Going Back In
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One week later:
11:30 PM August 30,1964  Arctic Ocean Airspace.

Pilot:"Currently flying over the Arctic Ocean. Altitude 30,00 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. Arriving at the designated drone launch point. Drones oil pressure and voltage are normal. Payload oxygen supply is normal. Power supply to payload antifreeze system shows no problems. No gusts. All systems go for drone detachment."

The camera shows Wolf inside a drone laying on her back.

Major:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, we can't risk a HALO jump this time around. Airspace Security has gotten tighter since we were last here. We can't get as close to the ground as we did during the Virtuous mission." *Wolf is wearing a red Bandana.* "So instead we'll be using one of our newest weapons... Snake, Wolf, you're both being given an honor on par with Alan Shepard. This is our last chance. Show your patriotism. If you fail, you'll both be back in a hospital bed again, waiting for the firing squad."

Wolf:*Com*"No pressure."

Snake:*Com*"Are the Russians going to be helping us?"

Major:*Com*"The KGB has promised to lend us one of their communications satellites so we can talk to each other."

Wolf:*Com*"That's it?"

Major:*Com*"They've also put us in touch with a couple of insiders."


Major:*Com*"There was a defection in September 1960... do you two remember it?"


Snake:*Com*"You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union?"

Major:*Com*"Precisely. Since then, they've apparently been training with the KGB for exactly this kind of situation. Their code names are ADAM and EVA... I've been told that ADAM has infiltrated Volgin's ranks." *The drones detach from the plane.* "We've also arranged for him to provide you with an escape route. You'll need to rendezvous with him when you get there."

The drones engines activate and they blast off.  They head towards the ground. Then they eject from the drones. Snake and Wolf don't land near each other. Wolf is wearing Woodland  camo. 

Wolf looks around. All she sees is trees. Then she is about to activate her radio but she hears a twig snape behind her she quickly pull out her gun and knife and turns around but somebody grabs the gun and dismantles it and she's kick to the ground. Wolf rolls and get up and into a fighting stance she sees The Boss.


Boss:"Hello Isla."


The Boss walks slowly towards Wolf.

Boss:"I like your bandana."

Wolf:"Snake gave it to me."

The Boss is a few feet in front of her.

Boss:"Your stance is near perfect. But let's see how you fight."

The Boss runs toward Wolf and tries to grab her arm but Wolf side steps and tries to kick the Boss. The Boss counters with her own kick. Then punches Wolf in her left ribs. Wolf stager backwards and holds her side in pain. She shrugs it off and rushes the Boss and goes to punch her and the Boss pushes the punch to the side. Wolf then kicks the Boss on the side. The Boss stagers back. 

Boss:"He's trained you good. But you still have work to do." 

The Boss rushes her and goes for a kick and Wolf goes to block but then the Boss suddenly drops her foot and Punches Wolf in the head hard. Wolf falls to the ground dazed. The Boss starts to walk away.

Boss:"You did good."*The Boss leaves.*

Wolf lays there dazed. Then her radio goes off. She then sits up and answers it.


Major:*Com*"Wolf, do you read me."

Wolf Takes a deep breath.

Wolf:*Com*"Yeah I read."

Major:*Com*"You didn't check in."

Wolf:*Com*"I couldn't. I had a run in with The Boss."

Major:*Com*"The Boss? Are you alright?"

Wolf:*Com*"Yeah. Did Snake call in."

Major:*Com*"Yeah. He landed fine. I recommend you regroup with him."

Wolf:*Com*"On it."

The call ends.

Wolf stands up and looks around. Her red bandana flows in the wind.

Wolf:*Sniffs the air.* "Where could he be?" 

Then she hears and explosion in the distance and a pillar of smoke,

Wolf:"Found him."

Wolf runs in the direction of the explosion and smoke.

As Wolf gets closer to the smoke. She smells enemies. She looks ahead to see two guys. Wolf goes to pull out her Mk22 but she realized that The Boss dismantled it. 


She goes prone and crawls to them. She finds a rock and tosses it away from them. It hits a tree and makes a thud sound.


Enemy 1:"Go check it out."

Enemy 2 :"Roger."  *He leaves to check it out.*

Wolf sneaks up to enemy 1 and shes chokes him out. She quickly searches him and grabs his AK-74 and some ammo and a grenade. Then she goes over and grabs him and puts a knife to his neck.


Enemy 2:"There are two more of us ahead." *She chokes him out and searches him.* 

She finds more AK ammo and two stun grenades.

Wolf:"Where are you snake."

Wolf slowly moves ahead with her AK up and aimed. A little bit ahead and finds two guys knocked out. Then she aims her gun to the right and sees Snake. She lowers her.


Snake:"Wolf, you're alright."

Wolf:"Yeah. So they know where here?"

Snake:*Starts to walk towards the Objective.*"Yeah so we better move."

Wolf:"Yes Sir." *She follows him.


They reach the rope bridge. There is a guy in front of the bridge and on the other side. Wolf looks to Snake and he nods to her. She crawls to the guy then pops out of the grabs and she chokes him out. Snake walks across the bridge and knock the other guy out. Wolf walks to the other side. She sniff the air and looks to Snake and hold up three fingers. Snake nods. They move forward to see three guys standing around talking. Wolf pulls out a flash grenade and looks to snake. He grabs the flash pulls the pin and throws it. It goes off and they rush the three and knock them out. They move towards the factory.


They walk to the factory and they look around it and it's clear. They enter the room where they found Sokolov. No one is there then they walk out. They sneak around and when they leave the ruined building. Wolf smells something bad. Then a light turns on and blinds them. They hear a female voice.

EVA:"Sorry I'm late."

Snake:"Cut the engine. They'll hear us."

EVA:"Are you the agents they sent?"

Wolf:"Are you ADAM? I thought you'd be a man."

EVA:"ADAM couldn't make it."

Snake:"All right, say the password. Who are the Patriots?" *She doesn't respond.* "Who are the Patriots?" *She doesn't respond and Wolf aims her gun at her.* "Answer me."

Then soldiers surround them. Wolf aims her gun at them. 


EVA:"Get down!" *Snake and Wolf dive to the side.*

EVA turns off the light and pulls out a gun and shoots all the soldiers. Snake and Wolf stand back up.

EVA:*Relods her gun.*"There... is your answer."

EVA turns of her bike and gets off of it and takes of her helmet. They walk to her. She unzips her jacket revealing she's only wearing a bra.

EVA:"The name's EVA."

Wolf:"I'm gonna keep watch you too talk." *Wolf puts a hand out to Snake and he sighs and gives her a cigar.*

Wolf walks to the edge of the building and mounts mounts her gun. She light the cigar.

Wolf:*Looks to the room snake and EVA are in.* "Men." *She shakes her head.* 

Wolf slowly falls asleep. 

The next morning.

Wolf jolts awake. The butt of the cigar falls out of her mouth. Wolf rubs her eyes and then see smells people coming towards them. 

Wolf:*Gets up and sniff the air.* "Shit." *She runs to the room and quietly opens it.*

EVA is only wearing a bra and panties snake is just waking up.

Wolf:"Get up. we're surrounded."

Snake looks outside. 

Snake:"I see.. 4 of them..." 

EVA hands Wolf a suppressed .45 and a MK22. Then hands her a wing and some clothing.

EVA:"Guns now. Clothes later." *Wolf nods.*

EVA then goes to the window after she got her jacket on. 

EVA:"It's the Ocelot unit! Let's get out of here! Hurry! Don't forget your gear!"

Wolf goes and looks out the door and sees a three more enemies. Snake walks up to her.

Wolf:"There's three more."

Snake:"We need to keep them busy."

Wolf:"I'll keep them busy you go around."

Snake goes over to the trap door and enters it.

Wolf checks the AK mag and it's full.

Wolf:*Smiles*"Good. Now let's have some fun." *She grabs a flash bang and throws it out the door.

She closes the door then after a few seconds she hears a bang. She opens the door and start to shoot the three guys. She kills all three and then takes fire from the left. She dives for cover. 

Wolf:"Anytime Snake." *She grabs a grenade and pulls the pin and cooks it* "Eat shit!" *She toss the grenade over the cover and it explodes.*

She heards a couple screams of pain. Then she hears a suppressed gun then it goes silent.



Then a few gunshot go off and they go and check it out. Then they hear a voice above them.

Ocelot:"I've been waiting for this moment..." 

They aim up to see Ocelot holding EVA hostage. They get into a fighting stance.

Ocelot:"That's it! That's the stance!" *EVA tries to escape.* "I don't think so!" *He then grabs her chest.* "What? A female spy?" *He then smells her* "This bitch is wearing perfume."

Snake and Wolf edge their way forward. Ocelot notices.

Ocelot:"Stay where you two are!" *He aims an engraved revolver at them.* "I've had enough of this judo!"

Snake:"I see you've got yourself a single action army."

Ocelot:*Looks at the gun.* "That's right. There'll be no accidents this time."

Snake:"You call that an accident? Well...it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been showing off."

Ocelot:"What did you say?"

Snake:It's a nice gun, I'll give you that."

Wolf:"But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Snake taught me that."

Snake:*Smiles at Wolf.* "Unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item."

Ocelot gets angry. 

Snake:"And you're forgetting one more very basic thing.... You don't have what it takes to kill me."

Ocelot:"We'll see." *He aims his gun at snake and shoots but the gun does not go off. A shoots a few more times and nothing happens.*

EVA kicks him in the face then kick him off the ledge. EVA jumps off and lands on her bike. Ocelot stands up and rushes EVA drives forward and wheelies and the wheel hits Ocelot in the face. Then backflips with the bike.


Snake:"Six shoots. That thing only carries 6 shots. The Makarov carries 8. You have to get a feel for how many you have left."

Ocelot picks up his gun and looks at it.

Snake:"This is a high-class weapon.It's not meant for shooting people."

Ocelot:"Damn!"*Ocelot twirls his revolver around then puts it back in its holster. He starts to walk away.* "This isn't over yet!"

EVA pulls out a gun to shoot him but snake stops her.



Snake:"He's still young."

EVA:"You'll regret stopping me. Dammit! I've got to get back before he does." *She drives away.* 

Snake and Wolf watch her drive away.

Wolf:"Snake, Let's go."

