Chapter-2 Second Contract 2/2
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Drakon looks at Reignam and smiles.

Drakon: well well well... looks like my wish really is granted.

Drakon looks at one of his goons and nods.

Drakon: I can't say I'm an honest man, but here's your reward.

one of Drakon's goons took out a silver briefcase and put it on the table in front of Shize, cash... and millions of it, each dollar bill is worth a thousand...

Drakon soon smiles and says.

Drakon: I believe this is your reward... mister assassin.

Shize slowly walked over to the briefcase and checked if this looked any familiar to what they have back home.

funny... there's no face on these dollars... but a flag, Shize thought to himself.

he then closed the briefcase then scanned it with his masks for any trackers, but none were found... he then bowed to Drakon and said.

Shize: with this the contract is complete.

Drakon: indeed it is.

Shize once again bowed and did a disappearing act into the shadows.

this action surprised everyone except Reignam who was looking down.

Drakon: I swear I saw him disappear into thin air.



Shize walked back to his "home" and once again took out his laptop and surfed the waves of the internet, he found many funny and cringe videos but what interested him more was a video where a female soldier doing tricks at inhuman speeds.

according to the web, she is currently a bodyguard for hire and a military colonel in the army... and she posses martial arts skills as well as being highly trained in Close Quarters Combat. 

(alright boss... lets try to develop your cqc.)

Shize once again surfed the web for anything interesting until a Ding! sound was heard.

he went back to his website and looked at the new message.

but before we get into the talking and contracts stuff Shize updated the website before he surfed the web, this time you have to sign in with a fake account to enter the website, and you needed to read the rules and regulations of the website.


Comment Platform-1

Law: I heard that this is the place where I can hire a hitman?.

Operator: yes of course, what is your wish?.

Law: wish? is that what you grant around this website?.

Law: well... I heard you were the one who took mister Reignam?.

Operator: yes, what of it?.

Law: I looked at your rules earlier...

Law: I saw a rather large hole in the rule.

Operator: hmm?.

Law: it says here that all are permitted to write a contract regardless of race, affiliation, gender, or purpose.

Law: of course I read the entire rules of this website and I saw that I cannot pay the assassin.

Law: or in this case, you, to kill yourself.

Operator: hmm? your point?.

Law: ah ok... I want you.

Law: no... I wish... for you to bring me Dr Emil.

Operator: is that your wish?.

Law: if this is a confirmation, then yes.

Operator: it will be done.

Law: wait! I first need you to meet up with your team.

Operator: is that so? very well...

Law: by the way, I heard that you complete your contracts without a trace.

Operator: is that a problem?.

Law: no... its just...

Law: ah right! I wanted to ask you about something...

Operator: hmm? ask away.

Law: how do you get your information?.

Operator: I simply find them.

Law: alright...

Law: anyway, meet us at the Ferestio Airport, well be waiting.

Operator: I will meet you there.

Law: alright.

System: Law has left the Chat.

Shize closed his laptop and took a bath, after that he wore his costume and weapons all improved, and then took his bag and prepared to go to Ferestio Airport.