Chapter 4 : Time freezes Again (Pt 2)
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(Revisioned version)


  • Kaoru Pov


It was the day after the incident that didn’t let Kaoru sleep at all, she kept turning while trying to fall asleep but couldn’t because of the things that took place the same day


It was now morning she was thinking back on the events that took place yesterday, she was trying to think about why time would freeze and who was the boy that could also move too


“I’m pretty sure he saw me when I was trying to hide”


Kaoru got out of her bed and got ready for school since it was a Friday, which meant she could spend more time solving this mystery of time freezing during the weekend, Kaoru finished getting dressed and ate breakfast then left for school


On her way, she felt a pain in her gut like yesterday, at first she was caught off guard but then she gained her composure back


“This pain has to be a sign or something related to the events from yesterday”


She made it to school and was putting her shoes away when someone called out to her, it was Ai asking her how her morning was


“Hey Kaoru how are you this morning”


“I’m pretty good just been focused on a few things lately”


“That’s great Kaoru if you ever need anything, you can text me on my number”


Ai took out her phone and gave it to Kaoru, on the screen was Ai phone number


“Thanks, same if you ever need anything don’t mind contacting me”


“Well I’ll be heading out now since class is about to start”


“Bye then, talk to you later”


Kaoru was going to her classroom distracted by the fact that she got her best friends phone number it was the first phone number besides family that she had on her phone


Kaoru got to her classroom, sat down, and looked outside at the same place she was looking at yesterday


She noticed there were a lot of people like yesterday, not only that but she also remembered the same place where she met the boy


He looked like an average-looking boy with black hair from what she saw that day, she thought the boy wasn’t special looking


The pain she felt in the morning now on her mind


“Could it be a sign of some sort or have a connection with time freezing?”


Today she only felt the pain once, less than before but she still felt the same pain as yesterday


She was thinking if the pain could be a trigger for time to freeze or at least be involved in some way


As she kept thinking, she then decided to replicate what happened yesterday to find out if maybe her existence could be a cause of time freezing. She kept looking out like yesterday then it happened her gut started hurting again


She didn’t expect it to work, she had to withstand the pain first though then closed her eyes, the pain eventually stopped but she opened her eyes to see everyone was frozen in time again


Kaoru was a step closer to solving the cause of the mystery, she found out that she was indeed one of the causes of time freezing. Another thought came to her mind if she has a pain in the gut and can move while everyone else is frozen.


“Does that mean it's the same for that boy that can also move?”


“What if he is another cause of time freezing?”


“I need his help to solve this”


Kaoru knew what she had to do but didn’t know if she could sense she was having anxiety from just thinking of meeting a random boy. She gathered up her courage and ran out of the classroom to go into town, hoping to find the boy.



Author’s words:


This chapter was mostly about Kaoru and what she is thinking, if you noticed Kaoru is a shy smart girl who wants to solve this mystery. More revisioned chapters coming soon!


Thanks for reading!