Chapter 30 – Midoriya
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Deku looked at me, very seriously at that.

He then suddenly started screaming.


“Oi! Are you ok?!”


I exclaim as I make my way towards him.


“B-Black Man!!”


Ayo bro chill, that’s kinda racist.




I stopped at looked at him, dumbfounded.


“I-It’s you..!”


He says as he points at me, still shivering.


He shuffles through his bag before pulling out his notebook.


How the hell is that bag still intact?


He struggles to stand up, as he goes towards me.




Grasping the notebook tightly with both of his hands, he hands it towards me, before doing a full bow.


“Please sign this!”


“A-Ah? Sure..”


I borrowed his pen before signing a blank page on his notebook.


All Might look at both of us in a daze.


“O-Oi! Young man! I’m still here!”


Midoriya startled by the sudden shout looked back.




He screams as he shuffles back to All Might.

“Now.. I shall train your body, to handle the full capabilities of my quirk.”


All Might says as he raises his hands in a dramatic way.




Deku looked at him with sparkling eyes.


“Then.. I shall take my leave now!”


He says preparing to take off, but..


Before going he slowly made his way towards me.


Putting his hand on my soldiers, he says.


“I already chose him, I didn’t need your help”


Before taking off.




All Might took off with a bang leaving a dust cloud behind.




That scared me!


I made my way through all the dust and found Deku.


Still in the same spot, seemingly unfazed by all the dust.


He continued on writing something down in his notebook, accompanied by his signature muttering. 




I walked up to him, trying to strike a conversation.


I better get along with the main character if I want to stay alive.


“O-OH! It’s you!”


He shouted as he stuffed his notebook back into his bag.

“Umm..! Can I please ask for your hero name!”


Hero name?


“It’d be nice to know the name of the person who saved me back then, maybe even blah 

   blah  blah blah blah blah blah blah  blah blah blah blah blah blah blah  blah blah blah”


There he goes again..




Finally snapping out of it, Deku looked at me.


“First of all.. I’m not really a hero..?”




I answered his question honestly, leaving him dumbfounded.


There’s no use in lying…


“T-Then..! What..?!”



I better shut him up before he goes into another muttering spree.


“I-I’m more like All Might’s disciple! Right! That’s it!”


Welp, there goes all that honesty.




“Then..! What is it like working for the #1 hero!?”


“Listen.. I really have to go..”


I cut him off.


I’m too tired to answer questions right now..


“We can talk some other time!”


“E-Eh?! You haven’t answered my question yet..!”

“I’ll do it next time!”


I said as I prepared myself to leave.


But before I could go..


“Umm! Before you go! C-Can I please look at your mallet..!?”


Oi Oi Oi..


I didn’t know Deku swung that way!


What’s this?! Another plot change?! Is there a villain?!


Startled at the sudden question, I ask.


“My what?”


“Your mallet! I-It’s ok if you don’t want to!”


He said waving his hands in front of his face.


Ahh! My mallet!


I thought as I grabbed the briefcase and pressed the button.


The briefcase started mechanically disassembling itself.


Deku looked in awe as the briefcase slowly turned into a giant mallet.


“There? Is this enough?”


“Hoooh! The slick black design! The automatic assembly! It’s all so cool!   blah blah blah blah blah blah blah   blah blah blah blah blah blah blah  blah blah blah blah blah blah..”




“Welp, See you later!”


I said, trying to escape.


Using my quirk, I pulled my mallet straight up.


Holding the handle tight, I could maneuver myself.

Hehe! I probably look like Thor!





A boy could be seen walking with his mom.


The boy spots something funny in the sky, and points it out to his mom.


“Mom! Look! It’s a villain!”


“Huh!? Where?!”


Things quickly escalated as more people crowded around the spot.


They were all looking at the same thing.


An ominous-looking man was floating in the sky.


They couldn’t help but feel, that he was up to something.


They ended up calling the police…