Blood red images
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I look at a single letter. The last one given to me by my father. How funny, I've even finally met his killer, instead of avenging him I shook hands with his killer. I have always been a horrible son. Perhaps I never appreciated you enough. Should I open this, should I see what his final words to me are... no I am a coward. I put back the letter in the desk. My headache only getting stronger. Now that I think of it my father always had these headaches. 

This isn’t good, it’s getting worse. I’m not in a good condition. Just then an image flashes before my eyes. Blood, blood everywhere. Henry’s bloody body on the floor. In the corner Elizabeth, a sword through her.  I start stepping forward. One hand upon my hurting eyes. The image prevailing. Red, the darkest red I have ever seen. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. The pain killing me. I need to continue moving. I exit the door and stumble into the hallway. The guards give me a look. A smile blooming upon their faces. They take out their swords, ready to kill me. Sad to say, I'm not dying here. There is somewhere I have to be and I can’t be late. 

They take a step. I take out two knives and throw it at them. My aim true as always. Ah, I fall to the floor in pain. This cannot stop me. With all my will I get up. The image of red in my head. I get up and continue stumbling down the hallway. I look back seeing a path of blood. It isn’t the time to be stopping. I continue walking. Using the wall as a support. As I near the room, the smell of blood fills the air, my pain disappear as my dread grows. All I see is blood, all I smell blood, all I hear are the clashing of swords.  I approach the open-door stumbling. No dead bodies in the front. As I enter the room, I see four assassins. Henry is lying on the ground with an assassin holding a knife over him. I throw my knife at the first assassin. I throw three more knives at the other assassins. All aim true. I always was the best aim. I look up to see Elizabeth bleeding on her arm. I see her impassive face, I guess all is well. 

“Are you alright?” I ask. Holding myself up by a small table. She just gives me a once over. 

“It seems better than you. You’re drenched in blood.” At her words I look down to see clothes full of red. 

“I just thought that I'd change to red since it’s your favorite color.” I say giving her a smile. 

“I must say that you didn’t think it through very well.” She says. 

“Is Henry alright?” I ask. I probably should get a doctor to see him. 

“Well, I think having a sword slash over his back constitutes an injury. On that note I'm going to get a doctor.” She then walks out. I look at Henry. Perhaps I should give him a pay raise. I didn’t think that he would be willing to die for Elizabeth.  

A few minutes Elizabeth comes back with three men who proceed to take Henry. 

“I don’t suppose you want to sleep in my room tonight.” I say with a hopeful smile. 

“I suppose that I will take you up on that offer.” She says shaking her head. She then walks up to me. “Are you sick, you seem very pale.” 

“Yes, I have a splitting headache.” I complain as she helps me back to my room. Just then she gasps. I look up to see 10 dead bodies in the hallway. Did I do that?  

“How about my office. I just got a new couch.” She says. Oh, how interesting. I would love to try it out.  

In a few minutes we both enter into the office. And what greets my eyes is the couch I got from the emperor of Arria. 

“Did you know the punishment for theft is that the thief has their hands cut off?” I begin. 

“That’s interesting, however the couch is mine.” She says with complete authority. She takes off my bloody clothes and helps me into something else. She then lays me down on the couch. “Is there anything else you need?” 

“Your lap.” I say coughing in-between the two words. I think I made it convincing. 

“My... lap? She asks. I give her my best begging eyes. She just sighs and sits on the couch putting my head on her lap. This, this here is pure bliss. I look up to see her arms still bleeding. 

“Don’t forget to get some help for that cut.” 

“I’ll get it fixed in a bit.” She responds. 

Also, I demand a kiss.” She just glares at me. 

“No” Well a man can try. I’ll just get her next time. I just lay there letting sleep take me over. 


The lady with silver hair gets up from the couch, careful not to wake up the golden-haired man. Just before she leaves, she gives him a small kiss. 

“I hate you.” She says walking out of the room. Only to return later. 

A/N: Well this week has been busy... actually every week is busy. We'll be meeting Duke Whyte next chapter. He is one of the central characters in this book. He is an interesting character to say the least but we will get to know him better later on. This chapter also introduces the ability to see the future. Honestly it is more of a sporadic thing and so far only appears once more. For those of you who have read Glory be to Arria it won't be a surprise that the Asherton family have the ability to see the future.