Chapter 0.00249823823
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And so, our little lady Milian, at the tender age of 18+30. was stuck in a most terrible position. She was in love with herself and was only attracted to herself. No other person, animal, inanimate object, or narrator could give her the pleasure she seeked for other than herself. It was like having it all and not having it at the same time, a real life oxy-moron.

And there she lays on the bed, naked, looking at herself through her phone's reverse camera, but incapable of doing anything about it.

There was only one thing she could do. She had to kidnap convince a fellow student of her same stature and force them convince them to go through an operation that will make them resemble her. Of course, she had to lock them up in her house forever find a person who would fall in love with her in the first place and then convince them afterwards. But that was too much damn work and she would rather do the former figure out something else.

That's when she remembered something, her brother, who had knowledge on things because he was super smart and stuff. However, he was a pariah in his neighborhood and even the world itself because of something so horrible and heinous that we dare not mention for even thinking about it will haul the author to a mental institution, it's that bad! Her mother told her to stay away from him but she didn't knew who to trust so she had to ask him, and she did.

She got off the bed and went to her brother who was at home at the time so she could talk to him right then and there.

"Hello dear," she went up to him as he was sitting in the couch conveniently. "I need your help. I am in love with myself and I want do horrible and most disgusting things with myself but I can't and I'm contemplating kidnapping someone but I must not do it lest I become a horrible monster, but not as bad as what you did, which I only will only forgive you for now because I'm getting something in exchange."

"Milian," her brother asked, "What are you doing?"

"Please, help me brother, I need your help."

"Put on some clothes first. Why are you naked?"

"I want to love myself but it's not enough to just touch myself because I want to touch myself in a way that is like a different person touching me but not exactly another person but more like a person like myself, you know?"

Milian's Brother was so embarrassed by seeing her sister naked that he wanted to run away. Oh if only he wasn't chained to the wall. He had no choice but to pretend this was normal, like everything else in his life.

"Uhh... okay. So, you have fallen in love with yourself. So, like, you're a narcissist?"

"Oh, is that the sexual preference orientation that it is called?"

"Uhh... yeah, sure, let's go with that. Anyways, you want to be with yourself. Okay, then you should seek out Dr. Hower."

"Who is Dr. Hower?"

"He is the greatest doctor in the world and he is an expert in cloning."


"Yes. You can get cloned and then you can be with yourself."

"That sounds perfect."

"Yes, but it comes with moral issues. Cloning is controversial as it deals with the creation of new life by artificial means. You are going to bring a new life in a way that is not natural and-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me where is this Dr. Hower so I can clone myself and get my plaything."

"Fine, here. I just so happen to have his card on my pocket," and he reaches in the natural pocket on his hips and pulls out a 2" by 3.5" white paper card with letters and numbers dictating the place of business where Dr. Hower is currently located and does not have a more convenient name, at least as far as the author is concerned so he will continue to refer to it as a 2" by 3.5" white paper card with letters and numbers dictating the place of business where Dr. Hower is currently located and does not have a more convenient name.

"Oh thank you brother," and she goes and gives him a hug, which causes him to blush so much, but this was "normal" so he just stood there and accepted it while not thinking of the poking he was doing to her by means not of his choosing.

So she goes to her room and calls the doctor enthusiastically to set up an appointment.