Ch 010/111 (K)nights and Mages
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One fine evening, The knights and Mages of the Empire came unannounced in our small village.
Our village was an insignificant part of the empire, it was a lawless piece of land and was literally filled with the unwanted... orphans.
So, why the hell will empire send someone here?
It was a hot topic of discussion, but for now, the priority was to get our academy ready for the Royal guests.
So... overnight our academy was renovated!!
Everything has its first time... right? This was the first time for our academy.
Little did we knew, that this academy of ours will become renowned in just a few years.

The Next Day...
A few Knights entered our class.
'We have come in search of Knights and Mages of the Empire.', proclaimed a knight in silver armour. He was really enthusiastic.
I was not interested in the Knights, I was interested in being a mage. The greatest mage of the Empire [Philomath]. I want to become like him.

But seems like I was not alone.
While the knight in silver armour was really enthusiastic the other knights... not so. They sighed 'DAMN!!'

'Serias!!! how can he be so enthusiastic even now? For GOD's sake, it's already the 30th village, DAMN!!!', said one of them.
'F*ck, I just got engaged and this goddamn mission.', said another one slamming his hand on the table.
BAAM! The table broke.
'F*ck fiancee, any girl will do for me.', said another one slamming the wall.
Yeah, you guessed it. The hand broke.
Well, the renovation was done well I guess.

None of these hot-tempered knights seemed any enthusiastic.
One of the Knights pointed at me... He looked very well built. But his personality was trash.
'Hey you, yes you.', he pointed at me. Without asking my name, he ordered... 'Go get the mages from the library'
'Damn, they are in the library again. Those geeks!!', said one of them laughing hysterically.
'Those freaks, I am amazed at how much time they can spend with books!! Sometimes I become jealous at their zeal you know!!', said another.
Meanwhile, the Knight who ordered me spoke...
'Come-on... Don't be jealous. Those Mages are just poor souls. They can only like books because they haven't felt the warmth of women yet.'
WTH!! Is this level of sexist jokes okay?? They all are men but still, it seems odd.
Everyone started laughing. 'Yeah', 'Yeah, General Boorish', 'General Boorish you are goddamn correct', etc.....
'General Borrish....', huhhh, the knight of the previous Hero?? but why would someone so great come here?
[Naah cant be, just a coincidence][Moreover, can the personality of the previous knight be so bad?? Just not possible.] I tried convincing myself.

I got out of this tortured place and went to the safe haven... Library.
Mages... huh... they should def be better than these bunch of strenth morons.
The knights had zero enthu... were the mages the same?
Nope... rather they were goddamn excited.
They were in enthu... full enthu reading books in our library!!
'Hey, see this circle here. Haven't seen it anywhere else!', exclaimed one of them.
'This circle!! I haven't seen it anywhere either. It has 9 non-linear magics embedded within it. Can it even work??' exclaimed another.
'Damn, what's with this library??'

[Yeah, these are the true heroes of Empire... unlike those uncultured Knights. Truly working for the empire]

'Fuck Empire!! Why haven't we seen something like this before? So beautiful. I will just shift in this village.', said another one. Damn, it seems like he is in heat.
[Well maybe not all of them are loyal towards the empire, but at least they are cultured!!]

'Right!!! Those uncultured Knights can never understand the beauty of magic. These beautiful shapes, beautiful figures, beautiful curves!!
Ahhh... So damn goooood!!! And those knights think women have beautiful curves....'
[WTH did I just hear?? It seems they are more cultured than I gave them credit for/]

The mages started laughing hysterically!! 'General PhiloMath is the best!!', exclaimed another.
[Philomath... PHILOMATH!!! The Mage of the Hero. This can't be a coincidence.]

The Knight of Hero and Mage of Hero... Could it be?
Could it be that they are here to search for Hero?
I decided to take a chance.
'General Philomath', I exclaimed.
'General Boorish is calling all of you to discuss about the next hero'
General Philomath turned his face towards me and replied...
'Lead the Way!!'
So indeed, they have come in search of the next Hero.