I Got a Second Chance
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“I was always there for her

I always listened to her all the time as she goes on and on with her likes, taste in men and other random bullshit while giving her the most comforting smile

Was a good friend, great at that

I know I was

So why?...

Why then did she just start going out with this guy?

What is this feeling?

Is this how a heartbreak feels?

It’s like she thrust her hand into my chest, pulled out my still beating heart, threw it to the ground and stomped it

Where did I go wrong?

What did that guy do differently?

I had only seen him a couple of times. He didn’t seem to say or do anything out of the ordinary when he was around

Actually, thinking about it, she actually did run her mouth to me about him a couple of times

She was always on about how he was a dick though, so how does that even add?

Does that mean its true girls are actually into shitty guys?

Maybe I should just ask him how or what he did

NO! That’s gonna be weird

I have nothing to lose at this point though so why I not?”