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"Lorem Ipsum" Dialogue

'Lorem Ipsum' Inner monologue

Next morning at dining room during breakfast.

Everyone in the Yukline family was seated at the table enjoying breakfast.

"So, Amish, Sophia I believe you two have passed your class constellation test."

Jean head of Yukline house started the conversation as per etiquette.

""Yes father""

"See dear did not I tell you my children can pass any hurdle. So what happened during your tests?"

"Me, me me, I will tell first."

Sophia raised her hand in excitement as she wanted to tell about her exploit during her test.

"Ok ok no need to hurry, that's not the way a noble lady should behave."

Amelia admonishes Sophia, in a gentle tone but the surrounding temperature drops due to which Sophia turns pale as she remembered her tutoring sessions with her mother.

"Let her tell, it is not like she is acting any differently than you were young."

"Dear am I not young anymore?"

When Amelia turns toward Jean and asked while placing her index finger on her cheeks and tilting her head. The action was cute but the water in their glasses had turned into ice and there was bone-chilling cold in the atmosphere.

"Why are you only focusing on that."

Jean's back was cold with sweat.

Seeing the situation all the staff present in the room vacated at once.

Amish who was also thinking of getting up and running away was caught by Sophia.

"Let me go, please"

"Think of something first."

"Why don't you?"

As both Amish and Sophia were whispering to each other.

"What are both you talking about?"

As Amelia's attention has turned toward Amish and Sophia, both of them become alert and Jean was relieved due to it.

"Nothing mother, nothing right brother?"

"Yes nothing mother, we were talking that our mother is forever 16, right sis."

"Yeah yeah, we were just talking about that."

"Yeah and father should also take you out on a date"

"To enjoy the nightlife of the capital"

"Is that so?"

""It is so""

As if a lie everything went back to normal.

"So dear when we are going on a date?"

Jean was stupefied how his both children have thrown him toward Lion's mouth, if he did not salvage the situation now then all hell will break loose upon him.

"Yes yes we will go on a date tonight, just two of us after a long time, a candlelight dinner, how does that sound to you, Amy?"

"It sounds lovely my dear, I will be waiting"

"Yes Amy, and Amish a man should never keep a lady waiting"

Jean to keep his image of household head admonishes Amish.

'You were about to become popsicle then why are you admonishing me?'

Of course Amish will not be saying his thoughts out loud.

After the episode, Amish and Sophia told them what they did during the class constellation test.

"Now both of you are at a professional level, Sophia you will be attending Royal Magic academy, as for Amish what you will be doing your apprenticeship is over as you are a professional now."

"I will be joining the adventuring guild."

"I want to join to"

"You will be able to join during your starting of 2nd semester. The instructor at the academy will help the students to get experience as Academy has its own dungeon under it you can get experience there."

Amelia refuted Sophia and started to explain to her about the curriculum of the academy.


--------Amish's POV----------

'It's been 3 years huh'

Right now Amish is in the library of Yukline house. In front of him, there are many books are open: Introduction to the Magic formation, Basics of light magic and Illusions, Non-attribute Magic, Necromancy, Revolving Magic Circles, Composite Magic Reference, these are few titles he has fully studied.

'Huh, magic is really complex study'

"Phu~ finally after three years my research bore fruit, creating magic is really hard"

Researching magic is like shooting arrows in dark, researchers have to pray that their research will bore fruit, there is no systematic way to study the laws of magic. Every researcher follows his/her own set of rules and teaches them to his students and direct disciples. This is how schools are formed for example- Quentin School of magic, Wicker School of Magic, and Barkbills School of thought.

But Amish's modern way of thinking which he cultivated or how he took inspiration from scientists in his previous life Amish successfully created five magic spells catering to his needs.

Those are laser- This is not a new spell. It is just Tier 1 light. No mage uses such a spell because there is better magic with more destructive spells like fireball or stone bullet for example.

Second, on the list is Bullet magic- First, a bullet is made with earth, or ice next it is hardened using Non-attribute magic Hard and given lead or tungsten properties, then it is launched using pressurized wind or blast created using fire.

It is a spell created using Tier 2 spells and exhibits the power above tier 3 spells because of its penetrative power, it has also its downsides it can not be fired rapidly as it needs more mana than most tier 2 spells almost reaching the threshold of tier 3 spells which are not cost-effective. Amish was able to solve the problem by referring to many unusual books such as Life of Shamans and Necromancy.

Shamans are mainly found in Beastmens they are people who tattoo runes in their body which helps them in performing spells, casting curses, predicting the future using stars, and performing divine rituals these are a few things they are able to do.

And Necromancer's one of most cherished ideas is the resurrection of the dead in its pursuit they also created Homunculus, they are just like humans but they are not able to use the system of the world as they can't grow. They are created to the need of creator such as to fight, to do chores, to help in research, they can even give birth, and much more. Even after all of that, they can't give them emotion as they don't have a full soul. Homunculus has something life half soul.

Since Necromancers can create Homunculus they have to know the anatomy of the human body inside out.

By referring to these books Amish was able to design a magic circle with the help of his previously earned title Gear Scholar.

This magic circle can be engraved on a human body just like runes on Shaman's body. By doing this sharply decreases mana cost.

The third is Optical Scope- One can see far by enhancing his eyes with mana and a few classes also help in enhancing eyes such as Bowman. There are also racial traits like elves who are said to be masters of bows. Amish uses wind magic and Non-attribute magic Dense to increase the density of dense gases which helps in locating distant targets just like a scope.

Fourth is Hard light- With the help of the particle nature of light Amish created and non-attribute magic hard, he created a spell where he can make objects made of light and the bonds of carbon particle Amish is able to give them diamond-like hardness.

Last is the fifth spell Shield- This is a common non-attribute spell commonly used as a wall or hemispherical shape, they have their advantage and disadvantage. Amish took it one step further by dividing the shield into 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons like a soccer ball. Amish pour everything he has studied into making these spells it has the hardness of diamond due to it having a covalent bond rigid three-dimensional structure. It can be engraved on the human body, It also rotates due to rotating it can parry a full-power attack from a master once. This spell can be in the upper category of tier 3 spells.

These are five spells Amish created for his need which will help his adventure.

During his studies He discovered something interesting which is some of the non-attributed magic can also be categorized as concept spells such as sharpening, hardening, accel, slow are some of them, concept spells can magnify concepts of users action when performed.

'Now I need to convince mother so that I can tattoo those magic circles on my body, Sis really helped me out in my research I will treat her with something good for help.'

Amish thought while looking sideways where Sophia was sleeping on a pile of books as she helped him in his research.

'I feeling sleepy'

"Goodnight sis"