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the sun was high in the sky

the sky in itsealf was a bit cloudy but nothing major

we start our story in a green florest 

the trees were extreamely high

how high you may ask

1 km high to be more precise

so we have really high trees 

green grass 

some colorfull bugs which is beautyfull but it isnt a very good idea touch them if you know what i mean 

the birds are making loud noises because they for some reason cant stay quiet 

like this isnt some fairy tale that have talking birds... or is it!... whatever

going deep into the florest we see a mountain at the feet of the mountain we have a village a very "simple" village if not for the buildings that made it look like some mansions of some prestigious clans of some ancient asian country but whatever 

on one of the mansions because calling a house would be considered a mistake

we have a scene 

on the back of the mansion we have a beautyfull garden with trees that are not 1 km high just normal ones 

there is a place isolated with a dark glass but as we readers can see trough the description 

we have weird plants 

there are apples that are blue 

white lotuses that seams to emit white gas 

and some other collorfull or weird plants

on the center of the garden we can see 

some tables with snacks on top of them 

siting on the tables there are 5 girls of about 14 years old 

we can see that in one of the tables there are a duo of girls

one of them have white hair and the other black hair

they have the exact same features so they are twins

they have delicated faces red lips pale skin and red eyes 

they have soft expressions on their faces with an weak presence

on another table we have another duo

one have blond hair and blue eyes 

she has an heroic face and a determined expression 

and a fierce and joyfull aura

the other one have white hair and pale golden eyes 

she has an elegant aura and have and almost arrogant expression

on the last table we have an black haired girl with void black eyes

she has a cold aura and a cold face 

they are looking at a teen boy of about 16 years old 

he is wearing an all black outfit with a black mask that dont have any holes but have spaces but have an space for the eyes 

he has no presence it seams like he isnt even there to begin with but he is at the same time, its confiusing

the five girls are looking at this boys figure with clear eyes too clear eyes that seams almost fake like they were hiding their emotions