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I was never the smartest in class, neither the favorite child in the family.

But I was content with my life.

Got into college, had friends, even a girlfriend to break up with, did what a typical youth would do.

But that all stopped on a seemingly innocent day when I got hit by a truck, a fucking truck.

I wasn't even angry or sad that my life was ending, it is quite ironic that the last moments of my life were of me just being dumbfounded.

As the world darkened, I had random thoughts pop up here and there.

Even though I was quite a social guy, deep down, I was what you would call a closet-otaku.

I never ever told my friends or anyone close to me that I liked watching milfs with jiggling titties. And thank god I didn't because that would ruin the ladder I'd built up for my whole life. Oh, thinking deeper into this, I'd wish that they'd get rid of my hard drive filled with *uhm* tentacle research that just happened to have intercourse with said milfs with jiggling titties, but anyways.

So I found forums online where I found fellow cultured gentlemen of refined tastes and maybe raised certain troubles for skipping school because I got into a heated argument on a debate whether "Flat is Justice" or "Breasts save lives" is better.

As I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it just so happens that a goddess milf with jiggling titties pops up and tells me I'm getting reincarnated-

"Hello, dear child"


I turn my head up to see a goddess milf with jiggling titties with a sultry smile that would turn any gay guy straight again and maybe give straight women the imaginative creativity to diverge from their preferences.

"Oh my, what a dirty mind."


"My lady, I apologize for my unrefined thoughts."

"Ara~Ara, quite a refined gentleman you are."

"My sincerest thanks, goddess of milfs."

"Huh! Wh-what do!?!"

Whilst she still appeared shocked by my...choice of vocabulary, I rushed towards the goddess of milf with jiggling titties or GMJT, and gave her a spear(the thing Roman Reigns does) in the belly, she didn't seem to have the time to react as I easily slammed her body to what appeared to be the ground, and as soon as we fell, my face had the feeling of being covered by two soft mounds of perfect proportion.

BEGONE THOT- I screamed with righteousness in my mind.

I resisted the temptation, as I got up and grabbed her legs, and dragged her now lifeless body to a void that suddenly appeared behind me.

I threw her body into the void and soon headed in, what appeared in front of my eyes was something I had seen countless times, a graveyard as far as the eyes could see, and conveniently, there was already a dug up pit which coincidentally happened to be exactly the size of the thot, "Geez, shucks, dunno who did that but sure am glad tis available for use, I'll just throw her body into this pit I found."

I said, to no one in particular.

After the deed was done, and the pit integrated with the rest of the graveyard for a strangely aesthetic look, I suddenly had a gush of pride rush up my veins.

I ignored that and went back into the void that reappeared.

Another day, another thot got rid of.

I had this thought as I walked out into a sunset as I walked in the sands of a random beach I appeared out of.

'Who am I? What am I? Who was the goddess milf with jiggling titties, now, I know you have countless questions in you're mind right now but bear with me, I'm as confused as you. To find out more, watch on the next episode of POke- Fuck, I meant, Adventures of a Misfit."

Random POV later that day.

A man was seen getting fined for unauthorized access to a private beach.

This is something that I wrote on a whim, so it is quite rushed, but if you guys like it, maybe I'll thing more into the plot and maybe, maybe just write more.