Chapter 115: Duel in the Desert
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"So, you're saying that you want to go out there with the spear to get the Essencima's attention?" Mag said loudly. He gave Itzel a look with a single cocked eye, appearing perplexed. Itzel nodded silently. "And while the Sand Carver is out there chasing you, you want me to start blasting away at it from on top of the wreckage of the Pilot's Section?"

"That's exactly what I had in mind!" Itzel replied.

"You're crazy. You know that?"

"I've had my share of people tell me that."

"Well, maybe they were onto something. Do you expect us to just sit back and watch as that thing devours you in one bite?" Mag said.

"I'm not going to let it just swallow me whole!" Itzel protested. "I'm nimble. If I stay near the Transporter, I could use it as cover if the Sand Carver gets too close. Maybe then it'll bash its head into the vehicle instead of eating me."

"You're banking on a lot to go right. You being fast enough to avoid a creature that could keep up with a Transporter. The creature not just crushing you and whatever you're hiding behind. Not to mention you're going to do all of this with the hope that the spear will actually be enough to put that thing out for good!" Mag looked out through the empty pane of the front of the Pilot's Section. "I think it might be best to just let me handle this all on my own. It'd be best to minimize the causalities. I'm sure a Rescue Crew is on its way. If I can distract that thing for long enough, maybe we can get everyone evacuated safely."

"Yeah Itzel," Janus said. "That's not a bad idea either. Instead of trying to kill this thing, maybe we should just try to survive long enough."

"Do you know how long that'll take?" Itzel said. "We're in the middle of the desert, hours away from any city! By the time a Rescue Crew arrives, they'll be busy looking for leftovers from the passengers." She pounded her first into her palm. "The only way anyone is getting home is if we take out that Sand Carver." Itzel then made her way to an open gap within the crushed hull of the Pilot's Section. 

"You really think what you're doing is a good idea, Itzel?" Mag said annoyed.

"Debating isn't going to get us anywhere. Someone's got to take the first step. And it's clear that it's going to have to be me." She turned around to face Janus. "You coming or are you going to stay in here?"

Janus and Mag looked at each other. Just as Janus opened his mouth, a violent crash came from one side of the vehicle. The Transporter rocked to the side, sending Itzel out of the area that the was leaning against. She let out a brief yelp as she plummeted towards the desert ground. After regaining their balance, Janus and Mag ran over to the area that Itzel dropped from.

"Itzel!" Janus shouted as he looked down. The distance between the edge of the Pilot's Section was roughly eight feet. Itzel lay on the ground with the spear on the ground beside her. She slowly put her weight on her hands as she got up to her feet. "I'm coming to get you, Itzel!" he shouted.

"Don't bother!" Itzel shouted back as she stood upright. "I'm already down here. Might as well follow through with my plan. Ask Mag if he's willing to go through with it!"

Janus turned around. "You hear that?"

"I did." Mag said as he shook his head. His steps were fierce and deliberate as he walked towards the crooked ladder that led to the top of the Transporter. "Tell Itzel she's going to have to stand out a bit further if she wants me to be able to get a good shot on that Sand Carver." He slung the cannon over his back as he scaled up the jagged rungs.

Once the man made his way to the roof, Janus turned around to look at Itzel. She had the spear in both of her hands as she scanned the desert area for the Sand Carver. "Mag says you'll have to move out a bit further so he can get a good shot."

"Got ya!" Itzel stepped forward, keeping the spear pointed outwards as she advanced slowly into the vast expanse of the desert. The sound of his heartrate overcame the crackling of the scorching desert air. His eyes fervently looked around the infinite sea of sand for any rumblings and vibrations that could indicate the Sand Carver's presence. Itzel moved in a straight line, heading out towards an upturned tunnel left behind the Essencima. 

"Tell Itzel that's far enough!" Mag shouted while peering down through the hatch. 

"Itzel!" Janus yelled at the top of his lungs. "Mag says that just far enough!" Itzel turned around and gave him a thumbs up. She stopped her advancement. With both hands on the spear once more, she turned around while maintaining a stance ready for stabbing. Both returned their focus to searching the immediate area for any Sand Carver signs. 

I should be down there with her... Janus thought as he watched Itzel spin around as if she constantly thought the Sand Carver was behind her, regardless of where she was facing.  Maybe Gravity Layer or Meteor Bang could be helpful in the situation.

"Mag! Do you need me up there with you?" Janus called out. There was a short pause followed by the sound of footsteps traversing across a metal roof.

Mag poked his head through the hatch again. "No, I've got it from here. But if you're going to go help Itzel, do it now! Being indecisive isn't going to do anyone any good!"

Janus sighed as he looked back into the desert. Itzel still looked uncertain. The spear's tip flopped about as her grip trembled. Her posture faltered with each passing moment. 

"I'm coming to back you up!" Janus exclaimed. Itzel turned her head and with a wave of her hand waved for him to come closer. He scurried through the jagged gap of the Pilot's Section, putting his legs through first and holding onto a bit of warped metal with both hands. His legs dangled as he looked at the fall below. 

Come on Janus, he said to himself silently. Ion Tail sends you higher than this!

Both of his hands let go simultaneously, dropping him to the ground instantly. His impact was less than graceful as he fell on his side, kicking up dirt on impact. There was a moment of soreness that Janus soon forgot about when his body focused more on the blistering heat that came from burning yellow sun that beat down on him. He unzipped his jacket and threw it over his shoulder before running towards Itzel.

"I'm so glad you could make it," Itzel said mockingly once Janus was close enough. He took his jacket off his shoulder and wrapped it around his waist and tying the sleeves together. 

"I couldn't just stand by and watch you get eaten by that Essencima," Janus said before letting out a pant. He raised one hand to block out the sun's rays.

"Nice to know you think so highly of me," Itzel replied. 

"You would have said the same about me."

"True." Itzel's confidence returned, allowing her to hold the spear steadily as Janus stood by her back. "Not going to lie, I'm glad you're by my side right now. Maybe you can use that new Technique you learned to some good use."

"Don't know if it'll paralyze something that big. But I guess it's worth a shot," Janus replied. He looked back at the front of the Transporter. Mag remained on the roof with the cannon on his shoulder and his finger on the trigger as he faced their direction. "Let's just hope you and Mag can capitalize on it better than I did."