Smaug’s Talk (Fatal Incident)
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(Here's the beginning of the three*Possibly more* part final of this arc. I'm thinking of naming it The Bunny and Dragon's adventures.)

The sun is rising and its light shines on Haru's house. A large thud is heard a ways from the house and we see Smaug, in dragon form land and a red glow surrounds him and he changes into his male human form. 

Smaug's orange dragon eyes look around as he lets a breath out, his breath visible. Smaug takes a deep breath in and lets it out after a few seconds. Smaug walks towards the front door as a few orange and red leaves float past him.

Smaug stops at the front door and holds up his fist and he knocks on the door. After a few seconds we see a tired brown haired bunny-kin open the door. She sees Smaug and she straightens up.

"L-Lord Smaug!" Selina clears her throat. "What do I have the honor of serving you today."

"Mrs. Dugor, have you seen Haru?" Smaug questions.

"Yes, He's out back, practicing with his instrument. And you know you can call me Selina."

"Right." Smaug does a small bow. "It was nice seeing you again." He walks off.

"Uh, Right. Have a good day." Selina calls out and she shuts the door.

Smaug walks around the house and he hears a gentle and harmonic sound coming from the back. Smaug rounds the corner and sees Haru sitting on a stump playing the Lyre.

A flash of sadness appears in Smaug's eyes before he shakes his head and he heads over to Haru

A flash of sadness appears in Smaug's eyes before he shakes his head and he heads over to Haru.

"Haru." Smaug calls out.

Haru jumps a little, almost dropping his Lyre. Haru looks up to Smaug and he smiles.

"Lord Smaug, what are you doing here?" Haru asks.

"Well, I was here to pick you up, but I heard you playing the Lyre. Why the Lyre of all things?" Smaug questions.

Haru shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. I just saw it in a window a few days ago and I... felt like I should get it." He looks down at the Lyre. "It feels almost instinctual to hold it." He looks up to Smaug. "Why?"

"Don't worry about it." Smaug quickly says and he glows red for a few seconds and he changes into his dragon form. "Get on."

"What?!" Haru yells in shock. "Why? I can't ride on your back, Lord Smaug."

Smaug rolls his eyes and he uses his tail to grab Haru, with much yelling coming from the bunny, and sets Haru on his back.

"Lord Smaug?!" Haru yells. 

"Calm down." Smaug says. "We are going places."

Smaug flaps his massive wings and takes off into the sky.

Smaug bursts through the clouds as the rising sun shines onto his massive form. Haru is holding tightly onto a scale on Smaug's back; his ears flapping in the wind.

Haru looks to his side and sees the sun shining on the cloud. "Wow." Haru says in awe and he sits up.

" Haru says in awe and he sits up


(A few A

(A few A.I. generated images. Not exactly what I wanted, but close.)

"Amazing isn't it?" Smaug flaps his wings and takes a peek back at Haru.

"It's pretty." Haru with a big smile he then laughs and puts his hands up. "This is amazing."

A smile forms on Smaug face and he flaps his wings and flies faster.

After an hour of flying Smaug begins to slowly lower into the clouds. Haru holds his hand out and touches the clouds.

"Soft." Haru whispers to himself.

Smaug flies just below the clouds and he tilts himself slightly and Haru looks down below and sees many fields of crops and a few small towns.

"Wow." Haru says. "So much food."

Smaug looks down to the lands below. "A massive battle happened her thousands of years ago."

Haru looks at the lands. "Really? I can hardly tell."

"Time rules all and Nature will take back what was once hers." 

Haru sees people working in the fields and carriages driving on the roads. "How did you know about the battle?"

Smaug is silent for a few seconds. "1,000 soldiers Vs. 15,000 soldiers. A battle to take the capital. The odds were stacked against the small army, but after many hours and much blood shed; the small army prevailed." Smaug looks over to a large forest. "The capital was taken, but at what cost. Mothers, told that they will never see their sons again. Daughters scared, 'cause father never came back. Friends watching their friends die in their hands. A battle for equality was won."

Smaug flaps his wings and flies back into the clouds.

"War never determines who is right - only who is left."

Haru is silent as he takes in the words as Smaug breaks through the clouds and flies above them. "Did you lose someone that was in that battle?" He asks.

Smaug doesn't speak as he flaps his wings and speeds up.

A couple of hours later.

Haru is looking out to the clouds as they glow from the sunlight. Suddenly Smaug starts to lower into the clouds and Haru holds his hands out again to touch the clouds. 

Smaug breaks through the clouds and Haru looks down to see a massive city with a temple near the edge of it. "Isn't that the city the ex-goddess Quetzalcoatl used to rule?"

"One of the richest and most prosperous cities in the world." Smaug says. "Quetzalcoatl was a good ruler, she was fair and generous."

"You speak as if you know her."

"Yes, I uh... 'Know' her very well." Smaug coughs once then flaps his wings and the two start to raise up.

"But isn't Quetzalcoatl's city in the spectating faction?" Haru asks. "Which is very far away from the lonely mountain?"


"Oh, I've never been this far from home!" Haru says in excitement. "I've always wanted to travel around the world." 

The two break through the top of the clouds.

"Why are we going to all these places?" Haru asks and he rubs his hands on Smaug's warm scales.

"You'll learn soon enough." Smaug flaps his wings and the two take off.

A few hours later.

Smaug flies below the clouds and he tilts as he looks down to a massive city with a large tower in the middle.

"Wow, it's the town of Flores!" Haru says in excitement. "One of the greatest wizards in existence lives there!"

Smaug narrows his eyes at the tower and spots Merlin standing, looking up at him. "Merlin."

"I've always wanted to meet her." Haru says. "The Magus of Flowers. It was an honor to meet her daughter, but to meet her would be the best thing in the world. ... Other than meeting you of course, Lord Smaug."

Smaug stares down at Merlin for a few seconds before flapping his wings and the two fly up into the clouds.

"Oh, I've got to go to that city after I become a B rank adventurer." Haru then sighs as the two fly above the clouds. "But that's still a long ways away." Haru then whispers. "If I ever make it that far."

"You'll make it. If your goal is to be the youngest C rank adventurer, you'll definitely make it to B if you put your mind to it." Smaug looks back at Haru.

Haru gives Smaug a bright smile. "If you believe in me then I'll do it."

"Good." Smaug flaps his wings and the two take off.

A few hours later.

Smaug breaks through the clouds and he looks down to a massive forest bellow, with a large lake near the middle. 

"This is a big forest." Haru mumbles.

Smaug hums as he flaps his wings and flies down towards the forest. After a few seconds Smaug lands on the ground in a small clearing, near a very familiar cave. 

Vines surround the cave entrance. 

Smaug lifts his tail and grabs Haru, causing him to slightly freak out, and sets him on the ground. Smaug looks up at the cave with a look of reminiscence. 

"You need to be more careful little one." A memory echoes in Smaug's head.

"Sorry dad, I'm just so excited."

Then another memory plays in his head.

"Happy birthday." Smaug's voice echoes. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the best birthday ever! Thank you, Dad!" 

Another memory. 

"You ready, Little one?"

"I'm not little anymore! And yes!"

"You always will be my little one."

Another one.

"Megumin?! Little one?! Please! Come out, Daddy's here! ... MEGUMIN!"

"Smaug?" Haru's voice brings Smaug out of his daydream.

"Yes?" Smaug questions.

"Are you okay?"

Smaug looks confused. "Yes, why?"

"You're crying." Haru points out.

Smaug holds up his hand to his eyes and feels a wetness. Smaug then rubs his eyes. "It's nothing, just some old memories."

Smaug walks towards the cave and he goes up the ledge and into the cave. Haru follows after him. 

Haru looks into the darkness of the cave and he holds his hand out and a small ball of fire appears in his hand and lights his surroundings. Smaug keeps walking into the cave, past a few old furs rug-like stuff. 

Haru looks at a wall and sees some drawings made by a child. "Who made these?" Haru asks but Smaug doesn't answer. 

Smaug stops at the back of the cave, in front of a chest. Smaug kneels down to the chest and swipes his fingers across the lock and it glows gold before the lock disappears. 

Smaug opens the chest up and reaches inside and pulls out a plushie.

Smaug opens the chest up and reaches inside and pulls out a plushie

Smaug smiles as he looks down to the plushie.

"Daddy, Daddy!" 

"Little one, What is it?"

"I got something for you."

Smaug hugs the plushie for a few seconds before he sets it back into the chest and closes it. A lock appears on the chest and Smaug stands up.

Haru walks over to Smaug. "What is this place Smaug?"

"This is where Megumin grew up." Smaug states as he walks past Haru and towards the entrance.

"Grew up?" Haru questions as he follows after Smaug. "In this cave."


"Why did you take me here?"

Smaug and Haru reach the entrance of the cave. "I know you have a... thing for my daughter."

Haru starts to lightly sweat. 

Smaug continues. "And I just want to say.... If you break her heart I will kill you."


"What I'm saying is, that I approve of you two."

"Really?" Haru asks with a hopeful look.

"Yes, just... just please take care of her. She's had a few rough times in her life."

Haru nods and places a hand over his heart. "I promise with all my heart that I will take care of Megumin."

Smaug smiles as he glows red and changes into his dragon form. "There's one more stop."

Smaug uses his tail to pick up Haru and set him on his back. Smaug then flaps his wings and they take off into the sky.

A few hours later.

The sun is starting to set as Smaug lands on the top of the lonely mountain. Smaug sets Haru down and he changes into his human form.

The snow around Smaug melts as he heats up the surrounding area.

Haru looks around in amazement. "Wow, I can see so much from up here." Haru looks to Smaug, who's staring off at the sunset. "Why did you take me to all those places?"

"If you're going to become one of the greatest adventures, you're going to have to see the places you'll be protecting." Smaug looks at Haru. "This world won't be nice to you as you climb the ranks of power. This world will see to it that you'll fail. You will fail, it's an inevitable thing, but you will get back up and say 'Fuck you world' and continue on your path."

Haru looks at Smaug then he gains a look of determination and nods. "Yes, sir."

Smaug looks back at the sunset. "I'm going to tell you a secret only a select few know about."

Haru listens intently. 

"I actually had a child before Morgan." Smaug reveals.

"What?" Haru almost yells. "But all the books and stories I've heard say that Morgan was the first."

"Yeah, I've kept it that way on purpose."


"My first child was with Quetzalcoatl, or as her friends call her Lucoa." Smaug says.

"You had a child with a goddess?" Haru asks. "Wow, you've met a goddess."

"I know many gods and goddesses. But yes, I did have a child with a goddess. But a few days after Lucoa gave birth to my son, I was visited by the blue witch."

"Blue Witch?"

"I don't remember her name, but she gave me a strange warning. 'Though should not have bore child with the goddess. For thy child will not remain among the living for thy powers of blood are too powerful for the frail offspring.'  I never understood anything she ever said, so as I always did, I ignored her." Smaug takes a shaky breath. "But I was a fool. A few years after the birth of my son he suddenly became sick. We could figure out why?" 

Smaug tightens his fists and continues. "We got the best wizards and doctors to help us find out what was wrong. And what they told us, we became devastated. The magic my son was born with was too strong his body to handle. So, his magic was piratically killing him. So we spent the next year trying to make him as comfortable and happy as possible, but one morning he just... never woke up." 

Smaug holds a hand up and covers his eyes as tears slowly fall from them. "This world does not favor the villains. Lucoa's way of copping was to replace that sadness with anger. Anger of me stealing most of her cities gold and food from a few years back."

Haru's crying and sniffing as he listens to the story.

Smaug continues. "My way of copping was to not see her and forget about what happened. Then I went and did it again, I fell in love with Merlin, Though the first few hundred years we knew each other we tried to kill each other. Then I had a child with her. I was so scared that what happened with Lucoa would happen with Merlin, so I up and disappeared from their lives." 

Smaug lowers his hand and wipes his eyes. "I'm the villain in this story of mine. I'm the villain in everyone's stories. But for once, can't the villain be happy."

Haru hugs Smaug. "You're not the villain in my story and I'll make sure you'll become happy. I promise my name as Haru Dugor."

Smaug looks down to Haru and smiles. "You're like the brother I never had."

Haru laughs and Smaug laughs with him. 

Haru stops hugging Smaug and takes a few steps back and looks off to the sunset. "You know, one day I'm gonna travel the world and I'll save everyone and play songs for them."

Smaug looks at Haru. "You remind me of my best friend, Venti."

Haru tilts his head in confusion. "Who's Venti?"

"A friend I met long ago."

"Where are they now?"

Smaug looks back at sunset. "He's traveling the world."

"Well, maybe one day I'll meet him."

"... Maybe.... Maybe..."

Haru then jumps up and down a few times. "Oh, oh. I almost forgot! I'm being promoted to D rank!" Haru claps in excitement.

"That's great!" Smaug says with elation. 

"And there's a party to celebrate in a couple days. Will you show up?"

Smaug nods. "Of course, and I'll bring everyone else."

Haru shakes with excitement. "OOOOHHHH! I'M SO EXCITED!"

Smaug laughs and Haru slowly calms down.

"But can we go back to my home now?" Haru asks. "It's getting kinda late."


A couple days later.

Smaug is walking down the streets of Aureum Regem with Morgan, Megumin, Setsuna, Paimon and Raiden.

"Looks like his training paid off." Raiden says.

"The kid deserved it." Setsuna adds. "He's been working hard from what I've heard."

"I'm so happy for him." Megumin says in happiness.

"I worked hard with him, so I'm glad he ranked up." Morgan says.

"Oh, Paimon wonders what kind of food they'll have at the party." Paimon thinks out-loud.

Smaug chuckles and he looks ahead to see a large tavern with many people around it. "There it is."

The group walks over to it as Haru walks outside of it and sees the group.

"You all came!" Haru says with great happiness. 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world kid." Smaug adds.

Smaug walks forward as Haru runs forward and hugs him tightly. "This is all thanks to you Lord Smaug. Thank you so much!" 

Smaug wraps his arms around Haru. "You're welcome."

Haru lets go of Smaug. "Come on! The party's about to start." Haru runs inside.

Smaug laughs.

"Let's go already." Setsuna walks past Smaug and towards the door.

"FOOD!" Paimon floats past Smaug.

Someone in a cloak walks past the group from behind. 

Time slows down as Smaug's brow furrows and looks to his side and towards the cloaked figure. A golden tail drags behind the figure and they turn around to reveal that it's a Dave with an eye patch. Smaug's eye's widen as the figure holds up a hand, ready to snap.

Time resumes and Smaug quickly looks at Setsuna, Paimon and Haru. Haru is already inside.

"Wait-" Smaug starts but he Dave Snaps.

Everything goes silent then a deafening boom is heard as Smaug's vision turns white.

The next thing Smaug sees is that he's on his side and on the ground and the large tavern blown to pieces and on fire, along with surrounding buildings being engulfed in white flames. Setsuna is not too far in front of him, but she's completely still. Paimon props herself up and looks around in confusion, blood dripping from a wound on her head.

Smaug's vision starts to blur as he feels someone moves him onto his back and he sees two figures above him.

Everything goes black.



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