=== Mermaid City – part 8
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=== Mermaid City - part 8


[So who are you fighting again Oddie? You two are always about this and that. She is a pretty calm girl...sometimes. I mean she doesn't want to compete with you, just play with you right? She is usually happy during the matches too.]


[Oh yuppie, that seems to be the case. I am also hearing about do this and that, and what is wrong with funises? You shee, I have been telling her all this time, you can just simply play silly-billy and be out of it, but no-no she shakie-shakie. If that is her means of being an adorbs little bun, then I would not have her baked in any other way. She is quite a hothead.]


[Oh yea now that you mention it, she does have her ways into stuff too, like sneaking up on people and watching them. Even now she could be eavesdropping on this conversion, from around the corner, waiting to jump out all of a sudden.]


[Wowzies! That's an excellent idea actually. We should totals play with two teams. The one that has to excuse themselves first lose, and by that I mean being at their limit, righto? Sho, what do you say if you would team up with me Corona? It's going to be so fun! By the way, want to take out a crunch-munch from this fish bread? It’s tunnific!]


The two girls were alone in this spooky hunted sunken ship, which is one of the attractions inside Mermaid City. Even if they were simply enjoying their time, while sharing a bite with one another, they did not forget that this place was full of surprises. Every wrong step was scary since if you would trigger a trap, you would be subjected to one of many ingenious penalties. The variety of them was also unnerving, jellyfishies which land on top of your head, octopuses which treats you like a party horn, moss that tickles your feet.


All of them have their own mechanics, method of avoidance and annoyance level. To get rid of them you usually need a partner, and that's the reason why it is smart to stay together. Doing so also increases the thinking power to solve the puzzles inside, progress further through the stage and finally exit with or without your scales intact. That should be the goal of playing this, but not all are thinking in the same way. Giving the freedom to them, the developers had thought of a way to make this more fun.


[Yum...That was great! Thanks Jielby. Anyway, I heard that there are two ways of escaping. If we are going through the chute, then we need to find the handle right? That's what opens it. But for them it's a large clam shaped emblem that unlocks the secret passage. That's what I remember at least. Say Jielby, if we were to take their part of a puzzle, we would be able to play with them, yes? Oh my goodness! Forget what I said.]


[That was more or less my plan from the beginning, you little sleazy-squeazy prankster! I'm going to put the blame on me, so no worry-sorry, okey dokey? I need to say that we would make a great team, you and I, with both our smarts combined!]


[You flatter me again Jielby...but this is not competition between you and Oddie, it's only about having fun okay? We are all probably just too into this to go back now, yet do consider her in your mind, that she wants you to listen. Honestly, you always treat her as a girltoy, or so to speak. You want her to be cheerful and play around your finger, but when she is serious you say like, oh don't be so worry-sorry, you moody face. She is not amused at all, you know?]


[Jappers, are you asking me why I do that? Well, despite it being a secret between me and her, I can tell this much, righto? Sho, when you think about what she asks us to do, like dungeons and hunting, she seems to be really onto this making money thing. However that doesn't matter you know? As long as you have the means of having fun, who really needs to get greedy-sweaty? Duh, it's not like I don't say no-no, but you ought to have an outlet from that mire. Otherwise we wouldn't be here, in this...]


But before she would finish her sentence, the trap that she triggered has rendered her speech-less. Out of a secret hole in a plank, as she was climbing the straits, she activated pressure plate that quickly covered her face in a green warp made out of sea moss. Blindly she tried to realise what was going on, until she lost her balance and tripped, taking Corona with her down. At the bottom, both comically landed on her butts, which sprung another contraption that released a shower of mint soap that made things slippery.




[Ahh! This is how you are having fun Jielby? I'm quitting...Last week were all about Pegasi, then you wanted to perform with me and now you are making fish puns. Make up you...Ah! ]


[mhhh mhhh! hhh~]


[I’m sorry I slipped! Oh you can't talk with that on, at least let me help you with that.]




After some playing around in the hunted ship, all of the sisters who did succeed in this test of courage, and those who bailed, were finally out of things to do. We did have a lot of time remaining, so maybe we should take a little nap? Alas, even our owl, which is usually sleepy when we play, was all in spirits and ready for another go. The question was what could we even do now?


[Despite that this was fun...I haven’t settle the score with you Jielby yet. I think we had a great day, right girls? All washed up by various liquids, being caught in the current of things, even tasting the entire ocean cuisine and so, this was fun in the end. But honestly, I'm kinda tired, maybe we could try something slow, like this octo carousel?]


[You still want to go my child? I applaud your tenacity, but it seems that my body will not be able to stand more exertion. And I don't speak about my condition lightly too—I can hardly feel the muscles and my brain is starting to have hallucinations. Alas, I'm not sleepy at all. It is strange experience, and I do regret staying this late, but it is the price I have to pay.]


[Noctia, if you want you can take a power nap on this crib. The sponge cushion is quite conformable and surprisingly soft. I also guess this is the afterhours now—since not many people are around, so don't worry about them making a noise. Gee, having the park for only the four of us girls, it's an amazing feeling isn't it? Oh my goodness, that reminds me! Sorry!]


[Are you going to do your quickie-pickie concert now? Ishishi~ It's kinda to late now. You know the Mermaid band here? They are having their show right now, that’s why it’s so empty now, I guess? And don't make that face now—I did a silly-milly too! I'm sorry really, I was just into this fun-fun stuff that I totals forgot. Though defins we still have time girls! Yep, this is how we are gonna end up absocutely adventure in the murky-sluky ocean. It's our one-in-a-lifetime opportunity.]


Yey, everyone appeared all fired up for that. I was too, just not all that enthusiastic. Thinking that this will be my last, possibly the only underwater concert I will be attending, I knew afterwards it's going to be back to normal everyday life. Just that notion filled me with the desire to ruin everyone's time so far, but since I had fun too, I decided not to...


[Oh is that Corona? Hello, I see those are your friends...nice to meet you, my name is Tear.]


[Hey Tear, this are my friends, Jielby, Noctia and Oddie. Are you just passing through?]


[Yea I'm in a hurry but...I was also looking for you. You remember what we were talking about before? Um, actually there is no time, I'm going to have to explain on the way okay? If you are still interested that is...And your friends can come too.]


[Right! Okay guys, we need to hurry! This is important for my idol career!]


Idol what? And just how are we involved? I don't think anyone had the mouth to signal their disapproval right now, not even myself. We were all taken once again by the current and pushed towards a place behind the scenes. Following the blue wearing mermaid, who appeared to be swimming faster than us, we arrived at a small door. On the sign there was a picture of the two actresses, known to me very well, and the sign with "Mermaids only!" written on it. I got the impression that we took a wrong turn...


But nevertheless, our guide opened the door for us, revealing her partner resting on a giant shellfish bed, inside a dressing room. I was really surprised how packed with mirrors and accessories this place was, considering the space was immensely limited. Clothes, if there were any, must have been tightly packed in one of the small clam-like caskets and the walls were filled with photos from fans.


I stood still, wondering how we would even all fit in there, while others were still looking around. As we showed up in the door frame, the white wearing mermaid noticed us and quickly took her tail into a swirl. With a swoosh, she was right against our dumbfounded faces.


[Those must be your friends Corona. It's nice to meet you all. It's a pleasure, my name is pearl. Tear must have brought you all here, yes? Then I'm glad you are here to help, thank you!]


[About that Pearl...I didn't actually get to tell them anything yet.]


[Then there is no time! I'm going to explain. The girls who agreed to help couldn't come, and we are short on backstage crew. That is why we need you four to take their place. This must be much, I know, but you won't be even splashing a fin there. All you need to do is to dress up, use the dancing emote and just enjoy the show. But do know...if you move even a little, you are going to go out of sync, so be careful okay? Best would be if you put down your controllers entirely. Is everything clear?]


Well if you put it that way, not actually in need of performing yourself, but being a part of it somehow, that's quite interesting. And I thought that most of the idols did their thing live, I might have been mistaken. After a quick glance over my shoulder...I learned that others were eager, expect Corona. It seems that she was really conflicted with that idea, so I wouldn't want...


[What is it Corona? Not feeling like doing it huh...It's okay, I didn't plan on forcing you anyway. If you want you can watch our dance from the backstage...I can offer you that much. And sorry, our time...]


[Okay, I'm going to do it! But it's for you Tear, for you and Pearl. I am not okay with digital animation dancing, but I want to at least help. Who would I be if I didn't treat friends like...pals right? Girls, you are going too!]


[Wait who decided that? O...Okay you can stop making that face, I'm going.]


[Jeepers Oddie, friends are where's the fun at! Gurl you gotta be more swaggie-maggie if you want to impress the press.]


I don't have anyone to amuse other than myself, you pink slave-driver...anyway it was not fully my own decision to do it, but I somehow ended up in this colourful mermaid skin, accepting my fate along with others. I was the darling purple one, Corona transformed into the vivid green one, Jielby took the role of the youthful pink one and finally the wordless Noctia, she became the mysterious and charming yellow one. All of us together, with Tear and Pearl, joined hands as the Mermaid Band.


This was my first debut, but I would expect the fairy being a little less nervous, since we didn't need to worry about a thing. All we were asked to do was to swim to the stage, park at our positions and active the dancing emote. Everything after that would be the work of the system. Behind the scenes, each device was synced up so that all the instruments and dances would play at the same time, quite amazing.


As for my part...I felt not only strange, having my legs bound together as if I actually had a fish tail instead of human limbs, but also a little bit happy. This was not only an opportunity for me to enjoy this day like never before, but also a great reveal. Seriously, what I have been doing all this time, farming materials for a flying mount that would take like an year or so at best? This is how I should have been living my life. Even if it's wrong and petty, it gives me the reason to be stupid like others.


[Okay everyone! Forget about the lousy everyday drudgery! Today we are going to take your breath away!]


Oh yea...I do recall talking with Hina about the showgirl job. Yet, if this was it, was I getting paid?