Chapter 74: Backroom Dealings
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And we're back! While i'm not entirely ready again for my normal release schedule I was getting sick of the hiatus. As such i'll be releasing a chapter every two weeks this month and starting next month we'll be back to the normal release schedule of one chapter per week (with some luck). At the very least I intend to release a chapter today, a chapter on the 17th and then the next 'Fragment of the Past' on the 24th. Now then, that's enough prattling from me. Without further ado, enjoy!


Tea, snacks and endless prattling. Two of those Ling can tolerate in the presence of people she cares little for. The third grates her more with every meaningless word out of Du Juntao’s mouth. Truly, the man is an expert at speaking without actually saying anything.

It takes far too long for her liking to finally find an opportunity to cut in.

“I must concur, senior brother. It need not be said we all prioritize the good of the sect. In fact, I have some information to share that may be of value to us all.”

With that their conversation is at last aimed in the direction Ling wants it. Juntao gives her an approving nod while Yuu cranes an eyebrow in mild surprise. She takes a sip of her tea to let them stew for a moment before making her proposition.

“But first, allow me to be blunt.” Ling continues, her choice of words throwing them off even further. “I believe this shard to be both particularly profitable and dangerous. As such I would like to not just propose a non-aggression pact but a temporary alliance.”

Now it is Juntao’s turn to raise his eyebrows. Not only is her statement wildly out of character for the ice princess, it is out of character for any Li to be blunt. Not that Ling takes note of his reaction, him joining in is a done deal. He’s too old to join the tournament himself not to mention his level of cultivation would cause issues during the transfer. The Du clan does not have any other heirs within this generation either, the only one younger than Juntao barely being in his early teens. His sole way of attaining treasure from this excursion is through his influence with the entrants. Ling suspects it is the main reason he is judging the competition. The man masks it well but no cultivator is without greed.

The last member of their triumvirate on the other hand does not mask their avarice half as well, an almost predatory gleam in the young Cai’s eyes. 

“Might this one ask how reliable this information is?”

Ling almost has to channel a mote of ice qi through her veins to stop a smile from blossoming atop her face but manages to control herself at the last second. 

“Young Master Cai.” She begins to reply with a chiding undertone. “I assure you I would not bring this up unless I was absolutely certain of its validity.”

She lets her words hang in the air for a moment before going for the kill.

“It comes from an ancestral beast.”

A shock almost visibly runs through the room, both the young masters and the servants alike nearly jumping at her words. Sect masters would kill for a favor from an ancestral beast and cower before their rage. For Ling to be in contact with one dramatically increases her threat level. Were they given more time to think it over the shock would dissipate and they’d likely start to put thought into why she is only sharing this with them and not with the world at large. Such a thing would after all render her beyond reproach.

Ling does not intend to give them that time. While she certainly isn’t lying her source is filtered through the mouth of Hu Qing and in truth she has no doubt the girl has shared but a fraction of what she knows. It will have to be enough.

“While I am not at liberty to share the full extent of my knowledge I can divulge sufficient information to greatly increase our chances of success. The current shard is set during the fall of the Great Tang. Its location is likely to be near but not within our current northern province.”

Ling takes a moment to breathe and sip her tea before continuing, carefully observing her peers all the while.

“Demonic presence is expected to some extent.” She acknowledges, “The main scene however appears to be the upheaval from which our White Rose Sect rose.”

“Void influence?” Juntao asks with bated breath.

“None that we know of.” She replies with false confidence and more than a smidgen of fear in her heart. Were Qing to share such a thing their expedition might yet be canceled entirely, something that undoubtedly runs counter to her ancestor’s goal.

No, the snake-eyed girl would not share such a thing even if it were the case. A thought that once more makes her consider channeling a mote of ice qi to stop anger from showing on her features. She takes a deep breath instead.

Despite her dislike of the mist cultivator she doubts the woman would endanger Qiu without giving her sufficient warning and she’s confident Qiu will tell her the moment she does. Although…

No. She cuts that thought short. Theorizing further on the caramel skinned girl’s allegiances is pointless. She has more important matters that need her focus and she cannot spare more attention on pointless conjecture.

“This one must inquire.” Cai Yuu begins reluctantly, a facade of hesitance mixed in with a thoughtful quirk of his brow displayed on his features. “A boon from an ancestral beast rarely comes cheap. What sort of compensation was required?”

Ling acknowledges his query with a shallow nod, her closed fan tapping her chin as she contemplates a reply. In truth she does not need the time to think. Alongside Shun she already prepared several answers to this exact question long before the start of the meeting, each to be used depending on who phrases it and at which stage of the discussion. She pushes down a smirk. With the question asked this early there is no way for them to use it at a different time to catch her off guard.

It is clear that Grand Elder Cai spent most of his time and resources educating his son instead of dividing his teachings between the clan’s young scions. Cai Yuu’s political skills are middling at best.

“Rest assured, Brother. I ensured no future recompense will be demanded from either side.” She explains whilst opening her fan and using it to cover the lower half of her face. “On a similar note, Sir Cai. Will Lady Lai require assistance to recover in time for the hidden realm’s opening? This young mistress has acquired the services of a skilled alchemist should it be required.”

Ling allows herself a minor indulgence and lets the corners of her lips curl up behind her fan. Let them think the knowledge was offered to smooth over any difficulties incurred by Qing’s fight with the Lai. Whatever theories they concoct in their minds are bound to be more impressive that what she could convince them of outright.

“Sister need not be concerned.” Cai answers after a moment, clearly wondering why Ling’s speech seems to imply such familiarity but unwilling to be so rude as to not reply in kind. “Miss Xueya’s recovery is going smoothly.”

“Excellent. I am of the opinion that we are aware of a sufficient number of entrants to begin planning our excursion.” Ling replies, directing the conversation to the most important matter. Smoothly following up where Ling left off Du Juntao clears his throat.

“Fellow disciples. This one is certain my esteemed company is aware that while there is certainly strength in numbers, oftentimes discretion is the better part of valor. Might this young master suggest that my valued fellows choose their companions based on quality, not quantity.”

“That is acceptable.” Ling courteously agrees with a nod, followed shortly after by Yuu as well. She closes her fan with a sharp crack and rests her hands atop the table before she begins the discussion. “If I may be so bold, Ke Ming Gui would make an excellent addition to this young mistress’s team.”

“With all due respect, Lady Li.” Yuu politely speaks up. “This one is certain Miss Dai and the Shen will undoubtedly be on your side. With both the first and second place contestants not to mention the Shen heiress on the same team you have quite the gathering already. The Ke have long been our Cai clan’s allies. If Lady Li recruits amongst one of our most trusted vassals, who is this young master to choose from?”

Ling taps her chin with her fan both to buy herself a moment to think and to remind Yuu of Xueya’s mannerisms in order to further unbalance him. It is quite clear after all that the Cai is not fond of his cousin’s betrothed and that the feeling is likely to be mutual. The reminder that his cousin would have far more allies to call on is bound to unbalance the young Cai just the slightest bit further and Ling intends to use every advantage she can get. On a similar note, while she certainly would not have minded Ming Gui’s company, the opportunity to limit Cai Yuu’s choices is far more important to her.

“While this Li Ling certainly does not disagree with your statement no less than three members of the Mo clan have made it onto the rankings. Not a single Mo would follow anyone but a Cai. As such this one has no doubt all three shall follow you. The advantage that the Mo provide more than balances out my retainers would you not agree, young master Cai?”

“If this one might interject.” Juntao cuts in before the situation gets heated. Shun has to stop herself from rolling her eyes, she can practically feel glee radiating off her mistress at how close to their expectations the negotiations are unfolding.

“This young master understands that the venerable Ke Ming Gui is valued by both of this one’s esteemed fellows. Might this one offer his services so as to prevent any inner conflict from occurring. No one amongst us harbors any doubts whatsoever as to the fact that the entrants shall be split into more than two teams so as to maximize the gains from our venerable sect’s excursion. It is more than within this Du Juntao’s capabilities to negotiate a complete ceasefire and agreement of mutual aid between all teams should both entrants currently present be so inclined.”

Ling pushes down a sigh. While what he said is beneficial she can’t help but think his rambling could've been half as long and still carried the same message. She pushes her annoyance down to focus on the discussion, it wouldn’t be Juntao after all if he didn’t use five words where two would have sufficed.

“This young master agrees.” Cai Yuu answers before Ling has a chance to do so. While she intended to agree regardlessly she can’t help but be annoyed at seemingly following in the Cai’s steps now. Nevertheless she nods and continues with the unspoken part of Yuu’s reply.

“As does this Li Ling. Might this one propose an offering of a third of our spoils as a gift to repay Lord Du’s generosity?”

“This Du Juntao would not dare turn down Lady Li’s magnanimous offer.” Juntao replies after Yuu agrees as well with a nod. While having to part with a third of her spoils will certainly sting any less would reflect badly upon the ice princess. With each of the three great clans gaining two-thirds of their respective spoils their standings are equalized.Offering less would be a grave insult implying the Du are beneath her. Not to mention that even if such a move would not go against the sect master’s orders Ling will feel much more confident in their chances to survive the hidden realm with Juntao making arrangements in her favor. Especially given how scarily competent the man can be. This entire meeting was set up to reduce the dangers of their excursion after all and she hardly wishes to risk anything by acting miserly. 

It is for that very reason that she has both given up on including Ke Ming Gui into her group, listened to her compatriots prattle on and agreed to give away a share of her treasures, not to mention given them much more face than she is obligated to. After all, if she cannot officially bring Hu Qing to her side this will all be for nothing.

“Many thanks for your aid, Senior Brother. Other than the Hu this one has no interest in taking any of the other competitors under her umbrella. Your assistance with the remaining entrants shall be highly valued.” Ling moves on, laying the praise on thick in the hopes it’ll stop Cai Yuu from interjecting. An attempt that immediately backfires.

“Lady Li, the Hu clan has yet to formally pledge allegiance to any of the great clans. For the future of our sect this one believes it may be beneficial to give them the opportunity to make more connections during this meet.”

Using the moment Shun refills her cup to compose herself Ling pushes the urge to click her tongue down. With the fact that the Du prefer to avoid conflict whenever possible she’ll have no choice but to tread on some toes in order to get her way. Her only choice then is to avoid stepping on the wrong ones. She hums in contemplation to let Juntao know she intends to respond. Courtesy dictates the man won’t make his proposal before she has offered her rebuttal lest he be seen as cutting her off and the Du are nothing if not sticklers for tradition, she doubts such an action would even cross the man’s mind. She hopes the Cai and Du do not intend to throw more obstacles her way as she has but a single stance left she is willing to compromise on.

“I understand your interest Sir Cai however I cannot agree. But moments earlier the fair argument was made that with both the first and second place on my team there would be no need for me to add one of your vassals. With both you, Mo Na and Hu Murong the fourth, fifth and sixth place would all be on the same team. Would that not similarly unbalance our entire excursion?”

“That is not this young master’s intent-”

“I am not sure I understand, Sir Cai.” Ling cuts in before he is finished to throw them further off balance despite it causing her to lose some face. “Having Hu Qing on the same team as Lai Xueya is certain to be a recipe for disaster, would you not agree?”

Yuu’s eye twitches at the interruption, wondering where the ice princess is going with such an unsubtle move.

“This one did not mean to imply he intends to add one of the Hu to his team, Lady Li.” Cai Yuu states with narrowing eyes focusing on the Li as if to see through her plans. Ling takes a deep breath before all at once reasserting the cold demeanor of the Li she has slowly let slip ever since the start of the meeting.

“This young mistress can respect such restraint.” She praises with a shallow nod before turning her head to fully face Juntao. “As per Sir Cai’s suggestion this one agrees to leave the details of Hu Murong’s participation in brother Du’s capable hands.”

While it is clear to all present that she is blatantly choosing to misinterpret Cai Yuu’s statement there is not much the Cai can do about it. To insist on pointing out what he really meant would make Ling look foolish and cause a loss of face that would be highly inappropriate given the amount of face she gave setting up this meeting. Not to mention that of the three present Hu Murong has the best relations with Du Juntao. With Ling’s phrasing as it is both Cai and Li alike are acknowledging this and giving him great face, to attempt to alter such a thing would antagonize the Du as well.

Ling pushes down a sigh. Even though she’s achieved what she came here for it took both most of her contingencies and an added dosage of rudeness to accomplish. Something that runs quite contrary to her intent to repay Cai Yuu for warning Qiu. She supposes that even without it embarrassing the Cai right before such a dangerous event would be ill advised. No, she cannot leave things like this.

“This young master would be honored to do so, fellow disciples.”

“None expect any less.” Ling acknowledges with a nod. “Might this one suggest granting young master Cai the right to pick any one companion from the remaining entrants in exchange for his generosity?”

“An excellent idea, Lady Li. This Du Juntao concurs.”

“This Cai Yuu offers his thanks.” Cai Yuu replies with a courteous head bow. While the gesture in itself offers sufficient face Ling is certain that what matters more to Yuu is her willingness to repay kindness. She can practically smell the desperation wafting off him, the Cai will undoubtedly grasp anything that can improve his chances.

In truth Ling’s offer would have been far more valuable if it hadn’t come this late. After all, once Xueya recovers and undoubtedly makes it into the top ten the only one amongst the top half of the entrants that is unaccounted for will be the one in third place. While in theory it is certainly generous that Ling would let cede the remaining contestant within the top three to him she highly doubts either of them have any interest whatsoever in recruiting Tai Hen.

Either way she still has a long day ahead of her. She realizes that it certainly is a better idea to plan as much out in regards to their excursion as possible instead of simply leaving it to chance but that does not mean she dreads it any less. Channeling a mote of ice qi through her veins she prepares herself for hours upon hours of discussing strategies that may well be pointless the moment they set foot within the realm, agreements that’ll last exactly as long as there is still something to gain for both parties and contingencies they’ll all doubtlessly run through a sieve for ancestors knows how long before they’re satisfied.

She just hopes they’ll be done by dinner.


Thank you for reading! Phew, this was another one that got away from me. This whole conversation was supposed to take half a chapter and ended up taking two, both of which are longer than average! Either way, I hope everyone enjoyed it. I'm truly happy all of you are still following along up to this point and hope to see every one of you when we reach the ending!