Chapter 2
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I’ve also read countless novels in my life time on Earth. One clique that I read about is the boy deciding to climb up all the way to the girl’s window to go inside her house and stay with her. Usually, it’s because her parents don’t allow the relationship between the two. If I can be honest, that clique is all but the truth.

Has someone ever felt the cold wind of the night as you climb up some enormous tree all the way to an open window and said: “it surely feels nice”? Of course not, because it surely doesn’t feel nice. It feels like hypothermia…

And it’d be better if it was something romantic like a cherry tree I was climbing, because a half-rotten tree that is as sharp as a knife at some points being climbed by a poor, dirty and less than athletic boy is not the best variance to the clique.

But everything can be endured for the sake of love.

Wait, wrong plot. I’m trying to get into the palace of a noble that wants me dead to find a tool that maybe doesn’t exist to choose my class and win in an impossible duel. Now that’s right.

As I make my way to the window I immediately look at the room that has its window open in front of me. There’s no one, so I decide I don’t want to stay on a sharp tree anymore and jump right into it. Since it looks like a storage, I suppose it’s the perfect base for my investigation. Nobody will go here, after all.

“Alright, where do I go?” I ask myself as I open the door and see two different paths, one towards the left and one towards the right. When Sophia told me where the palace was, she also told me it looked nothing like our village – she was indeed right. Red carpets were all along a perfectly clean and long corridor that needed to be stepped on as quietly as possible.

Not wanting to wake anyone up, I decided to sneak to the highest floor and start from there. If everything went well, I’d even be able to go out by the door, rather than jumping out of the window and breaking half my bones in the process.

But today I’m lucky – or unlucky, one may say. The door in front of me suddenly starts opening and an old man that looks even more muscular than the noble I previously met comes out. Both his hair and eye color are grass-green and wrinkles are omnipresent on his face. He is wearing pajamas but still manages to be as elegant as ever in his posture.

He walks towards the stairs that go down to the first floor and then leaves the floor.

How did he not see me, you ask? Well, that’s because I recklessly jumped on the lamp holder next to the door. Was that a good idea? Probably not, since my legs are now close to giving out. But well, if he hasn’t seen my shadow as I jumped on the light, I doubt this guy, who perfectly matches Sophia’s description of Count Vinegar, can find me now.

I immediately enter his room and it looks nothing like I’ve seen, even on Earth. It’s enormous, huger than most houses in the village, and full of precious things that I won’t steal. I am only here for a reason: to test my theory.

As I walk to the middle of the room I feel myself getting pulled by a minimal force near the table at the corner of the room. On that table lies a weight scale with three statues made of something that looks to be bronze on them. As I get closer and closer, I start realizing what those are: it’s a helmet, a wand and a sword.

My mind tells me to touch the weight scale, but I know it’s rather unsafe to do that now. And, if my theory works, I can become much stronger than anyone in this world thanks to this. So I just take it in my hand and open the window, jumping out of it.

As I do such an idiotic thing, I’m reminded of why I shouldn’t have done that by an immense pain.

“Can I even run now?” I ask myself, but I know I can. The happiness of having outplayed them and found the class-chooser weight scale makes me move very fast to safety.


After a good night of sleep, it’s time to pick a class before being found. There’s a good chance that now the Count has sent his men to find me, so it’d be better if I just chose a class then, right? But a real gamer takes his time to choose the absolute best and I knew that, if Mr. Vinegar had just gone to take a glass of water, he’d see an anorexic boy looking thoughtfully at his options.

Now, though, I can look. So I touch the fifty centimeters tall scale that I’ve slept next to, on the ground. And it gives me three choices.

-=- PICK A CLASS -=-

Picking a different class will reset your level to 1 and make you unable to cast any spell you learnt while using the previous one. You’ll still be able to use general spells (such as “Fireball”) which are not class-locked.

[1 – Mage] NOT RECOMMENDEDThe person choosing has low mana. This class is made to attack from a distance. Very versatile, it bases its damage by using elemental spells. Immobile, unable to do significant physical damage, the range can be chosen by the user. Common

[2 – Tank] NOT RECOMMENDEDThe person choosing has low physical endurance. This class is made to sponge enemy attacks. Low amount of changes to be made to the original kit, it has low damage that mostly applies from being hit. Immobile, unable to do any significant physical or magic damage, enormous health and good resistance to spells and attacks alike, the range is low. Common

[3 – Swordsman] NOT RECOMMENDEDThe person choosing has low physical damage. This class is made to duel opponents one on one. Low amount of changes to be made to the original kit, the sword technique is the biggest versatility this kit can offer. Mobile, able to move away from spells and attacks, it has low health and resistances and its range is very low. Common


Well, it’s doomed.

If I had to choose between these three classes, I’d definitely pick swordsman as it’s the most duel oriented between the three. But I can’t win. The game already tells me I shouldn’t pick it because I’m too useless, how can I beat anyone like that?

While I think choosing a class now has to be done to become at least minimally strong, I believe there are more than three classes. After all, the statues can be removed from the weight scale. Maybe if I put another sculpture with the same material, I can create a custom class.

“Heh, I wish…” I say that while masking the sheer excitement of finally being able to level up.

But at the same time, maybe it isn’t too unrealistic. For now, I’ll pick Mage, just because I finally want to use magic, and start farming the monsters along this zone. But maybe if there’s a cave it’ll be wise to collect more of this material.

“Pick: Mage!”

Your class has been chosen.

I could finally see my level.


Name: Neisa – Surname: ?

Class: Mage (Common) – Level 1: (0/12 EXP)

HP: 8/8 – ATK: 7 DEF: 7 MGC: 14(+7) MGR: 7 AGI: 7 – MANA: 4/4



My statistics, I suppose, could be better. I had 7 in everything but Health Points until I picked Mage, which led my Magic stat to be doubled. But still, this looks terrible. I’m guessing MGR stands for Magic Resistance… I wonder if all those stats are enhanced by leveling up, but this class doesn’t seem to be optimal for me. Mostly because having just four mana haunts me, especially when it seems this class is mana intensive.

Anyway, it’s time to farm just a bit. Let’s get our level to five at least, then I’ll find the nearest cave and check my theory.

Or well, that’s what I said two hours ago. But I found out that this place is unexpectedly boring. There are only level one and two monsters, which should be fine for farming, but they’re rare to find and just give two to four experience. I’ll need a day at best to get to level two, so I’d rather not farm in a zone that’s so bad. But this also leaves me with an issue – can I really take on higher levels monsters with no spells? Because it seems like I’m not learning anything.

As I move closer and closer to the forest that I had reincarnated into, more and more monsters start to appear. They seem to be higher-leveled but, even as I get to Level 2, no spell is learned. “Confusing… shouldn’t I have spells right now? How can a mage just use fists?” I ask myself, but then I realize something.

Thinking of the spells, I can see something more on the information about my profile.



Lightning (Learnt at level 1) – 5/4 MANA

Ice Spikes (Learnt at level 1) – 5/4 MANA

Venom Spikes (Learnt at level 2) – 6/4 MANA

Fire Breath (Learnt at level 2) – 6/4 MANA

Next Mana Enhancement: Level 5


It’s doomed. It’s actually completely doomed. It’s not like there are no spells to learn yet, my statistics are just too unbelievably bad. I can’t fight anything and it clearly shows.

But well, if my intuition worked once, maybe it’s time to outsmart this situation once again. It says Mage is a “Common” class and I’m sure the other two are too. But, this means there are less than common classes. I thought if I were to find and shape this material I could maybe find out about rare ones, but I can’t access caves, they’re usually dangerous and I’d definitely die to some monster inside. I’ve played enough games to know this.

As such, I have to pray there are really infinite classes and attempt to break the game once again. That’s what I thought to myself as I removed the helmet of the Tank from the weight scale. If this material is not sturdy enough, I can mold it into another tool and receive another class.

So, I took the ten centimeters helmet and started smashing it onto a nearby rock. Of course, given my physical conditions and the fact that I hadn’t eaten anything but monster meat in a long time I had to stop every two minutes or so. After five hours or so, one side of the helmet had been turned into a long edge. The other side had been kept like normal and just made longer, so the tool now seemed like a pickaxe.

“I really hope there’s a miner class. This will help me create infinite classes if I’m right.”

As such, I put the pickaxe on the weight scale and then went again into choosing my class.

-=- PICK A CLASS -=-

Picking a different class will reset your level to 1 and make you unable to cast any spell you learnt while using the previous one. You’ll still be able to use general spells (such as “Fireball”) which are not class-locked.

[1 – Mage] NOT RECOMMENDEDThe person choosing has low mana. This class is made to attack from a distance. Very versatile, it bases its damage by using elemental spells. Immobile, unable to do significant physical damage, the range can be chosen by the user. Common

[2 – Miner] A resource-gaining unique class, the miners have stealth to be able to travel through mines while not being attacked by monsters. Completely pacific, miners gain their experience through mining and are not suited for combat. Manaless class. UNIQUE

[3 – Swordsman] NOT RECOMMENDEDThe person choosing has low physical damage. This class is made to duel opponents one on one. Low amount of changes to be made to the original kit, the sword technique is the biggest versatility this kit can offer. Mobile, able to move away from spells and attacks, it has low health and resistances and its range is very low. Common


Unique? So, has nobody really thought this far? I thought it was general knowledge to test the limits of what you have… maybe I can really break this game while having such low stats. This class seems perfect for me, seeing that I don’t have to fight and can just dig down and look for minerals.

“Pick: Miner!”

“Profile, please.” I say, hoping there are spells now.


Name: Neisa – Surname: ?

Class: Miner (Unique) – Level 1: (0/12 EXP)

HP: 8/8 – ATK: 7 DEF: 10(+3) MGC: 7 MGR: 10(+3) AGI: 8(+1) – MANA: 4/4

SPELLS: Unbreakable Hands, Miner’s Sense / ITEMS:



Unbreakable Hands: Your hands work as a pickaxe, making you able to mine. MANA: 0/4

Miner’s Sense: When toggled on, the Miner can’t deal damage but he is hidden from monsters and sees minerals near him. Can also be used to recognize minerals. MANA: 0/4


I see… this is perfect.

“Well, it’s time to see what the hell this mineral is.” I tell myself as I use Miner’s Sense and look at the Weight Scale.

‘Mineral Recognized: Darkicite (Ultra Rare, Farmable)'

Well, of course it’s ultra-rare, it probably means that only the nobles have access to it as they first come and first serve.

While that makes sense, what does farmable mean? Does it return to the place it once was after it’s mined? That can be abused, but I don’t need that much.

So, I just decide to use ‘Unbreakable Hands’ to dig under myself and find as much Darkicite as I can. Doing that, I can probably see what damaging class has the best qualities for a low-statistic player. At the same time, I definitely want to craft items with minerals too, seeing how those can probably enhance my capabilities and my mana pool.

It only goes up from here, doesn’t it?

It can only become better than it is now – that’s what I tell myself as I shove dirt and stone aside and jump into the hole I made by smashing the ground with my hands.