Troublesome Mistake
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Troublesome Mistake

I was breathing heavily because of my rough training. It's not every day you get punched in the face often. Being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent takes a lot of bruising. I was supposed to be hibernating. But it's fine, it's better to be a warrior than being a sack of potatoes. 

“Alright (y/n) get your ass off the floor”

“Well, it's not easy when you keep on pushing me to it” I growled at my training partner. I tried to get up only to find a foot stepping on my chest to stop me from getting up.

“Are you gonna let go of me?” I stared at my training partner. 

“Huh did you hear that?” She joked around while I looked her dead in the eyes. I grabbed her ankle and kicked her other foot so she could fall down to the floor and pin her to the ground.

“Next time try to aim for the head,” I said while I flicked her head. Only to hear a small groan. I got up and helped her up as well. I tried to dust off my clothes and told her bye and went to a cafe. I went to my favorite cafe and ordered what I usually order. I took a seat by the window as usual and just relaxed *BANG!.

“HEY (Y/N)!!” I saw my friend banging on the window and waving at me like a kid trying to get attention.

“I can't even have ONE DAY to relax,” I muttered with a sigh. You have to be kidding me even though he's like 20?! I thought, before I got the chance to get up and leave, Alex was already in front of my seat. Alright, I guess I'm gonna stay and ‘talk’.

“What do you want, Al?” While I sip my morning and delicious coffee.

“Ahhh You?~

“What do you mean ‘AhhH YoU’?” I said while mocking him

“My god you're so dense and you're saying your older than me”

“THAT'S BECAUSE I AM!!” I shouted only to see all the people in the cafe looking at us weirdly. I bowed my head slightly and muttered ’sorry’. Then my head snapped back to Alex to see him looking all innocent. 

“Al, I don't have time okay?”

“You're in a Starbucks cafe, how are you busy?” said Alex, taking my coffee and sipping it in front of me. I just looked at him, if looks can kill he would be dead in the street with a goddamn dagger on both of his eyes. 

“Oh well look at the time I have to go~!” I got up and ran to the exit while Alex kept on shouting my name. 

“It's getting dark soon,” I said, looking up at the sky and seeing the Sunset, I’ll just go take a shortcut to a alleyway near my house. While I was walking to the alleyway I saw a shattered glass wall. I got curious and we all know that curiosity kills the cat. But I couldn't help myself so I decided to see what was going on. Me being a harry potter addict decided it would be a good idea to run through instead of walking. But that wasn’t a great idea...

I bumped into a person and hit my face on the floor. In annoyance, I looked up and saw the face of a person blurred by my vision. I tried to focus my vision only to see a person wearing a weird-ass-clothes and a long red cape.

“What in hell are you doing here?! This is a sacred place made with concentrated magic?!”

“Uhm…Alley-ways are not sacred unless you're doing drugs? Wait…. Did you just say magic? Also nice cape”

“You... Magic is Sacred thus this is Sacred, And it's a cloak NOT a cape, and don't insult IT!” Is this guy a child? I just got up and looked around.

“Sooooooo? You're telling me you're a wizard?”

“Sorcerer. Not Wizard you uncultured brat”


“Exactly what a Brat would say” I just looked at him like he just grew a second head. I was about to say an insult back until I saw something glowing above the Man.

“What in the life of me is that?!” I pointed at the glowing thing on top of his head. He looked above him and pushed me away from him. Great, I guess the floor really loves me. I got up and looked at the guy only to see an otter. 

“Well hello there?” I tilted my head in confusion and went to the otter with a cape and picked it up. While I had it in my hand it was making cute otter noises. I was melted by the cuteness and couldn't help but awe.

‘*Otter Squeak’s *Squeak *Squeak’

“Wait isn't that his Cape?” Thinking that the man resembles this otter in a way ‘Kinda looks like him not gonna lie

“Darling. It's a Cloak for the SECOND TIME” I squeaked at the otter speaking and thrown the otter away from my hands.

“My Fucking god ChILD don’t throw me like that!”

“AHhhHh!? Well, it's not every day you hear a talking otter!!” I walked back to the otter and carefully picked him up once again.

“Child mind where you're touching me. Something messed up the Spell I was casting and looks like this is the effect”

GASP* So you are a wizard!!” The otter just smacked his head. ‘Did I just witness an otter smacking his head? Adorable~’

“Sorcerer supreme SORCERER not WIZARD” I just looked at him in awe only to see he looked at me with confusion. 

“Okay okay sorcerer NOT wizard,” I said making sure I was right and saw the otter nodding his head. Sorcerers are just wizards without hats though. I looked around the ally-way to still see the shattered glass wall.

“Uhm so- okay I'm not a sorcerer or whatever but I feel like we are in some kind of….dimension?” 

“It's called the mirror dimension, now come on.” The otter climbed to my shoulder only to rest there like a scarf. “Okay do not speak of this but it's pretty comfy” I shut my lips not because of acute otter death staring at me but because I was trying to hold a laugh. 

“Alright alright so where to?” I walked towards the shattered glass wall once again. 

“177A Bleecker Street” Once the otter told me the location I started to run to our respected location “Child slow down!!”.

“Do you want to be back to human form or not?” I was still running and once I didn't hear a reply I decided to go faster. Once we arrived I walked inside.

“Woah~,” I said in awe at how beautiful it was on the inside. It has that Castle Interior look in the ’70s with one stair staircase leading to two rooms.

“Holy shit Otter, your place is a Castle!?”

“Brat, Child whatever your name is FOCUS”

“Ahh yes. The little otter is getting impatient.” I Rolled my eyes and looked around for a bit. “The brat’s that you're talking about is (y/n) as Little as I care at this point what’s yours?”

“Did I ask? You made this entire incident so I don't care for courtesy”

“Well okay fine I'll just leave you here and you can fix YOUR spell” I was about to remove the pest out of my shoulder.

“Child, Or whatever your name is, You're in MY sanctum which means I have power here regardless of form. Enough to at least destroy your future” He said in a Glare ‘I think he forgot he was an otter just for a second, Should I just squeeze him?’ Tho with him being an otter it's more like a cute little threat than an actual threat.

“What in the Gods?” A guy came into the conversation and looked at me and the otter with a strange look. I only look at the otter to say something to this guy or I don't know, make him vanish? 

`Don't speak about me ` he told me using some kind of magic telepathically. I jumped a bit from hearing a voice.

`Wa- dude don't fucking do that, Can you hear me in this?`I told him in thought that it would work in some kind of telepathic way.

Yes, you demonic demon” I wanted to throw the otter but controlled myself. I looked at the guy to see he was still looking at me for an answer.

Okay strange otter but don't you think we need his help since he's a sorcerer too?

I- okay fine” the otter went to my hands so I could hold him up to the guy who was getting impatient. “Uhm hai...Wong”  The Wong guy just looked at the otter, shocked at first then turned into anger.

“Strange don't tell me you tried to do the spell I SPECIFICALLY told you not to,” Wong said looking at the otter who now I know is Stephen Strange. 

“Uhm yeah, I kind of did it?” Wong was about to grab Strange only for the otter to wrap himself around my neck again. “Wong, now is not the time to kill me okay?”

“It's better to kill you now”

“Okay, can we not right now,” I told the two men and looked at them and told them ‘we are in some serious shit so please can we fix it’ i only heard Strange chuckle. Is he still in my mind?

“Yes yes I am darling” I looked at the otter only for him to cower on my neck a little. I took a deep breath and looked at wong.

“Wong? Right? We just need help to bring Stephen back to himself so please can you help us” Strange looked at me for finding out his first name. I just looked at him with a smile.

“Ugh okay I can help but not really, I can only give you a book that might help but I can't go furthermore because this spell is too complicated” Wong went to go get the book while I and Strange waited for him.

“How did you know my name?” The otter looked at me with curiosity while I just waited for Wong.

“Well I saw your file”

“My file?”

“Yeah, it said about a sorcerer named Stephen Vintcen Strange and about you and your powers, and I'm deeply sorry for your hands” I looked at the otter to see he was looking down in pain. I didn't know how to help but I petted his head and hoped that it would help and it did. Wong came back with a book and gave it to me.

“ I would recommend you start now, Strange you have to help her” While Wong and Strange were talking I looked through some pages only to look amazed. I heard a sigh next to me and looked at the otter.

“Well looks like I have to teach you the mystic arts” I nodded and went to the stairs only to be in a room filled with stuff.

“These are mystical relics like the cloak here” Once he said that the cloak flew off his shoulder and was now in front of my now shocked face.

“This whole time the cloak was alive?” Strange nodded but I wasn't looking at him. I was still looking at the cloak. I shook my head so we could get back to business. 

“Alright well let's begin” I looked at the otter and smiled then he smiled back.

*2 weeks later*

I and Strange got close for the past 2 weeks. But people might mistake it for a girl fighting with an otter. But no, that's just how our relationship is.

“You're ready?” I said to Strange while in a position to get started with the spell.

“Child you asking me if I'm ready when I have been waiting for like 2 weeks?” I just looked at him still waiting for his answer.”yes yes I'm ready (y/n)” I smiled and started the spell once I was done I looked up to see the man once again. Strange looked at his hands and touched his face.

“(y/n) did it” Strange looked at me with the most adorable smile and ran towards me. I got shocked and about to run away only to be in a crushing hug and lift off the ground. “You did it (y/n) you did it!” I looked at Strange and hugged him back with a smile. Once he let go of me he had a devilish smirk.

“Straaaaange what are you thinking?” I said getting nervous only to see his smirk grow wider. I looked scared now and wanted to run far away but Strange had his hands on my arm to keep me in my place.

“Now it's your turn” He whispered in my ears. My eyes widened when I knew exactly what he's gonna do but it was too late.

Meow meow meow” SHIT I'm a cat now?!! I looked at my hands only to see cat paws. I looked too Strange to see him kneeling in front of me.

“Awww what a cute cat” He went to pet me but I tried scratching him. But in the end, I ended up being on Strange’s lap and being petted. 


Author note.

The Writer - Hello I hope you enjoy the little changes EDITOR!!

The Editor - YEshh? Oh ah. Hope you like this chapter, the Longest one yet actually. The writer worked hard as hell on this one Bai!~

The Writer - Oh shut up I love my work and my little otter *hugging otter* and yes he is cuddly.