Arc 04
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" Useless thing! " 

The sound of whip and low groans was heard, the dark grey sky sometimes seem to show lightnings followed by the grumbling hidden in the clouds.

It was going to rain soon.

That's what he thought, he was the only one staring outside, the other children were just staring blankly in front, their eyes lifeless and absent-minded with bruises all over their body. In their feet are chains to prevent them from escaping, everytime someone moves it will collide with the metal surrounding them in the small space creating a clinking sounds.

In spite of the storm coming, the angry crackling voice didn't stop and the whipping only intensifies.

Near them was two individuals with a muscular body, they have swords holding in their waist and stopping a woman's hysterical shouting trying to reach towards the man sprawled on the ground, they were the man's bodyguard.

The man was sprawled on the ground, begging, his back is already a bloody mess and there was traces of old whipping scars on his back. It was obvious that this was not the first time he experience this.

The furious man didn't stop and just continued, laughing.

The older individuals looked away from the scene and closed their eyes as their hands with  chains trembled every now and then as they heard the sound of the whip colliding with the man's flesh.

Kneeling on the ground was a woman, she was desperately trying to stop the man but she was stopped by the bodyguards.

" Please! Stop! He's going to die! " The woman exclaimed as she was trying to escape from the bodyguards hold.

Unable to keep enduring, one man run towards the man who was whipping and pushed him in the ground. He looked at his comrades and saw them attacking the bodyguards and taking their swords. They use the chains on their hands to knock them out and impaled the swords on the bodyguards body. 

The swords fell down as they breath heavily. 

Everyone was shocked as they stare at the dead bodies on the ground, the rain started pouring washing the blood away. Then, they all snapped out of it as their eyes change.

They turned to look at the man who was restrained by him and all of the people surrounded them. Their eyes glows with revenge and hatred.

" You! I order you to let me go this once! " The man angrily shouted, struggling to escape the man's hold. Seeing the dead bodies of his bodyguards on the ground, it was the first time he felt scared all his life.

Together, they beat the man to death and took the keys to their chains. The man died with wide eyes open, as a noble he was very arrogant, rich and has a strong backing, for sure he didn't expect to die in a dump place like this. Unfortunately, he was unlucky. 

They looked at their dead master and took their chains off.

They were all slaves. 

And, they were now free.

The older ones opened the cage who has the kids in and removed the chains on their feet.

The heavy sound of metal continue fall on the water as it splashed together with the grumbling in the sky.

" Are you guys okay? " One of them gently ask the kids.

Some of the kids was still blankly staring, they didn't have any reactions as to what happened while some were crying and smiling at the adults who freed them but one of them silently looked around.

" It's okay now, we're free now... " She said as she gently hug the kids who was crying.

The older ones and those who were celebrating were just sold and only experience a few years of being a slave so they dare rebel and be happy but them, who are sold since they are born faced the darkest, horrible and hideous things that humans can do. They all have died since long ago, their hearts cannot carry the pain but some of them carry on. Even with lifeless eyes, he studied his surroundings carefully. He wanted to live, that's what the only reason he was fighting for.

He has no reason but he wanted to live. So he didn't give up, even when he was burn, stabbed or humiliated.

He wanted to escape but what can a small child do against the evils of the world?


This time, he was bought by a second rich generation who was collecting slaves to sell to one of his alchemist friends. The ones sold to them were usually used for testing poisons and dissecting their body, they especially liked it when it's still alive and struggling.

After being sold many times to different people and surviving, he knew that screams can only amplify their desire to torture.

Though he expected this outcome after that man bought slaves who has less experience, he didn't expect this place.

His eyes secretly glanced at the few older people who was having a conversation away from them and occasionally looking at them. This incident was obviously planned by these people before the departure.

" Don't worry, everything will be okay.. "

" We're okay now, don't cry... "

" We're safe now... "

His eyes flashed hidden in his bangs, he somehow knew what they will end up doing. It was almost ridiculous.

He saw them approaching, some of the kids smiled at them looking dependent. The adults smiled at them kindly and coax them.

" You are not hurt, right? " One of them looked worried as they checked the child.

" Any pain? Come here, I'll carry you instead. "

To save them from the bad man, they must be good people.

Was what the kids are probably thinking right now, the boy smile as he lowered his head to hide it. He was familiar with this trope because he also fell victim to it, not once but thrice. How stupid right?

Just a little kindness was all it needs and they will fully trust you, really gullible.

The rain continue to fall and it only intensifies as the time goes by, they almost can't see anything.

The adults smiled at them and care for them as they walked to find a place to stay in this forest, he was on the very back of the group.

He looked at the smiling kids and the adults who was talking to them gently with lifeless eyes, theses adults currently have no identity, no food or shelter and especially, they have no money.

Money ah

Looking at the smiling kids sticking to them happily. He has a phrase he wanted to say to them.

Humans, they are very greedy, you know?

As they were busy, he took this chance to slowly separate from them. He stopped and watch them walking far away, they didn't notice a one small child missing after all, they have a group of kids to sell no?

He sneered, after freeing them, earning their trust, you sold them to earn money to survive. 

After all, who cares if you were sold again? It's not us who will suffer ah

He was, once told of that. The despair was unimaginable as watch them walk away as they leave him chained and caged. He coldly watched them as it continues to rain.

After a flash of thunder, he was gone in that place...


When he open his eyes, Kite found his self standing in the middle of the forest, at night.

He first looked around to check if it's safe and looked at cloudless sky, there was many stars as always but there was three different colored moons. He blinked.

" Where am I? Wes? " He said and heard a soft and childlike voice from his lips and he blinked in confusion as he raised his hands and found them to be small and cute. He also just found out that he was small as he stared at the gigantic trees above him.


He's a kid?

He decided to forget this situation and proceed to ask a question, " What happened back then?

System: Host, You're Lucius now. This is a western fantasy kind of world. 

" Okay, so before that--- "

System: The original is an orphan and he lived in the church in a small town, it was near this place. 

" Haaa, so about--- "

System: He was out here because he was too hungry so he's finding food to eat. The church has many kids to feed so the food was not enough for them.

" Oh. Send me the plot? " He said as he stared at the ball of fluff who appeared, he really want to ask him about what happened in the previous world but it seems dedicated to avoid the topic so he should just forget it for now.

System: Host! I'll send it later! I sense the target is near!

He stopped and looked around, he saw nothing.

He looked blankly at the fluff.

System: ai, near the tree there...

He walked towards the tree pointed by Wes.

Lucius saw a small child curled up beside a tree hidden from the moon light. He was wearing rags for clothes and he has bruises all over his small body with unkempt and dark blonde hair.

His heart clenched at this image, this makes him remember Mikael when he was still small.

He knew that humans were bad but why does they have to always do this to a child? 

As he tried to approach, it seems that he heard his footsteps and the kid vigilantly stood up and glare at him.


It's been three days, he clutched his aching stomach and leaned on the tree. He curled up and wait for the pain to go away.

He stiffened when he heard a small footsteps and stood up.

He looked at the kid in front of him alertly, although he was wearing big clothes unsuited for his small body, he was clean and no trace of wounds on his body. He slowly backed away and secretly glanced around to see an escape route.

" Who are you? What do you want? " He calmly asked to make the kid distracted, his voice dry and hoarse from not eating and drinking for three days. 

The young boy smiled at him embarrassingly after hearing his questions, 

" I'm Lucius, call me Luci. I'm from a small town near here, I live in the church. What's your name? "

Seeing the boy smile, he was somehow reminded of the beautiful sunlight that he saw on the day when he first got out of the dark basement, the beautiful sunlight had dispelled the black clouds in his heart.

He stopped. His brain blanked.

He blinked and then calmly observed the boy in front of him.

The boy's eyes were bright and clear, completely unlike his.

The boy's hands look soft, he was sure that he didn't suffer in all his life, at least not as much as him.

He was small, just the same as him but compared to him who was many bruises and wounds, the boy looked almost...

He narrowed his eyes.

Almost like a dream.

His clothes, his skin, his soft black hair and his emerald eyes is too bright and clean.

Is he fooling him?

He looks so good to be an orphan. It's unreal for him to be an orphan, even his clothes didn't suits him.

He slowly backed away and dashed away from the boy.