=== Dating – part 3
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=== Dating - part 3


To tell the truth, I have been wondering whenever Jielby got her commission in the end. She did well but perhaps that guy...Wait a second, why is there a certain fairy walking down the staircase at this time of the day? She is strolling down the beach, or more correctly looking for someone at the pier. It is usually here where most of the popular cafes are located in Maremoda, though we never visit them anyway. Knowing her, she would probably ask around if people would like to listen to her performance.


Yet, on this a full blown evening, the sky was clear, albeit from the little drops of rain came down on everyone heads. Not mine, I was hidden beneath a roof and looking into the distance. Near the coast, there were a few playing with the little livelier waves. Those pairs were enjoying their unusual cold shower, after a day full of work I presume, since they did not bring their umbrellas.


As for me, as long as I was had my eye on Corona, I didn't need to move from hiding. Her wings and hairs got a little wet, yet it looked like she didn't mind. She simply went on her way and kept searching, despite that she was clearly confused. Nevertheless, after some time it seems that she actually found something of her interest, and finally had the time to rest.


[Excuse me, I have been looking for this one person, his name is...never mind. This is his picture, did you see him here?]


[I didn't. Good luck on your search though.]


[Thank you, I'm sorry for bothering you and all. I will be going now...I need to find him. He has to be somewhere.]


[Okay, see you I guess.]


That brief conversation with a stranger, the little fairy appeared really worked up with her current predicament. Who was her target? Was he a producer or someone who was offering her a contract? That's what I would think, though I could not see her picture clearly. Still, she walked around the area in search of that person, without worrying about the weather that was raging above her tiny head.


In mere seconds, the thunder mightily echoed throughout the entire city. The sky started to downpour with immense strength. Those during their dates were forced to run fast into the cover, shielding their partner's head. Really, how typical of them. I don't have the desire for a partner or in dating, but the nerve of those normies and their flirtation, they should just go...


[It seems you didn't find him? There is always the next one, they say.]


[Wait no, I wasn't trying to find a date! I just had business with him and...well doesn't matter, an hour is enough. I'm so tired and wet...I need to dry and probably message his when he comes back. He better be sorry for his mistake. Yet anyway, this weather is really something, like this lively waves and everyone running, making loud noises and...Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, I will be going now. I don't mean to intrude you mister, please forgive my silly mumble!]


[You are kinda funny. I'm sorry for your date though.]


[No that's not...you are too nice mister. Are you also...oh forget it, I’m just stupid. I'm going now for real now, okay?]


Even if she have said that, it was obvious that she wanted to stay and at least release her frustrations on him. Frankly, this not really promising idol has a history of bowing to everyone she meets. Alas, today her expression was a little cleaner, might it be rain, might it be the other person who she was supposed to meet, or might it be how serious she treats her work.


[You look like you’re done. How about you sit here? I wouldn't mind since I have been waiting longer than you.]


[Wait a second, I said I have...I'm going now!]


When she turned her away from the sitting gentleman in the chair, she noticed something blocking her way. An invisible wall, made out of a shower of rain just outside the small cloth roof and a mass of people who were waiting for the sky to clean up. In that situation she was forced to wait for her turn, abandoning her plan quite quickly, and against her words from earlier.


[On the other hand, there seems to be an obstacle in my direction...ehehe~ I guess I'm staying here for now. I'm so sorry!]


[I think that’s a good decision. I wouldn’t want to push through them either. What is your name girl?]


[Asking for...okay at least let me buy something in return okay? Would you like something to drink? Do they even have...]


[The menu is here. I don't mind as long since I’m not going anyway. Listen, I do understand you here dumped and stuff, but it’s better not to be that much emotionally involved. Those things sure take time, as well as distance and compassion.]


What a poor guy, finding an outlet in a wet fairy who couldn't find her flower. Now she has decided to...Wait a second. She acts so naturally, sitting down and looking through the selection. Was she really hooked up with someone here today? Such a surprise Corona, I would have never imagined she would actually go herself, after our quirky captain told her to.


And what about that guy, just nonchalantly guessing out of the blue, implying that she was dumped and stuff...What nerve! I should smack him later, after this weather passes, and if I would still feel like it.


[Okay, they have a soup, hot drinks, and perhaps this omelette. It's a very typical cafe, isn't it? Well what do you want mister? I figured I would be asking since you allowed me to sit next to you and such...]


[Ahaha...I didn't knew you were this eager to convenience me. This is your typical maid cafe, much like the ones in the real world. And asking me to have an omelette? I guess you have no idea. You wouldn’t mind if I quickly explained it to you? Well it’s simple, usually you come to those places alone, and when you order something you get full service, like the girl comes and writes your...]


[That kind of place? Oh my goodness! I never knew, I'm sorry! I'm going to order something normal then...like do you drink coffee?]


[Outside of this game, yes, it is my secret pleasure. Here I get the chance to taste something unusual. How about you?]


Seriously, this guy is really smooth talking his seclusion onto the abandoned rain fairy, which is also quite fond of him. I also took a glimpse at the menu—it was indeed your typical maid cafe. Not only you could actually order food, but also service like dressing up in their original design uniform and giving a go at all this “cute cute” stuff yourself.


[Oh my goodness, this dress is terrifically cute and godly designed... I mean sorry! Let me introduce myself first, my name is Corona. I apologize for not mentioning that earlier. I lost my thought when...]


[It's fine. Call me Roberto. If you don't mind I am going to order for us. Anything you want?]


[You mean if I want to try on...I’m going to pass. Anyway, it's nice to meeting you here mister. You are kind, but I rather don't take money from strangers...]


[I understand that. I'm just a little dry so let’s finally order something okay?]


During that moment, as they were talking over the table in haste, the fairy flapped her wings after meeting her hand with his, and sprinkled little rain droplets onto his head. As an apology, she reached for a tissue to wipe his face and bowed down deeply. Despite all this transpiring, Roberto didn't mind in the slightest and took it with a good humour. This gentleman is just too...


[Oh my, oh my, I am just a disaster to others! Please, I'm going to pay for the drink, at least that way I can repay you. You are really nice Roberto, so I wouldn't want to have you suffer because of my slips. I knew I should have left when...]


[Don't worry. Everyone has a bad day sometimes. That's why I figured I would order something.]


[Wait, what are you having? I need to know how much I own you.]


[It's free because I am not paying anything for it. Here, waitress!]


It seems that the charming guy had tickets for a special dish all along. I still would say it would be a waste to use them now, but she wouldn’t be able to pay for food that can’t be bought. How thoughtful, this kind of man just doesn’t fall from the sky.


[There it is. Those are lollipops. They have a specific taste, something you won't be able to find in the real world.]


[It's a coffee flavoured...wait a second, it says it changes the taste as you lick it? Amazing! I didn't knew...]


[Try it. I'm kinda at work now, and playing on the side. This is how I can enchant my time.]


[Oh really...mmm! Like now it's banana! It's a little like ice cream too, how you could even think up something like this!]


"It's amazing, yum!", "This hits my little fairy spot!", "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm worth your patronage" and so. That kind of lips were painted on Corona's face, which was greatly enjoying a pleasure mostly targeted at little kids. I could see how her stirred hands were twitching on her thighs, how her back squirmed left and right, how her tiny toes, and her back itched, as she tried to remain seated on the chair. She was entranced by the tingling wonder in her mouth.


At the same time, the guy's expression was not changing. His stoic eyes were looking at the distance. His body motionless, apart from the mouth. Whatever he was going through, it was not his first time, clearly. Could that mean really that he...


[Thank you for the candy minster! I’m gonna tell about this place to others, it’s really delicious! Seriously, it reminds me of that thing when the actress has this dress which lights up during a certain part of the song. It's like all shiny and rainbow-like, the colours change constantly so you can't tell. And then they like...Oh my goodness! I didn't want to start talking about something boring like that! I...well never mind really.]


[You're an idol? At least an aspiring virtual one. You can tell that from a mile away.]


[Oh yea, about that...don't tell anyone, I would be embarrassed. I don't get many viewers despite my superb singing voice, I don't get many fans despite my stunning performances and most of all I don't why I'm not yet popular. But that's really...]


[If that bothers you let's talk about something else. You are quite pretty you know? I like those fairy wings you got and the dress. It looks very girlish and glamorous.]


"Oh you are flattering me!", "I'm not that cute!", "I'm sorry I'm leaving now! I can't take it..." and so on. That was Corona's face, when she received those words. Her tongue was still stuck in the consumption of her sweet lollipop. With both cheeks almost wholly red, her close to tearing up narrowed down eyes, her mouth on the verge of swallowing the candy that almost impinged on her gasping throat, she was desperately regretting that she have sat down next to this gentleman. After all, she is not used to getting compliments from...


But on the other hand, this guy was just sitting there. His dead-eye appearance bared no interest and responsibility for his behaviour. It was as if he enjoyed teasing the poor fairy from behind his farce. Maybe he was one of them, a degenerate? Now that I wonder...He did come to a maid cafe, he did offer her a lollipop and on top of that he was hitting on her so hard! Excuse me sir, you are a creep.


Thanks to the expansion of this world, it finally allowed a certain people to fully enjoy their little niche. They are called "Loli People". Just like Wing Sisters, they dress up and use cutesy avatars of small size. As long as you follow the rules of common sense and mutual consent, you should expect no problems. However, since this thing came from the outside world, some people just never grow up to respect it.


[I understand. How about your line of work? I work at a normal job. It’s tough, but I manage thanks to my girlfriend.]


[A job you say...well yea I guess you could say I work as an idol here...]


[I see. Work is usually a topic that makes people talkative. Everyone hates it, so they are eager to unload their stress. Okay then, how about we change the subject? Did anything interesting happen for you lately? Like in the real world...]


[The re...you mean the other world right? I'm kinda...excuse me.]


There are things you should not say during the dates, but for Roberto, it seems that he needs still to learn about them. Seriously, it is better for Corona that she decided to run away at that moment, since the weather cleared in the meantime. That guy is just no good news and has that complex, that's not someone you should meet, even if he would pay you in candy.


Nevertheless, I am kinda sorry for the poor fairy escort girl that she had to go through this. I don't usually get the chance, but seriously I would beat up that guy if he tried his luck again. He better stay away from my adorbs sisters, Jielby would say. Presumably, Corona has returned to her home, as I couldn't find her. Good for her, she would understand now why I hate dating.