Meeting the World Tree
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Laz slowly made his way through the beautifully lit forest. Everywhere he went, the foliage seemed to part way as not even a single vine impeded him. He noticed none of this though as his eyes were hazy. Yet, even in such a state, he moved onwards as if he was being guided by some mysterious force. He knew what was happening yet, he didn't even try to resist. Rather, it felt right for him to follow the voice that beckoned him forward.

[This way]

[Over here]


The voice kept beckoning him through the forest. Every time he seemed lost, the voice would call out to him. His body would then turn towards a certain direction and he would then keep walking. This happened to him several times until he finally made pass a wall of vines. They had opened up to him and revealed a sight that Laz had only been able to look from afar.

Laz was now in an open clearing. A lake could be seen in the middle with a small island at the epicenter. A viny bridge connected to the island which had crystal looking fruits hanging from its sides. As for the small island, a huge tree could be seen. It was bigger than any other trees and seemed to reach towards the skies. 

The same crystal fruits that hanged from the bridge also hung from its mighty branches. With the added glow from the firefly looking creatures, it was another beautiful sight that Laz highly appreciated.


Laz didn't move as he had finally regained control of his body. Though, the reason he didn't wasn't because of his distrust of the voice. Rather, he was to awestruck to move from his spot. It took the voice a couple more times before Laz was finally shaken from his stupor.


Laz cautiously moved forward. He was rather interested in who it was that was calling towards him. He was still wary as anything could happen so he took cautious steps across the bridge. Suddenly, the air seemed to change around Laz. A light seemed to cover his entire body and no matter how much he tried to move, it stuck to him like glue.

He even got off the bridge which he soon realized did nothing to stop what was happening. He realized though that he wasn't being hurt so he slowly got back to the bridge with the light still covering him from head to toe.

[Identity Confirmed. Welcome.]

Laz began to look all around him. Seeing no one, he then focused his attention towards the tree.

"Is it you? Were you the one that brought me here?"



Laz waited for the voice to say more. Only after a while of silence did he ask,

"Why did you bring me here?"

[To initiate the transfer.]

Laz couldn't help but tilt his head to the side.

"Transfer? What do you mean by that?"

He asked, his sense of normalness gone as he continued his conversation with what appeared to be a tree.

[Target individual satisfies prerequisites in managing Gaia, the world tree. Hence, transfer was initiated to move all administrative rights from previous owner to you.]

"Wait what? Do I even get a choice in the matter?"

He shouted in his mind as displeasure could be seen all throughout his body. He was even slightly growling as he clearly did not entertain the idea of being forced into something he knew nothing about. The voice though seemed like a judge who gave a quick verdict as it simply said,


"So that's it? You're just giving control of the world tree to some stranger you just met? Hell, what does that even mean? Am I going to be tied down to this place? Would I still be able to leave? What did you mean by managing the world tree?!"

Laz kept asking and asking, his voice slowly filling with terror at the unknown future set before him. The voice cut him off though and said,

[Do not panic host. Once transfer is complete, system will fully develop and answer all of your questions.]

"But I want answers now!"

The voice ignored him and began counting down.

[Ten seconds till neural link established. Host will enter hibernation until process completes.]

Once the voice began counting down, Laz felt the same unimaginable sense of tiredness he felt after the bear attack.

"Shit... not again... I... don't..."

He couldn't even complete his thoughts as he was drifted away to the land of dreams.

[Neutral link established. Beginning process... scanning... scanning... complete. Guardian system detected. Assimilating systems... complete...]

As the voice droned on and on, Laz began to change. He grew bigger, his size the same as a lion. His white fur became even more sleek and the lines that snaked throughout his body gave out a slight bluish glow. His tail, while remaining fluffy, now emitted a ghostly blue flame that seemed to radiate some type of power.

[And done. That should do the trick.]

Gone was the previous robotic like voice. What replaced it was a calm yet cheerful voice of a girl in her early twenties.

[Let me just make sure that everything is good... system seems ok. Most of the functions seem to be working ok... eh? Wait? Eh?]

The voice was suddenly flustered as if she found something that she wasn't supposed to see.

[Well... not like I can do anything about that. I guess the host is just going to have to find out later. Still, for the goddess herself to lead her here... I'm honored to be the one to help such a host.]

With those words, the voice grew quiet and only the comfy sound of Laz's breathing could be heard. As if to signify its support, vines sprouted from the world trees roots and covered Laz forming a pseudo blanket. Just like that, another day had passed for Laz... but for the outside world, a new age had begun.


   Prologue End
