred."

"You ever watch Rumble Circuit?"

The client shook his head. "No. Never been interested in it."

"Sounds like we'll be starting from scratch then. But I think you got it in you to become something formidable."

"What makes you say that?"

"You've got a reason, kid," Enidri said with confidence. "You know how many people try to make it big in Rumble Circuit, only to give up once they lose their first Ranked Challenge?"

Hidiko shrugged. "No clue."

"It's a lot. People want fame and fortune, but once they realize that reaching the top ranks will require talent, dedication and a whole lot of luck, they back off. Once they realize the life they're so desperate to live isn't going to be an easy task, they lose all that supposed passion that kept them going. But you..." Enidri put her elbow on the table and pointed at Hidiko right between the eyes. "Someone else's life is on the line."

Hidiko took a deep breath. "I know. And you are right. I'm willing to die if it means... helping out... that person."

"Money's not a factor for you. I've gotten similar offers a few other times from people looking to settle a petty feud or get some owed money back. I could make an even better living being a bounty hunter or a loan agent, but I choose not. Can't stand the type of clientele. So, I don't want you thinking I'm helping you out for some ulterior motive. There are plenty of other ways I could be making a decent chunk of Tokens now. All without you."

Hidiko gulped before nodding. "I believe you, Miss Saelex."

"Glad that's clear. But back to how we're going to get you in fighting shape." Enidri unhooked her weapon from her belt and placed it on the table. "I want to get you one of these."

Hidiko reached over and carefully picked up the Ion Blade. He held it with both hands. "Aren't these illegal?"

"It's designed for Rumble Circuit. Won't slash through anything soli and only hurts people once the safety precautions from a Rumble Circuit match are engaged."

"Then how do you exterminate Essencima with it?" Hidiko reached for the weapon with his pointer finger, only to draw it back when it touched the cool metal of the handle’s casing.

"It's been augmented. Now it's on par with the gear that you'll see Justice Enforcers carry on them."

He eased back into his seat. "So... it is illegal. Civilians aren't meant to have weapons like these."

"And?" Enidri chuckled. "I've been using this thing for years. Trust me, Justice Enforcement has got too much stuff on their plate to worry about someone taking care of the Essencima population with an unlicensed weapon."

"All right." He mustered enough courage to pick up the weapon and stare at thelp. "You're going to teach me how to use one of these?"

"That's the plan. You're not going to find a better teacher when it comes to handling an Ion Blade."

"And I'll learn Techniques, too, right?"

"Over time, yeah. With enough practice you might even learn a Signature."

"I'm all for it then," Hidiko replied. He held the weapon with both hands and posed with it over his shoulder. "I'm ready to learn."

"You'll need a weapon first. And that's the next stop once we get some food in your gut." Enidri turned her head. A robot hobbled on a pair of wheels with two trays of food in its hands. One hand carried a single bowl with a spoon next to it while the opposite hand had a tray filled with dishes and utensils. 

"Tomato stew," the robot said as it lowered Enidri's dish in front of her. 

"And chicken ranch sandwich with all sides," it said as it lowered the cluttered tray in front of Hidiko.

"Thank you," the young man said as he scrambled to make sure the dishes didn't fall off the rusted metal tray. The robot dismissed itself back to the kitchen, leaving Hidiko to gawk over his options. He took a moment to lift his eyes from his food to watch Enidri huff on her bowl.

"Is that... all you're getting?" Hidiko asked as he pointed at Enidri's stew.

"Yeah. I'm not that hungry. Too much liquor in my system." She blew on her spoon and took a bite of her food. Tasted more like water than tomato, but the chunks released a small burst of flavor, even if they were close to being mush. 

"If I had known that was all you were getting, I would been more conservative with my meal."

"Hidiko." Enidri lifted her eye from her food and gave her client an irked look. "I'm not going over this again. Enjoy your food. Bag what you don't finish. Because once we're done here, we're getting straight to business. Understand?"

"Yes, Miss Saelex." Hidiko picked his sandwich with both hands and took a big bite.

"Now enjoy your food, kid. But don't get too full. I don't want you acting all sluggish when we've got a lot of work ahead of us."