Chapter 31: Tournament Start
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Hello hello! Welcome to the tournament! Intrigue and battles abound.


When Shen Qiu leaves their chambers exhausted and drained on the final day before the tournament the last thing she expects to happen is to nearly run headfirst into the Sect Master.

“A thousand apologies, Venerable Sect Master Li!” She shouts fearfully while kowtowing. Drawn by the commotion Ling leaves the room just a bit too fast to be written off as mere concern for a servant’s transgressions.

“Greetings, Honourable Father. What brings your esteemed personage to my humble abode?” She asks with just a hint of hesitation to her words.

“Let us talk in private,” Sect Master Li replies, dismissing Qiu with a gesture. The moment she returns to their room his aura billows out and covers them both, his very qi forming a temporary privacy formation in the air. Ling stiffens. 

“What is so urgent you came in person instead of summoning me, father?”

“Cai Yin has been gravely injured and cannot participate in the vassal clan gathering. We must show unity lest our authority weakens.”

“Am I to participate in a hunt for the offender?”

“No, you must however put your misgivings with the Cai aside for the duration of the gathering. It is of absolute importance at this stage that our sect shows no weakness.”

Ling squints. She thinks for a second before raising her brow. “You do not intend to retaliate against the assailant? What exactly has occurred?”

“He encountered a Song.”

Her breath catches in her throat. 

“How bad is it?”

“He has crippled her disciple.” Sect Master Li replies, his expression grim. Ling swallows and bites her nail in agitation.

“I was unaware any of the Song survived until now.”

“From what information we have managed to gather she is a direct disciple of the Infernal Blade.”

“Feth.” She whispers with a shaky voice, her face taking on an ashen pallor.

“Feth indeed.” 

She freezes in place, mind racing with thoughts of doom until a hand lands on her shoulder in a rare display of skinship from the taciturn man.

“Leave the big concerns to us. Focus on what you can do, little chime.”

Her expression softens at that and she smiles.

“A nickname this one has not heard in a long time. As you say, Honourable Father. This one shall not disappoint.” She replies with a bow. Li Hong nods approvingly, recognizing the look in her eyes. Already she is considering everything she can do to improve their position. Little does he know the sect only enters into her calculations so long as the benefits to her lovers continue to outweigh its risks.




“Ke Ming Gui, twenty four years old, Second Stage Formation Establishment. Please advise.”

“Mo Darong, twenty three years old, Second Stage Formation Establishment. Please advise.”

Ling settles down in her seat to watch the next match, courteously ignoring Hu Bao straightening stiffly on the other side of the table. While having to play nice with the Du and the Cai certainly limits her options she does not intend to let any opportunities go to waste. Especially since she does not know when she will get a better shot than during the meet. In order to properly figure out who she can draw to her side she must first figure out who is against her however. It is for that reason she once more finds herself sitting with the Hu. At her sides sit Qiu and Shun, her attendants and fellow competitors in these trials. Completing their group is Hu Qing, the five sitting just spread out enough there is little room for anyone else to join without having to squeeze in between, a discourtesy not at home within such a prestigious gathering.

“Who has the best odds of winning in this match in your opinion, Lady Hu?” Ling politely asks Hu Bao who smiles nervously while sneaking a glance towards her sister for assistance. Noticing Qing is far too busy glaring at the ice princess who has not even spared her a glance since arriving, she gulps.

“Perhaps Ke Ming Gui?” She replies questioningly, making Ling nod in approval.

“A keen observation, Lady Hu. While some might say Young Master Mo is more talented due to reaching the same realm at a younger age Lady Ke has far more combat experience. Nonetheless, it may prove an interesting match.” She adds while raising her cup in toast and drinking deep, Bao quickly following suit in reply.

The first few exchanges quickly prove them correct, the young lord of the Mo quickly finding himself on the back foot as he is hounded fiercely by his opponent. The young Ke seems to put every inch of her being behind every strike as if determined to prove something. When Bao questioningly says as much Ling has to suppress a cruel grin before she replies. She gestures for Shun to refill their cups to the brim as she does.

“It is no wonder. There are whispers of the Ke clan’s incompetence after all.” She says while leaning in conspiratorially. “After all, they did not even notice a threat within their domain until it struck down Young Master Cai. They have certainly taken a blow to their reputation after such an attack was made so close to the heart of their realm.”

Bao downs her drink to hide her nervosity. She dabs a bead of sweat from her forehead while chuckling along, the memory of the young lady in front of her nearly being killed within their own domain still fresh on her mind. Even Qing stops glaring to look away with a pained expression. It catches her completely by surprise when Qiu pats her knee beneath the table while casting an exasperated glance at Ling. Borderline treasonous behaviour. Despite how much she appreciates the gesture she can only hope no one noticed. 

“But let us put such matters aside for now, might I ask you a question, Lady Hu?”

“Of course, Lady Li.” Bao replies while letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, glad to move past the topic of their failure. While it is certainly true Ling has a question for the lanky woman it is not one she can ask in public. She channels a mote of ice through her veins to talk without letting a hint of her suspicions show on her face. Turning her head fully towards the stage at a particularly loud clash she gestures towards her maidservant.

“Apologies, as one of the White Rose Sect’s Core Disciples present I cannot afford to miss the results. Shun, could you work things out with Lady Hu please.”

“Yes, mistress.” Shun replies dutifully. “This lowly one begs for your instruction. It is my great shame to share that I have yet to figure out how to properly employ the Misty Blossom in pill concoctions."

Bao's posture relaxes immediately while her gaze sharpens. She pushes her oversized glasses up and brushes a blue dread behind her ear.

"Which step of the process are you stuck on exactly?"

Ling leaves the two to their conversation while making sure to keep at least part of her focus on the young concocter, while the fight's conclusion could certainly be arriving at a better time it should not disrupt her plan too spectacularly. Before the day is out she will know for sure who assisted Cai Yin in attempting to assassinate her. She's shaken out of her thoughts when Mo Darong's finishing blow is blocked by a combination of Ke Ming Gui's raised halberd and barkskin leaving him unable to draw blood and badly overextended. The young lady does not allow the chance to go to waste and presses her weapon against his throat bringing the match to a close. 

'Right about now.' Ling thinks and not a moment later she hears Bao react excitedly to Shun's explanation. The woman leans forward and Qing is just a bit too late to stop her cup from being knocked over. Shun makes a vain move towards it, the only result being that the cup spills towards the caramel skinned girl instead of her mistress. Bao gasps, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. And not just embarrassment Ling wagers as the strong alcohol begins to take effect. 

"Oh no! I'm so sorry sister, argh I'm such a klutz."

"Qiu, please take Miss Qing to her room and help her get changed." Ling cuts in before Qing has a chance to reply. Qiu nods in understanding, amazed at how things are working out just as Ling planned. Hu Qing bites her lip, leery to leave her sister alone with the ice princess. Yet the chance to catch up with Qiu is too much of a temptation. The two leave without complaint, Qing one step ahead while Qiu follows demurely as a servant should. When the pair is out of view and the announcer finishes proclaiming the results Shun bows her head towards Bao.

"My apologies Lady Hu, I must cut our talk short for now. It appears I have gotten part of the spill on my sleeve whilst cleaning it. Let us continue this discussion later."

"Yeah. Of course." Bao quickly nods, her face still red. Her discomfort grows when she realizes she is now completely alone with the young lady of the Li.

“Please forgive Miss Dai, she intends to participate in a match tomorrow and is a bit nervous.” Ling says while refilling Bao’s cup in apology. She seems hesitant to drink more but accepts it so as to not give the impression of shunning the young mistress’s reconciliation attempt. Deciding to get it over with as fast as possible she downs the cup and puts it back down. Ling immediately refills it as courtesy demands, causing Bao to pale and curse herself for not studying etiquette more thoroughly. After a bit more chatter and Bao looking more and more under the weather Ling determines it’s now or never.

“Are you alright Miss Bao?”

“There is no need to concern yourself with this one, Lady Li.”

“Ling. You may call me Ling.”

Bao stands up in a hurry and bows. “This one cou- could never be so discourteous.” She replies and sways from bending forward too fast. Ling stands up too when she sees it, smiling internally at how smoothly things are proceeding.

“As you say, Miss Bao. Let us retire for the day, allow me to escort you back to your room at least.” She offers. Bao straightens and begins to refuse when she nearly topples over, only remaining upright due to Ling grabbing her arm. She lets the ice princess guide her back without further complaint, leaning on her shoulder the entire way back.

Gradually her worries turn inwards and she compares herself to the young mistress. Even with the slightly awkward stance that comes from supporting one a head taller than her, Li Ling is still the very picture of grace while she cannot even maintain her posture on her own. Throughout their conversations Bao always gets the distinct feeling she is being guided along by the hand, simply humored like one would a pet or small child, not an equal. While she certainly appreciates not being left out it leaves her feeling inferior. 

Looking down at the fourth daughter of the Li she feels a spark of envy. Were it simply their demeanours that were so different she could perhaps catch up with enough effort but, she thinks sourly, that is far from the case. Whereas Li Ling stands at the perfect height for a woman Hu Bao is a head taller, towering over most other girls. Her glances around during the first day of the clan gathering left her unable to find any women close to her size and the amount of men taller than her within her age group could be counted on one hand. It is not something she realized before due to always being near her brother and father, both of which are veritable giants. Interacting with so many people her age for the first time however the difference is stark.

Not to mention that while the ice princess certainly does not fill out her robes she makes it seem refined. Bao swallows as she looks down upon herself. While their build is not too different, both slender and not too well endowed, Ling appears elegant whereas Bao comes off as lanky, the well tailored clothes seeming to sit uncomfortably on her frame.

“Ah, what I wouldn’t do to have your body.”

She mutters before she realizes the words spilled out of her mouth. Stiffening in horror she looks at the door to her room like it leads to the heavens above. She resists the urge to speed up and slam it shut behind her, not wanting to come off as even more graceless. The few remaining steps seem to stretch on endlessly before her. At least the young lady is letting her outburst slide, she comforts herself.

“Would you like to?”

Bao does a double take at the words, looking down at Ling wide eyed. Something snaps within her when she sees the ice princess batting her lashes. She claims her lips and drags her into the room with unseemly haste. 


Thank you for reading! As always, comments and critique are appreciated!