Chapter 1: Returning
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This is it. The day I'm supposed to return to my home- the Rosiland kingdom. 

Am I ready? 


But do I have to? Yes, because it's what mother would have wanted.

   She would have wanted me to keep fighting to be as powerful as she was.

   As I stare out the window, I imagine the long journey I have ahead of me- figuratively and literally. It will be a couple more hours before my chariot arrives at the kingdom... and I'm not ready to see my father.

   He insisted that I stay away because I "wasn't ready". He didn't want me to get involved with fighting the Eastern Laigus Kingdom. I argued that I was ready. I wanted so badly to be a part of the fight. But father didn't agree...

   So I was shunned. He banned me from setting foot into the kingdom for 3 weeks, while everyone else had the privilege of training to fight the Eastern Laigus Kingdom.

   Today will be my first day back, and I was prepared to show my father just how much I've improved. I wanted him to know that I was worthy of fighting alongside him in battle, and that I'm not taking no for an answer.

   My coronation ceremony is in 6 months, and if my father doesn't prepare me for what's to come, then I fear that something bad will happen.

   341 years ago, the enchanted hourglass was entrusted to the Meritus bloodline from the former warlock kingdom. Since the Laigus' were after it, the warlock's decided that it would be far safer with us.

   Then, the Laigus' wiped out the warlocks, and all that was left of them. It was then that my ancestors swore to keep it safe.

   So, they put a spell on it so that at every Meritus coronation, a blood Meritus would drink from the hourglass, wield the great power held inside, and battle the Laigus.

   Though at every coronation since then, the Laigus try to steal the hourglass. So that's why the Meritus' must keep it safe.

   Thinking about everything just made me want to scream!! I was scared...

   UGHHH!!! My life is such a mess. (● ˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)⁾⁾

   I knew I was going to have to fight the Laigus one day soon, and I could not afford to lose...

   The dreadful thought of my father shunning me made my blood boil inside me. My fists clenched. 

"No stop it Suki!" I thought. 

   I ran my hands through my hair and squeezed. Is this feeling anxiety?? I wondered. I took two deep breaths to calm myself down. 

   "No, don't do this now!" I whispered, as my hands started glowing a bright yellow. Everyone in the castle knew what happened when I got mad. My powers got out of control. 

   A part of me felt like that's why my dad shunned me. Did I scare him?

   Whilst thinking about everything, I managed to fall asleep for a few minutes.


   "Hello? Who are you?"

   "I'm nobody... yet."

   "Will you tell me your name?"


   My head shot up as I woke up flustered. That was weird. I thought. All of these thoughts and feelings racked my brain.

   In attempt to calm myself, I continued to look out of the dusty, old chariot window.


   "King Ellio, I've just received word that Princess Suki will be arriving in 2 hours."

   "Two hours? I told you to let me know earlier so that we could start preparations!"

   "s-sorry sir, it won't happen again."

"Your damn right it won't."

Suki will arrive soon. Considering how long she was gone, I hope she has realized that fighting is not what's best for her. I don't want to loose her like I lost Elyzah.

   Although, after shunning her, I've realized that it's not my decision to make any more. She will be crowned soon, and she will take my thrown. After all, I'm getting old, and eventually, she will have to fight.

   Just the slightest thought of her dying before I do pains me, but I have to be strong if we're going to win this battle.

   Time to head to the meeting room. I thought. When I arrived at the meeting room just down the hall from the main rotunda, I sat down next to three other rulers from the smaller kingdoms.

   To the left of me was Queen Kessia Lemmington, Ruler of the Draiumus Kingdom. To the right was Queen Laniah Blave, of the Northern Kingdom. Finally, in front of me was King Larry Nighting, ruler of the White Kingdom.

   Slowly, I began to speak. "As you all know, my daughter will be arriving quite soon. So, I'm sure you know exactly why I called this meeting." I said. They all glanced at each other, and then turned to me and nodded.

   "We're all quite aware of the fact that Suki will be crowned Queen in 6 months. She is 19, and I'm sure she knows of the dangers that will come before her in the near future. We will need to start preparing her for battle against the Laigus, and we will need your strongest fighters. We've got to keep watch of the enchanted hourglass until the time comes for Suki to be crowned, or the work is doomed." I said, slightly worried.

   "The Driumus' and I will begin growing the Foreum flower. It will be blooming in time for the coronation." Queen Kessia exclaimed.

"King Larry and I have decided it would be beneficial for us to train the werewolves and succubi together. Things would move along quicker." Said Queen Laniah.

   "Well it's settled then. We all-"

"SIR! The princess will be here in five minutes and the cake still isn't done!"

   "MARTIN! What have I told you about interrupting my meetings with other Royals?!!"


   "Just use an expedite spell."

"Y-yes sir. I'll take my leave."


   As my chariot arrives slowly at the kingdom. I feel a sliver of nervousness shoot up my spine. Once I open those big brown doors, my journey will start.

   I will have to train even harder than before if I want to become mage feritus. I will have to. Or there will be no chance of increasing my power level.

   While stepping down out of the chariot, I let my long, pink hair out of the bun, and comb it down. I took slow delicate steps 

   When the doors swing open, I took a quick glance at my father, who seemed happy to see me. 

    Then, Mr. Martin, my father's right-hand man, stood beside me and began to announce my arrival. "Princess Suki Meritus has returned."

   The crowd of familiar people was somewhat comforting. In order to cover up the nervous look on my face, I put on my best fake smile.

   I put my hand in the air, cupped it, and waved to everyone while descending the large staircase. Coming back wasn't as bad as I thought. 


Chapter 1 end.


Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1! Here are some terms for you guys! ( They'll help you if you didn't know what something was lolol ) (ò_óˇ)

Elyzah : Suki's Mom & King Ellio's late wife

Driumus : fairies that do sacrificial magic

Laigus : Wolf dragon ( has some human features )

Foreum Flower : 

A magic flower that grows only in the Driumus Kingdom. It can heal any wound, but it requires a sacrifice to work. (Cutting your hand, pricking your finger, etc.)


-1st level (beginner)

-2nd level ( elemental magics )

-3rd level ( Sacrificial magics)

-Mage Feritus ( All magics )

Driumus Kingdom ruler -

Queen Kessia Lemmington


Northern Kingdom ruler -

Queen Lainah Blave


White Kingdom ruler -

King Larry Nighting


See you next chapter ?