chapter 17: Lilliane and joshua
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new chapter i had planned for us to start the assessment this chapter, but man sometime my mind has other ideas

'Rise and shine, sleepyhead.'

I let an audible groan.

"do I have to? I feel like shit."

'Yes, you do remember we have to go to the adventure guild today.'

"…… shit."

I slogged out of my bed and into the bathroom. I switched on the shower and then stepped into it.

"Ahhhhhhh, that's just what I needed," the water turned red as blood started washing off me. I really am a messy eater, aren't I? I grabbed the bar of soap and started scrubbing.

'so, how are you feeling.'

I paused briefly and then continued scrubbing.

"Better now that I'm in control of myself again. But I would be a liar if I said I wasn't concerned."

'as long as you are feeling better and don't worry as long as I am here, I won't let that happen again.'


I spent the rest of the shower in silence, cleaning the dried blood off my body. It took me around 10 minutes. But when I was done, I felt like a new person. I stepped out of the shower and out of the bathroom to go get changed. I found my bloodied clothes on the floor. I looked up at the open window. Something doesn't add up.

"How did I get back here. I don't remember. My memories are a bit fuzzy."

'oh, that's nothing special really; after you ate the body, you kind of passed out. I think the whole ordeal took a massive toll on you. Anyway, It's not important. I took control of your body and took us both home.'

"Oh, thanks"

'No problem, Now stop asking stupid questions and get ready.'

"Okay, mom"

'None of the sass, young lady.'

I looked towards the mirror and stuck my tongue out, and started putting clothes on. Thankfully I stole some extra clothes from the guards before I came here, or I would have been screwed. I quickly put on my uniform and hopped out of my room, and rushed out of the inn. I made my way to the adventure guild entrance. It took me 5 minutes to get there, but when I arrived, I was met by the same big oak door. I pushed the door open and was surprised the adventure guild was practically empty. I walked up to the receptionist's desk; it was empty. I lent over the desk and saw a golden bell. I looked around the guild and shrugged, and pressed the bell. It rang out through the hall.

"One second. Be right there."

I heard the sound of clattering and several curse words, and then finally, the receptionist walked around the corner. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes had a small layer of dust on them.

"Sorry for that. I was sorting out our old records. How can I help you."

"Riiiiight… I'm here for the assessment."

"oh yes. I remember you 1 second. Can I have your id?"

I passed her the id card I got, and she tapped it on her desk. Some invisible runes lit up all along with the desk, and the receptionist's eyes turned gold.

"whats that"

The receptionist gave a small smile. "It's the new cataloguing system. Well, I say new it's been used in the capital for years now, but because we live so far out, we only just got it. Basically, it's a system that logs all of your data, such as your guild rank and all the jobs you have done. So it makes our jobs easier. And life easier for you seeing how you won't have to carry a physical log of all this stuff with you."

"Wait, you had to carry a log with you. Wouldn't it get damaged or destroyed?"

"ahh, give me a moment."

The receptionist left the desk and walked around the corner. After a few more curse words, she came back covered in more dust, holding a thick book covered in runes.

"Took me a bit to find, but here it is, my old logbook."

She put it down on the desk and handed it to me. The book was heavy and had runes all over.

'Protection runes and a lot of em', Alexis chimed in 'by the looks of it, that book is probably more durable than the adventurer carrying it.'

"That's a lot of runes" I placed the book down on the desk

"That it is. Those magicians in the city sure know their stuff. I've been through hell and high water, and that book has never had a single scratch on it" she took the book and put it under her desk.

"Why are they getting rid of the books? They seemed to work fine."

"Well, between you and me, it's a cost issue obviously, books of this quality are expensive, so your average adventure couldn't possibly afford it. So what the guild would do is that they would do is take a percentage out of your earnings to pay for the book, and over time you would pay for it. The problem with this is that some adventures would die before paying it back. Some adventures would take way too long to pay it back, and so on and so forth. So a decision was made to switch to the cards we have now. It's cheaper to make, and if the adventurer dies, not much is lost."

"you're so casual about…."

"About adventures dying. Yeah. Look, I'm not some cold-hearted person, but these are the risks of choosing this job. Hell, I've had a few close shaves back in my adventuring days. Take this piece of advice from a former adventurer. Be prepared for every mission to be your last and never get complacent. Always stay vigilant."

"Thank you for the advice. I'll keep it in mind."

"Good. Now let's get back on track. You're here for the entrance exam. Let's see."

Her eyes started glowing gold again.

"Adson correct"


"Okay, ill just let the system know you've arrived aaaaand done."

Her eyes stopped glowing, and she handed me back my guild card.

"ill walk you to the assessment area seeing how you are new."

"Thank you"

She came out from behind her desk and started walking toward the rear of the building. I followed behind her.

"so, what can you tell me about the assessment."

"No spoilers. You just have to wait and see."

We weaved through different passageways and corridors until we finally reached a massive steel door. The receptionist walked up to the door and knocked twice. The door lit up with gold runes and, with a heavy groan, started to open. The doors swung open to reveal a sand-filled area decorated with weapons and shields with a man and a woman talking to each other in the middle. The man was short and stocky but carried a large bastard sword. He was wearing Armor covered in runes and battle marks. The woman was tall and lean with purple hair. She also had a glowing white rapier on her hip. She wore a white and black robe that seemed to glow white towards the edges. They both turned to face us.

"Evie, what are you doing here and who is she," The man said

"her name is Adson. She is here for assessment" we walked closer towards them. As I approached closer, I noticed the female had very pale skin that glowed a slight blue and her some form of painting of markings on her face

"Where are my manners. I'm Joshua, the resident swordsman," he said, puffing his chest with pride

"And I'm Lilliane, the resident Mage," she said with a smile.

I felt Alexis stir within me a wave of hatred briefly washed over me.

'easy, Alexis.'

'Sorry, I just really hate mages. Nothing good comes from dealing with them.'

"I'm Adson, newbie. I just registered yesterday." I stook my hand out. The man and woman both shook my hand.

"Seeing how you are the only one here, why don't we do a little sparring to pass the time." He said with his eyes glowing with excitement.


"Honestly, you battle crazed maniac, can you go five minutes without wanting to fight something or someone and don't call me Lilly."

She looked towards me apologetically.

"Sorry about that, buffoon. You don't have to fight him if you don't want to."

"Thanks. I want to save my energy for the assessment."

"Good idea"

"Well, follow me. I'll tell you all about the assessment."



A/N what Lilliane looks like 

