The smile of the Moon 
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The smile of the Moon 

It was Halloween, the scariest holiday of the year. Where you can get candies and spooky things. But there is one thing in this holiday that people are most scared of. A ghost that runs around London has been taking teens and kids to join him with his soul. But out of all of that, we all love to celebrate Halloween except Sherlock Holmes, He has other plans in this Spooky Time. 

“Sherlock, come on it's Halloween!” John said to the so-called detective who is in his mind palace.

“John Halloween is childish, why would I want to celebrate It?” Sherlock got up and went to the kitchen to his chemistry set. 

“But holidays are supposed to be fun Sherlock!” While John was arguing why Halloween is supposed to be celebrated, Sherlock got a text from Lestrade saying that he has a case.

“Your right John holidays are supposed to be fun” Sherlock had a smile on his face, got up to the coat holder, and put on his coat and scarf.

“Finally! now you se- got a case didn't you?” Sherlock nodded happily to John while John just sighed.

“Come on John, the game is on!” Once they arrived at Scotland Yard and at Lestrade's office, they saw a mess of papers all over the place.

“Sherlock!” Lestrade looked up at Sherlock with a tired smile.

“What is it, Grey?” Lestrade just sighs and gives Sherlock a paper that he just picked up from the ground. Sherlock read the paper and just scoffed and passed the paper to John.

“A ghost?” John said, still reading the paper.

“Yes, a lot of people went here and kept on reporting about it. We kept on finding bodies that are chopped off and restitched with strings to look like those marionette puppet things, the messed up part is that each body that was found had a carved message saying ' ‘trick or treat’”. Lestrade went to sit in his chair and tried to massage his scalp. Sherlock looked at all the paper and went back to Lestrade.

“And you want me to find out who the ‘ghost’ is exactly?” Sherlock said to see that Lestrade nodded his head pleading. “Ohhh this is gonna be fun”

Time Skip 28 hours later.

“SHERLOCK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?”John said looking at the documents of the found body and autopsies.

“John, he used sedative-hypnotics and put them in the candy” Sherlock was still looking at the telescope.  “But how are we gonna catch him!” He slammed his hand to the table in frustration. Then he got up and left John in the flat. Sherlock looked all around his head to find any plan or Idea. But there was none, he saw some kids in costumes with buckets of candies. Then he felt someone bump into him. He looked down to see a girl around 17 years old.

“Oh, I'm so sorry” The girl looked up to see Sherlock.”Wait... you're that detective?” She pulled out her hand looking for a handshake, Sherlock looked at it confused then shook it. “I'm (y/n)”

“(Y/N) GET OVER HERE!” One of (y/n)’s friends called her. She looked back at Sherlock and told him she was sorry once again and went to join her friends. Sherlock looked at her figure and continued to find clues until he stopped at an abandoned house. He went inside to see everything all burned down and old. Then he jumped when he heard a strange noise.  Sherlock got his gun out and pointed at the shadowy figure.

“WAIT NO No I’m sorry!!” Sherlock put down his gun to see (y/n) again.

“What are you doing here?” (y/n) scratched the back of her neck and explained that she wanted to join the case so she followed him to the abandoned house. “Okay you can join me” (y/n) gasped in excitement and was jumping around. “But I need a favor,” said Sherlock. She stopped and looked at him with a serious face. After explaining the plan Sherlock and (y/n) went back to the flat.

“Oh your back and who is this?”

“This is (y/n) she will be the bait to catch our ghost” John just looked at Sherlock like he was crazy, well this IS crazy. 

“SHERLOCK! Are you out of your mind?! She's just a teenager and if we make one mistake she can die!!” 

“It's okay, I wanted to join since I want to help you with this case so just take my help,” said (y/n).

“See?~ She agrees therefore it's fine,” Sherlock said in a mocking manner which irritated John.


“Can't say anything now, so let's just continue shall we”

“Sherlock I'm just worried if this ‘plan’ won't work” John sighed and went towards (y/n) to be sure if she was okay with this plan.

“Of course it will work John,” Sherlock said with a confused face. 

“Talking to (y/n) not you,” said John to Sherlock in a stingy voice.

“Are you sure you're fine with this psychopath handling your life?” said John.

“Sociopath John '' Sherlock mumbled under his breath. (y/n) looked at John's face with a look that he can't figure out.

“If it means I can help you bring justice to those who died, Having my life on the line is nothing” John just sighed at her response and decided that there is nothing to change that rock-headed head.

“Then it's a go then!” said ‘Sociopath’ Sherlock. “Well okay here's the plan, We send her bait she becomes bait we catch our ghost, Easy right!?” said Sherlock in a happy-go-lucky voice.

“This is so wrong” John rolled his eyes at Sherlock's stupid plan. Once everything was settled (y/n) got dressed up for Halloween and asked for candies from every house she could find. 

“Ah I have a feeling for this one,” said Sherlock in front of the spookiest house in the neighborhood.

“Alright... Let's go” said John in a rather scared voice. 

“Haven't you seen way worse than this?” Said Sherlock to John who looks like he's about to piss his pants. “WAIT Don't tell me you have a spook for Ghosts??”

“ALRIGHT BOYS can we focus on the plan please?” (y/n) looked at the boys like their kids, Sherlock mumbled ‘Oooh~ she’s a tough one isn't she’, She turned back to knock on the door and it opened only a small gap to place candy in her bucket. “Yeah, totally not suspicious” She walked away from the house and ate the candy without a second thought. After about 15 mins (y/n) fainted and looked up to see the white-masked ghost. She was taken in a van and Sherlock and John followed to see that it was leading to a forest.

“So we just go and follow that van then?” Sherlock didn't listen to John, he just went to the forest to follow the van. John looked around to see that he lost Sherlock. “Great,” said John.

Sherlock was walking in the forest only to be lost. He tried to remember where the vehicle went but only heard a sound from a bush. But before Sherlock can check what it was he got shot by a syringe. Then he fell asleep after an hour or so and Sherlock finally regained his consciousness.

“Pentazocine injection” Sherlock tried to get up only to see that he was tied up to a chair. He looked around the room to see if there was any way he could escape.

“Ah you're finally awake” Sherlocked looked up to see the ghost man holding an ax and another person next to him who was also wearing all white and a mask. 

“Hm, you must be the ghost” Sherlock only heard a chuckle from the ghost man. The man walked around Sherlock with a wicked smirk. The other one with him was just staying in the shadows.

“Well, I owe it all to my daughter” Sherlock got confused about what he was talking about. “The great Sherlock Holmes got tricked by a child” Sherlocked continued to look at the man with confusion. Then he saw the man get an eyeball from a bowl. Then he plops the eyeball to his mouth and eats it. “Trick or Treat~” The ghost looked back at Sherlock still having that wicked grin.

“I don't even know who your daughter is?”

“Oh, but you do?” The man looked at the shadow figure and told them to come forward. “Remove your mask sweetheart” Once he ordered the person to remove their mask Sherlock couldn't believe his eyes. 

“(y-y/n)?” She looked at me with guilt in her eyes and looked away from me. Sherlock heard a small muttered ‘sorry’ from her.

“Well it was fun while it lasted but I'm afraid it's time for Sherlock to be my new puppet collection” The ghost walked up to Sherlock and picked up his chin so Sherlock could look at him. Then Sherlock heard a click of a gun.

“Father enough” (y/n) said while pointing a gun at the ghost head. Her father looked at her with disappointment.

“Ahhhh (y/n) I taught you better than this”

“Yes you did which means I can shoot you without a second thought”

“Hehe my (y/n) why would you?” While (y/n) and the ghost were talking, John came out and helped Sherlock out of the ropes.

“John?” Sherlock whispered to John only for him to be shushed by him.  Once Sherlock was free he heard her still talking to her father.

“Why would I?” (y/n) chuckled at her father's response “BECAUSE YOU KILLED MOTHER!!” she pointed the gun harder to her father's head “Not only that but you killed my closest friend and turned him into a PUPPET!” Sherlock saw the tears dropping down her cheeks. “After mother died he was the only one who was in my life but YOU HAD TO RUIN IT!”

The father only scoffed and pushed down the gun. “He deserved to die” (y/n) pulled the gun back to his head and said these last words to him.

“Happy Halloween father” Before Sherlock could hear a bang he heard the sirens of the police. He turned around to see all the police getting their guns out and went inside the house to point their guns at (y/n). She dropped the gun and looked at Sherlock with tears still in her eyes.

“PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!!” Donovan went to (y/n) and cuffed her then brought her to the police car. Sherlock just watched (y/n) while John explained to Lestrade what happened.

“But she helpt!” John tried to reason with Lestrade to let her go but it didn't work.

“Yet she still killed someone” John gave up and went to Sherlock so they could go home. While they were walking home Sherlock got an idea to get (y/n) out, he got his phone and called a number.

2 months later.

“Ms. (y/n)?” She looked to see who was calling her to see a man in a suit with an umbrella. 

“Yes?” The strange man brought out his hand and introduced himself.

“Mycroft Holmes” She took his hands and shook them then asked why he was here. “My little brother told me to pick you up”

“B-but i-i'm still in the custody of murder?” Mycroft only smiled at her response and passed her a paper that told her that she was free of custody. She looked back to Mycroft and went to hug him. “Thank you so much!”

“Do-do not thank me it was Sherlock who told me to get you out of jail” She pulled away from the hug and followed Mycroft to his car so she could be dropped off at Sherlock's flat. And that is how she finally had a loving family, well a weird one in fact.