1.8 Ridiculous
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Mikael frowned from pain. He opened his eyes abruptly and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. He got up, the look in his eyes different from the usual. It look more fierce and dull.

[ Where is this? ] He thought. He observed the room and rubbed his forehead. Some memories are appearing, memories that are different from what he knew. In there, there's no Louis...

He groaned from pain. He hold his head and thought of that person. Louis never appeared in there at all. He curl his red lips and laugh, looking cold and go to the window. It was still dark.

Mikael's change went unnoticed since he never talked and always aloof, he went to class everyday however ever since that day, he never met with Louis.

This made Louis worried that something might have happen to him and so, he visited him after class. He called Mikael and told him that he's going to visit, Mikael agreed to meet up downstairs.

Waiting for Mikael to come, he leaned on the tree. Many students saw him and can't help but take a second look because he look so beautiful under the sunshine that peeks from the leaves of the tree like, he looked ethereal.

When Louis saw Mikael, he smiled and pulled him under the shade. He tilted his head and somehow felt wrong from Mikael.

" Well, you guys are busy? " He asked. Mikael just nodded and slowly remove his arms from Louis's hold. Louis didn't mind and tried to talk to him but the Mikael today didn't respond to him at all, he suspected that something really happened to him. He reached out and tried to touch him but Mikael avoided and stepped to the side.

He blinked. His slowly takes back his hand and looked at Mikael, he looked desolate and indifferent. He frowned.

" Is there something wrong? Did someone bully you? " He worriedly ask and hold his hands. Mikael seemed repulsed by his touch and pushed him away. He looked coldly at him.

"You don't need to baby me, I'm already an adult. "Mikael firmly said to him. 

Louis looked at him shocked.

"I-I'm sorry.. I thought.."Louis looked sad as he said this. That's right, the villain is an adult now and don't need him to always care for. He must have felt suffocated because of him. He sighed and smiled wryly.

"I'll go, you take care. "Louis said and left. He didn't notice that when he turns his back to Mikael, the teenager's expression change.

I have to change my attitude, Kite thought as he was walking away, maybe because it's my first world that I'm anxious to save him. After all, I care for him like my brother. He sighs and talked about what he should do with the system.

Mikael watch as Louis got farther away from him and clenched his hands as he suppressed the urge to stop him. His eyes flashed and turned back to normal.

[This can't do, why would I be stopping him? Ridiculous.] He sneered and go back to his room. As he turned back, he can't help but glanced back to where Louis go. He subconsciously bit his lips and didn't notice the pain. The conflicting feelings inside didn't go away even when Louis's figure disappeared.

Coming back from the dormitory of Mikael, Louis sat on his bed and let his body fall down on the bed. 

[ Mikael is an adult now and he won't destroy the world so all I have to do is to find the bug and this world is considered finished...] Kite thought while looking at the ceiling, he realized that he will leave this world soon and that it is not his reality. He has indulge in the world too much. Thinking like this, he slowly falls asleep.

Opening his eyes, he realized that he is not in his room and the surroundings is somewhat foggy. He suddenly saw his self, no, Kite saw Louis before the accident. He remembered, in Louis's memory that he didn't manage to get after all this time. Is it.. the time of the accident?

That's right, at that time... 

They were in a vacation and his parents suddenly got a call and came back to the capital, leaving them with a bunch of guards. Louis and Riel were playing in the garden and after a while, Louis decided to get snacks for them and left. He felt reassured since there's so many guards to protect his brother.

After getting the snacks, Louis head back to the garden and found that the servants are all unconscious and his little brother is gone. 

The tray he's holding fell down and the food and plates smashed, the sound felt loud as the surrounding is so quiet. A faint smell was left, he thought that it must be a new drug for the effect to be effective to the guards and servants and take his brother without a sound. He immediately covered his nose, the effect to him was weak since his body is immune to drugs. 

Louis looked around the garden and the surroundings. He noticed a small shrimp toy that he has given to his little brother as a gift and took it.

He's quite far away from their garden now but he must find his little brother or else he will regret it if something happened to him. He heard a sound from behind the bushes. He crouched down and peeked from the leaves.

"We got them."A group of three guys suddenly appeared with two sacks on their back. Louis suspects that one of them might be his little brother..

"Let's go." The other guy said and his accomplice nodded. They enter the van and started the car.

He squeezed the toy and ran towards them, he uses his ability and managed to get ahold of the car and hide in the roof.

[It doesn't matter what will happen to him, he must save his little brother and the other kid. ]Louis thought as he stilled himself to save them.

[First, I should contact, Pa and Ma. ] He pressed the small button in the toy and contact his parents. At this time, they should know where they are. However there's not much time, after all Louis is still just a kid and can't do much. If this kidnappers arrive at their headquarters, he's done. That's why, he should do it before they got there.

[They must have been worried, I'm sorry for being impulsive. ] Louis thought and immediately tried to stop the van. He kicked the windows and entered through them, he kicked one of them in the head and the guy's head slammed into the side making a loud noise and fell down unconscious. 

" You bastards, how could you take my cute baby brother huh!? " He shouted angrily when he saw his brother is safe, only unconscious. He relaxed. 

The kidnappers were shocked but they immediately tried to grabbed him. He ducked and pulls the small knife from the toy and stabbed the guy in his heart.

As a child from one of the famous race, they were equipped and trained to protect themselves when times needed because they have many enemies and their lives are always in danger. 

The guy fell down and Louis looked at the last guy who was driving, the guy grits his teeth and steered the van to the cliff which shocks Louis. He immediately reacted and grabbed the two sacks and hugged them.

Louis wanted to smack himself, he should have reacted faster and stop the guy. As he thought of this, the van fell down the cliff.

Louis woke up, he looked at the the ceiling and felt his shirt sweaty. He massage his aching head and thought about the memory. He called the system and a ball of fluff suddenly appeared.

[ Wes, is this related to the bug? ] He asked and think that it is possible because if this kidnapping didn't happen then the world won't be destroyed. The mastermind must have planned this to happen but why use them? Also it seems that he didn't manage to save Mikael, just what happened after that fall?

System: Host, this might be related to the bug. I can't access this part of the plot. It must have a very strong control over this world.

Wes glowed faintly, he found out that there is something wrong with the data of this world. He also found that he can't access the data properly. He's worried that his Host will be facing a strong bug. Thankfully, as long as he found it, he can destroy it and turn the world back to normal.

Kite nodded and looked at the window, it's already morning. He's already late for class. He sat up and found that he didn't manage to change his clothes last night. Remembering Mikael's face, he sighed.

The child is already an adult and hates Big Brother for caring too much.