This ain’t no dream
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I'm hurt I feel so heartbroken why does this have to happen, my love is ripped out of my life. I can't do anything to fix it. he wouldn't stand he is dying and I feel like I'm already dead. My life will forever feel this gruesome grief. 


"(Y/N) just pick up the poster and buy a new one" My friend was just looking at my teary eyes. I was just holding my Lee Pace poster close to me like a dying person in my hands.


"I-i can't, I would never replace him!" Jack just rolled his eyes at me for being a drama queen like I am. 


"If I buy you the Thranduil crown thing would you stop crying and get up?" Jake didn't even get to blink before (Y/N) got up right away with a happy excited smile. He just sighed and then passed (Y/N) enough money to at least buy a car.


"Wait you aren't coming?" 


"Do you think I would come with you only to be holding a lot of your stupid shits?" I just gasped at his rude comment. But he just shrugged me off and said if I don't get my 'stuff' now then he will take back the money. And I wouldn't want to miss this time so I just booked it to pay for my precious crown. 


While I was walking to go find a store selling it. I finally found it and bought it without hesitation. Once I got the crown I got out of the shop and walked towards the park to just have fresh air. But I was not having a lucky day as I bumped a person and fell on my butt. My butt hurts but that's not what I was worried about.


"No my crown!!" I picked up the now broken crown only to feel disappointed. I wanted to shout at the person who did this but before I could see who they were. They extended their hands out to help me up.


"Are you okay?" I couldn't say anything. The one I had to bump into had to be Lee fucking Pace himself. I just nodded since I was too speechless to speak. "Sorry about that I was just uhh-" Lee got cut off when we saw an apocalypse of fangirls running towards Lee Pace screaming for his attention. 


I just grabbed his hands and run away from the fangirls. I was trying to find a way to lose them but a 6-foot person running with you is like fucking tiring. But we lost them, and later on, I had to stop to take a deep breath. 


"Okay n-never run with a g-giant" I was trying to speak but I lost too much air for my lungs. While I was catching my breath I heard a laugh. I turn to look at Lee only for him to laugh louder.


"I'm sorry it-it's just... that this is the first" I only gave him a questionable look. "A fan helping me" My eyes widen.


"Wait how-"


"The broken crown your holding right now" I looked down at my hands to see I'm still holding a piece of the crown. I just looked away embarrassingly. "Hey it's fine" Lee was still chuckling about the situation.


"Uhm can we forget this happened" I was laughing nervously. I look down at my hands again only to see Lee's hand holding mine.


"Follow me" I didn't expect Lee to tell me to go with him. But I was so curious as to where we were going that I didn't think for a second not to follow him. Once Lee stopped at a beautiful house we went in right away. I was just walking around the house in pure awe. I didn't even know that Lee left me alone while he went to do something. 


"Mr. Pace your place is amazing" But I didn't hear a response so I looked around to see him nowhere near me. I called for him again only to feel something being placed on my head. I turned around only to face Lee's chest then look up at him to see a smile on his face.


"I believe this belongs to you my queen," Lee said with the Thranduil accent while bowing a little. I didn't get it at first because I was so occupied that Lee said my queen to me. 


"Get up my lovely citizen" Once I got back to reality I decide to play with Lee's roleplay. I went to remove the crown on top of my head only to be shocked. It was Lee's actual Thranduil crown.


"I'm sorry about the one you bought so I wanted to give you mine, take this as a thank you and sorry" Lee was scratching his neck nervously. But I just looked at the crown and then back to Lee.


"I-i can't take this" I tried giving it back to Lee but he only push it towards me saying that it was fine and all. 


"Please it's fine really" Lee smiled at me then I gave a smile back but then my smile dropped which worried Lee. "What's wrong-" Before He could finish his sentence I was running around jumping and had the biggest smile on my face. He just smiled while watching me being so happy.


"Thank you thank you so much!!" I went to hug him tight as a thank you because I couldn't say anything anymore. Lee only hugged back still having that happy cute smile.


"You can always visit me if you want" 


"You-you want me to visit you?" Lee was starting to get nervous.


"Yeah like you know friends" I only gave Lee another tight hug as my response. I think he understands because he sighed in relief. And that's how I became friends with a celebrity. A normal fangirl who got her dream come true