Chapter 27: Making an A grade Magic Core
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"Alright, let the grind begin" [Alfin]

"kahkahkah, someone sure is excited" [Azumi]

"look whose talking" [Alfin]

Alfin and Azumi then proceed to take out their loot from the dungeon. All the magical core and the magic stone that they manage to gather are store on the item box and their quality are as good as new since Alfin are the one that process them. 

The process of preserving a magic core may seem simple but the rate of failure is as high as 65% thus demanding a precise mana control. From the outside perspective, it may seem that they are only pouring a neutral mana into the core, but the process of what happening inside is important

Firstly, what is a neutral mana, a neutral mana is the state of mana undisturbed in the living creature body, or in other word the state of mana before being change into other elements. Some people have a tendency to use neutral mana in a fight as they have neither strength nor weakness toward other elements

In order to preserve the magic core, the neutral mana must be injected right into the center of the magic core, as to give an impression that the body of the monster is still alive. This is then spread out to the periphery until that of the outer shell, then based on the element of the core, the mana of that element is injected in the same manner. They must make sure that the amount of mana injected must be the same as the amount that the regular body provided and after that come giving large amount of mana into the outer shell for preservation, this will cause the mana to self regenerate over time. Of course this is not permanent as nothing beat the original body. This is what both Alfin and Azumi have been doing for the past few days in the dungeon. Having an affinity toward all element, Alfin describe Azumi as the perfect person for this job, and he agreed to that statement. In the dungeon, Alfin also slightly enhance the core

The process of enchanting the core then begin. For maximum results, Alfin always use this method that she teach in school. Suppose you want to upgrade a fire magic core, then you need to take the magic core, put in on top of enchanting fire magic circle which is carved onto fire magic paper, the circle being made by something or ink imbuded with fire magic and activate the magic while chanting using fire magic. This will upgrade the core. As Alfin have low affinity toward fire magic, the last process is usually done by Azumi

Next come fusing the core, she first begin with organising the core based on it size and grade. With a circle of combination she put at least 5 of the same stone in the circle and Azumi begin chanting, for a maximum result, Azumi uses a fire wall surrounding the circle. Alfin also help by chanting the same magic and use magic boost spell at the same time. The result is the 5 magic core fuse into one higher grade core

She then begin to grind and repeat the process over and over and over again. Until finally 

"Alright Azumi, this is the last one, let do this" [Alfin]

"Yes" [Azumi]

The same process begin, Alfin and Azumi first drink a mana bottle to replenish their mana and also uses magic boost bottle to strengthen their magic, Alfin begin to chant magic boost to give an extra edge. With the chanting magic mainly by Alfin and Azumi uses fire magic, they whole heartedly put their mana into the last 6 core and

""we did it!!!"" [Alfin, Azumi]

having a core as large as an adult fist, they succeed in creating an A grade magic core.

"now then, we also have the magic core of darkness element, let the second round of grinding begin" [Alfin]

"yes" [Azumi]

After around 26 hour of non stop grinding, result is one A grade fire core, two B grade Time core and one B grade earth core.

"we did it, now i am way too tired" [Alfin]

"same here, well, let us just eat first before sleeping" [Azumi]

"do you even have the appetite to eat?" [Alfin]

"just do it, you do know it's bad to sleep on empty stomach, Mr Fei have warn all the researchers about it" [Azumi]

"you are right, let just ask the royal chef to prepare something light for both us, and maybe some tea that can help us having a good night sleep" [Alfin]

"Agree" [Azumi]

They then proceed to have their light dinner and a good cup of tea