=== Our first dungeon – part 4
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=== Our first dungeon – part 4


“I was here all the time” was the last thing I wanted to hear from her. Yet, it just happens that my “wish” was granted. Out of all the beings inside of the remaining eggs, a young pegasus knight was the last person I would be expecting. Yes, she was inside that thing all this time, but her story was rather interesting so as soon as she popped out...


[Hey guys! You did it! I thought I was going to die of boredom or something. For you see, I climbed all the way on my own, just like a good girl would do for her comrades, and there was this giant bird over my head. Oh jeepers, what should I do? Obviously I can't simply jump down or go back the same way, so I decided to use camouflage. At first, among the eggs here, there was one that was cracked. I knew my time was short so I hopped inside of it and waited until the beast flies away.]


[Okay I understand that, I would have done that as well. But how does that explain the rope?]


[Oh that thing? Yea, that thing flew away after a while so I did eventually came out of my hiding. Have I told you about it? Actually, the giant birdie was very strange and ugly looking, but still it was somehow lovable despite that dirty plumage. It was all in puff, but no actual feathers, kinda like a young chick. Anyhow, it did come back, as I was securing the rope. This time I had even less time so I did everything in haste and dived back inside of the egg shell. Still, that’s not all.]


[Oh there is more? You must have been really scared, going in and out, having that big boss above your head, you being alone, and most of all, having nowhere to run. You are really brave Jielby, I really think so.]


Maybe that was too much from Corona, but jeez, we did all the hard work here! And she says you were really brave and stuff...


[Alas I don't know why, but I quickly become covered with sticky, like the inside of it had this yellow toasty substance. I had no idea what it was, so I decided to make a taste test! It was just egg yolk, and it was quite sweet as well. Soon, I didn't know how to stop myself from eating it all up. Ishishi~ Of course, that was because I was feeling a little hungry. Anyway, afterwards I craved for a desert, but something was wrongs. I couldn't escape! Wowzers, the shell became rock solid!]


[Oh so that is why you couldn't help us? What a pity really, but quite fitting for you nevertheless. Like a sweet trap, you fallen into it without thinking. That does sounds like something you would do.]


[Oh yea, defins! You should have tried some of it, but unfortunately it's all gone now. What a pity, right Oddia?]


[Thanks the heavens you survived, we were worried my child. It is a fate most certainly acceptable, even without an extra reward.]


Of course, if it was just normal birds I would consider eating them, but I'm not touching the monster eggs benedict.


[But lookie, after all this climbing and fighting, don’t you girls think we have a picnic here? It’s the eggxact same wholesome idea we all have on our mind, no?  Don't worry, our clothes won't get dirty, right Oddie? I mean you are already sitting comfy over there, I just thought we could all join you. I did actually brought some foodstuff and drinks, although forgot blankets. It would be nice if we had one for the atmosphere though.]


[I happen to carry substitute with me, it is supposed to be for ceremonies only, but I never had the opportunity.]


As our still hungry leader noticed, I was looking at her from a seated position. Despite what she said, I don’t think it would be a good idea to rest now, nor for Noctia to use her white tablecloth in this place.


[Stop it! What if the bird is still around? We can't just start a picnic here! And Jielby, how did even crack the egg open?]


[Crack the egg into...yea I have eggs alright! Okay, we are having them now. Anyway, yes it did crack open eventually. But no, I didn't hear any of your voices or the fight. If I knew about that I would have tried harder at releasing myself. Well, not that I didn't attempt everything, nothing actually worked. It was how usual this world is, right? No problemo, I was released in the end. If anything maybe you just need a little taste? Let me check the other eggs for yolk...Yype!]


Okay, you got me there, little pink cook...wait how that even makes sense? They cracked open with a developed chick already! Why would the yolk be still there? And also, are you going to cook this...please Jielby, could you use a spoon instead of your hand? Okay, I need to calm down for now...I feel like my stomach is becoming empty for some reason...Give me moment girls, I should be fine in a second...Ugh...


[Are you okay, you aren't looking too green Oddia.]


[It's the food...I got just a little nauseous all of a sudden. I’m going to be fine if I look away.]


[Oh are you having altitude sickness? Poor you! Let me hug you, so you can feel better. How ish it now?]


The instant she decided to approach me, I stood up and backed up a little, with my hand on my stomach. I thought I could run away, that somehow I could avoid this cruel fate. But sadly, I reached the edge of the nest and no longer there was any escape.


[I don’t need that...just if you could clean your hands I would be grateful. And please, not so close...]


With a "huh?" face, that airhead girl didn't really notice that her arms were still covered by that substance. Soon, I became cornered by her. Maybe I was just panicking because I got beaten up by those chick-like things previously, but now it didn’t appear this bad from up close. Not only my nose, but the fingertips which tried to push her away, they too felt the sensation that aroused hunger within me. Girls in the background also appeared to be eating too...


With a flash in my mind, my head lowered and the tongue worked on its own. With savagery I started to lick Jielby's arm. The sweetness filled me in a blink of eye, and soon I forgot about my condition from a second ago. The soft creamy texture, the fuzziness of the bubbling liquid, the mouthwatering thickness of the syrup, all the sensations had me crave for more.


Just like the other girl who was trapped in the egg, I was too utterly keen on leaving not a single spot unchecked. When it overflew my mouth, the droplets would fall on my hands. I started licking them as well, until I was satisfied.


[Oddie, you could have told me before! I didn't know you were this hungry. But the look on your roly-poly cheeks, the way you lick it off like a little kitten, absolutely adorbs! Aww! I just can't help but to hug you ever harder!]


[Quit it, I'm done...You are embarrassing me and you are way too close! We are going to fall!]


After finishing the meal and as soon as Jielby's embrace was no more, I returned to reality with my hands free. Yes, I have to agree it was quite refreshing, and others could try it to, but eating something that comes from...Okay, until you try it you won't know. Isn't like everything in this game a part of monster at once point? Right, the currency and material for crafting, even for making food...I should consider vegetarianism one day, possibly.


Besides that it seems that despite my warning from before, others were eating as well. Hey, don't worry about anything. There is no monster that will ruin out picnic, there is no giant bird that owns this place—we are fine right? Surely, my realism was just asking for it.


[Wait a second, what about that giant bird you saw a little before? Jielby, you said it was an ugly bird. I can see something up there in the sky...oh my goodness! How could it fly with such small wings, I wonder?]


[Don't bother, it is obviously dinner time for her too. We are going to become dish now, since we are all fed and fatty.]


[Even if you say so Oddie, you are always skinny, so why I fear that your diet lacks necessary nutrients. At my church, we gather food for poor people, and I can't help but to notice your hunger. Would it be fine for you to accept our...]


[Hey, the only thing you will be accepting is becoming her child, if she doesn't eat you first. Come on girls, the break is over! We need to do something or this is going to turn bad fast. Let's see, what are our options?]


Speaking about our tactics, as fed as we were, there was nothing else remaining here, other than those shells. The way Jielby used them might be something we have to resort to eventually, but right now we are united again. We could just take her on and hope for the best, just like we always do. Okay, that is clearly what we gonna do.


[Listen up, we should fight this thing. We came here to fight a boss, remember? That thing looks like one, doesn't it? So quite logically we have to beat it up before she decides to land and ruin our fun. Are you guys with me here? Hey!]


[Okay now it's my turn! As your pretty and dashing commander, I have to take control in situations of crisis. So girls! We don't need to fight that thing on her terms—we can totally just ignore her until she gets tired from flying like that. Just look at those little wings and fatty body, it can't be long until she decides to take a break, right? So I think...Let's all hide inside of the eggs! That way, we might surprise the bird, and attack it with advantage, just like if were hunting outside.]


[This is not a hunting zone, it's a dungeon! Those work a little different, so I don't think your plan is going to work. Anyway, can you just listen to me for a second here? How will you be able to notice if the bird landed while being inside of them?]


[Oh yea I completely forgot, upsy-daisy! You are right, I was not able to hear you guys while I was hiding. That's a problem, but we are going to fix it somehow. For example let's make a small hole in the shell, so we will still have sound and vision. Isn't this a genius plan? I'm impressed myself even! So girls, I will be seeing you on the other side, okay? Good luckerino!]


No that's also wrong! You are just planning to escape again, don't you? Damn this pegasus knight trainee! Be brave will you?


[Could you stop? Don't decide for everyone else, please listen to others!]


[I'm fine with her suggestion Oddie. I don't think anything bad is going to happen, but an element of surprise will be cool.]


[But you can get stuck inside, just like this birdbrain did! If we all get trapped, what we will do?]


[I forgive you for your doubt my child, for only his holiness in heaves is certain. I realise the situation however, we might be able to defeat that bird but certainly not in this circumstances. There is far too little space to fight—we are on top of a high mountain, and bound to the ground. We can't fly, thus our options of pursue are next to none. If you understand my wisdom, then you too grasp what to do. A good girl would have listened to others, right Oddie?]


I agree, that might make more sense, but I still believe that...hey! What are you all doing! Despite my protest and stomping, I only manage to hurt my foot against some thorny branch. I was the last one left, after they entered their respective shells. Alone I would just become an easy prey for the beast, so there was no helping it. I jumped inside of the remaining cracked egg, placed the top over my head, adjusted it with leaving no obvious gaps, and hoped for the best, while curled up inside tightly.