The Devils Piece
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“Ughh!! You know I can't always cover for you!!” 

“Just this once pls!!!”

“FINE!! Just this once but I'm not touching anymore DEAD BODYS!!”

“Thank you thank you!” I rolled my eyes at my friend's protest. I just continued the video game and dragged all the dead bodies. Yes video game, what did you think? that my friends are murderers and I always cover them because I'm a detective? Well, the detective thing is true but not the murdering thing. I heard my phone ringing so I picked up the call.

“(Y/L) speaking” I answered the call only to hear Chole. 

“Hey (Y/N) we need you at LAPD” I heard Chloe say on the phone. I got my helmet and got on my motorcycle to reach the location Chole sent me to her new case. Once I got there, Chole ran towards me while I was removing my helmet. 

“Hey (Y/N)! Look we need you to check on the body” I groan. I already know it will be a dead body to check on but I just want to get the job done and go home.  

“Well well well long time no see~,” Lucifer said while checking her out

“Would you mind keeping your eyes to yourself?” said Chloe sending a warning glare at Lucifer. 

“Well, how can I? She's such an attraction to the eye” Lucifer looked at me with his mischief eyes while I just rolled mine.

“Yeah yeah yeah whatever Lucifer, can we get back to business?” I looked at Chole to show me the way and followed her. I asked questions here and there to understand the case. “Well she died in a gruesome way” I mumbled with disgust at the dead body.

“If you ask me I would say we have a fan here” Lucifer walked over me to see the body clearer. I nodded to Lucifer showing that I agreed.

“I guess we have jack the ripper back to life” I got away from the body to go talk to Chloe about having a 2.0 jack the ripper.

“So you think that this person is a fan and decided to do the same gruesome killing that Jack the ripper did before?” I nodded at Chloe’s statement then went to talk to Lucifer to see what he thinks of the case.

“Got anything that could help us in this case, Luci?” I walked up to Lucifer to see what he was looking at.

“If it helps you Detective Angel I did find that butterfly knife” I looked at Lucifer shocked. I called for Ella to take the butterfly Knife and check if there were any clues that could help us.

“You know what, I'm not even surprised you found the knife” I was about to go to my motor but Lucifer stopped me.

“Ah ah ah, our deal?” Lucifer had a mischievous grin while holding my helmet to stop me from leaving. I looked down remembering the deal I made with the devil himself.


“Hello, little girl” My 16 years old self looked at the man to see him looking at me creepily. “Where are your parents?” He said getting closer to me.

“I-i don't know” I was a scared girl that was lost and didn't know what was going to happen to me if I followed the stranger. “Pls go away”

“But I only want to help” He held my throat and squeezed. I got even more terrified. I was struggling to get free but I was only a weak teen. “Shhh shhh it will be over soon” I was in tears to be free to finally breathe but I knew I was going to die and that I couldn't do anything about it.

“Let the poor thing go” Another voice I heard said I was about to lose consciousness. Until I was dropped onto the floor and could finally breathe. I looked up to see the other stranger looking at me. “Well hello”

“Pls don't hurt me” I coward backward to hide my shaking body.

“Hey hey it's okay I'm not here to hurt you” I looked at him to see if he was telling the truth but soon trusted him and went towards him. “Where are your parents?” He saw pain and fear in my eyes “How about you come with me?”

“But-but I don't have anything in return”

“What makes you think I want something?”

“E-everyone wants something”

“Hmmm okay would it make you feel better if you pay me back once you get back on your feet?” I nodded to the stranger. In front of me, I saw a hand sticking out. “Do we have a deal then?” He gave me a comforting smile. I smiled back and shook his hand.

Flashback Ended

“You want to use it now?” he grinned, even more, to show me that yes he wants to use it. I sighed and waited for him to continue.

“Go on a date with me” I was shocked by what he just told me. I didn't know what to say or what to do.

“Sorry, say that again I think I want deaf” I was hoping that I DID just hear things but no.

“Date with me” I was once again frozen as ice. But it's a deal so I have no choice and say yes. But deep down I would be lying if I didn't have a little crush on the devil and that's how my life went from hell to heaven.