The Scientist
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(Don't forget to check this story out on Wattpad. It's better to read it on their)

The Dremuchij Swampland

Wolf and Snake are walking through the jungle until they come to a little muddy pond they hear a hiss and look to the right to see an alligator. Wolf puts her gun in her holster and slowly walks forward to the alligator. When she gets close enough she jumps on it back and stabs the neck of it until it's dead. Wolf looks over to Snake. He qustionaly gusters to the alligator. 

Wolf:"What? It's food." *She cuts up the alligator and puts some meat into two metal dishes then puts it into her backpack. Then she looks around and sniff the air and smells honey. She looks to the source to see a wasp hive. She pulls out her MK22 and shoots it. Then goes over and grabs some honey.*

Snake:"Ointment, Right?"

Wolf:"Yes. Came useful in my survival training."

They move through the jungle again. 

Dremuchij North

They walk forward until they see a small clearing and they run behind a tree. They both flick on their radios and pull out some binoculars and crouch down in some tall grass and look ahead. They see two enemy soldiers.

Snake:*Com*"Major, I've spotted two enemy soldiers..."

Major:*Com*"They're probably KGB troops sent to guard Sokolov."

Wolf:*Com*"AK-47s and grenades..."


Major:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, your presence in Soviet territory is already a violation of international law. We can't let the Kremlin find out that the CIA and the American government are involved. Contact with the enemy is strictly prohibited. Don't engage them in battle, either. This is a stealth mission. Got that?"

Boss:*Com* "The major is right. The point of this mission is to sneak through the jungle without being seen. The success of the mission depends on how well you two use your camouflage. Choosing camouflage that blends in with your surrounding will help you concea; yourself more effectively. Also, don't forget that anything that moves will stand out in the jungle. If you just stand up and run around like an idiot, you're bound to be spotted. But if you crawl instead, you should be able to sneak by without being noticed. The key is to make yourself one with nature. Keep that in mind as you both go along, OK?"

The call ends. Then they both put on some Woodland Face paint. Then a Leaf camouflage. They both move into some tall grass then go prone. They slowly crawl towards the enemy. She sniff the air and sees one is standing near a narrow pathway. The other is farther ahead. Wolf aims her Mk22 forward and shoots the guy in the head and he instantly falls asleep. They get stand up and slowly move forward. Wolf grabs the guys legs while Snake watches out. She drags the man behind a tree. Then they move ahead snake takes the lead. They move ahead and counter two enemies. Snake and Wolf aim ahead then shoot both of then in the head knocking them out. They pull both bodies into the tall grass. Then they move towards the objective.


They see a wooden bridge and they run behind a tree. Snake looks to Wolf she lifts up one finger and Snake nods. He pulls out some binoculars and looks ahead. He sees one soldier in front of the bridge. He looks up above the soldier to see a wasp nest. He lowers the binocular and smiles. Snake pulls out his Mk22 and shoots the nest and it falls on top of the guy making the wasp attack him. He runs away freaking out. Then Snake and Wolf move ahead and Wolf grabs some honey from the hive. They walk across the bridge. They move forward.


Snake and Wolf slowly move ahead with their guns aimed forward and see a building. They move behind a tree. They put their weapons away and flick on their radios.

Snake:*Com*"Major, We've reached the abandoned factory where Sokolov is supposedly being held. This place is a dump." *He and Wolf pull out some binoculars and look to the building.*

Wolf:*Com* "I can't see Sokolov from here... The security is pretty tight..."

Snake looks around the perimeter.

Snake:*Com*"There are sentries posted around the perimeter... I wonder how many are inside..."


Major:*Com*"Your objective - Sokolov - is inside the factory... they should be holding him in a room in the northeast section."

Snake:*Com*"The northeast section. Got it."

Major:*Com*"Be careful. Both of your missions is to bring Sokolov back alive. He must not be exposed to any kind of danger. Do not approach Sokolov while the enemies are alert. "


Major:*Com* "... Oh, and one more thing, Snake and Wolf."

Snake:*Com*"You mean there's more?"

Major:*Com*"'s just...when you two get to Sokolov, I want you to tell him something from me."

Wolf:*Com*"And that is?"

Major:*Com*"'Sorry for being so late.'"

Snake:*Com*"Is that all?"


Snake:*Com*"...Understood. Beginning our approach to the target."

The call ends.

Wolf:"Snake. Let's go." *Snake nods.*

They slowly take out enemy with their Mk22 for 10 minutes. They look around see to no one wake and they go to a door and Snake opens it. He looks around and sees a man burning papers. Snake silently walks to the man with Wolf not to far behind.

Snake:"You must be Sokolov." *Sokolov turns around to see Snake and Wolf.*

Sokolov:"Are either of you Volgin's men!?" *He start to shove papers into the fire.* "You'll never get it from me!"

Snake:*Puts his hand up and so does Wolf.*"No, We're CIA agents. We've come to escort you back to the other side of the Iron Curtain."

Sokolov:"Both of you are CIA?"

Wolf:"Yeah. We were sent by Major Zero, the man who got you out two years ago."

Sokolov:*Takes a step forward.*"Zero..." *Snake and Wolf put their weapons away.*

Snake:"I have a message from him."

Sokolov:*Takes another step forward.* "What is it?"

Snake:"He said to tell you 'sorry for being so late.'"

Sokolov:"Did he now."

Snake:"What does it mean?"

Sokolov:"It means he's a man of his word. But we've got no time for this. You have to get me out of here before they arrive!" *Walks to a window and looks out of it. Then backs away from it.*

Wolf:"Who's 'they'?"

Sokolov:"Colonel Volgin of GRU. You in the West know him as Thunderbolt."

Wolf look to Snake and they both have confused faces.

Snake:*Looks to Sokolov.*"Thunderbolt? ...Never heard of him."

Sokolov:"He's a member of the army's extremist faction. A man who seeks to seize control of the motherland. Ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis two years ago, Khrushchev has been pursuing a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West. Despite resistance and criticism from hawks in the army and the provincial authorities, Khrushchev has managed to suppress the opposition so far. But the failure of his agricultural policies has put him in a precarious position. And on top of that, the tragedy last November. "

Snake:"President Kennedy's assassination..."

Sokolov:"Precisely. In a sense, Khrushchev has lost his biggest partner, and his power base is rapidly crumbling away. A certain group is plotting to use this opportunity to seize power by rallying the anti-government forces, overthrowing Khrushchev, and installing Brezhnev and Kosygin in his place. The mastermind behind this plot is Colonel Volgin of GRU. He has control over another secret weapons research facility much like this one - OKB-812, known as the Granin Design Bureau - and is using it to further his plans. But that is not enough to satisfy him. Now he is plotting to seize the secret weapon I have been developing here and use it as leverage in his bid for power. The intelligence says that they are going to make their move during the test."

Wolf:"Then the soldiers outside..."

Sokolov:"Exactly. They wouldn't need that many men just to keep me inside. Their orders were to prevent Colonel Volgin from capturing me. Even if it meant killing me in the process, or so it would seem. Volgin will come. I am sure of it. You must get me out of here before then."

Snake:"Leave it to us."

Snake walks to the door and Wolf follows him.

Sokolov:"By the way, Both of your Russian is superb. Where did you learn to speak it?"

Snake:"From my mentor."

Wolf:*Looks to snake.*"Mine too."

Sokolov:"Is that so. America is truly a frightening country."

Snake:*Looks to Sokolov then pats him on the arm.* "Having second thoughts?"

Sokolov:"No, I have no love for this place. Let's go."

Snake and Wolf both nod. Then they call the Major.


Snake:*Com*"Major, this is Snake. Sokolov is safe with us. He's doing dine. No injuries."

Major:*Com*"Good work, Snake and Wolf. Now hurry up and get Sokolov to the recovery point! We'll rendezvous with you two there."


Major:*com*"What about the sentries."

Snake:*Com*"All asleep. They'll never know we were here."

Major:*Com*"Good work."

Snake:*Com*"What about The Boss?"

Major:*Com*"We lost contact with The Boss some time ago."

Wolf:*Com*"Oh no."

Snake:*Com*"What happened?"

Major:*Com*"It's probably just a weak signal. Just hurry and get Sokolov out of there." *The call ends.*

Snake slowly opens the door then barges out and aims his gun around. Wolf follows him and aims her gun around. Sokolov follows them. They slowly walk out of the building then Wolf stops and sniff the air.

Snake:"What is it."

Wolf quickly turns to the left.


Then suddenly they were surrounded.

Snake and Wolf go back to back looking at all the enemies.  Then a voice behind them is heard.

Ocelot:"So this is the legendary Boss? And his apprentice?" 

They both aim at him. He walks towards then twirling a pistol.

Ocelot:"We meet at last."

Soldier:"'re from the Ocelot unit of Spetsnaz! What's a GRU soldier doing here?" *Ocelot stops twirling his pistol around.*

Ocelot:"Soldier?" *Ocelot adjusts his hat.*

Soldier:"He's the Ocelot commander!"

Ocelot:"That's Major Ocelot to you. And don't you forget it!"

Soldier:"Sokolov is ours. Now get out of here."

Ocelot:"An ocelot never lets his prey escape."


Snake pulls Sokolov to the ground and wolf drops. As Ocelot shoots and kills all the enemies. He twirls his pistol and shots a metal beam and it ricochets and kills the last guy. He twirls his gun and puts it back in his holster. He pushes a dead guys over and it reveals his hat that fell of and he picks it up on puts it back on.

Ocelot:"I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU."

Wolf and Snake are crouching in front of Sokolov aiming their guns at him.

Snake:"Sokolov, take cover!" *Sokolov runs around the corner of the building.*

Snake and Wolf stand up. Then Ocelot gets a better look at Snake.

Ocelot:"You're not The Boss, are you?" *Ocelot then makes a loud meowing sound.*

Then a bunch of Ocelot soldiers surround them.

Sokolov:"GRU operatives..."

Then Ocelot walks around Snake and Wolf.

Ocelot:"What is that stance? Those guns?"*He laughs and the other operatives laugh as well.* "If you're not The Boss." *He flips his gun up and tries to shot Snake but the gun jams.* 

Then Snake grabs Ocelot throws him on the ground and Wolf starts to Shoot the pratives. Sokolov just screams.


Ocelot:"Leave him. Shot her!"

Wolf grabs a guys and puts a knife to his neck and uses him as a body shield as she takes the others out. A guy tries to sneak up behind her and she throws the guy she's holding into him and kick them both in the face hard. Wolf quickly takes a step back as a bullet flies past her and she just aims her gun to the left and shoot the guy without looking. She looks around to see everyone down.


Ocelot gets up and rushes Snake but Snake bashes his head and throws him back to the ground. Wolf walks up to snake and they both aim their guns at him.


Snake:"You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique."

Ocelot:"You filthy American dogs!" *Ocelot rushes Snake with a knife but Wolf grabs his arm and hits him in the neck with her gun and twists him around and throw him to the ground. She puts a knife to his neck.*

Snake:"But that was some fancy shooting... you're pretty good."

Ocelot:"Pretty... good."

Wolf:"And remember you can't sneak up on a wolf." *Ocelot passes out.* 

Wolf stands up and puts her knife away. And looks to Snake.

Snake:"Good work."

Wolf:"Thanks snake." *She puts her pistol away and they both kneel and call the Major.*


Snake:*Com*"Major, do you read us."

Major:*Com*"I read you. Snake, Wolf, are you all right?"

Wolf:*Com*"We've run into a few snags. These guys were after Sokolov, too. Apparently they were taking orders form a GRU colonel named Volgin."

Major:*Com*"A GRU colonel?"

Snake:*Com*"Part of an internal Soviet power struggle according to Sokolov. Something between the KGB and the GRU, between Khrushchev's supporters and Volgin's..."

Major:*Com*"Sokolov was being guarded by the KGB and hunted by GRU? Snake and Wolf, it sounds like this could be even hotter than Cuba."

Wolf:*Com*"I don't like it. Something about the whole thing stinks."

Major:*Com*"I agree. You'd better hurry."

Snake:*com*"Sokolov ran off by himself, but we'll catch up to him."

Major:*Com*"We're counting on you both."

The call ends.

Snake and Wolf stand back up and go after Sokolov. Then the camera turns black.

