Chapter 7
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The antique grandfather clock ticked away. The swinging pendulum was the only sound in the massive penthouse office on the seventieth floor of Amethyst Pharmaceuticals. Its monotone regularity served as a calming counterpoint to the storm that was about to be released from the office’s owner.  She was currently gazing out the panoramic window, admiring the view of Seattle below.  The sight of humanity’s achievements always brought her joy and helped to focus her mind. They truly can be amazing at times, can’t they?

She had her hands clasped behind her at her waist and just stood there. She could taste the sweat of the obese man seated in front of her desk. Her mouth twisted in disgust at the stench of the fear-induced moisture rolling off him in waves.  She loathed this part of her chosen career but it was the most efficient method she’d found in dealing with humans.  Thanks to their inept bungling, the human bureaucracy had made things so much more difficult than they needed to be. Still, there were ways of dealing with the insanity that wouldn’t risk breaking The Pact. If anyone was well-versed in the consequences of doing so, it would be her.  Stilling her face into a mask of non-expression, she took a deep breath.

Finally, she had enough of the waiting man’s stench and spoke while still gazing outside. “So, just to be clear Leonard, the building permits for the Derrick’s Falls project have been,” she paused for emphasis, “delayed?”

Leonard nodded his head vigorously then realized she couldn’t see it. “Yes. Yes, ma’am. T-t-that’s right,” he sputtered out.

The tone that answered was absolutely devoid of emotion. “Is there anything else that I should be aware of?”

“N-n-no. Not at this time ma’am.” The poor man’s head shook so hard that it was in danger of whiplash.

The woman turned around. “Thank you, Leonard.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “You may go.”

The man tried his very best to not sprint for the large rosewood doors.

Lily Travers, CEO and majority stockholder of Amethyst Enterprises, Inc. was not pleased. She sat in her oversized leather chair and drummed her fingers on the wooden desk. It had been designed by a young man she had met in Florence, Italy. She had been impressed by his skills and commissioned him on the spot. What he had delivered was truly a work of art, a veritable masterpiece. She had asked him to inscribe his full name on the underside so it would always be remembered. He had gratefully done so for his patron. She ran her fingers once more the carved lettering under the lip: Donatello di Niccolo di Betto Bardi. She still wished the young man could have seen how history remembered him all these centuries later.

Calmer now, she pressed the intercom key on her phone. “Roberta, could you please have Edward meet with me at his earliest convenience?”

“Of course, ma’am.”

Two minutes later, a soft knock echoed from the doors. “Enter, please.”

The rosewood doors opened to admit a dark-skinned man with a lean frame wearing a silk suit that fit him like a second skin.  He stood at the threshold and bowed at the waist to her. “You asked for me, my lady?”

“Close the door please, Edward. We have matters to discuss.”

“Of course, my lady.” He closed the door, crossed the office,  and then proceeded to stand at attention before her. 

Lily sighed softly. “Please sit, Edward. You know that I can’t stand your hovering like that.”

He immediately took the seat that Leonard had vacated. Lily tried not to smile as the man’s stench broke Edward’s facade of loyal dismissiveness to everything and caused the man to grimace. He recovered so fast that, to a human, it would have looked like he hadn’t reacted at all. Once seated, he faced his mistress. “How may I be of service,” he spoke with a slight tinge of a British accent.

Lily steepled her fingers together. “The Derrick’s Falls project has undergone an unexpected delay. Apparently, Representative Harris is resisting our construction permits. Undoubtedly, he’s holding out for more “campaign contributions”. I want that facility in operation as soon as possible. Project Remedium depends on it. I will not have that delayed. Kindly remind the good “man of the people” that the rather significant contributions we made to his campaign could very easily go to someone else next term.” Her violet eyes turned as hard as the precious stones she loved. “If that fails, show him the photographs of his previous visits to Seattle. I’m sure his wife would be quite interested to see just what he did on his “business” trips. The authorities as well. Of course, you made sure both the boy and girl were underage?”

Edward silently nodded.

“Disgusting man,” she spat. “Do not inform him of that last part Edward. I’d much rather have him find out in the latest news cycle. It would make it all the sweeter watching his flimsy denials before he finally succumbs to the inevitable.” 

“As you wish, my lady.” Edward nodded, his black ponytail bobbing with the motion.

“What is the status of Patient Zero?”

“Unchanged but stable. Dr. Morrow reports some insignificant irregularities in her bloodwork but nothing to be concerned over.”

“Excellent. Make sure that he informs me of any changes, no matter the time or whom I am with.”

“Of course.” Edward paused a moment and then glanced at his mistress for her permission to speak. 

“For Goddess’ sake, Edward! Speak freely when we’re in private.”

“What about the Daniels’ situation my lady? Do you wish the operation to continue?”

Lily paused a moment in contemplation as she steepled her hands in thought. “The husband’s status?”

“Unchanged. He appears to be in a coma with no positive outlook for recovery.” He hesitated a moment before continuing. “It’s been rather more difficult to acquire information than we expected. Apparently, Derrick’s Falls has one of the largest wolf clans we’ve come across in some time. The entire hospital is crawling with them and it’s hard to find someone with the appropriate access that we can reach through the usual methods.”

“I see.” Lily folded her hands into her lap. “What about her?” Venom laced each word.

“From what I have been able to gather, she hasn’t left his side since arriving at the hospital. She’s barely eating or sleeping.” He shrugged slightly. The motion alone spoke volumes to her.  “In all honesty, she’s a complete wreck.”

A large smile spread across Lily’s alabaster-white face. 

“Wonderful news, Edward. Wonderful indeed.”

He paused a moment to allow his mistress to enjoy his news before continuing. “Do you wish me to terminate the husband?”

Lily tapped her finger against her wine-colored lip as she considered the various possibilities that would hurt the bitch the most. She shook her head as she came to a decision. “No. I don’t believe so, Edward. Letting that bitch suffer day after day while holding onto the vaguest thread of hope is much more satisfying than simply burying him and moving on with her life.” A cruel grin spread across her face. “In fact, I want you to ensure that he has the best medical care available. Send our sales reps to St. Christopher’s and offer to upgrade their current equipment at cost, and use the prototypes we’ve developed if needed to sweeten the pot. Call it an “expression of goodwill and building close ties to the community” as we prepare to move our operations there. I wish Alexander Daniel a very long life indeed.”

“I’ll make the necessary preparations immediately.”

“Excellent work as always, Edward. Now, there is one last matter to address.” She pounded the arm of her chair and the leather squealed in protest as a sharp crack reverberated through the room. “What the hell is going on in Washington? We have lost two shipments, along with multiple hijackings of unrelated cargo. These bandits are targeting us specifically and I demand answers. Our Canadian and Mexican associates are getting rather...irritated and so am I. I have had to personally apologize and reimburse both of them. I needed those funds, Edward. That’s my horde and these criminals don’t deserve a single bloody cent of it.” Edward felt the temperature drop a few degrees as a few strands of his mistress’ hair began to rise. “Kindly Inform Mr. Beckett that if there is a third lost shipment, he will apologize to our associates personally. Is that clear?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“If it comes to that, make sure he goes to Canada first. At least then, most of him can be delivered to the Mexicans.” 

The temperature rose to normal and Lily’s hair settled down. “Thank you, Edward. You’re dismissed. On your way out, please inform Roberta I’m not to be disturbed until notified otherwise.”

Edward stood, bowed at the waist once more, and swiftly exited the office.

Lily let out a long sigh. She leaned back and drummed her finger on the remaining arm of her chair while her other hand rubbed a simple gold locket resting against her breasts. She opened the locket to gaze at the slightly-rumpled black and white photograph of a young man smiling.

She gently ran her finger over his face, pausing at his lips, and reveled in the memory of their sweet taste on her skin. “Rest in peace, my Beloved. I’ve gotten our revenge and hurt the bitch that took our future away. She will pay for a very long time, Michael. I’ll make sure of that.” She wiped a tear from her left eye. “I love you, Michael, now and forever, my Heart.” 

She closed the locket and let it fall back to its resting place. She closed her eyes and allowed memories of much happier times to wash over her.