Chapter 1.
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I was blankly staring at the chicken and rice on my plate, the fork felt small in my large hand. The voice of my middle-aged coach rang in my head. 


“Eat, Lucas!” he would yell with a furious face, spit scattering on my face. The coach was somewhat of a father-figure to me, since my parents died when I was young. 


My mother had suffered from cancer at an early age, and I remember visiting her to the hospital every day for three years. She was always feeble and pale, but would force a smile when I was around. 


If I could meet her again, I would tell her that her smiling face is the image I see whenever I think of her. Not the image of her bawling her eyes out when I snuck glances into the room; those tears weren’t meant for me.


When I was 10, my mother finally lost her battle with the long-term disease. Ridden with misery, my father’s alcohol problem went out of hand and he couldn’t work any longer. He had a heart attack soon after and died.


I stayed with my grandmother until she also passed away when I was 15. Surrounded by death, I was a quiet teenager. With no friends at school, I would barely talk at all.


One day, we were playing dodgeball at school. I was standing at the corner of the playing field as usual, waiting to be disqualified. 


Someone thought it would be funny to throw the ball as hard as he could, from as close as possible. As the ball hit my face, the class clown felt a sense of schadenfreude and laughed along with the others.


My eyes lit up as I glanced at the ball, dumbfounded. Is that.. fun? I was like a brainless robot, copying what others did to try and find joy. Feeling my face red from the hit, I felt excited for the first time in my life.


I mysteriously looked at the ball as the others laughed. 


I curiously tilted my head and looked at my target. With a slight wrist movement, I slung the ball forward. 


Next thing I knew, there were teeth scattered around like pearls around the class clown and I was dragged away.




“This bastard hurt my son! This is what happens when no one teaches them!” the mother yelled at the principal’s office, while her 15-year-old was crying next to her.


All of a sudden, the PE teacher stormed into the room. He skilfully apologized to everyone for me and settled the situation with the elegance of a lawyer, and I was soon out of trouble just with some detention and reprimand.


Ever since that day, the PE teacher became my coach and manager. Seeing potential in me, he wanted me to enter all kinds of strength competitions, events, tv-shows. He even quit his job at school, and made it his full-time job.


I let him drag me wherever he wanted, because he had shown me something. It was the ultimate distraction, the only thing this world had left to offer for me.


Lifting weights!


I quickly climbed to the top of my age group, but I didn’t stop there. When I reached my full growth at 18, I had climbed to the top of the world.


Magazines all around the world praised Lucas the genius powerlifting prodigy, who held all the world records.


Bench press world record: 460 kg, Lucas Dwoyle.


Squat world record: 570 kg, Lucas Dwoyle.


Deadlift world record: 520 kg, Lucas Dwoyle.


I didn’t train for the competitions. I trained because it was thrilling, the closest thing to danger I could find.


Powerlifters eat like horses and are built like bears with fat and muscle, and I was no different. I was frightening enough to never be afraid of anyone trying to rob or threaten me. Doors felt too narrow, most objects felt too small. 


180 centimeters tall and built like a tank, I felt like a gorilla. 


My coach was baffled by my mere existence, and tried to force feed me all kinds of high-calorie foods like a mad scientist trying to conquer the world.




Now at 22 years old, another competition was approaching within a month. Even with my dark childhood, I had grown to be a proper adult with the help of a team that was behind my social image. I faked it until I made it, and my personality had slowly opened up.


I was slowly awakening to the different aspects of life, not being so dependent on powerlifting as a reason to live as I used to be. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could reach happiness.


I went to a cafe to get a box of donuts to eat in one sitting, having to eat a lot of calories. I usually wore baggy clothes to hide my physique, which simply made me look fat. I did it to reduce the chances of being recognized in public.


As I walked home with the box of donuts in hand, I was crossing a sidewalk when I suddenly saw blinding lights and could hear a car’s horn.






In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere became serene. I could hear birds singing, and the sun's light was shining on my feet. My shirt was gone, and I only had a primitive cloth as an undergarment to cover my front. My large muscles as well as my excess fat were completely visible. 


I looked like a strong, half-naked caveman.


“Wha..” I quickly turned back, and saw someone rubbing their head on the ground made of stone.


There was a white woman whose red hair flowed down to her waist with an equally fiery expression on her face. Her long eyelashes made her beautiful green eyes pop out, and her small nose that was wrinkled in displeasure had the perfect shape. She looked like a princess with her slender and fragile shape. 


She had the same brown cloth as I did covering her groin from the front, as well as another cloth covering her non-existent breasts. 


Next to her, there was another woman.


This woman’s own red hair was also flowing down wildly, and her green eyes similar to the girl next to her made it obvious they were family. There was an identical cloth covering her breasts, but it did a poor job and was on the verge of splitting open because of how large her mounds were.


The sight of her was extremely lecherous. Her bottom and thighs were so plump, that I could easily see the outlines even with her front cloth covering them. I wasn’t sure how far up the letters her breast size was, but the shape of her whole body was erotic. She had some fat here and there as a proof of her mature charm, and if I had to make a guess, she was the elder sister.


Because I had only just socially awakened, I was still a virgin and was easily stimulated by the sight of her vulgar body.


“Wh.. what happened..” the younger woman asked, as she looked around. She finally noticed me, and put her guard up.


I ignored her and looked outside. We seemed to be in some sort of a small cave, so I walked towards the entrance to find answers. Was I kidnapped? Who would dare to kidnap me?


As soon as I stepped out, a tropical view attracted my eyes. Palm trees, weird looking plants, even a small waterfall could be seen in my peripheral vision. The sounds of crickets and birds, the smell of wilderness. Is this a jungle?


The two women walked behind me.


The younger woman who looked around my age was staring at me, her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. “He..hey big guy, is this a joke? It’s a joke, right? I saw you on the road just a minute ago..” 


“..Did you drive over me?” I asked in a sudden realization while pinching the top of my hand to see if I was dead.


“Wha.. I did not! I was just trying to dodge that crazy truck driver and..!” she got defensive for a second, before she strayed her eyes from me and saw the wilderness.


She totally drove over me, didn’t she?


Her angry expression immediately disappeared when she realized the situation.


The older woman looked distressed, and covered her mouth with her hand. Her breasts almost came out of their pockets.


We stood there for a good five minutes, meekly looking around us. No one fully stepped outside the cave.


I turned back to the cave. I had to think before making a move. The younger woman courageously put her hand over my large chest to stop me, as if I was running off with a solution I wasn't willing to share.


“Where are you going?” she asked, looking at me incredulously. I was around 180 centimeters, while she and the other woman were 170ish. Either way, my intimidating physique didn’t seem to scare her at all when she flatly stopped me. It was strange, considering how I could snap her like a twig.


“I need to think,” I shook her hand away and walked.


She had been gazing at the wilderness for longer than me with a brave glint in her eye. 


“There is no time for that!” she decided with great resolve.


I turned back to look at them.


“Mom, let’s go look for a city.”




“Are.. you sure? Maybe we should wait,” The older woman seemed hesitant. It was the first time I heard the mother talk, she seemed a bit more feminine and scared than who now appears to be her reckless daughter. 


The beautiful daughter adventurously grabbed her equally beautiful mother along in search of civilization.


The mother was clumsily holding the skimpy cloth that covered her breasts, so that her breasts wouldn’t jiggle out when she moved. 


The daughter’s breast-cloth had no trouble, since she was as flat as a man. I lightly kept my eyes on the mother’s bottom until they disappeared behind the leaves. Seeing a refined woman like her with visible love handles in the wilderness made my cock twitch. Both women’s behinds were visible and the mother realized it by trying to cover her gigantic, perfect ass with her other free hand.

I shook my head and sighed. Deep down, I wished them good luck with their decision.


The small single-room cave where we appeared was nothing great at first glance, but I could hear a faint sound of water falling at the back. Being curious, I went towards the sound. 


There was a small source of flowing water flowing through the rocks. The route of the water seemed to be completely shielded, as it came through the rocks and flowed through the cave system before going underground. I stared at the water beneath me, extremely thirsty.


I thought it should be safe, and cupped some of it with my hands. It was clear and enticing, and I carefully licked it at first to see if it tasted weird.


Maybe it’s because I was thirsty, but the water was very tasty. Water straight from a cave system, just that thought alone made it more refreshing.


I sat down to think, when I heard a loud noise. The cave was covered by blue, and my head was spinning. As soon as the blue light disappeared, I could see a screen in front of me where a small catalogue popped up.


<Crafting Table> [Progress: stage 1/?]


Available to craft:


  • [Flint and steel]
  • [Simple knife]


Requirements to unlock stage two: 

  • [Kill 1 animal to satisfy hunger] [Incomplete]
  • [Sleep 1 night to achieve rest] [Incomplete]
  • [Secretly masturbate to the following character to satisfy sexual urges] [Incomplete]
  • [Drink water to satisfy thirst] [Complete]


A picture of the redhead mother I had just seen appeared under <Target>