Drachenmagd #5
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Indigo Reunion

Gurunngungungungungun...! Gurruungugngungungungung...! Gurrruungungungungugnung..!

Klassshh! Eeaaarrrnnnnghh!!!

“Haaah... there... that's better...”

The Faust Estate is a place with many secret nooks and crannies, hidden bungalows and bunkers. It's not unheard of for people to get lost here, often times needing one of the drachenmagd to lead them back to safety if they're a wondering guest. Any estate can be large, but only the Faust Estate can be considered maze-like. It's many rooms, its many courtyards, it's many staircases, it's many halls; going on and on and on.


If one were to explore a bit deeper into the palace, looking beneath the wood and stone of the baroque structure, they'd find something a bit... out of place. Marble that gives way to hidden machines beneath the very floor of the building that wouldn't look strange on a fantastic ship. Large gears made of stone that clunk and turn against one another, activating and turning mechanisms that do... something.

Such as this one.

A massive door split apart in the earth, separating grass and gravel to reveal an aged staircase made of brick. This staircase extended into a hallway, one covered in dust and cobwebs. The 'walls' of said halls were not walls at all, but instead the very gears that activated the door itself.

Tip... tap... tip... tap... tip... tap...

“Are you sure about this, Igrene?”

“Of course, I just need to check up on something...”

“Haaah... if you say so...”

Pulling back, Faline gave a slight frown as she pushed her glasses up on her face. Those brown eyes of hers looked at Igrene in a demure and worried manner, but the head-housemaid merely shook her head and smiled. Everything will be okay, she was sure of it. Now she just needed to push on.

Walking into the dingy and dusty area, a dry air wafted around her. She ignored it, but did tense up a bit as she walked deeper inside. The cranking gears continued to turn around her, a doorway resting in the distance. Walking towards it, she placed her hand upon a stone panel beside her, causing even more gears to start turning. Upon doing so, the aged stone door before her slid up to reveal darkness. But that darkness did not remain for long, for with a sudden--


Of her fingers, candles came to life around them. Each one burned red, revealing a mausoleum. An old, beautiful mausoleum, one that stretched on and on and on and on and on.

And on...

And on...

And on...

It was marred in white stone, squares placed away for each and every 'resident'. And who may these residents be? Well... isn't it obvious?

All around her were previous earls of the Faust Estate, as well as their family. Yes, the estate does have a graveyard with gravestones, but that's all for show. No, this mausoleum was where all previous earls laid. Each one was placed in its own little square, their names resting upon them. From the likes of Ulrich Faust to Hannabelle Faust, Benedikta Faust and Rudolph Faust; years upon years of Faust members dating back centuries laid within these halls.

It was a chilling place...

Igrene's eyes combed over towards one particular grave, the most recent one in fact. Its name resting in such bold black colors upon a gold plaque, gazing straight towards her. Her green eyes tightened upon it in return, her hands bawling into fists.

Klaus Wolfgang Faust.

Placing her hands upon the tomb, Igrene began pulling on it, removing it from its space. Impossible for a human without tools, but more than easy for a being like her. Within laid a casket; opulent in its smooth furnish and its brown and gold colors. Staring upon it however caused Igrene's breathing to increase in pace, her hands prying at the casket's seams to open it up. And when she did..

“Hrrrggh... haaaah... where is it, Klaus? Where is it...?”

“Mmmfuaaa! Mmmfuaaah! Mmmfuaaa!”

“Nyeh heh heh! Master, stop! Nyeh heh heh!”

Over and over again, Sebastian peppered Mylene's shoulder and neck with sensual kisses. His touches and lips were soft, bolts of pleasure flowing through her body because of them. The Parlor Maid filled the air with her giggles following kiss after kiss, finding them to be oddly romantic. Even as the rush and thrill of sex subsided, the post-coitus bliss was just that; blissful.

So very, very blissful... almost too blissful.

Sebastian's eyes finally began to focus, gazing ahead at first towards his empty breakfast plate, before bringing his vision around the courtyard around him. It's one thing to do such a thing in his bedroom, but something else entirely to do something out here. Mylene resting on his lap, his cock still in her pussy, the warmth of their bodies now feeling the cool air around them; Sebastian couldn't believe it. If he was embarrassed before when Igrene and Mylene caught him and Selene together, then he only made it easier for a drachenmagd to discover them out here in the public!

Speaking of which...


Both Mylene and Sebastian tensed up, the voice having startled the two of them. Immediately the young earl began to blush furiously, realizing that – yet again – he had been caught in the act with one of his drachenmagds. Who was it this time? Igrene again? Selene? Perhaps Faline? Hm... why did that seem to make him most embarrassed? Myelene giggled however, clearly amused with the situation despite blushing with embarrassment.

Together the duo stared over to their left, eyes falling upon Larsine. The Violet Wyvren was standing tall, eyes closed, face a deep, deep red, her head stuck up slightly. She looked crossed between exploding from embarrassment herself, or yelling at the two in a vicious scold. At the very least, staring upon her didn't cause Sebastian to faint like he did the last time... though he felt close to doing so.

“M-M-Master Sebastian...” Larsine said, eyes still closed and head still upturned, “Igrene sent me to collect you following your... ahem... morning breakfast. Tailor Maid Adeline is awaiting your arrival in your bedroom.”

“T-T-Tailor Maid... Adeline...?” he repeated, blushing furiously still.

That's yet another new maid he had yet to meet! And from the sounds of it, she was a tailor. A... tailor? Why would he need to meet with a tailor? Yes, he wanted to meet all of his drachenmagd, but this seemed to be more important than that. Igrene wanted him to meet Adeline, and it sounded like she told the Tailor Maid to head for his bedroom in the first place. But... why?

Oh... well... maybe it had something to do with his less than stellar clothing. He only brought himself enough clothes for a week's stay here and no more. Even then, he thought he packed too much clothes for this trip which he planned on being shorter than it ended up being. Perhaps then meeting with the tailor maid would be good for him.

If he wanted to be the earl of the Faust Estate, he'd need to dress the part. Maybe a new wardrobe was in order. But first...

“Larsine...?” he said whilst facing her.

“Yes, Master?” she answered, still gazing skyward considering the sordid sight before her.

“Could you... um... please... l-leave for a few moments? While I... uh... p-p-pull out...”

For the love of everything that is holy, he never thought he'd say such a thing in this context before. Mylene certainly took enjoyment out of it.

“Nyeh heh heh! Pull out, Master? So lewd of you!” she playfully scolded.

Well... that's one awkward way to start one's morning. This is the second time now he's been caught after the act, and boy, did it leave him more wired than if he had a cup of coffee. In fact... did he even finish his cup of coffee? Ugh...

Silently Sebastian walked through the halls of the estate, a blush of shear embarrassment blatant on his face. Not only had he been caught in the act yet again, he did so in front of Larsine... who was currently leading him back to his bedroom. The violet valet kept her back to him, and hadn't said a word since taking lead point. It made him frown, because he could sense some sort animosity from her. It was tiny, but having lived with his Aunt Rita for years, he could tell when a woman was being cold towards him.

“Uhh... Larsine...?” he said, causing her to reply with a curt,


She didn't even look back at him when she said it, something that made his expression grow long. He must have disappointed her with what he did with Mylene; that's the only way to explain it. Igrene was mad at Selene for what they did, and now Larsine was mad at him and Mylene too!

Well... yes, but no...

“Are you... mad at me, Larsine...?” Sebastian asked, causing her to tense up.

He couldn't see her face because her back was to him, but she didn't look angry. No, Larsine looked more... hurt. Having caught Mylene and Sebastian in the act like she did, she was busy replaying the conversation she had with the Parlor Maid and Nadine from yesterday's dinner. How they teased and taunted her over if she'd be okay with either of them 'tasting' from their master. She claimed coyness, even acted like she didn't care, but in reality, it actually hurt her a bit.

The way Sebastian looked in his eyes amid their tryst, how hungry he looked. They said they would taste from him, but its more like he was tasting from her. Those hungry eyes... Igrene and Selene got to witness them too, right? Hmm... the eyes of a lustful lover and master. Would those eyes ever be on her? She doubted it, not with her clothes. Not with her diminutive cup size. Haah...

And things wouldn't be getting any easier for her considering who was on the opposite side of this door.

“Here we are, Master,” Larsine said as she finally turned to face him, cheeks still a bit red, though her expression had become more professional, “Tailor Maid Adeline is right through these doors. Be forewarned, she can be particularly... callous when it comes to her emotions. Please don't take this as a form of disrespect, okay?”

“Uh... o-okay...” he said as he faced the door.

She hadn't answered his question, but he assumed the worse. He'd need to ask again and more firmly later, but for now, Tailor Maid Adeline was waiting for him. And if she really did have an abrasive disposition, he'd need to be on his best behavior. So he opened the door, walked through it, and...

“Uh... wh... where is she?”

“Where is 'she'? Gah!? How rude of you!” a rather squeaky voice answered.

The sound came to his right, eyes wheeling over towards the full body mirror in his bedroom, and the kiosk-like stand that was suddenly in its midst. Resting on said stand were a variety of tools, particularly things like measuring tapes and sticks, among other things like fabrics, scissors, pens, and other stuff he had no idea what to call. All of which were tools a tailor would use. Ah... but where is said tailor? The stand couldn't have been any higher than five feet, yet the room was empty save for him and Larsine!

Huh? Horns? Yes, horns! They stood behind the stand, bouncing up and down. Sebastian with his brows raised in a curious manner, slowly approached the stand, while those horns walked around to greet him. Horns attached to the head of a short woman.

Look, listen, now, Sebastian's not the tallest. At his age – 19 – he barely stood taller than five foot six. Maybe he could reach five foot eight if he were wearing good enough shoes, but he wouldn't hold his breath for it. But this woman who stood before him? She barely broke four feet!

He had never seen a woman whose hair was so red before. Red like the rays of the setting sun. Red like the gleaming lights of cop cars. Red like blood. The way light bounced and reflected off its sheen, illuminating her follicles, and drawing his eyes in towards her pouting face.

Annoyance; she was annoyed with him, and she made no attempts to hide it. Not with the way her crimson red eyes were glaring straight towards him. Didn't stop Sebastian from gawking like a fool, mesmerized by this woman he was meeting for the first time.

This short.



Everything on her was just... bigger. Much, much, bigger. Is it wrong to still compare the girls to one another? He didn't know who or what else to compare them to, and his mind seemingly did it on its own. Doubly so with how prominent her assets and attributes were. Starting with what he saw first on her body: her horns.

Of all the drachenmagds he had met thus far, her horns were by far the largest, longest, and widest. They stood from the sides of her head as oppose to the top, curling and pointing upwards in perfect symmetry. They were a yellowish brown in color, like a darker shade of gold, and were smooth with a fine, wood furnish look to them. And the tipped points of them too... hah... he swore a saw a gleam like the edge of a knife!

Which continued to drive his eyes downward towards her next most prominent feature, and what most people would probably notice first. Her incredibly large breasts. His mind thought back to the drachenmagd who he thought had the largest cup size, with his mind still jumping between it being Selene or Igrene. Well, no longer would he need to decide, for this girl's breasts blew theirs out of the water.

So large, down to below her elbows in fact. Not to mention so round, the curvature visible even from behind. Didn't having large breasts, ya'know, hurt a woman's back? She was small too, but none of that seemed to bother her.

Everything on her just seemed... bigger. Her horns were bigger, her breasts were bigger, her hips were bigger, her thighs were bigger, her figure so voluptuous and rubenesque! He had never seen a woman like her before... but damn, was she erotic.

Oh dear... such dirty thoughts... this place really was changing him.

Her breasts were straining so much against the yellow sundress she wore. Its straps thin, the bodice of it flaunting her bountiful cleavage. The middle of her sundress was tightly tied around her midriff, further flaunting the immaculate figure that all drachenmagd seemingly had. Her sundress' skirt came down enough to just cover her round, plump ass, meaning from the thighs down she was bare. Well, not exactly; she had thigh-high socks on, not unlike a certain Parlor Maid, though hers were burgundy in color.

There's a term for this kind of woman, one Sebastian was familiar with due to his time on the internet. He couldn't quite bring it to him though. Short, thicc body, voluptuous figure, impossibly large breasts... haah... what's the term again?

“Is that all you have do, Master?” said the woman before her, her cute, squeaky voice snapping him from his trance, “Standing there gawking at me without end? Won't you even speak?”

“Haaah... uhhh... uduuuh...” he replied.

Oh, right; that's the term.


“Master!” she called, her tone sharp as she didn't even attempt to hide her disdain.

“Huh? Oh! R-right! Umm...” he tensed up and nodded in her direction, “You are Tailor Maid Adeline, right? I'm Sebastian. Sebastian Millieus... uh... Millieus von Faust now, I suppose...”


She looked away, her lips still in a frustrated pout. It seemed as if ticking off drachenmagds was something else Sebastian was good at. Igrene, Mylene, Larsine, and now Adeline. Hopefully, he could make it up to them.

In ways that don't include his dick...

Adeline still looked displeased with her, but much like Mylene before when he confused her for Nadine, she stowed away that pout to perform a courteous bow.

“It's my pleasure to meet you, Master Sebastian. I am your humble Tailor Maid, Adeline,” said the dragoness.

He looked at her, her bent over, bowing position allowing him to stare deep between her massive breasts. Her impossibly... large... breasts...

Oh dear...

Her tail came slithering over soon after, bringing his mind away from her monstrous tits. It was – you guessed it – incredibly thick, like a lot of her tinier, compact body. Coated in yellow scales, it brought to mind something brilliant like the afternoon sun... or something silly like a banana. Best to compare it to the sun; calling it a banana would probably be an insult, wouldn't it?

“Igrene sent you here, right?” Sebastian said, “That means you woke up... you heard my voice at some point?”

“Of course I did! What, you don't take me for a fool, do you?” she replied, causing him to shake his head.

“N-no! I just uh... um...” his shoulder slumped over, “This whole... hear my voice thing is just poorly explained; I don't know when anyone hears my voices, they just sort of... appear...” he shook his head, a smile spreading on his face as he looked at her, “But... I'm happy you're here, Adeline. Really.”

She smiled at him, her hands resting on her hips in a bombastic and hardy pose that – you guessed it – caused her pronounced chest to appear even more pronounced. Sebastian blushed and smiled sheepishly, but Larsine couldn't help but to frown. Standing behind her master, she easily read his line of sight straight towards Adeline's breasts.

Dammit, he did like a large cup size! Look, she's not flat but... well... there's a massive difference between her and Adeline! There's a difference between her and Mylene! Urrrgghh...

“Come here, come here,” Adeline suddenly said, being rather pushy as she nudged Sebastian towards her stand, “I must properly measure and weigh you so that I can craft clothing befit for the new earl of the estate. As I have done for your father, and your father's father, and your father's father's mother, and so on and so forth!”

“My father's father's mother?” Sebastian repeated as he got on the stand, his eyes looking at the tiny dragoness who walked around him, “That's my... great-grandmother? Uh...”

She was so small, so cute; he couldn't imagine she was older than him by that much! To think that her tailoring skills went back generations, and even beyond that! Just... just how old are the drachenmagd!?

He opened his mouth to speak... but stopped himself from doing so. What's it his Aunt Rita would say? It's wrong to ask a woman their age? Or, wait, it's wrong to ask a woman their weight. Huh... both sound really, really bad.

Still, he needed to know. How does one ask to know how old someone is, without asking how old someone is? Hmmm...

As he internally debated this, Adeline continued to maneuver and position his body. Lifting his arms up, she used her measuring tape to get a concise measurement of his body. She was skilled in her movements, deft too, moving quickly yet not missing any finite details on his body.

167.6 centimeters in height. Hmm... bust is 86, waist is 64, hips are 82; all in centimeters. Not exactly the most masculine, to be honest. His father already stood taller than six feet by the time he turned seventeen, let alone nineteen. When Klaus was nineteen, he was the perfect height for Adeline too--

“My ancestor! The one who started all of this...” Sebastian suddenly said, “Do you... know who he was? Did you make clothes for him?”

“What? You don't know your own ancestor's name? How could you?” Adeline said, insulted by his ignorance.

“I... I'm sorry I just...” he shook his head, “I'm still new to all of this. I thought Igrene would have told you this...”

“She said you were still new to many things, but I didn't not expect this to be one of them... haahh...” Adeline replied as she continued on measuring him, “Your ancestor – the one who started the great Faust Estate – was a brilliant doctor. His name was Heinrich Georg von Faust. He was born August 29th, 1749.”

“S... s... seventeen forty-nine?” Sebastian repeated, “Oh... oh dear...” he looked at her, “And you knew him?”

“Of course,” Adeline answered, a smile breaking out over her lips as she pumped up her hair, “I created for Master Heinrich many of his most brilliant clothes, as I did for his son, his son's daughter, his daughter's daughter, and so on and so forth until you. I create for all earls their clothing, for anything less than the best will simply not do. And since only I can create the best, it is up to me to create everything I possibly can!”

She said it so simply, as if she didn't just say she created clothes for a man from the 1700s! Doing the math in his head that would mean... uh... hm... what!? That would mean that Adeline alone is – at the very least – over 272 years old!

Two hundred... seventy-two... years old. Just saying that reminded him of the hall of portraits that had all the previous earls in it... and how Igrene was in the background of all of them. So... all the drachenmagd are this old? Not just Igrene? If someone as young looking as Adeline met his ancestor Heinrich, then that means all of them probably did.


Dragon Maids.


It just keeps going and going and going and going...

“There... that should do it,” said Adeline as she brushed hair from her face, her lips still in a pout while she jotted notes down in a little notepad, “With all of this, I'll be able to craft for you the perfect wardrobe. I'll have it ready by the morning.”

“Gurgh!? Th-the morning?” he said, astonished.

“What? You think I can't do it?” Adeline said as she crossed her arms beneath her very pronounced bust, “Do you distrust my abilities that much, Master?”

“Of course not, I just...” he placed his hand on his head, smiling as he shook it, “I'm just... that's going to be a lot of clothes. But if you say you can do it...” he nodded, “Then I believe it. I'm... I'm in your capable hands, Adeline!”

Smiling wider at her, he cocked his head, even laughed. In turn, Adeline came to a halt, looking up at her in a bit of a surprised manner. His cheerful smile, his closed eyes, the slight turn of his head, even his orange locks; it all made for a very young, cute, yet surprisingly charming man. The kind of smile that could instantly brighten up anyone's day. It was... hah...

Adeline blushed and looked away, her expression shifting a bit. She tried to play it off as being dismissive, but its clear she was anything but.

“O-okay... y-you can stop smiling now, I get it...” she muttered as she pulled her hands up, covering her face in vain, “But uh... before I leave...” she looked back as Sebastian, straightening up as her bout with embarrassment faded, “Your father hunted often. Do you too want hunting gear?”

“I uh... huh...”

Sebastian's jovial smile faded, his expression looking a bit tense. His mind swam around thoughts of hunting, memories of years gone being returned to him. The one time he came here as a child, where he went hunting alongside his father. Out in the forest, searching for deer, elk; whatever. His father's voice, so strong and stern, echoed now even into his ears.

Calm down... pace yourself...


Sebastian didn't know how to exactly answer this question. On one hand, he didn't want to. He wasn't planning on hunting like his father did, and wanted to distance himself from the old man as much as he could. On the other hand, he felt as if such clothes would help fuel into his desire to be a better, more pronounced earl. As they say, the clothes make the man... even if he still has to do everything else.

Ultimately, his desire to do good by his estate, his family name, and his drachenmagds, won out.

“Yes, please, Adeline,” he said whilst nodding at her, “I'd like you to make for me hunting clothes. I doubt I'll use them often but... better to have it, I suppose.”


She looked at him, curious and quizzical, as if analyzing his words to the most finite detail. It took Sebastian aback, though he didn't say anything. He instead looked at her as she looked back, gazing into those red eyes of hers, wondering what was going on in her cute little head.

Whatever it was, she seemingly discarded it quickly, shrugging her shoulders and nodding in an affirmative manner.

“As you wish, Master,” Adeline said whilst grabbing her stand of tailor tools, “I'll work all through the night! Come tomorrow morning, you'll have clothing fit for gods themselves!”

He nodded, thanked her again, though ultimately watched as Adeline walked towards the door. Her tiny foot movements were so cute, her fluttering skirt however did a good job to flaunt her bountiful buttocks. How it draped along her posterior, bouncing up and down, flashing tiny glimpses towards her panties every now and then.

Hah... gold in color.

Sebastian stood there, gazing for too long, his shameless thoughts running away with him. It showed on his face too; his rosy-red cheeks, the kooky smile on his lips, a sliver of drool even starting to hang out. He liked what he saw, and – for the time being – he made no attempts to hide it.

Rather distressing for his butler, who read his every movement. Considering Larsine's own negative views of her body, seeing her Master gleefully ogle another woman only served to upset her more.

But of course, she didn't say anything about it, and Sebastian himself eventually came to his senses. After mentally slapping himself for undressing Adeline with his lewd eyes, his mind began swimming to other thoughts. The hunting clothes naturally brought his mind to weapons, the thought of weapons reminding him of the fact that his estate had them somewhere no the premises. Where were they? Well, only one way to find out.


“Y-yes, Master?” she asked, startled by him suddenly calling her out.

He turned to face her, his expression serious as he gazed deep into her starlight eyes.

“Could you... take me to where we keep our weapons?”

“Take you to... the armory?” she asked back, Sebastian confirming it by nodding, “Okay... right... um...” she gestured for the door, “F-follow me, Master.”

“Umm... after I'm done changing clothes. Heh heh... I'm still in my bathrobe...”

“Ooooh... right...”

“Here it is, Master. The Faust Armory.”

“Huh... wow... of course...”

What was he expecting when he entered into this room? A simple hut with weapons strewn about? Perhaps swords, shields and spears mixed together with more antiquated firearms? Only a few of these though, right? Not a lot?

Oh... no... that's what he was hoping for, not what he was expecting. He hoped for only a few weapons... he got so much, much more.

On the upper east wing of the estate lays a building that's like a spire. You can only reach it by coming in from on hall, straight up towards its grandiose doors. When he saw it in the distance, his heart naturally quaked. Even the walls of this hall were lined with armored knights, like some fairy tale castle. But in fairy tale's, the most dangerous weapons are the magical and imaginary ones. Things like magical staffs, tomes with earth-shattering spells, perhaps a mystical blade that can cut through anything. What laid behind these doors was oh so real.

Yes, there were swords. Yes, there were shields. Yes, there were spears, battleaxes, bows, arrows, crossbows. But within this medieval armory – separated from the more archaic weapons of the past – were so many firearms.

Guns the likes of which he'd only seen in movies and games! Guns from the far past, to guns of a more modern time. They laid side by side, resting on the walls, on tables, on pews, all of which were – thankfully – locked behind glass containers. It seemed as if all guns – no matter how obscure – laid within these walls.

But they were so numerous. He figured, hey, they'd only have a few guns at the most. But, no, it seemed as if they had more than just one copy. Some guns there were only three of, others may amount to several. Hell, there were multiple guns that were the same guns, but they had slight modifications and differences between them that – for some reason – necessitated they also have copies! And that's not getting into all the different attachments that rest at the side!

Within these halls laid enough weapons to comfortably and easily arm two sides of a small-scale war.

Sebastian naturally shivered in the armory, the chilling air coursing along his skin. Looking up and around, he wondered if the Faust family gained their wealth by being secret warlords. It would add credence to what that taxi driver said; that the Faust family secretly run Schonheit. Hmm... what else do they do?

Walking among these weapons, Sebastian turned around in circles, gazing at everything his family had to offer. His eyes came to settle on a weapon, one that seemed to speak to him. In a glass case, raised on handles there laid a shotgun. His hands rested on the case, his brown eyes reading the shotgun's every detail.

It had a lovely wood furnish to it, resting on its stock and along its barrel. The receiver was entirely silver, yet meticulously cleaned to the point that he could see his reflection upon its surface. For some reason, a shotgun like this felt familiar to him; as if he had seen it before. Did his father use it when they went hunting all those years ago? Maybe...


His father... his father... the drachenmagd all held his father in the highest of regards, despite his private nature. Was it normal for them to see all of their earls like this, or was their father somehow superior to the rest? Hmm...

What did that say about himself? What kind of man constantly compares himself to another? Certainly not a man who claims to be the earl of the Faust Estate. Sebastian needed to be better than himself, better than Klaus even.

He needed to... he wanted to.

There were stairs in the distance, one he walked towards and began to scale. Coming up to another floor, you guessed it, more weapons. Guns, swords, shields; you name it. Another floor, another set of weapons. Huh... was all of this necessary? Another floor another--

No... no more weapons...

“Ah? What is...?”

This room was different from the rest, being more open with very little objects in the way. The floors were not hard wood, but instead a light brown mat, like what one would see in a martial arts dojo. The windows were stained glass meanwhile, depicting men hunting what looked to be wolves, deer, elk, even bears. Sebastian looked at all of them, but one stood out from the rest.

Perhaps its thanks to the sun, which was glowing through this window in particular. It caused the stained glass image on it to be transposed over him and a majority of the room, showering it in an indigo light.

Haah... indigo...

Yes, as he looked up towards the image, he saw not men hunting beasts, but an amazing dragon. It stood on all fours, its body covered in indigo scales, its wings spread out for all to see. Staring up at its sharp face, Sebastian's eyes met its eyes, ones that glowed thanks to the sunlight beaming through it. And for a few moments he felt at peace... and a name escaped his lips...



Sebastian's eyes widened...

That voice wasn't Larsine's.

It came from right behind him, sending shivers down his back and spine. And yet – much like with Igrene – it tickled a sense of nostalgia within him. Yes, this voice, he had heard it before, all those years ago. So he turned around, facing the one who spoke to him.

Last night at the dinner table, Mylene said that Emiline was someone all the drachenmagd strove to be like. At the time, Sebastian couldn't really imagine such a thing. Of all the drachenmagd he met thus far, he figured Igrene would be the one everyone wanted to be like. She's the head-housemaid, their superior, and just naturally exuded this calming, older sisterly vibe. Made even better by how kind and nurturing she had been to him thus far. How could anyone match her?

Haaha... well... now he understands why.

She stood before him, a woman whose stoicism was matched by none. Hair, long, brilliant, and indigo in color, the front parted and falling more to the right in order to cover one of her teal eyes. The back meanwhile was braided and thick, falling aaaaaalllll the way to her knees.

She was taller than him... heh... a problem Sebastian was running into often since arriving at the manor. However, she was also taller than Igrene by perhaps six or so inches. Like Igrene as well, she exuded more athleticism, her figure being toned, with a tightness of the waist, a curvaceous musculature of her thighs, and a bountifulness in chest. The way she stood carried with it a lack of looseness, a lack of casualness, a lack of anything easygoing in the least bit. All the drachenmagds carried themselves elegantly, but somehow, she more so.

Unlike the others, she wasn't dressed in a maid uniform, nor was she dressed in a masculine manner like Larsine. Her upper body was clad in a sleeveless, black turtleneck, one that flaunted her shoulders. Her legs were clad in black slacks, which hugged close to her hips and figure. And was she wearing... heels? Yes, yes she was. They gave her a bit more height, though Sebastian wasn't sure if she really needed it.

Among all the drachenmagd thus far, she found a way to have her draconian appendages appear the most unique. Starting with her head, for not two horns jutted from her head, but instead one. It was ebony in color, standing at five, perhaps six inches, and having a fine tip to the end. It reminded him of a unicorn's horn but... no, this was more majestic.

And there was also her tail. It was slender and covered in indigo scales, but at the very tip of it was a blade-like appendages. It too was ebony in color, and looked capable of cutting even the hardest of steels with a single stroke!

Ah, but Mylene called her the Indigo Dragon, did she not? Not a serpent, not a wyrm, but a dragon. So like Rodeline and Katherine before, this woman had a pair of wings standing from her back. Amazing, grand wings as well, ones that could easily pick her up to the air if she decided to flap them. And to continue with her deadly looks, the tips of her wings also had tiny, black spears on them, just in case she felt the need to attack someone with them as well.

Deadly... but she didn't feel deadly. No, quite the opposite. Like Igrene before, Sebastian felt attracted to this woman more so than any other drachenmagd thus far. Maybe it was her face, with teal eyes so sharp, a beauty mark resting beneath her right eye, and her thin lips slight agape.

The room was deathly silent; not even the sound of Sebastian's own breathing reached him. As he looked at the woman, his feet slowly began bringing him in. Closer... closer... closer... and then his hand reached out for her, and her hand reached back.

“Emily...” Sebastian said, “Aaah... Emily... Emiline...”

“You... remember me,” replied the Indigo Dragon, her lips forming a rare smile as she placed a hand upon his cheek, “Master Sebastian... you've grown so much.”

She sounded so powerful, yet her voice was so soothing, like he was being cradled by it. Sebastian felt himself relaxing more and more, his nose even quivering. Emiline... she smelled like lavender, and that smell put him at peace.

“Hmm... for all this time, I never thought you were a dragon...” Sebastian said, a soft chuckle leaving him, “I thought I dreamed you up, in fact!”

“When we saw each other, you were only four, Master Sebastian,” Emiline stated as she moved some hair form his face “And yet, you still have the same wide, brown eyes.”

“And you still have the same... everything, really! Haaaah...”

Closing his eyes, Sebastian for a few moments were transported to fifteen years ago; when he came here as a four year old, and he and his father explored the forests near the estate. It was a hunt, and the one moment in Sebastian's life where he could say he ever bonded with his father.

But they were not alone in their little trek; there was someone else with them. Before, Sebastian was far too angry to remember, his rage towards his father having muddled his memories. But now as he stood before Emiline once again, he remembered that, yes, she was the one whom they traveled with. Emiline, or, Emily, as his memories took to calling her.

Call her crazy, but Larsine felt a bit awkward. Here was Sebastian, gazing at Emiline in a manner he hadn't with her, or Nadine, or even Mylene for that matter. He appeared starry-eyed, mesmerized, and even emotional as he gazed upon Emiline.

“So you've decided to become earl of the estate?” said the Indigo Dragon, with Sebastian nodding, “Yes, I... I did... I uh...” he shook his head, “When I heard that the estate had weapons... guns to be exact, I came to see them for myself...”

“Yes, the Faust Estate has a copy of every kind of gun ever created. From the common to the obscure.”

“I see that... it's almost... too much,” Sebastian muttered, a frown spreading on his face, “But if you're here taking care of it... hm...” he nodded and smiled, “It makes me feel a bit safer.”

“Your father spent many hours in this room,” Emiline stated, “He loved hunting, as you know.”

“Yeah... yeah... he loooved hunting,” he replied in a sarcastic manner, averting his eyes from his Marshal, “Hmm...”

Emiline noticed the bile he didn't attempt to hide, her lips frowning slightly as well... but she didn't say anything. Some other drachenmagd may be unaware of his strained relationship with his father, but she was.

“What is this room, Emiline?” Sebastian asked, looking around at it all, “It's not like the armory downstairs... what's it doing here?”

“This is the training hall,” Emiline answered, “Decades ago, previous earls would use this room to hone their bodies with all manner of weapons. Swords, spears, axes, staves... but as time went on, the estate gymnasium grew more in use for working out.”

“Gklkh... what? The estate gymnasium?” he repeated, to which Emiline nodded, “Oh dear... the estate has so many rooms. I think I'll need a map for it all!” he shook his head though, his hand reaching out for Emiline's where he grabbed it, “Well... I know that if you're here, I'll be visiting the armory more often.”


That... was Larsine, attracting their eyes over towards the valet. She looked back, eyes wide as she was put on the spot, where she shook her head and apologized in embarrassment. Considering what she saw occur between Sebastian and Mylene, his declaration to visit Emiline more often carried with it a different connotation.

But before Sebastian could open his lips yet again, the sound of footsteps echoed out in the room. Together, their eyes fell on the staircase, watching as a certain Red Serpent made her appearance.

Igrene stared around the room, a slight gasp of astonishment leaving her lips as she saw Sebastian and Emiline standing together within the center of the old training room. She didn't say anything however, instead giggling, something that caused Sebastian to blush.

“There you are, Master Sebastian. I've been looking all over for you,” Igrene stated.

“You have...? I... ahh...” he approached her, “I haven't seen you since yesterday. How did everyone take the news of me being the new earl?”

“Ah, everyone at the town hall was astonished to know Master Klaus had a son at all,” Igrene answered, “Many were curious to know who you are!”

“Hmm... I... I don't know if I'm ready to face them quite yet,” Sebastian remarked as he looked down, “In fact... there's a lot of things I'm not sure of...” he brought his eyes back up, appearing more serious, “Igrene... can we talk? I have some questions to ask you.”

She appeared stunned, his tone of voice sounding more stern than she was used to. It took her off guard, but in a good way. She even smiled as she bowed before him.

“But of course, Master...”

“Ah, but...” he turned around, facing his Marshal, “Emiline... won't you come with?”

She smiled.

“Yes, Master.”


“Your lemonade, Master! Nyeh heh heh!”

Boy, Mylene sure did clean herself up quickly. He needed to take a quick wash to clean off the smell of sex from earlier. Perhaps his Parlor Maid did as well?

Ah, so this was the rec room. The same room he wondered into on his first day here. The same room where he met Igrene.

Sitting on the couch, he watched as Mylene poured him a cup of lemonade, one he silently thanked her for. All the walking today really left him in need of something to drink; the estate's halls could just go on and on and on! Sitting in this soft couch was a load off his feet and back for the matter.

Right next to him was Emiline, sitting on the couch as well. Larsine stood silently to his side while Mylene carried off her silver platter. Igrene meanwhile stood opposite of Sebastian on a nearby chair, her green eyes locked squarely on his face.

“I need to know... and I can't believe it's taken me this long to ask this but... what is a drachenmagd?” Sebastian asked with a shrug of his shoulders, his eyes gazing elsewhere, “I asked Mylene, Nadine and Larsine last night at dinner, but they said I should ask you. That you'd be able to explain it better and... yeah, I agree so...” he looked back at her, “What are you?”

Igrene paced herself, her hand raising up to rest on her chest, her expression briefly concerned. She was thinking about what she needed to say, and how she needed to say it... were things that serious? Sebastian shivered in place, but he stood his ground. He needed to know.

“We are dragons, Master,” Igrene said, her lips curling into a soft smile, “We aren't exactly human, as you can no doubt tell from our horns, our tails, our eyes... fufufu... our tongues...”

Ah... that made him blush...

“Where did you come from? It's... it's not like dragons are common,” Sebastian asked, garnering a soft chuckle from the head-housemaid.

“Oh, Master... you're so naive...” she answered, confusing him even more, “Centuries ago, your ancestor – Heinrich Faust – helped our mother in a time of need. Because of this, we have been eternally sworn to aid your family, no matter what. And we have been doing it for centuries.”

“Eternally sworn...” he answered, his head shaking, “That sounds... huh... that sounds a bit much.”

“What? Do you worry for us, Master?” Emiline asked, drawing his eyes over towards his Marshal, “Hmm...” she placed her hand upon his head, gently patting and stroking it, “Don't be... nothing makes us prouder than to aid the Faust family.”

“But... doesn't that... you've been doing this for centuries... wouldn't anyone get tired of that?” he asked, to which Emiline shook her head.

“No, of course not,” answered the Indigo Dragon, “As dragons... it's in our nature to desire and collect things. We adore treasure, owning it...” she brought him in closer, snuggling his head against her bosom, “To us, the Faust Family is our greatest treasure.”

“Ah... I couldn't have put it any better myself,” Igrene added with a nod.

Sebastian though? Well... hmmmmm... he found himself snuggling more against Emiline's bosom. Her lavender smell wafting into his nose, her strong arms hugging him in so close. More and more he pressed against his Marshal, his arms reaching around her thin waist as his eyes started to close. Basking in this lovely warmth and feeling of being wanted. Ah...

But he needed to pace himself. Can't let things go too far; he still had questions that needed answering. So he reopened his eyes and gazed ahead... although he continued leaning against Emiline for support.

“Igrene... where do we... how do we afford all of this stuff?” Sebastian asked, his voice slurring slightly as he felt Emiline's chest press more against his face and cheek.

“Fufufufu! Very quizzical of you, Master; you're rather curious today!” Igrene replied.

“I ahh... I just realized I may have agreed to be earl a bit too soon,” he replied, his eyes opening and closing... why did he feel so drowsy suddenly? “Hmm...” his eyes reopened nonetheless, “I realized I may have agreed to be earl too soon. I still would do it but... it would have been wiser of me to know exactly what I was accepting... a-aside from... from wealth... that... that is...”

He yawned, his eyes attracted to his cup of lemonade in hand. Quickly bringing it over, he took a sip of it, feeling it fuel him. But only for a few moments, before that exhaustion of energy began to overtake him once more.

“Mmmm... sorry... I just feel suddenly a bit... tired,” Sebastian stated, causing Igrene to roll her eyes.

“Yes, I wonder why you might be like that...” she muttered whilst leering at Mylene, which in turn made the Parlor Maid tense up.

“What are you looking at me for? I didn't do anything! Pwomise!” she replied cutely.

“Well... haah... it's nothing, I suppose...” Igrene said as her green eyes returned to Sebastian, “Now then, about your wealth; centuries of hard work by your forefathers have born fruit, Master. The Faust vault is practically bursting with money.”

Hmm... that's odd... that didn't really answer his question, did it? They were rich because... well, his ancestors worked hard, and that's that? Believable yes, but wouldn't that money eventually dry up? He couldn't be so incredibly rich because his family worked hard; money doesn't work that way! No, they needed to do something in order to replenish the money they wasted on keeping the estate up and running.


He opened his mouth to ask this question, but Emiline's hand found its way around his waist. She pulled on him softly, drawing him in closer towards her bosom; like a woman cradling a plush of some sort. The embrace felt so good; feeling her lovely, toned, strong arm holding him in close... protectively, even.

“Haah... Emily...” he whispered.

“You seem really tired, Master,” Igrene remarked with a slight cock of her head, “Why don't you go to bed and rest? I'll send Larsine for you when dinner comes.”

“Right... huaaaah... nmmm... yeah, th-that sounds smart,” he replied amid a yawn, “Mmmm... I-I still have questions I... I want to ask, Igrene.”

“Fufufufu! And I'll answer them whenever you're ready Master, promise,” she said, to which he nodded.

“Here... let me walk you to bed,” Emiline said as rose from the couch.

Extending her hand towards Sebastian, he took it gently, holding upon her hand in a firm grasp. Drowsily he walked with her towards the rec room's entrance, exiting through it and back out into the halls. Igrene soon left herself, leaving Larsine and Mylene alone. As per her duties, the Parlor Maid collected Sebastian's lemonade glass, placing it upon her silver tray alongside her pitcher. But before she left, she noticed Larsine's line of sight.

She was staring directly at Sebastian, something that did not escape Mylene.

“Larrrsiiiiinneeee!” said the Parlor Maid in a teasing manner, drawing her eyes towards her, “What's wrong? Looking at Master rather hard, aren't you?”

“S-so what if I am?” replied the Valet in a defensive manner, “It doesn't mean anything!”

“Hm? Are you sure about that? Nyeh heh heh! You certainly don't seem to agree!” she walked up to Larsine's side, “Master Sebastian is just another Master, is he not? There's no need to treat him differently!”

“I-I am not!” Larsine said, a noticeable lie.

“Mm? You do know what Master Sebastian and Emiline are going to do, don't you?” Mylene continued, “She's taking him up to his bedroom to have a taste herself. Nyeh heh! Personally...” she looked upwards in thought, “I think Master Sebastian prefers older women like Igrene and Selene, so he's really going to like Emiline,” she looked back down, “Oh! I'm sure Nadine and I will be able to change his tastes... but...”


“Nyeh heh heh! But... well... nothing! Oh nothing!” Mylene replied as she started walking away with a sway of her hips, “Talk to you later, Larsine!”

As she headed off, the Violet Wyvern remained as still as a statue. Standing, staring, standing, staring, standing, staring.


Schlink! Schlink!

She opened the curtains of the window before him, the blinding, glowing light of the sun beaming into his grand bedroom. From the looks of things, it wasn't too far off from noon; perhaps three or four o'clock. It felt like he just had breakfast a few minutes ago, not some hours. Time finds a way to fly in the Faust Estate... guess it really takes a while to get anywhere in these endless halls.

“It's a beautiful day today, isn't it, Master?” said Emiline as Sebastian sat on the edge of his bed.

“Y-yeah, it is... ah...”

He looked at Emiline as she stood before his windows, now realizing that her turtleneck actually showed off her beautiful back. As time went on, was he learning more about his own sexual desires and kinks? Why was Emiline's strong, powerful stoicism so... attractive? She stood there, tall and magnificent, her eyes gazing out his window towards the massive courtyard within the center of his estate. Can a figure be tight? Be flawless? Show no signs of weakness or imperfection? Then that's how Emiline stood right now.

And when she looked over her shoulder towards him, her slit teal eyes piercing into his very soul, Sebastian felt his voice get caught in his throat. Emiline noticed this.

“Master... you must be better than this,” said the Indigo Dragon as she turned around, “You stutter often, and you seem easily confused and flustered,” she shook her head, “That is unbecoming of an earl.”

“I... I know,” he said whilst scratching the back of his head, “I... I said this to Igrene and even Selene, but I want to say it to you too... um...” he stiffened, “I want to be an earl that you all can be proud of.”

“Oh Master... you don't have to do anything to make us proud. So long as you are healthy and happy, that's all that matters,” said Emiline as she walked up to Sebastian's side.

“Ah... still...” he shook his head, “If you all have an eternal vow to serve me, I don't want it to be spent serving someone who doesn't deserve it. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'll ever deserve your companionship, but I want to at least try, so...” he closed his eyes, “Emiline...”

“Yes, Master?”


When his eyes reopened, the Marshal was at his side on the bed, sitting next to him. She reached over as well, placing her hand down upon his leg and thigh. Seeing those teal eyes staring deep into his, he marveled at the elegant beauty that was the Indigo Dragon.

Funny that; he was so sleepy before, but now he felt re-energized.

“Emiline... I want you to... teach me to be a better earl,” Sebastian said, getting lost in those teal eyes, “I want to be... better...”

“Teach you? Haaah... are you sure what that entails, Master?”

Her words were punctuated by her hand, raising up to stroke along his face and cheek. Cupping him, she guided his vision more into her eyes, her head leaning in so that their foreheads could touch. When they did, he leaned in more, his nostrils flaring to take in more of her lavender scent.

“Yes, I do...” Sebastian answered.

“Haaah... then prove it, Master. Show me you're willing to learn. Show me-- mmf!?”


Ahh... she tasted just as he thought she would.

Emiline's eyes widened, astonished by how sudden Sebastian's kiss was. He didn't even give her time to speak before his lips pressed up to hers, his eyes closed shut as desire commanded him. By now, he knew what the drachenmagd were like, what they desired, and he was going to abuse it. So he pressed his lips hard up to Emiline's, kissing the woman passionately. He started leaning in as well, his lips moving to push open her lips... of which, he did so clumsily.

Ah, but the fact that he even tried doing so proved how dedicated he was to this. So Emiline parted her lips, allowing him to slip his tongue inside of her mouth. They wriggled and writhed along one another, her tongue being clearly more skilled and elegant than his. But she let him dictate the pace, taking things slow for him, which in turn emboldened Sebastian to push himself atop her.


Falling over upon the bed, the young man continued kissing his older lover, his movements growing more refined, though still a bit sloppy. He was getting better though, his hands growing courageous as well, his lips stronger. He hummed and moaned against her, laying atop her as his lips kissed, and kissed, and kissed...

And then... he just stopped. Brown eyes opening, Sebastian pulled back, his expression a bit dazed, embarrassed, even slightly confused. He looked around his bedroom, before settling his eyes on Emiline beneath her. She didn't look too bothered, and instead placed her hand upon his head, gently brushing aside some of his orange locks.

“Is something wrong, Master?” she asked, to which he chuckled sheepishly.

“This is... strange, isn't it?” he inquired, “Kissing you like this...” his eyes closed, “And I knew you when I was a child... haaah... but you dragons are all ageless, so this isn't too strange for you all, is it?”

“Mmm... do you like it?” she asked back whilst raising slightly, pressing her nose to his.

“Do I like...” he replied as his eyes opened, his nose taking in that lavender scent of hers, “Well... uh... y-yeah...”

“Stop stuttering,” she ordered, “Be stronger than this, Master. Speak with conviction. Tell me; do you like it?”

Conviction, huh? He was lacking a bit of conviction, it would seem. Sure, he'd have moments of bravado, of moxie, of courageousness, but that's all; moments. Igrene, Selene, even Mylene all initiated things with him. But this? Kissing Emiline first? That was all him.

He was more courageous than he gave himself credit for. He just needed to build on it. So...

“Yes. I do like it,” he stated firmly as he moved in again, “I like it so much... I... mmmf...”

He kissed into her again, whatever inhibitions he had before being placed at the wayside. His tongue like a tendril itself, traveling deep into her mouth, where it slicked and slid along her tongue, her teeth, her gums, her everything. The heated rush of lust and arousal continued to build between the two, Sebastian pushing into Emiline more and more.

His hand came over, resting on her stomach as he started to rub it, feeling how flat and toned it was through her turtleneck. Gripping the hem of it, he began pulling her shirt up and up, revealing her midriff as it came up to the bottoms of her breasts. His tongue meanwhile continued to wrestle within her mouth, with Emiline even placing her hand upon his back and shoulders, hugging him closer.

It seemed as if he didn't know what he wanted to do with his hands. One moment, he's exploring her flawless, toned stomach, the next moment he brings his hands up, placing it upon one of her breasts. Squeezing it through her turtleneck, he could feel how firm her breasts were even through it.

His hands slipped down, pulling on her turtleneck once more as his lips left her lips. Bringing it up, he stopped as her turtleneck resting above her bra-clad breasts, gaining an unobstructed view of them. So large and round, beckoning him in closer. Their busty size and firm touch brought to mind Igrene's bosom more than anything, though he'd say the head-housemaid's bust was slightly bigger.

His eyes traveled up towards Emiline's face however, where there was a stark difference between her and the Red Serpent. When he slept with Igrene, she looked at him with more romantic eyes, beckoning him to explore her body more and more from glances alone. But Emiline looked at him with the lustful vivaciousness of a woman, her teal eyes slant, her expression powerful, her chest rising up and down with baited breaths. In turn, Sebastian felt that stirring through his body roar at him, particularly in his pants.

Up and up he pulled her turtleneck, freeing it from her body so that he may drink in her tantalizing image. Her elegant black bra held close to her tits, drawing his eyes into the plunging cleavage she sported. And that lavender scent of hers... it began smelling slightly sweaty too. He just needed to...


“Hoh!? Ooooh!”

His nose and head delve right into her tits, pressing hard into her body as he took heavy whiff after heavy whiff of her natural odor. Every hit of her musk hit the pleasure centers of his nerves, a slobbering of drool falling from his lips to splatter upon her curvaceous tits. He kissed the sides of her breasts, his hands reaching up to grab them as well, where he pressed her tits upon his face.

Mmmm... fuck, felt so good...

So why then did Emiline's tail slink over, wrapping around Sebastian's waist to pull him away. He gasped softly in surprise, his face leaving her breasts, his brown eyes looking up towards her nonchalant face. He tried to ask why she stopped him, but Emiline continued on. Sitting up on the bed as her tail left him, the Marshal turned herself around fully, flaunting her back and her closed in wings.

“See?” she said, gesturing towards her bra, “Remove it.”

Ah... such a curious little device. Oh, don't get it wrong; he knows what a bra is! But this bra was different, having little spaces in it to fit her wings. Hmm... how did her wings work in fact? Emiline told him to remove her bra, but Sebastian was growing entranced by her membranous appendages. Touching them gently, causing her to stiffen. And as his hands stroked along their smooth film, a ruminating groan traveled from her throat.

“Haaaah... focus, Sebastian. Focus,” she said, jolting him from his trance.

“Ah, right. Sorry,” he apologized whilst focusing on the bra before him.

Hooks, clinging together, needing to be undone. Reaching around, Emiline casually pointed at it, pushing Sebastian to move his hands forward. They twitched through the air, trepidation running through him. Nevertheless he gripped upon it, trying – and failing – to undo the clips. Wow, these things were harder to control than he thought? Yet he pushed on, and with Emiline's guidance...


The bra parted, falling loose on Emiline's body who allowed it to drop on the bed below. Sebastian moved in, his chest resting against the Marshal's back, feeling those strong muscles lean back against him. His hands moved under her arms, cupping around to grip her chest, squeezing them. Ah, yes, those firm breasts; they pushed back against him.

“Before Igrene... have you ever slept with a woman before?” Emiline asked, to which Sebastian shook his head.

“N-no... not really...”

“Hm... have you ever been romantic with a woman before, then?” she asked next.

“No... not that either,” he answered, “When my mother died... I didn't... I didn't make many friends. It was a bit... difficult for me to.”

“Oh? You don't strike me as a cold person, Sebastian,” Emiline muttered as she rose her hands, placing them atop his as he casually groped her, “Quite the opposite; when you came here as a child, you were incredibly shy, yet so sweet. Hmm... you clung to me for hours following our travels with your father.”

“I... I wouldn't say I'm cold,” replied Sebastian, nuzzling his head into her neck, “I don't mind talking to people. I just... when my mother died... I never... felt like I clicked with people, ya'know? I made friends, but I didn't make friends,” he closed his eyes and took in another whiff of her lavender scent, “I don't know why... it was just so difficult for me to connect with people. I had known my mother for years, all the things we went through. So when she died, I... well... yeah...”

“Master,” spoke Emiline, her hand resting on his head, “You needn't worry about connecting with anyone anymore. We have you now, and we'll take care of you. Forever. This is where you belong.”

“Hmm... where I belong... y-yeah... okay... umm...”

Pursing his lips, he kissed her neck more, his hands moving over towards her nipples. Fingers danced along her areola, before moving in to pinch her nubs, causing them to stiffen. When it came to lovemaking, he had proven himself a rather hands-on learner. Always touching, seeing what his partner liked, learning it, and exploring more. Emiline herself leaned back, a mature moan leaving her lips that filled the air.

“Mmm... you're really good at this, Master,” Emiline remarked, “Are you sure you haven't been with other women before?”

“N-not before Igrene,” he answered, “Was my father like this?” he winced soon after those words left his lips, and pulled back in a pained manner, “D-don't... don't answer that.”

“You shouldn't compare yourself to your father so much, Master,” Emiline said, “That is the sign of a weak man. You shouldn't compare yourself to others, for that will blind you to your own accomplishments. Klaus may be your father, but you are ultimately your own man.”

His own accomplishments? Tch... what accomplishments? He only got into this position because Klaus died, otherwise he'd be waiting for another college semester of which he wasn't sure what he wanted to do in life.

But, maybe that's kind of the point? He thought so himself; at least here at the estate, he had a chance to find what he wanted to do. The wealth his family had would help in those regards.

Ah, but one thing at a time.

Kissing along her neck and shoulders, his hands started traveling down from her breasts, along her stomach, and towards her pants. Her slacks clung to her round, toned hips, leaving little to his rampantly running imagination. Fingers fiddling with her belt, she undid it, freeing her slacks up from her body.

“Haaahh... your body... I really like it,” Sebastian whispered into her ear.

“Hmm... is that your attempt at flattery? Hmhmhmhm... I actually find it to be quite cute.”

Ah... that's also a problem he's been running into with these girls as well; they all think he's cute. On one hand, he should strive to be more manly, right? More masculine? On the other hand... hm... being called 'cute' felt rather nice. He liked it. If he had to say he preferred one to the other... yeah, he wouldn't mind being called cute, so long as it was his girls who were doing it.

His girls...

Down and down he pulled her pants, revealing more of Emiline's elegant form. A black pair of lacey panties framed her luscious buttocks and hips, further painting the portrait of such a beautiful woman. Sebastian could feel his heart picking up in speed as well; he feared he was going to go crazy!

Didn't stop his curious hands from raising up, cupping Emiline's ass and squeezing it tight. His fingers sank into her flesh, a groan being coaxed out from her luscious lips. His cock was stirring, harder and harder, while his teeth bit his bottom lip in barely restrained desire.

Touching her body... more... more...

“Mmmfff... haaah! Emiline... lay down,” he said firmly, to which she responded with,

“Of course...”

Slowly she leaned over, resting on his bed chest first while her head laid on her folded arms. Her wings even folded in, giving him an clear view of her back, her form. The toned, athletic figure of a woman who has spent years honing herself. Muscular, but not overtly so. The slenderness of her back suddenly bumped up into a surprisingly large ass, one that begged to be touched, groped, spanked, just by looking at it.

Sebastian... well... he wasn't courageous enough to do that last one, not yet. But touching and groping? Kissing? Oh... he could do that...

“Hnnnghh... haaaaaah...”

His soft hands began touching her round ass, fingers pressing in and groping it like the pliable flesh it was. There was a firmness to her buttocks, a bit like her breasts, but not as firm. Did the others have butts quite like this? Funny... he hadn't actually checked yet... hmm...

Well, he wasn't going to let this chance go by! About the only thing in his way were Emiline's panties. As beautiful and elegant as they were, he no longer wanted them in the way. So he pulled them down her legs, rolling it off her dainty foot.

Her pussy – now uncovered – let loose that delicious aroma of hers. Her arousal was palpable, the odor intoxicating alone. Gazing between her toned thighs, he could even see some of her juices glistening. The lavender smell she gave off was now even more potent as it mixed not only with her sweat, but her cunt as well.


Hunger. Desire. Lust. Love. It all funneled through Sebastian, like an animal smelling a female in heat. He pressed his head up against her ass, his lips kissing its smooth, flawless curvature. Tasting her flesh here on his lips was akin to falling into an oasis of pleasure. He groaned against her, kissed her more, more, more, his tongue extending to lick long, saliva-drenched strokes upon her buttocks. All the while, his cock grew harder, longer, painfully confined within his choice of pants. He just couldn't take it anymore! Dropping his hands to his pants, he fumbled wildly in an attempt to remove them, only for Emiline's indigo tail to come slithering around. With her aid, he removed his belt and undid his pants, allowing it and his underwear to fall free on his legs.


Looking over her shoulder, Emiline's eyes zeroed in on the sight of his cock. For as cute as he was, his length was certainly burly. Hah, a view her fellow drachenmagd – Igrene, Selene, and Mylene – shared in common. But she didn't say anything, instead watching as Sebastian gripped his length by the base.

So hard, so painful, needing that release, but wishing to continue this sordid dance. So instead of angling it with Emiline's pussy right away, Sebastian pressed his cock to her ass. Feeling it press back, the smoothness of her posterior ran along the textures of his cock. The veins, the glands, the head, the everything. He rubbed his cock more and more against her, pressed in as well, watching her ass bend, sway, and rumble from his every tap. He did eventually take aim, but it wasn't with Emiline's cunt.



His length laid right between her ass, sandwiching between the valley of her cheeks. Or, what, hotdogging? Does it even fucking matter? He humped against her ass, hands pressing into the bed to pin her body beneath his. Fuck, he wasn't even inside her, yet merely running his cock along her buttocks was enough to light a furious fire within him! Every hump, every thrust, every push, every whatever, made his blood pump harder and harder and harder!


Much like before with Mylene, Sebastian found himself falling into a nearly primal rush of need and desire. His throbbing cock slid along Emiline's ass, stroke by stroke, with nothing in the way to slow his thrusting. His pounding along her ass grew to the point that her hair was bouncing, while her tits ground against the bed beneath her.

Only, now it was his turn to suddenly stop and pull away.

He angled his eyes upon the crevice of Emiline's ass, before sliding his gaze down towards her cunt.

Her tight...




Drawn to it by its sight and its smell, Sebastian licked his lips as his cock angled itself perfectly with her vaginal entrance. His head pressing up against her labial folds, he felt an intense heat rush out from it. Said heat pushed him more, his dick penetrating her pussy fully, inch by inch. Sebastian groan, and Emiline did likewise, her head bending up from her arms as her lips let loose a moan that filled the air.

“Haaaah... haaaaah... haaaaah... nnnghh...!”

Sebastian was panting like he just got done running through the halls. Emiline's body cradled his length like a vice, his length feeling every inch of her pussy. How it stroked him, hugged him, lathered it in her slickness. A perfect fit...



His eyes and his hands traveled down towards Emiline's hips, gripping upon her. He marveled at her beautiful figure; how her slender shoulders and back dipped into this tight waist, before flowing out into such rounded, toned hips, and – of course – this plump ass of hers. Seeing all if it incentive Sebastian to thrust harder into her, which he did without hesitation. Thrusting at a pace that was somehow both wild yet consistent. It had a rhythm to it, but he'd break said rhythm by thrusting too soon sometimes, or too late at others.

But she sensed in him the desire to do more than just get off on his own accord. His kisses, his touches; he wanted to please her as well. His dedication was strong, his technique... a little lacking. But, right, he was willing to learn, wasn't he? Throw him into the deep end of a pool, and he'll learn how to swim. Plunge him into the pussy of a woman, and he'll learn how to thrust. But doing so well would require a bit of teaching.


“A-Aim up a bit!” Emiline groaned amid his thrusting, “Scrap your dick along the top of my cunt!”

“H-huh? Th-the top?” he groaned back, his thrusting slowing, but not stopping.

“Yes, the top! Rub it... nnghhaaah! Grind it too!”


Teeth grinding against one another, Sebastian did as he was told. On the retreat and the penetration, he angled and rubbed his cock harshly against the top of Emiline's cunt. Feeling it rub along her pussy, abusing that sensitive bundle of nerves that was there, caused the indigo dragon's eyes to widened. She was awash with a swelling of pleasure, kicking and sending her body into overdrive. She wasn't expecting him to do it so roughly; she thought he'd build up to it! But, no, Sebastian abused her g-spot now that he knew where it was, and he showed no signs of slowing down.

Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting, causing Emiline to push herself up against his bed. Her hands gripped his blankets tightly, her head facing the bedpost. Mouth wide, she let loose mature moans and groans, her ass clapping against his waist with thrust after thrust after thrust.

“Sebasstiaaaaann~!” Emiline groaned.

Through gritted teeth he slammed into her harder and harder, his grip tightening as well. Discarded was any semblance of sanity, replaced with raw passion, need, and desire. Thrusting, thrusting, slamming, slamming, moaning, groaning, voices getting higher and higher.

Surging, balls drawing up close, sweat, sound, smells, so delicious, so delirious. Fucking Emiline – fucking all of them – was paramount to being in Heaven itself. But...





It came surging out of him, flowing right into Emiline's cunt. Thick globs of cum blasted from his dick, covering and coating her walls in his seed. The Indigo Dragon's eyes looked skyward, feeling it flow into her on an intense, finite level. So much cum for such a young man; it's like he was trying to knock her up.

Her sonorous moans filled the air, her body covered in sweat, the sexual fever pitch having erupted into an explosion. And now as it all subsided, she felt herself return to earth. Her cunt continued to milk his cock, stroking it off, drawing out his orgasm... until there was nothing else to give.



“Haaah... nnghh...”

His legs gave out, causing him to collapse upon Emiline. Boy, for as amazing as sex is, it sure is tiresome. Is that something he'll get better at with time; retaining energy after such an intense workout? Hopefully... but for now, he wouldn't mind indulging in the post-coitus bliss of a good snuggle.

Mmm... and Emiline felt so nice to snuggle up against...

“Your skin... is so nice...” he muttered against her.

“Mmm... so is yours, Master,” she replied, “Haaah...”

He closed his eyes, his hips pulling back softly. His length came out of her cunt with an audible 'Schluk!' cum and pussy juices oozing out of her where it slicked along her thighs and fell on the bed. A dirty concoction of lewdness... fuck, it was so hot. He kept his hand on her butt and hips though, gently rubbing it in a soothing, almost loving manner. His curiosity led him to even pull on her labia, making Emiline not only moan, but also causing his cum to spurt out of her cunt.

“Haaah... dinner... won't be for another hour or so,” Emiline remarked, “Do you want to go another round?”

Another round? With how his legs were wobbling, he wasn't sure if he could do it. Was it a dare? No, Emline didn't strike him as the kind of person who'd childishly dare him to do something. Perhaps then it was a test? Yeah... that sounded more like it. A test to see if he was really up to it.

Or maybe Sebastian lacked faith in his own capabilities. Another rising of energy was starting to flow into him.

“Yeah... another round...”