Chapter 76: Last Minute Training
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The public carrier landed by an intersection between two massive beige buildings that shot straight up towards the sky. Despite their being in decent condition, the buildings still had an old look to them with the way weathering had taken its effect on the coloring of the exteriors. The stone used to make up the walls looked like they were a few shades lighter than when they were first erected and the numerous windows that were placed evenly across the faces of the buildings had lost their transparentness.

"What part of town is this?" Janus asked as he stepped off the carrier. "Looks relatively nice when compared to the rest of Labrisson. Especially Rilcoe."

"This is the Business Sector of the city," Itzel replied. She watched Janus catch up to her and Gurk on the corner of the intersection. "It's where Tokens leave and enter the city. That's why all the windows are still intact. They can afford to replace them. There are a few nicer shops and smaller businesses here too. Like BRUTE Gym."

"What sets it apart from Tonko's?"

"Other than the fact that it's an actual gym?" Itzel said as she headed down the sidewalk. "It's named after its main attraction, the Battle-Ready Ultimate Training Entity."

"Sounds... painful," Janus said with a shudder.

"It is if you don't know what you're doing. But it uses the same tech as Ranked Challenges, so the only real harm comes from a damaged ego. And maybe some minor bruising."

"Tough," Gurk said as he trailed behind Itzel. 

"Yeah. It's real tough. Very few fighters are able to come out on top when taking on a BRUTE. Not to mention the hefty price tag to borrow one for just a single session."

"People pay good money to get beat down by an advanced fighting AI?" Janus asked.

"Fighters will do whatever it takes to make a name for themselves. Even if it means getting body slammed by a three-hundred-pound robot."

"I'll think I keep my Tokens and spend them on food."

"It's not like the money's going to waste, Janus. If you can beat a BRUTE then you've got a career path set for you in Rumble Circuit. Very few people have defeated it and you can probably count the people that have on their first try on one hand."

"Ugh..." Gurk let out a long, drawn-out groan as his entire body shuddered.

"This will be Gurk's first try at BRUTE. Even if he loses, I think it could give him the bit of hardcore practice he needs to give him an edge Siergi."

"Have you taken on BRUTE?"

"Yep," Itzel nodded. 

"How did it go?"

"Got hit with a full body tackle. Woke up a few hours later and got a complimentary replay of my session sent to me."

"Ouch,” Janus replied with a wince.

"Don't worry. If things get too dangerous you can just withdraw. That way Gurk won't get too hurt if he goes in over his head." Itzel then turned to the crocodile, her eyes cutting towards him as he shied away. "But try not to do that too early into the round. Once you surrender, the fight ends and you don't get your Tokens back."

"Sounds like people would only continue the fight out of sunk cost.”

Itzel shrugged her shoulders. “That’s one way to look at it. But I wouldn’t be bothered if Gurk tapped after at least trying a bit. It’s the physical equivalent of a cramming the night before a test. The effectiveness is debatable, but it’s sure a lot better than doing nothing!”

The walk to their destination was brief. A large glowing billboard with "BRUTE" written in all capital letters and a bold black font was plastered above an entryway with glass rotating doors. As they approached the entrance, there were more people within the gym than what they had pass on their way to the building. Beside the desk that was visible through the opening windows was the workout area. Silhouettes could be seen moving about within the building.

"Here it is. BRUTE Gym!" Itzel held open the door. Gurk entered first with Janus right behind. The scent of sweat flooded his noses as soon he had stepped inside the building. He pinched his nostrils with two fingers and closed his eyes, waving his other hand in front of his face in a vain attempt to diffuse the fumes. "Don't worry, you'll get used to the smell once you start working out."

"I hope so," Janus replied with a nasally voice, still pinching his nostrils shut. 

Itzel and Gurk both walked over to the front desk. There was no person working there to greet customers. Only a large monitor was in their path of letting them enter further into the gym. They both brought up their UICs and let the glowing screen scan their codes. "Welcome to BRUTE Gym!" a low and robotic male voice said with each successful scan. 

"Alright Janus, your turn. Don't worry, entering is only a few hundred Tokens."

"I've got some money to spare." Janus paid the fee and walked past the counter to meet up with other two. The main area of the gym was a massive square room. Both the floors and walls were a pristine white. On top of the shiny tile floor were long mats that his shoes would sink into.

His eyes scanned the other people that were exercising. Their attire was less ragged and more cohesive than the few individuals that hung out at Tonko's gym. Tank tops, sports bras, leggings and sneakers were all worn by the wide assortment of gym goers. The equipment was also in far better condition with each type of machine organized by utility at its own respective location, most of which was actually in use by one of the patrons. Itzel, however, ignored everyone else inside the gym and headed straight towards the back.

Along the back wall was a long set of dark windows. From a distance it was impossible to see what was placed behind the other side, but after moving further into the room, it was possible to see the outline of a large cage wall behind it. In the corner of the wall was tall white door with another panel next to it. Itzel stopped in front of it, waiting for Gurk to catch up. 

"You about ready, big guy?" she asked, her hand about to activate the scanner.

"Not really," Gurk replied as he looked through the tinted windows.

"You'll be fine. If something goes wrong, I'll be right here to cancel the session, alright?" Itzel activated the door. It shot straight upwards, revealing the dark room behind it. Itzel stepped inside first. Gurk hung out in the main room, putting his neck out through open door and focusing on the something in the center of the of other room. Janus got behind Gurk, trying to squeeze by to get a view of what was inside.

"Is that where you fight BRUTE?" Janus asked as he moved past the crocodile and into the back room. In the center was a large arena. Four chain walls rose high into the ceiling. On one side was a panel, fastened shut by a traditional metal lock. The room was dimly lit, obscuring the blocky figure that hid in the shadows of the far corner of the arena.

"Yes. It's a cage match. That way you can’t cheese out a win by Ring Out. They host Ranked Challenges here too. It's one of the most iconic arenas in the Labrisson part of Rumble Circuit! Well, besides Siergi's studio. And at this point, Grub On might be a contender for that title as well." Itzel fumbled her hand against the wall. "Now if only I could figure out how to turn the light on..."

"Only I can do that!" a separate voice called out. Itzel turned around and watched the shadow of a man walk closer to her. Janus could see her smile as he got closer. 

"Of course you'd know!" Itzel replied amiably.