The Surprise (H/M S*x Scene
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"Stay with me hunny... please..." Seeth whispered into her lovers crooked ear as he laid on the medical table. It had been no more than a day since the escape, and after Seeth had set the ship to auto pilot after planning their route, she hadn't moved from the lizards side.

Seeth... i'm just resting my eyes...”

I know... I just... I get scared ok... seeing you like this just...”

Its alright Seeth... i'm gonna take some time to recover... and I really need some rest to recover properly...”

She nodded and kissed him on the cheek. It made her extremely nervous and restless to see him damaged form on the table, eyes closed and remaining still. The thought of him being dead was soul crushing to her, she knew he was just sleeping but even so... the image did not sit well with her, but she knew it was best to leave him do it. She stood from her lovers side and decided to gather her thoughts somewhere else. She didn't know how he managed to remain at her side when she was grievously wounded every night. Padding out the medical bay slowly, she went to the main living quarters of the ship and took a seat down on the sofa's.

She had no idea how long it would take him to recover, but she hoped it would be soon, not just to talk to him and cuddle with him properly, but she needed to release herself, she felt so awful after everything that just happened thinking about needed to do that... she'd manage to surpress her bodies desires for months now, which was no easy task, but now she was free again... just being near him reawaken though urges, his scent was driving her insane with desire, but the smell of his blood was off-putting enough to keep it under control. It was hard to find someone sexy when their forearm was crumpled and smashed to bits. Beyond that, her thoughts were turning to everything that had happened, she owned her life and Diego's life to Leech, a turn of events that she certainly did not expect. As well as that, all those new faces she saw were intriguing to say the least. There was that new trio who Leech mentioned as she punched in the face too, that massive black one... she wondered how many more there would be. A part of her really did want to go back and help Leech, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She wouldn't be that person anymore...

The next few hours, Seeth managed to nod off and get some sleep, being so tired after the days events, her own body was damaged and sore from the crash too, her muscles and flesh reminding her of that when she woke. She sighed and pulled herself up from the sofa, stretching her back and limbs out and groaning loudly. But immediately, something was amiss. Seeth spotted something in the corner of her eye. A large pink object seemingly moved past an open door, just for a second, Seeth could have perhaps ignored it if it wasn't accompanied by a strange sound... something that sounded almost like a giggle... What alarmed her more was the fact that Diego started piping up, moaning out Seeth's name.

She immediately stood to her feet and moved towards the medical bay, Diego was her first priority, but there appeared to be someone else in there, an extremely large purple figure was hunched over Diego's head, whispering things into his ear.

What the fuck... who the hell are you?!”

The figure stood up and turned around shyly on the spot to face Seeth, it was another corrupted Czarite, she seemed familiar too, Seeth could have sworn she kicked her away in the big fight...

Uhm... i'm Plum... i- wait! Wait! Seeth stop!” She cried out as Seeth approached her, bearing her teeth and preparing to kick ass. “Seeth! We aren't here to fight you or anything!” She cried out, shaking a little on the spot.

Seeth stopped and watched her closely, her frame was not built for combat and she certainly didn't look like a fighter. A decent sized bust, clad in a small pink top gave her upper body no strength or tone at all. Her arms were soft and cushioned, like the rest of her, she made a bit more of a stomach to her than other corrupted czarites, giving her pillow soft like appearance, but her hips and thighs were absurd, Seeth had never seen a controller with such a massive pear shape, her adorable eyes and face, currently cloaked in fear truly gave the impression that this girl was not a fighter. Instead she clutched a case in her hands and stepped back from Diego.

What do you mean 'we aren't here'? Who's 'we'?”

That would be my friends, Cherry and Bubblegum... they are looking around the ship I think... Seeth, please listen... I am not a fighter, I don't want to get hurt...”

Seeth stepped forward again, stepped between Diego and Plum, staring at her intently. “So... what are you here for then?”

A proposition...” Plum backed off a little again, edging towards a wall to out her back against. “We know about you and him... we know you refused to come back with Leech and why... b-but we also know that you will... want your relief soon... I know a bit about Coralith Komodo's an-”

What exactly are you getting at Plum?!” Seeth was becoming more hostile again, but a voice called out from behind them both, a giggly, more happy voice, as a large pink corrupted czarite with a bust larger than Seeths as well as killer hips.

She had something to help fix Diego! Show her the case Plum!”

Plum nodded and opened the up quickly, showing a silver vial of green liquid. “Diego is going to be recovering for months at this rate... you won't be able to have sex with him without injuring him for a very long time Seeth...”

Bubblegum hopped forward and nodded. “Yup! Months! You'll be stuck on this ship, basically alone, as he sits there and recovers! He will recover mind you, but it'll take ages and ages and ages... like, way too long... So!”

So, we brought you this... We recovered it from a facility in the DA... it'll regenerate him fully within half an hour of it being injected... no side effects... nothing... just Diego fully fixed and healed and back to normal... And we know how badly you need to release...”

Seeth paused for a few seconds and considered what they were saying, they were kind of correct.... and if it was going to take months for him to recover then... She took a deep breath and nodded. “So you give me that and I get my Diego back within the hour...”

Way less than that!” Bubblegum giggled.

Whatever... what do you want in return? Surely you didn't come all this way to fix Diego and then leave? You want something...”

We want him!” Bubblegum smiled again.

Plum sighed and shook her head. “Not exactly... we don't want to take him... we don't want to separate you two and try and drag you back... All we want... is one session with him... the first... when he wakes up fully recovered.” A third voice called out as she entered the room, a large red corrupted czarite, who looked a lot fitter and more combat capable than Plum or Bubblegum.

We all want to fuck him once effectively. Thats all we're after. We give you the regen syrum, we let him recover, once he's up, we get to fuck him, then we leave you and you get your diego back, by tonight.”

Seeth lunged at the new controller, pinning her against a wall, to which she snarled, glancing over at Plum who was furiously shaking her head. “You want to do what?!”

Think about it Seeth... you can have him back tonight... Your Diego... are we really asking that much?!” Plum called out, staring at the red controller, urging her not to fight back, which she didn't. Seeth eventually dropped her down.

We told you! We aren't here to fight, this is merely a proposition! I'm Cherry by the way... and we meant what we said. You don't want this to happen, it doesn't happen, we'll just leave... and you spend months here, with this comatose cripple of a lizard!”

Please Seeth! We just wanna experience what he's like for ourselves... we're just more civilized than the others in our approach...”

Seeth sighed and stepped back from Cherry, who picked herself up, scowling slightly. It was a difficult decision to make... she didn't want to make any decisions for Diego, but at the same time... she wanted him back and wanted him now... if that syrum really did work, then perhaps it would be worth it...

He's still in pain Seeth... this will fix that too... you know this is a good deal... and its not like he's not going to enjoy it either... you know that! This is a win win situation! Everybody gets what they want...”

Seeth carefully considered her options, trying to figure out if she could possibly take the vial by force and fight them off, but considering their numbers and how tired she was... that didn't look like it was an option... She inhaled deeply, stepping back from everyone and nodding. “F-fine. Fine! Do it! You get 1 hours with him starting from now, so for your sake, it had better regenerate him quickly!”

One hour?! Thats no where near enough time... 4 at least!”

Fine then... two hours, thats my final offer or you can just leave.”

Two hours each?” Bubblegum asked, smiling widely in hope.

No! Two hours in total! I'll be timing you and when I say its over, I mean it! I'll leave you to it, but i'll be waiting outside the bay so you can't run off with him... and if you dare try to steal him from me... i'll make you dig your graves before kicking you into them! Got it?!”

The trio nodded, Plum quickly taking the vial and fixing a needle to it, getting ready to inject it into him. They gathered around him eagerly, but before Seeth left, she leaned down close to the lizard, kissing his ear and whispering to him again. “I'm sorry hun... I just... I think this is best...”

And with those final words, Seeth quickly departed from the bay, rushing off to arm herself and getting ready to stand guard outside the med bay doors. This did not sit easy with her, but she was desperate... both to see him functioning and alive again, and to get her relief from him.

Plum gently pushed the needle into his neck and injected the green fluid into his blood stream, the effect was nearly instantaneous. The fluid was a project worked on by the DA to give soldiers a second chance in combat by fully regenerating them within minutes, the project was still in beta stages as it was extremely expensive to produce, but it worked perfectly. Bones healing, muscle forming, skin weaving, organs being refreshed and restarted... some may have been grossed out by the fleshy clicks and clacks of a body regenerating, but the trio were far more interested in witnessing it up close, marvelling in its weird beauty.

Its working perfectly Bubblegum!”

I told you it would! See? He's waking up now! Plum, do your thing!” The three quickly dashed into the back of the med bay and grabbing a set of nurses uniforms hanging up, although they were designed for far smaller beings and didn't fit very well... but regardless of that, they slipped them on the best they could and dashed back to the male on the table.

Diego groaned and rubbed his eyes, completely unaware that he just used both hands to do so, something that shouldn't have been possible from what state he used to be in. He whined and stretched himself out, slowly realising that his body was... whole again... His eyes flicked open to be greeted by a large pair teal eyes intently staring at him. Before he could ask any questions or really even think what was going on, she smiled and spoke softly to him.

Ah! You're awake Diego! Good! Can you wiggle your toes for me?”

Diego paused for a second, eyeing her up suspiciously before noticing the nurse outfit and slowly wiggling his toes.

Good, thats really good... okay, can you sit up for me?” She asked calmly, still smiling at him.

Diego was still extremely confused but decided to attempt to sit up, straining for a second before pulling himself up and sitting on the table. A small smile creeping over his face as he saw his body looking nicely regenerated.

Fantastic! We're the nurses Seeth has employed to look after you by the way... i'm Plum and these are my helpers, Cherry and Bubblegum... right... think you can stand for me?”

The male remained silent and nodded, planting his feet down gently on the floor and bringing his weight onto them, nearly losing his balance immediately, but Bubblegum ran over and lent him a hand to keep him steady. Soon enough, he was keeping his own balance and was slowly walking around the room with Bubblegum helping him. The lizard was clad only in a pair of tight fitting underpants, causing the other two occupants to stare at him intently, biting their lips and trying their best to hide their arousal as the males healthy scent began filling the air. Soon enough, he was walking unaided around the room, feeling rather confident and happy. Plum snapped herself out of her arousal and smiled at him again.

Excellent! Just fantastic Diego! Seeth is going to be so pleased!”

Speaking of Seeth, can I go see her now?”

Oh, uhm, not yet, we need to do a couple more tests... strength next... my assistant Cherry is going to gently grab your arms ok? And you're going to pull and push against her so we can test if your muscles are performing properly.”

Diego nodded and turned to face Cherry, who approached him, leaning down slightly and grabbing onto his wrists.

Ok Diego, pull outwards for me.”

Diego strained and tried to move his arms as Cherry held onto them, feeling himself getting stronger with every attempted.

And now up.”

He did as she said again, trying to push his arms up, feeling the large czarite resist and hold him in place.

Excellent, and down.”

Again, he pulled against her, watching her grip shake a little as his strength returned. They continued to pull and exercise him out until Cherry gave a subtle nod to Plum behind the male, who began to approach him, coming up close to his rear and placing her hands upon his hips, rubbing them gently.

Good work Diego... fantastic... now for the final test...”

Upon feeling her hands on his side, the males stiffened all over, feeling every hair on his head stand on edge from the sudden caress of his hips. “Woah woah woah now, can we not? I mean I thought you were...” Diego tried to tug himself free of Cherrys grip but she held strong, smiling down at him as he realised what was going on. But before he could get too worked up, the silky soft and gently hands of Plum felt their way up his chest and over his muscles slowly and playfully.

It's alright cutey... we weren't lying to you... You'll get to be with Seeth after this... we promise... but we need to test you first...” She leaned in close to him, pressing herself against his back as Cherry slowly pulled him forward, bringing the males face directly into her large red tits, which were practically bursting free of her nurses outfit. Plum continued to caress and feel him all over, moving a hand over his manhood and happy to feel it hardening already, she softly grabbed it, toying with his balls and giggling quietly.

He is so ready for this... how long has it been since you've been fucked properly Diego?” Plum asked cutely, pulling free of her own nurses outfit as she hugged around his waist and pulled herself closer again, pressing her silken stomach and thighs against him as her bust comfortably rested on his shoulders, Cherry still pulling him down slowly, pulling the males head over her bust, sliding it past them, so he was leaning over entirely. Bubblegum pulled over a box and put it under him, giving him something to lean on, grinning at him widely... she was surprisingly cute, or so the male thought at the time.

Plum gets first solo, seeing as it was all her idea...” Cherry smiled as she spoke, looking under the lizard in time to see Plum pull down his underwear and lift his tail up. He wiggled around, clearly unsure about all this.

Don't I get a say in this?! I-i thought Seeth would-”

Ohhhh my... he's got just such a lovely rear! No wonder the others like him so much... Mhmmm, I can't wait!” Plum cutely giggled again, hopping a little on the spot and pulling down her outfit, her thick, lengthy cock revealing itself. Diego glanced back but couldn't quite see it due to the angle, considering how aroused he was right now and how they outnumbered him, fighting back didn't seem like an option. What he felt against his rear was far FAR larger than he expected cute Plum to have, he was thinking she'd be similarly sized to Plasia, but instead, just the mere head of her mighty rod, just being rubbed against his rear playfully felt immensely large. She pushed her tremendous rod between his legs and slide it up his rear cheeks, moaning gently as she did so.

Diego attempted to stand but felt a pair of hands keep him down, as Cherry leered above him. He glanced back again at Plum, seeing her biting her lip and stare back at him, suddenly feeling a lot more into this as he saw her figure, her delicious plump, feminine figure, pressing herself against his rear. She teased and gently pressed the tip of her meat against his rear, watching his reaction as his back tensed and arched a little, making her giggle sweetly. His tail wrapped itself around her mid section and she began to apply pressure to him, forcing the very tip of her thick cock into him, eliciting a groan from both of them simultaneously, hers louder than his.

As pleasure began to overcome her, she grabbed his hips tightly and gently pulling him back as she thrust forward, slipping inch after inch of herself into him with a loud and extremely satisfying “Shlick!” as her blue lube slime that coated her rod slicked him up. Her length seemed to go on forever, filling him deeply as she continued to sink into his rear, until finally, after 15 inches, she bottomed out, her soft, plump thighs and hips gently bumping against his bum with a great sense of satisfaction from both of them. She paused for a few seconds upon stopping, panting heavily, running her hands up and down his back multiple times, half massaging his neck until she finally gripped onto his shoulders with a firm, but silken soft grip.

Her rhythm began slowly, pulling her entire length out gently and carefully sliding the mammoth cock back in, causing the male to moan loudly shiver all over. He lifted his legs from the floor and clamped them around her thighs to support himself.

I think he's liking it almost has much as Plum is!” Bubblegum giggled, watching intently as she tore her massive bust from her top in preparation. Cherry unveiled her length directly in front of Diego's face, jerking it in front of him eagerly as she waited for Plum to really get stuck in.

The male felt pleasure heaven inside him, as Plum slowly bottomed out against him again, pushing herself tightly against him, pressing her body against his tightly, her rhythm was slow and purposeful for a reason, she was gaining a little speed with every thrust but each was big, heavy and deliciously satisfying to the male. It took no more than a few minutes to get him to shoot a massive thick white load under himself as the huge alien continued to sensually fuck his rear with her huge smooth blue cock. Upon seeing the male do so, the other two members of the room sprung into action. Cherry grabbed the males head and pushed her large 13 inch red wang against the males lips, pushing it into his maw eagerly and fucking his mouth in her own faster pace. But the large, cute pink one was who Diego was more interested in, she giggled loudly and stripped all her clothing off, her gigantic pink cock becoming visible to him as it rapidly hardened and dripped with pink lube slime. But she ran over to him and kneelled down, mimicking his positioning.

She shoved the box out from under him suddenly and shifted herself over, forcing herself under the lizard, shoving him up off the floor and onto her back, Cherry and Plum keeping stable as the moved him back and into the correct position. Bubblegums rather large and squishy rear was directly under the males own manhood, Bubblegum was moving herself so her rear was directly lined up with his manhood, and as Plum pulled out, she made sure to drag the male with her slightly, lining him up perfectly with Bubblegums sweet ass, her next slow, powerful thrust shoved Diego's cock straight into her, impaling him directly into her hot, tight loving ass, the entire group moaning in unison as Plum controlled the groups pace, shoving herself in purposefully slowly as the sandwiched male was filled from both the front and the back and had his own cock buried deep into Bubblegums soft, squishy ass. The feeling of being trapped between the huge hipped and ever sexy girls was nothing other than totally euphoric for the lizard as Plum continued to work his insides beautifully with her throbbing cock, her own climax building steadily as she ploughed him. She leaned further forward again, pressing her whole body against his, smushing her breasts and stomach into his shoulders and back, completely trapping the male between hers and Bubblegums body before suddenly increasing her pace by shortening the strokes, milking another orgasm from the male who was far too pleasure consumed to do anything and had a cock far too deep in his throat to make any form of audible response other than deep, satisfied moans.

She licked his ear, nibbling on the end of it sweetly as the all continued to rock back and forth from her pounding of his bum, slapping their pelvis's together loudly as Plum's blue ooze leaked over his rear and down onto Bubblegums frighteningly impressive manhood below them, which was dripping its own pink goo over the floor messily as she moaned and groaned cutely, fluttering her eyes and drooling slightly as she felt the lizards cock buried into her own rear, much to her pleasure. Cherry continued to pull herself in and out of the males maw, grinning at him as she watched her cock slip in and out, the deep moans from him tingling her cock nicely. The male himself was continuing to clench and blow loads straight into Bubblegums ass neatly as she remained below him, giggling every time she felt his warmth and moaning quietly.

Plums hands suddenly clamped around the sandwiches midsection tightly, locking them in position as she practically screamed in pleasure, emptying her load straight into the lizards body as she slammed her hips against him, wriggling them side to side a little as her trio of balls churned to release a torrent of corrupting seed into his bowels. His stomach felt suddenly far heavier and much warmer as the girl blew off a massive cum load into him, he could feel the pressure of her release within him, and with shame could say that he very much enjoyed the feeling of her firing a fat load into his guts. She remained still for a few seconds, hanging quick over the lizard as she revealed in the bliss. Cherry suddenly pulled herself free him his maw and walked around his rear, Plum doing the same around his rear, his ass suddenly feeling very empty as she pulled herself free, the two girls swapping positions, as the stumbling Plum, drunk with sheer pleasure grinning down at him, showing off that massive 15 inch smooth blue cock in front of him as neon blue cum dribbling from it. Giggling happily, she pressed it forward towards the lizard who happily licked the end of the tool that had given him so much pleasure and stretched his jaw around the monster to accommodate it within his mouth. Her ever sweet and cute moaning continued as soon as he accepted it, much to the joy of his ears.

Meanwhile, the more muscular and aggressive Cherry lined herself up behind him, her smaller cock slipping into him far more easily than Plums monster now that he'd been loosened up a little, but Cherry's thrusting was far more than the male was expecting, as she grabbed his arms, restraining them behind him and using them as leverage as she bucked and slammed her hips against him, ramming her member straight into him without mercy or any hint of self restraint. Her fucking rocking the group strongly and making the poor little guy orgasm again and again into Bubblegums ever hot, ever loving rear, continuing to moan into huge mouth gag as Cherry picked up the pace again, slapping and ramming her hips against him, as fast as Plasia used to do so, but a far larger cock that really filled the lizard up.

Ohhh you like that huh?! Or did you prefer Plums softer, more girly loving?!” Cherry moaned out aggressively, noticing Bubblegum gesture for something under him. Cherry, suddenly increased her grip on the males arms, holding him up a little as Bubblegum pulled herself free of the males cock and rolled over underneath the lizard. She wrapped her thick legs around the lizards waist, hoisting her hips up and lining her rear up again with his cock, making Cherry punch her hips forward and drive the males cock right in again. The result of her new position was that her massive cock was now rubbing against the males chest, coating it in thick pink slime. His rear was now dripping and coated with Cherrys own tangier red ooze, along with Plums bluey purple one.

Cherry's pace increased again, thumping and pounding her hips furiously against him, shaking him with her passion as she drove herself closer to her orgasm. Plum suddenly thrust herself deep into the males throat as cried out again in pleasure as she blew yet another load into him, smaller this time though. Bubblegum suddenly stopped and released her grip, dropping her thighs from his waist and pulling herself free, letting the males cock feel fresh air again, Plum dragging her mighty wang free of his throat as Cherry got even faster and harder with her thrusting. She began to moan loudly and seized the male by the waist, hoisting him up into the air and a loud moan and suspending him in the air as she continued to thrust up into him, roaring in extasy as she blew her own load right into him as Plum had done, thick goo cum leaking from his rear as she recoiled a little, still holding him airborne. The whole room was filled with satisfied panting as they all waited for Cherry to stop cumming and let the lizard down, which took a good minute or so as her friends watched on with interest as the lizards stomach bloated a little with more slime.

She, just like Plum, was now practically intoxicated with pleasure, and slowly put Diego face up onto the medical table as the eager Bubblegum giggled and walked into position. The male raised his head up but found the soft hands up Plum guiding his back down, further and further until he was looking directly backwards, glancing up at her seductively sweet face and seeing her pressing her cock towards his maw again, which he willingly accepted, allowing her to push in and use him as she pleased. Cherry stumbled back, smiling and grabbing handfuls of her own tits, sitting back on one of the side tables and watching with glee as sweet Bubblegum hopped over to the lizards rear, holding his legs up and pressing the very tip of her cock against his entrance.

Despite being to thoroughly tested and used so far, her massive cock wouldn't just slip in, she pushed the head of her mammoth rod against him, biting her lip and groaning loudly as she pushed. She pushed harder and harder, and still, it wouldn't budge, the gigantic head of her 19 inch cock simply rubbed and nudged against his ass. She pushed harder again, pushing the table slightly as Plum steadied them, holding the males shoulders in position and motioning for Cherry to help with a simply head nod. The pleasure drunken girl pointed and giggled at Bubblegum, before wandering up behind her, pressing her own hips against Bubblegums butt, slipping her cock under Bubblegums equipment, grabbing Diego's legs and slamming her hips forward, shunting Bubblegums hips forward and suddenly sinking the head of her cock into Diego's rear, She continued to push, as Bubblegum groaned and giggled loudly from the penetration, every inch of the huge pink cock disappearing into the males butt slowly until Bubblegum bottomed out, the mere act of pushing this into the male, milking cum from him as it spewed out and dribbled over his stomach lazily. Cherry giggled out stepped back, admiring her handy work and taking a seat back on the side table, as Bubblegum began her fucking, pulling that mammoth rod in and out of the males rear as Plum worked his mouth and throat at exactly the same time, spit roasting the male deeply on both sides.

The pink girl hung the males legs on her shoulders, her huge plump pink breasts, so huge that they got in the way of said action, were squished together perfectly by the males thighs, and she leaned over to encompass and envelope his still rock hard cock within her perfect pink cleavage. Each thrust of her gigantic pink cock milked yet more semen from him that now squirted into her nearly endless cleavage.

However, it didn't take long for the big pink cutey to blow her load as she'd already been started off by having her ass fucked by the male. With a sudden heave of strength and effort, she bucked and pounded against him, thrusting and pumping in every inch of her absurdly large cock right into him, lashes of pink ooze dribbling from her and him as she pushed his legs and crawled up him, mounting onto the table and burying her cock deep inside him. Plum pulled herself free again to release his maw and Bubblegum immediately locked lips with him as she pressed her cock as deep into the male as she possibly could and blew a massive pink load of goo into him, mashing her tits against him as they kissed and shared saliva under the glow of yet another orgasm for him and a world shaking one for her as pleasure rippled through them. His gut filling again as she unloaded her desire into him.

The room was filled with panting and pleasure again from the aftermath of the event, everyone just taking a little time to recover.

Awwhhhh that was fantastic! Can we keep him Cherry?! Pllleaasse?!” Bubblegum moaned, breaking her kiss suddenly from the lizard as she pulled herself free of his rear and stood from the table.

But before Cherry could reply, the medical bay doors opened, the figure of Seeth stepped him, looking shy and somewhat nervous. A raging erection was pushing her skirt up and she stared at the male with hunger and desire...

I-i've changed my mind... I could smell you from out there... it was driving me insane...”

Plum grinned at the female who was rapidly approaching the male and Cherry quickly jumped down and blocked her path.

That wasn't the agreement Seeth... if you're breaking it then clearly we need to change the rules don't we?”

W-what do you want?!” Seeth spurted out, desperate to get to the male.

We want to stay with you and Diego...”