=== Our first dungeon – part 2
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=== Our first dungeon – part 2


Just like predecessor, I had no problems with my hasty climb. Even if I didn’t go for a record, my speed was similar to hers. After a while, as I reached the point where the white fog was, I had problems seeing what was directly in front of me. However, that didn’t slow my pace, since I felt like natural at climbing already, a strange experience of self-accomplishment. After some more time, I reached the top of this mountain, eager to learn what I would found there and about others.


Surrounded by a construction of twigs and something resembling mud, I climbed into the middle of a giant bird's nest. Not only that, there were some eggs, feathers, and most of all signs of organic waste...okay it wasn't the prettiest picture, but still. I would prefer the developers not to give us that kind of realism, yet the cool breeze here was rather fresh and barely smelly.


Furthermore, it seems that only Corona was here, no signs of Jielby. I shook the rope to signal Noctia who was still waiting, I presumed. The cord itself was tied to the convenient placed bolt in the centre—I guess they expected players to have a rope. Alas, this place felt a little strange, not just the air but the fact that something was missing, like actual problems to solve.


[Hey I'm glad you have made it up here too, Oddia. How was the climb?]


[You could say it was just a breeze, but that aside, where in the world is our little commander? Did she fell down? That would be unfortunate, but still she did manage to secure the rope so you need to give her credit for that.]


[Don't even joke about that...Well yes, when I reached this place she was nowhere to be found, so I don't really know. I can't fathom that she fell, but rather she might have climbed down due a certain thing? I looked around everywhere.  Thanks to this thick fog it is hard to say really, but maybe you can spot something I missed? Gush, I really worried!]


[I'm not going to search through here—I trust that you did that already so there is no reason for me to do the same. Let's wait for Noctia.]


Quite frankly, the actual reason was that I didn’t feel like getting my hands dirty with this...ugly mess. But besides that, I was clueless like Corona, but unlike her, I wasn’t worried at all. As for our dashing leader, she is probably okay, somewhere, yet I have no idea where could she be. If my memory is not playing tricks, we first called her and then she dropped the rope. Obviously she found something here, like a portal maybe? In her thoughtless state she decided to leave us after securing the cord and jumped through it on her own.


[How about that she used a portal that she found here? We just need to see if it’s still open.]


[Yes, that might help, but all I did find was those eggs and a few feathers. Oh my, they appeared to belong to a giant bird. Everything here is quite large in fact—do you think we should be taking notice of that? What if their mother came here briefly and snatched Jielby, thinking that she was her little hatched child? That sounds quite unfortunate for her, yes, but perhaps...]


[Yea she is still alive either way. What I read is that you usually end up at the entrance if you die, I think? I am not sure. Some people said that there are actually two types of dungeons, one where you can die for good, and the other one which is more causal, one which allows you to try until you succeed. This one is the latter, I hope, but I have no idea how you are supposed to tell.]


[Oh yea, I read that too, it's quite okay...wait a second! What about our captain? What if she is being fed with worms? You should search again with me! Oh my goodness, we don’t have much time Oddia! We should hurry.]


Okay, no need making this situation any worse. But despite your effort, there is no way to tell that she was even here, apart from the rope. Okay, let's just say she did leave us that clue and now she is playing a game of hide-and-seek. If I were an annoying pegasus knight trainee where would I conceal myself? It is obvious that not in a place like this. What if she is behind those eggs...that would be too silly. They have white shells with little gray spots on them.


[What about those things, they don't look like moving but my hand does sense some temperature inside. They are...alive? Why didn't you tell me as soon as I asked? Wait, I never asked...okay, forget that, there are monsters inside of them! We could have got ambushed all this time, and you were worried about some trivial hide-and-seek game! This changes things. Jielby was totally abducted by the bird—the feathers might be the clue of that. But where is she now? We have to call...]


[I know! I can use my horn to call her—that will without doubt reach her! Okay, here I go...]


[Wait! You will call the bird too you stupid! We need to hide first, yet there are only those eggs here. I guess we have no choice. Quickly, move your fairy butt here, and then do you thing. Oh wait a second, what about Noctia? How would she know what we are doing? We can’t just call her down or use the rope trick, since she is currently using it. What should we do really? Do you have any other brighter ideas Corona?]


[That's a problem yes, just like last time I also tried to reach you guys with my voice but you didn't hear it right? Oh my goodness, poor Jielby being abducted by the bird. Poor Noctia, climbing alone and worrying about us three. Hey, I'm going to do this! I am sure that my charming voice will enchant it! I just have to believe in myself, right Oddia?]


More or less, but I don't know how that even connects with her idol stuff. I simply nodded with my eyes blank, hoping for the best of the results. Like what is the worst that can happen? We are going to have to fight the boss, without Noctia and the Tank. That prospect is really awful, but at least I can finally say that I tried my best for once.


[Okay, my earplugs are ready. Go ahead!]


With my both hands sealing my eardrums, I endured the calling shriek that was right beside me. It was repeated a few times, but in the end I got used to that. If I was that bird, I would have surely heard that voice from miles away. Thank you fairy, your assistance will be at least appreciated by Jielby, I told to myself. Yet after some time we didn't see anything in the sky, not in the blue reaches and other peaks in the distance, nor through the thick fog. The air and sound went silent for a while.


[Do you think we accomplished anything? It is usually the roster that gives the morning cock-a-doodle-doo, not a fairy with a horn. You did well though—I'm impressed really by your effort to mimic the nature calls.]


[I'm...you really thought that was good? You flatter me, ehehe~ But then again we didn't really do anything, didn’t we? Like there was no response. You sure you don’t want me to try...]


[Wait a second, is this...is this egg moving? Can you feel it too?]


Ignoring the wobbling Corona, getting all mushy from her embarrassed, I noticed something strange about them. They were silent all the time we were hiding behind them, but now it seems they got active. They warmed up a little bit, and maybe even turned slightly redder, but most of all they started to sway and vibrate. I retracted my hand when I felt the impulse, there was clearly something alive there and moving. Did we activate a trap? Anyway, this is not the time to think.


[Hey, this thing is going to explode or something, move to the other side okay?]


[Right, I'm right behind you Oddia. We are going to wait for Noctia right?]


[If they will give us time that is, I dunno what we are dealing with here right now.]


[Better be careful right? I just hope their mother won't appear any time soon.]


But instead of something happening, we were fretting for nothing it seems, the eggs did not explode or hatch or anything, they were simply doing their thing, well most of them. There was five in total and whatever was inside decided to wait. And as we also stood there with our weapons drawn, looking at their direction while trembling, a familiar face showed up. It was of course Noctia who finally finished her climb. She looked really tired and happy to see us after her great effort.


[Oh hi Noctia, you might be wondering why I'm hiding behind Oddia and why are we trembling in fear, but look at this! Those eggs contain monsters and they are about to hatch! Be careful okay? You don't want to wake them up or something.]


[You could have just said it with your normal voice, not whispering. Anyway, please be at the ready Noctia.]


[Right, I seem to understand the situation now. *Yawn* I'm so tired...maybe we could have a break?]


[At a time like this? Please consider Jielby, she was missing ever since I climbed up here! She was kidnapped by a bird!]


Wait, we haven’t concluded that yet! Damn, we also didn’t even have the time to explain everything to the nun—we had to be prepared for their attack. I could see cracks that started to appear on one of the eggs, and that could only mean that we were about to start. Finally, after all this waiting, and despite that we were not in our optimal strength, it was time to test our mantle. Whatever will happen afterwards will be mostly up to me, of course, since other girls are absolutely not competent.