The Crisis of Democracy
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Follow up to report of the Tri-Lateral Commission


It is clear from the cited report that one of the gravest threats to the continued governability of free societies is principled intellectuals and the political movements they produce in traditionally apathetic parts of society. However, these intellectuals provide a vital function for intelligence work.

The works of individuals such as Noam Chomsky have proved invaluable sources of strategic thinking for covert governance operations, as he frequently analyses and publicizes local tactics which may have gone unnoticed to our more high-level strategists had they not been identified and publicized in public research papers.

The total effect of academics in catalyzing these movements is overstated by the report. These intellectuals analyze and preach from their pulpits to a select few students. It is the student organizers who rally the movements, and a second, even more highly dangerous group that works to excite them.

This group is, of course, propaganda writers. It is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that in the publishing and film industry there is an absolute host of individuals harboring leftist sentiments producing propagandist fictions of such high quality that they instill extremist ideals in youth such as to make them susceptible to radicalization and political action upon contact with these principled intellectuals.

The keystone in the crisis we now face is not intellectual professors such as Chomsky, it is musicians and writers. However, silencing them will not be easy. These individuals seem posses a sort of hyper empathy which allows them to communicate and affect people in a manner not easily replicated by our own propagandists of patriotic and capitalistic sensibilities. The first amendment does not permit direct censorship.

There is a feature of these individuals that makes them easily eliminated, however, and it stems directly from the hyper-empathy that gives them their power. What do Hemingway, Shakespeare, really all good writers have in common? They at some point or another suffer depression. Any hyper-empathetic person who believes the world should change almost certainly would experience periods of dismay.

Their talent also comes with another weakness. They talk to themselves. How else could a writer possibly come up with logical dialog? They talk to themselves; they think in voices and conversations and scenes. All men’s intuition comes to their mind in their own language, but a talented writer is a host of characters. This is evidenced by their own works on the artistic method of writing.

The political opinions of the group we intend to target are already easily diagnosed as delusion. It is considered common knowledge among leftist circles that the government is run by Klansmen and Nazis, however, your typical psychiatrist is a middle-age man with no knowledge of politics outside his evening news. As such when a man with far-right views espouses that the government is run by commies, the doctor considers it an extreme viewpoint that is probably false, but when a leftist claims that the government or this agency is a bunch of Nazis, it is promptly labeled a delusion.

It is worth noting that, by happy accident, medical professionals have already defined a delusion as a belief that is uncommon within their society. This frees the professional from needing to judge the factuality of a delusion, or even the mere possibility. By modern medical standards, Albert Einstein and Galileo were both delusional, and as such, anyone with unapproved beliefs is easily labeled so as well.

In short, this combination of depression, delusion and imagined conversation means that all dangerous subversive writers are schizophrenics or schizoaffectives. The relentless elimination of the schizophrenic personality is of utmost importance to the continued governability of democracy worldwide. Medications should be designed for it and put into practice, which produce the state of lobotomy. A sort of chemical sociopathy in which all emotion, hopes, dreams, or sense of self is eradicated. Such medications have already been developed by the Soviet Union and have been written on publicly in medical journals, most centering on the modification of processes involving Acetylcholinesterase. Parallel research is already underway under project MK-ULTRA. Such medications show great promise, and after they are put into practice, we consider it doubtful that pharmaceutical companies will pursue real treatments for the disease, as anyone taking these medications will be near catatonic, and due to societal stigmas surrounding the disease, no one will believe the anecdotes of those placed on the medications.

Proper medication is not enough to cure a disease, however. It must also be properly diagnosed. Agents and assets in the American Psychiatric Society must put forth standard practices as to ensure that anyone who ever claims to hear voices in their head having conversations is immediately, and regardless of their consent, placed on large doses of such medications.

Only then can we end the wave of propaganda that has corrupted our society and rendered it ungovernable.