Chapter 1: Waking up in the middle of a forest?
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[Chapter 1: Waking up in the middle of a forest?]


*Cricket chirps...*


(How... cold...)




(I feel so cold...)




(Hmm...? Why is it so cold?)

In the middle of the night, a small figure rose from amidst the thousands of grass blades scattered across the ground and opened its small eyes after seemingly waking up after a deep slumber. Its orange skin reflected slightly the moonlight and shone beautifully in contrast with the green grass surrounding him.

It took the figure a few minutes until it woke up completely. Its eyes, which were calm and relaxed until now, suddenly became full of shock and fear as if it had seen a ghost.

(What the... Where the heck am I?! A forest?! Where is my damn home?! And why does everything look so... big?)

The figure soon started looking around with eyes filled with terror and disbelief. Surrounding him, were dozens of enormously tall trees that seemed to reach the skies and easily surpass any skyscraper he had seen before... Not that he had seen that many skyscrapers...

Confused and unable to understand what was happening anymore, the figure tried standing up in order to gain a more wide and complete field of vision. However, right after he tried, he stumbled and fell to the ground helplessly while looking at the air blankly, with disbelief filling each corner of his mind.

(My legs...? Where are...?!)

Unable to understand what was happening anymore, the figure's composure finally reached its limit, and soon let out a cry of horror when he realized that his arms and legs had disappeared altogether.


His scream of fear echoed all across the forest. However, it was soon stopped mid-way when he noticed something was wrong with his voice.


(What's going on? Why do I keep saying the same thing over and over again?! Moreover, what's wrong with my voice...?!)


(Weedle? What the fuck is-...?!)

"What's a little bastard like you doing here at this hours...?" 

Before he could even begin to understand what was happening right now, the strange cry of a bird suddenly came from above him and made him blank out completely due to the shock. Somehow, even though what he heard were not human words but a very familiar bird cry, he somehow was able to discern the meaning behind that cry even when they weren't something a normal human like him should understand.

No, wait, was he even a human anymore...?




Soon, an enormous bird of twice his height landed in front of him and stared at his petite figure intensely as if watching nothing but a mere prey.

Startled by the sudden arrival of the biggest bird he had seen in his life, He tried to back away from the bird but soon found himself falling to the ground helplessly due to the strange feeling of not having legs.


"What's wrong, little one? don't tell me you are so scared that you forgot how to run? That's quite unusual for someone of your species, after all, you are always so fast to run away when you see danger... Well, lucky me I guess, today I got some free food..."


Soon a cry came out of his mouth seeing that the bird was planning to kill him right away. However, even though what came out from his mouth was nothing but the word "Weedle", the familiar bird in front of him had seemingly understood him.

"Don't kill me... you say? That's strange, you are quite the strange fellow... Why aren't you screaming for help to your parents? Ain't that what you guys always do when you are about to die?" The strange bird in front of him raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly when it heard his desperate plea as if it was not expecting it.

"P-parents...? I mean... Some people do that when they are about to die... But... I-it's not my case, I guess...?" Seeing that the bird seemed to have understood him somehow, he continued trying to speak with it, even when everything that left his mouth was "Weedle". And while he kept doing this, he also tried backing away slowly from the bird while doing his best to not fall or trip because of this strange new body of his.

The bird just looked at him with a strange expression on its face. It seemed to be bewildered by something in specific, something that he had yet to understand. 

Be it because of the panic of the current situation, or simply because of how strange the whole situation was being, the small figure was not being able to think things straight. Otherwise, he would have been able to understand and recognize the type of bird standing in front of him, and also recognize the appearance of his current body.

However, fortunately for him, there was external help willing to lend him a hand to understand what was happening.


When the figure looked directly into the eyes of the bird, a strange small screen appeared on the corner of his vision and startled him enormously after seeing something appear so suddenly out of thin air.

His eyes widened enormously when he saw the contents of this strange window, and at that moment, a wave of memories flooded back immediately as he finally understood somehow what was happening... Well, not everything, but he understood the bare minimum at least.

[No name] LvL: 9

Race: Spearow


Hp: 100% [Healthy]
Attack 17
Defense 11
Special Attack 11
Special Defense 9
Speed 19
 Special Skill:  -None-

(Spearow...? I'm in front of a Pokemon? But how??? Hey, now that I look at him properly... He does indeed look like one...)

"It seems like I found quite a strange little worm today...To think that you would even try talking to me... Hmm... Whatever, you are just a more talkative snack. It was fun talking to you... Little worm"


Sensing danger coming on his way, the figure tried its best to run away immediately. However, because the bird was way too fast compared to his enormous size, it was not long before he was trampled down by the Spearow toe.


Letting out a small gasp of air after being pinned down, the small figure just looked at the bird on top of him with eyes filled with fear and struggled to his limit in order to escape. However, it was all futile, as nothing he did seemed to have any effect on the Spearow.

(Shit, why is a Pokemon trying to eat me?! Am I a Pokemon too?!)

Those thoughts passed rapidly through the little figure's head as he tried any possible way of escaping. He had no arms and no legs, it wouldn't be strange for him to be a Pokemon as well, as crazy as that might sound for someone that had been sleeping on his bed peacefully just a few minutes ago.

"Huh...? What's wrong with you? You barely even ran a few seconds before I caught you... You're seriously slow! And what's with this feeble strength? Even the weakest of your species might have put more resistance than you!"

Enjoying the fact that its prey was unable to escape from his grasp, the Spearow applied more pressure on the figure's body and started asphyxiating it with the sole weight of his body.

(Goddamnit... Am I a Weedle? Wouldn't I have been given the body a bit larger?! You know... Something that isn't a literal Worm?!) Remembering what his voice sounded like, the small Weedle soon was able to deduce what kind of Pokemon he was. Sighing in frustration inside his mind, his brain soon got overwhelmed with fear and desperation as the Spearow kept trying to torture him by asphyxiation him.

"Man, it really feels good to kill you. One less bastard from that nest of monsters where you came from... I will make sure you pay for all the lost lives of my brothers!!"Letting out a cry of fury, the Spearow raised his wings high into the air and proclaimed with an expression of pure rage on his face the death of the small Weedle. All this, while the sadistic smile on its face never disappeared.

(Fuck, I need to breathe... Am I really dying now? I thought that if I was going to die one day, then I would die happily by being asphyxiated between a beautiful girl's tights, not under this smelly Spearow's foot!)

"Wee...dle..." The little Weedle squirmed and fought to free himself from the Spearow's toe.

As the little Weedle under the Spearow's foot breathed its last gasps of air, feeling the life in his body slowly slip away before his eyes, suddenly a large buzzing sound started approaching from the distance at a rapid speed.


"Shit, how did they know we were here?! I need to get out of here right now!" The Spearow's expression rapidly paled up when he heard this sound, and soon, he didn't pay more attention to the small Weedle under his toe and immediately began flying away at full speed without looking back.

(I... Survived...? Huh... That's good then...)

The eyes of the small Weedle soon started closing on their own as his consciousness rapidly slipped away due to the lack of oxygen in his body.

However, just for a small moment before losing consciousness completely, he managed to see a large swarm of bees flying in his way with an enraged expression on their face.

(Damn... Whoever angered them is going to die pretty painfully... Huh... they are coming this way... It wasn't... me... that angered them... right?)

"Weeeedle..." Huffing one last breath before falling unconscious, the small Weedle fell asleep in the middle of the forest, before then being surrounded completely by the group of Beedrils. 

"Sir, that fucker ran away as soon as he saw us! He even dared to kill this kid before leaving as if laughing at us!!"

"I know, some of you follow him and kill him rapidly. We need to use his body as a warning for the rest of those smelly birds that keep entering our territory ever since we spared one of their lives!! Do they think we have gotten softer recently? It seems like those birds really need a little bit of education!"

"Yes Sir!"


Soon, three Beedrils of the group shot up in the direction where the Spearow had run to and disappeared into the distance in a matter of seconds. 

"Poor Kid, to meet your end in a place like this..." The one who seemed to be the leader of the Beedril's group sighed in pity, and soon started walking away while gesturing the other Beedrils to follow him. However, just as he was about to leave for sure, suddenly one of the Beedrils near the Weedle's body raised his voice and called out to the leader.

"Sir, this Kid is still alive!" 
