Voices in Head
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As the Nazi were making super weapons and soldiers, the USA had to make one to combat there’s but since they made it in a hurry they couldn’t make a perfect one, but what they didn’t expect was that it worked and made the user back into a boy , they unleashed him in the war and saw how quickly and efficiently he completed mission 

But as time passed he became too violent, uncontrollable, and crazy so they saw the potential threat and decided to eliminate him but what they didn’t realize is that the serum that they made was made up of an unknown substance that they didn’t know, since they couldn’t kill him they had to lock him up, secure him, and erase the scientist that worked on this project, and to classify him the most secretive file as the only people to can know him are the president, Secretary of defense and the leader of S.S.R(Sheild)

As they were lucky to never mentioned this to the public, and erased several minds they went back to the project of making a serum more “successful”, 


A lot of Time passed and the R.D file was only seen by 3 people, each generation of the new fields could look at it one time, and the previous 3 leaders had their memories wiped, as 3  new people read R.D Boy file one time 

Name:Zero Zoloman

Alias: R.D Boy

Age:116 appears to be 12

Classify:Extremely important up to 3 people know it

Information: Has incredible Healing, Shoots laser from eyes, Enhanced strength, speed, and senses, flight and can create mild hallucinations 

Important: Hard to near impossible to control, lack of sense, crazy, shouldn’t be released unless Country threat or dangerous Individual need to be eliminated or captured 


As 3 people read this, one man with black skin tone and has an eye patch over it says 

“Why don’t we get rid of it” 

“We’re sorry fury but we already locked him up in our most secured prison that are guarded by 1000 men, 100 tanks, 100 misslies, and 100 Air Force ready to engage if he escapes which he cant, as for your question we can’t he has somewhat abnormal healing properties” said the president


In a dark room secured by 4 black walls with no light coming through any men and women would’ve already been driven to madness as they couldn’t see anything but, there was one man sitting there humming something 

“They’ll need me they’ll need me they’ll need me need me need me need me need meneedmneedmeneedmeneedmeneedmeneedmeneedmeneedme… oh haahahahahhaaahahahahahha” laughters could be heard by the outside patrol man who were guarding something inside they were never told, but they were only told one thing, To Never Let IT OUT



As months passed by and the other half of the avengers were getting to out of hand they to finally decide to let IT out 

“Mr.president, they have broken out” said the sectary of defense 


“They didn’t hear our warning so the only thing we could do before they cause more trouble is to let out HIM”

“Sir I don’t think that’s necessary” said fury

“No! I gave them warnings but they chose to ignore it, so the only I could do is to let HIM hunt again” as they were talking and came to a vote 2-1 they decided to give him a task, in a secure conference room they didn’t know that someone already hacked in and was listening 

“Sir I think you would like to see this” said Jarvis

“Pull it up Jarvis” as tony was listening he asked Jarvis to hack into shield and look for the person they were sending 

“Sir i found it but it’s protected by a very heavy firewall and multiple viruses almost like it was protected by every server possible” he said as tony had a surprise looked as the previous times he hacked into shield he never came across something so well protected 

“Can you still hack in?”

“Yes but it will take me at most 30 days”

“Jeez... Well start doing it as I need to know whether I should tell Steve” tony said as he sigh 


As 1 more month passed by Steve finally got his teamed suit up and ready and talked about what to do now as they were talking Steve phone rang 

“It’s tony” Steve said to the group 

“Answer it maybe he has something important to tell us, if he decided to call you” Natasha said 

As Steve picked up tony was the  first to talk

“LISTEN STEVE the President is sending something to capture you, Wanda, Natasha, vision, Sam, and Bucky” 

“We can take it, no need to worry tony” Steve said

“STEVE this is serious, this is the one time I'm serious they are sending something to you i don't know what it is but I only found half of the information of what they're sending you, whatever they are sending or who, they have confidence” tony said in a serious tone and sent the file to steve as he opened it up in front of his team

As they read it they had some surprising look especially Steve because he thought he was the first super soldier but not only to find out he was the 2nd but the lesser version of this “kid” 

“So he was the “first” but how come we never heard of him?” Natasha said

“Read the file all the way through, he was deemed to uncontrolled and hydra also knew but I guess they didn’t tell and they only let him lose for searching dangerous individuals” tony said

“Look tony we can handle it were not that we...” before he could finish the jet they were on suddenly lost control as it spun around 

“Whats going on natasha” wanda said

“Something hit the jets fan” Natasha said as she was trying to safely land and wanda using her power to make it a smooth landing, as they landed and got out they inspected the fan and found a sniper bullet stuck in their 

“Tony it looks like whatever they sent us has already found us gotta go” Steve said as he shut the phone and didn't let tony talk again 

The team got all off and looked around to finally see a boy with black clothing and red outlines with red eyes and white hair approaching them 

“Is that him?” Vision said as he looked out in the horizon and saw a figure going towards them at insane speeds

“Get ready guys, if what tony said was true then they must have some confidence in what they sent!” Steve said to the team

As they got into position the boy approached them while smiling and walking calmly as he looked at his prey

“So your the ones I have to bring back?” He said in a raspy voice

“I don’t know but you must be pulling your punches if you can capture all of us” Bucky said

“Of course I won’t capture you all, Some might stay and let you escape” he said while laughing

“A bunch of fools I told them that they’ll need me again” he said in a quiet tone only he could hear

“So your were the first? Why haven’t let you lose when we were fighting ultron,aliens and Loki?” Natasha

“Oh my dear? There were others? They didn’t tell me” he said as he ran towards them and used his laser eyes to knock Wanda back and punch Steve with his shield up and knocked him back

As this happened in a second everyone got ready to attack 

“Your not much” he said as he continues to fight everyone and encounters vision with his eyes and the mind stone


As the 2 forces collided with each other and the boy was pushing vision back Wanda used her powers to fling the boy back 

“Are you okay?” Wanda asked

“No I’m not, that should not be possible what kind of monster did they create”

“I don’t know but we better get out of here as we’re losing and not making progress on him” as Natasha said that the boy flew towards her and grabbed by the neck and started to choke her

“No no I have to capture you guys for my freedom, well my so-called “freedom” the boy said as he started to choke Natasha but suddenly stop as he heard voices in his head

‘My child come back....Come back come back’

‘We do not interfere with mortals’

‘Com back to us’

‘You have a family ‘

‘You are one of us’ 

As heard this he started to let Natasha go and grabbed his head with both of his hands while covering his ears

“WHO?” he started to scream this and say this multiple times 

“Wanda what's going on” Steve said 

“I don't know, there's a powerful force not letting me read his mind” she said as she looked at the boy going insane  

‘You are Eternal’

as the boy suddenly stopped and fell to the ground