=== Mermaid City – part 1
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=== Mermaid City - part 1


[Hey guys have you heard of this wonderful place they were buzzing all the time? It's finally opening, or so I have learned. I was really impressed to hear that...but it's just that. There is no way we could afford tickets. They are super expensive, we could barely get one if we even combine our banks. Oh well they say, it's not like we don't have things to worry about, but I would really want to go! Like they have rides, and you are completely immersed under water. I wonder how it's like...]


[Oh I have heard about it. You are talking about Mermaid City right? That place is such a rip-off...It is best if you stay away. On another topic Corona, have you decided what to do today? I feel like trying a dungeon, because we didn't do that yet today. I know that without Noctia it might be difficult, but what if we found another Priest? What is the worst that can happen really?]


[Mermaid City you say? Of course I have heard of it! It is like this supah adorbs place where actual mermaids live! They be like, sparkly-shiny, dancing around with their tail. Girls, can you even imagine how it is like to have a fin like that? Sho fishing cool! I wanna try, even if I'm technically totals into pegasi and cute stuff, but you know, they say swimming is like actually flying!]


[Jielby, you can come down to the ground now, because you can get disappointed later. You know the cost of a ticket for that thing? Way out of our league, way too costly, overpriced and most of all accepting cash payments. It means it's for people who do dungeons, which are not us. That is why I was telling you girls, if you don't want to get left behind, there is only one way to get money fast.]


And that is the reality of things for now. Obviously everyone needs materials for upgrades and crafting, a lot of them actually. We will never get anywhere until we will establish a good system of partying. It's very simple—we just go there, kill some stuff, over and over, and return with a week's worth of stuff, in just a few hours. That's what I read online at least, about dungeons.


But today our situation is the same as always, the group I'm playing with is very reluctant to bring in new members. Even if I speak, our smartie pink leader will have her mind and own plan. That's why I can never convince others to do the right thing. Why I stay then? I guess I have little choice as well. It’s better than going solo by far, and I don’t have too much luck with getting new friends either.


Maybe this day will be different, maybe they will acknowledge that we need to change our ways, maybe something will tick in her mind. All those probabilities yet no voice of certainty can be found. In this busy city, many have been buzzing, as the weather cleared. At midnight gates will open, and the streets would return to being empty again, as if to show that our existence was not noticed...


[*Yawn* I knew you girls would be somewhere here. As for you my presence today, it is a special occasion, pay me no mind. I can't realistically tell how long I can stay today, but it's better to not to think about that now. Let's just pray to God for all being well.]


[Noctia, you are awake? Okay that saves us the time searching for a random Priest. No offence, I just know you are busy and stuff.]


[Heya Noctia! Have you heard, they are opening this amaze-daze place called Mermaid City! Have you even seen what do they have? There is like all those rides you can try, and only now they are all free! Like just imagine yourself underwater and swimming. It's just so dizzy-measy that even my tiny brain can't comprehend what genius has thought this up! It took them ages to test, but finally, today is the grand opening, and we unfortunately lack the funds. Upsie, should have said that from the beginning.]


[Right, sorry Noctia, I know you would like to go, just like everyone would, but that's the truth. Even with all our money, it's not enough for all of us to go. But one day, we will absolutely go all together, right girls? This like water stuff, it gives me an idea of how we could use that boom to our advantage! You know where something gets popular, others can...Well coping is generally not good, but I think I could work as their sponsor. What do you think? I can do a hula dance!]


Not exactly on the right topic, but the two other girls in my party have voiced their interest into something artificial. Again, because of those delays we can't focus on the important thing, which is getting money in the first place! Dammit! Have you all forgotten about the flying mounts and their costs? Being a spendthrift won’t get you anywhere in this world.


[Mermaid City you say? I did hear about that mysterious place a little, and I don't think we should be worrying that much. It is said, blessed are those who did believe but did not saw, needed is not our presence there. I beg thee, guide us Lord, away from the consumerism and earthly desires, in dignity we must stand in our conviction, as hard it must be to reject...]


[I get it, Noctia. You shouldn't talk much if you are that sleepy...it might be worse if you overdo it. While you are correct, we still have a job to do here. All those rich pricks can do what they want, but we will never reach their level mired in the mud! Like I said, dungeons are the way to do, and since today we all a full party, it is obvious that we use all of our time just to...]


[Oh my gee, you are really that murky-sulky girl who says that I can't have this, it's not good to take from strangers? Noctia, just because today you have no decided to go to sleep should be enough to understand how important is to have an open outlook. Like take this smarts pegasus knight for example. I never worry-molly when I do stuff, I just do et! What fun is when you...]


[Girls, I just read! There are having a contest today, and the winners will receive free tickets for an entire day! Oh my gush, it would be so amazing if we won! We should absolutely try our best, we might get lucky! Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to...]


What Corona just said had left everyone speechless for a second, before they started releasing strange sounds. Jielby raised her hands in the air and jumped in joy, with a smile and repeating "Oh my gushers-mushers!" or so. Noctia had her hands in prayer, thanking the heavens for the opportunity, despite that she was opposed at first. The fairy was silent at first, confused to what to do, but then got her loud thumper out and started playing it.


At that point, everyone covered their ears. It was a pleasant and cheerful song, just not very good in terms of audio balance. All the girls that time forgot that I was even there and stood up from the wooden railing that we were sitting on. With bight, shining sparks in their eyes and lively bodies that all joined in one big hug, they celebrated as if they already won. Well, I also had to recognize their enthusiasm because I was in the middle of them, idling there in silence with my mind elsewhere.


I spoke about my idea for today, but I was ignored. Thinking that there was no point in repeating myself, I had no other choice. With this contest not taking too much of our time, we can return the dungeon plan, if Noctia will be still awake. Honestly, if that is what will fire them up, I guess we should try. Leave the moral-coral to me, Jielby would mutter, so I guess I'm...


[Okay whatever. If you want to hear a word from me, let's get over with it as soon as we can, so we can return to playing okay? We don't have much time until Noctia will go to sleep, and that should be your motivation! After this silly thing we can...]


[Right! Well said Oddie, I knew you were really smarts too, just like this fuse-lose commander! I'm totals up that notion—we need to get busy, and with our maximum strength. I’m sure that others are already working their butts in the dirt since early morning!]


[Forget it, this is not important! As I said, there is no way we can win with this many people trying. You need to save your energy for later, when we will finally go to a dungeon and like a good party...]


[We won't know until we try, right? See, just like Jielby says, we need give our best. I do respect that you want well, but Oddie, you don't always win with being just good. You need to take risk, like in show business and stuff like that. Just ask me how hard they try to get on the top—it's all worthless if you stop in the middle! Knowing so, some girls go as far...Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to insulate that you need to cheat in order to succeed. Sorry! All I wanted to say is that...]


So you are saying we need to take risks, right? That’s very reasonable, but the issue is that we are going further away from our goal! How hard it to understand that even if we win, which I highly doubt, we will be in the same position tomorrow? There is no point!


[Okay then my sweety-tweety birdies, it is time for us to depart! We have no time—we must fly at once and go quick! You know what they say, the early twitter gets the glitter, and by that I mean did you know how shiny is down there? All of the mermaids have those glossy scales and there are these dim lampposts filled with electric eels. Wowzers, who would have knew that the deepest part of the ocean are actually the most illuminated? Like an entire microcosmos!]


[The only true light is that of the Lord, and if he says that today I should venture towards those in darkness, let it be. His will is my desire, and I am only his humble tool. Speak my child, what exactly do we need to do in that contest?]


[Oh it's nothing that important, you just do a thing at the shrine. It's not far here, but I wonder why there really? It's like a secret actually—they won't release the details because they are afraid someone would cheat. So anyway...]


[Let's just go there and be done with it! You girls better be at your best behaviour too, because your nerve really...]


It seems that the only voice of reason, which was me, was simply wasting her breath, while the other three was gazing at something. I swear I was about to explode on the spot, but as soon as I realised that my party left me in a hurry to the direction of the shrine, there was no other choice.


[Okay whatever! I'm going with you, so you better be glad!]