Ch3. Village pt.1
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This village seemed to be different than the one I remember, most houses were built close to the ground and their design was less... Fantastical. And there was far more children.

They were carelessly running around and playing, on the trees, just a couple meters up, there were winged people watching over them.

"Ah, what a great view."

There were also people flying by, carrying sacks with giant vegetables, insects and other things that i wasn't sure what they were. They were coming from deeper in the village, i was still on the outskirts.

I wanted to go back to the first village, but decided to stay for a while.

I went deeper into the village, as i went on the density of them trees lowered.

I arrived at a cleared space where there wasn't that many trees around, the ground was filled with all sorts of crops.

*A farm?

Actually, there were several spaces that seemed to belong to different people. Although not many, there were still giant trees bearing fruit around the farms, I could see oranges, apples, tangerines and the such.

I could also see bright orange carrots, ready red tomatoes... There were quite the variety of vegetables here.

"Ugh." A little girl moaned, she was hugging her right knee with a pained and exhausted face.

She seemed to have gotten hurt, at her side was a giant tomato, it was flipped over and slightly dented.

*Amm, girl? That's clearly too big for you to carry.

She probably got hurt while trying to carry that tomato.

 i was flabbergasted with the expression she was making at the tomato.

*Ey, you angry at the tomato? It didn't do anything to you.

She stood up and tried to lift the tomato again, she grabbed the pedicel with both of her hands and....

*Wow, she's actually lifting it!?

While putting all her strength into her hand and wings, she began to lift the tomato, However...

"Ouch, ouch." 

She fell again, and injured the other knee.

It was painful to watch, so i decided to help her, there wasn't anything to do either way.

She didn't notice me getting closer, or, she didn't care, anyway, after lowering myself to the ground, i cast two healing spells to heal her knees.

"!?" Quickly turning her head, she noticed me.

*Hello! Go home, that's too big.

Since i was close I could see her features more accurately, from human standards, she seemed to be about 10, she was wearing a pretty simple blue dress, had shoulder length blonde hair, light green eyes and slightly tan white skin, and her large wings were blue like her dress, but they seemed to glitter every now and then, they reminded me wings of a butterfly but they were a little transparent, like that of the dragonflies, she reminded me of one of those marmore dolls you see at a old lady's store. 

*Cute, she looks like a doll.

She was surprised at me healing her, then smiled at me, i understood that as a thanks, quickly after she began to work on the tomato again, while not paying any attention to me, she began to lift the giant tomato.

*Does she want it that bad?

She tried lifting it again when it was just about two meters up, she began to have troubles. "Ugh." She groaned.

*Eh, whatever.

I used wind magic to reduce the burden on her.

"!?" She carried the tomato really high up, about 4 meters, or the equivalent of that to me, it was probably a single meter but my sense of size was pretty messed up by this change of bodies, i used meters to measure the scale of things in my head, but it wasn't exactly a meter, i would say tht the average fairy was 1,60m but they were probably just 30cm, so the tomato wasn't actually that big, we're just too small.

*Huh, was she pulling that hard?

She was flustered by the sudden decrease in weight and looked around for the reason.

*Little me here!

She smiled.

*Ahh, cute.

I don't like kids, they have it too easy and complain all the time, but she's putting some effort into this, sooo, I'll help and no, it's not because of her cuteness.

She began moving in the direction in the direction of the village, i helped her by maintaining a strong current of air pushing the tomato upward, She carrying such a big tomato earned her a lot of surprised faces as we left the farms.

She smiled all the way to the village, a lot of people were surprised and impressed to see her carry such a big tomato.

I followed her to a relatively big house located at the base of a large but short tree.

"Hera, nina, bsila njila likaramano."

She left the tomato in a large storeroom and hurriedly left.

She returned with holding hands with two people, a female and a male, i assumed that they were her parents, they were walking even though they had wings, the female wings were a light blue and the male's were colorless but glittered blue occasionally.

It was funny seeing these two adults being dragged by a child, they didn't seem to want to come, but came anyway.

The kid explained and pointed at the tomato on the storeroom, they were surprised, but looked suspiciously at their daughter.

* "How could she possibly carry such a heavy thing this far?" Is probably what they were thinking.

Noticing the doubt in her parent's faces the girl pointed at me and explained once again, the doubt in their faces didn't vanish.

It Couldn't be helped, you can't just believe that a child carried something as big as that for about a kilometer.

The girl parents just to please their daughter, began to pretend to have believe in the story, but she wasn't having none of that.

"!?" She gave me a meaningful look.

*Ok, ok, i got you, I'll help.

I moved up and down to pass the message.

"Minou." She said, she took the tomato from the storeroom and began lift it, and of course i helped with some wind magic.


*YES! Mission accomplished.

After flying around with the tomato, she returned and carefully set the tomato on the ground.

They smiled and clapped.

The little girl proudly puffed up her chest.

Her dad wanted to confirm the weight of tomato, but after a intimidating stare from his wife he retreated, rubbing the back of his head.

They talked for little while, then the dad went inside with his daughter, the wife seemed to have gained an interest in me.

She approached, then gave me a slight bow while holding the hem of her yellow dress.

She had the same features as her daughter, except that she had blue eyes.

"Thank you for helping my daughter." She said.

"You're welcome." I answered back without thinking, well, there was no sound.




*Did she just talk and... I understood her?

*Ahh, why can't i talk? I forgot to ask the queen about languages.

She turned around and went back inside.

*Well, time to go, it's not like i can ask her something.

I went back to the village but, there wasn't anything remotely interesting happening there so... 


A magical scenery, flying people, giant insects, and giant vegetables, looks good to me.

*Everything is so big!

I decided to stay in the farms for a while, i could help... Maybe.

The plants were giant and so were the pests, giant insects trying to destroy the crops, there weren't many, probably because of the farmers actively fighting them off, but rarely killing them.

And with fighting came injuries, although they were pretty small ones, they can still be bothersome.

Each time i saw someone injured i came to heal, and each time i saw someone having trouble lifting something up i  lent some help.

They got surprised at first, but after a couple heals and stuff, they grew accostumed to see me flying around their farms.

While helping, i learned how to create wind blades, i used that to help in the harvest, and it strangely made me very happy to be helping.

I also learned how to create shock waves but making a sudden burst of wind push forward, with that much progress in mind, i decided to try to discover new magic by experimenting.


「Name: Meiro.」

「Specie: Light spirit.」

「Skills: Mana manipulation, Wind Magic. Holy Magic」

「Titles: Named spirit.」

「Special: Spirit Queen's blessing.」


*Hm, nothing changed, i thought that learning more spells would change this somehow.

*Well, there's nothing i can do.

<Status upgrade.>

I heard that monotone voice again, an upgrade?

The familiar status window didn't seem to change at first, but looking closely the skills looked a little different, they had an outline around them.

For no reason i particular, I decided to click on the Holy magic skill, just by thinking about it it seemed to have worked.

「Holy Magic: Revitalize/Heal/Lift-Curse.」

The skill outline expanded to show the spells i knew.


I was a little confused at one of the spells that came up, but i didn't mind it and continued on.

*Right, let's try that with Wind Magic.

「Wind Magic: Wind control/Wind blade/Shock wave. 」


*This must be the Queen's doing." I thought, thanking her from the inside.

It was getting dark and everyone was retuning home, so i decided to follow them to the village.