81. The Birthright
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"So that's it. She's gone." A white rabbitkin spoke to V, "I guess that means you will be leaving as well?" The white rabbitkin nodded. "You know I have to, only the girl's mother's desire for her daughter allowed me to glimpse this place once again. However, if the girl survives the next few minutes, I might be able to visit this place again once in a while." V shook his head "I would not recommend it; you know how dangerous visiting the girl's dreams would be." The rabbitkin shrugged, "Maybe, but I’m already dead. What is the worst that could happen?" V gave the white rabbitkin a critical look, "You know the answer to that, I’m sure." Shrugging a second time the white rabbitkin chuckled "Sure sure, but if it lets me watch this girl’s future, I might be willing to take the risk..."

V's brain struggled to reboot as he forced his eyes open. The first thing he noticed was that it was warm, the nights had been growing colder as they traveled north, so he could only assume it was day. His thoughts where muddled, a common occurrence for V when waking. He tried to force himself to his feet as the night's final events slowly returned to him. He remembered Eika's status, and then his blessing activated, something about sacrifice... He was surprisingly weak, he managed to set upward, but wanted to collapse back down. He was in his tent, a good sign all things considered. That probably meant that the situation had been resolved somehow, he doubted if Eika or L had killed each other the winner would have casually placed him in his tent. He struggled to stand again; his knees wobbled. Activating his blessing seemed to have left him surprisingly drained. He stumbled out of the tent, desperate to figure out what happened last night.

L attacked Eika with a simple sword swing, a simple horizontal slash. Eika blocked it, but only barely, her own sword knocked out of hand. "If you don't hold it correctly, this will happen every time." L scolded Eika, who responded "It's too big for my hands! I need something smaller!" L rolled her eyes, but relented "That could be true, we will have to fi-" she stopped as V emerged from the tent. Eika followed her gaze, also spotting V. Eika ran over to V, Luna quickly following. "Hey, V guess what you will never believe it also I’m so glad you're awake I thought you might have died but then we saw you did not die and something crazy happened to me and I cannot believe it and -" V held up his hand. "Please, please stop yelling and talking so quickly." L spoke from across the camp. "Look at her status, that should explain what happened. Well, not really, but you should find it interesting." V squinted in the sunlight as he looked at Eika's Status.

Name: Eika
Age: 17
Race: Rabbitkin Archon
Titles: "Friend of the Elgorian Fairies"
"First Among Rabbitkin"
Occupation: Slave (Dredge) 
Class: Chosen One (Rabbitkin) lv 1  (Unique class, given to those who are chosen by prophecy, destiny, etc.)
Skills: "Tracking Lv 4", "Hearing Lv 5", "Smell Lv 5", "ForestCraft Lv 4", "Destiny lv ∞",
Curses: Curse of the Rabbitkin (Degraded) (Damaged)

V was not sure what in the world "Destiny" as a skill did, however Eika had gained a new class. A hefty sounding one at that. "Chosen one?" Also, V noted, it had a rabbitkin designation. He was grateful for his insight skill, as it told him how she acquired the new class. However, how did Eika end up having a prophecy or special destiny? Also why was she a Rabbitkin Archon now, he could only assume it was related to the prophecy element? Also, she seemed to still have the messed-up section of her status. V looked at her ears, they remained their same normal shape. He wondered then what he did to Eika in the city, when her ears and teeth changed... "Isn't it amazing?!" Eika hopped up and down in place, excited energy overcoming her. "I have no idea what any of it means, but check out my class. Go on look at its awesome and cool and actually kind of scary because I’m just a little rabbitkin slave girl and I don't think I can really live up to whatever being a chosen one is and I-" V tried to block her voice out as he pulled up her class information.

Class: Chosen One (Rabbitkin) lv 1   5/10000
Attribute Scaling:
Strength: A
Agility: S
Constitution: C
Awareness: A
Willpower: A
Abilities: Stature of The White Rabbit

V quickly checked that ability.

Ability: Stature of The White Rabbit
Causes the user to inspire Rabbitkin.
Causes nearby Rabbitkin to naturally desire to support the user.

V never really pegged Eika as a natural leader, but he figured if you’re the chosen one of your race, having an ability that made your race want to help you made sense. Although, strangely, at the end of the ability description was another messed up line, it looks extremely similar to the one on her base status. V also checked her "Destiny" skill, but it simply reported itself as "Given to those chosen by Destiny." Which was decidedly unhelpful. Eika's attribute scaling was off the charts. V paused a moment, screwing up his face in a strange expression as a thought passed through his mind. C... could they give Eika a letter and make her a Divine Chosen One? Eika was still babbling as V looked over to L. "I had the same thought that I’m sure you're having. However, the girl cannot even handle her new speed and strength yet, so maybe we hold off. Additionally, we don't really even know what happened. Girl, tell him what happened to you after you fell down."

Nodding and doing her best to restrain herself, Eika spoke "Well, I’m sure you saw the part where I got really dizzy, I was like "blegg" and felt really sick and stuff. After I fell over, I felt like I was being crushed by the weight of an ocean. It sort of felt like what happens when my slave collar activates, like something is crushing down on my mind but it was my whole body, actually it was even more than my body. It felt like it was crushing... Eika, like my very being!" Luna shook her head up and down vigorously and quickly interjected, clearly wanting to be a part of the recent events "Ya it felt horrible! It was also really scary!... probably." Eika nodded "Ya! It felt like I was being crushed out! Anyway, suddenly I..." Eika trailed off some and looked at L, who nodded encouragingly. "I felt like my mother was protecting me! Like she was holding back the entire ocean from crushing me. I felt her! I really did! Eika is not crazy! While she held the crushing feeling I could feel how much she loved me. It... reminded Eika of how it felt when she hid me away inside of the tree... the last time I saw her." Eika's face flickered in sadness a moment, before her energy forced away the momentary sadness. "It was like mommy took on the whole ocean crushing me! I was free again! So, I stood up, and noticed you had collapsed at some point and I got really worried and-"

"I think I heard your mothers voice." V said, cutting Eika off entirely. "Uh... what?" Eika was stunned into a simple response. V held his head with one hand as he tried to remember, "My blessing, the blessing of motherhood. It started... going out of control? That is the only way I can explain the feeling, and I heard a tiny voice, it begged me to give her the chance to "Save her daughter." Once I activated the blessing, I heard a voice speaking angrily, saying she would not let "them" take her daughter’s birthright. Then uh..." V hesitated, based on the fact that it said "Mother's Sacrifice," he assumed that Eika's mother intercepted whatever was happening to her, but normally the word "sacrifice" indicated that one would not survive the ordeal. He wondered for a moment if he should tell Eika that part, or call it something less final, like "Mothers defense" or something. After a second of hesitation, he decided that it would be disingenuous to hide that from Eika. "Well, it said that Mother's Sacrifice had activated... At which point I blacked out." Eika whispered "Oh..."and a sad look crossed her face.

L planted the sword Eika was using into the ground. "Do not shed tears for your mother girl. She waged war for you twice, and won both times. Even dead she claimed a second victory. Would that we should all be so lucky. I have no idea what ocean she held back, but it sounded like a grand struggle." L piled a few rocks at the base of the sword. "When a subordinate of mine died in victory, we would honor them by burying them where they fell, and planting their sword above them, so that all who passed knew that whoever died here, even in death, claimed victory. Although V's blessing might have been her weapon, we can hardly plant him in the ground. Let this sword represent your mother." Eika nodded and quietly helped L pile rocks around the base of the weapon. Luna began to speak "That reminds me of this one-time wh-" V covered her mouth with his hand and shook his head. "Shh"

After L and Eika finished, L spoke again. "If you need to shed tears for your mother, shed them and leave them here. Her body, or perhaps in this case spirit, lies at rest here. However, you are her victory. When we leave, carry her victory with you, but leave your tears here, with her spirit." Based on L's tone and practiced delivery, she had given a number of speeches similar to this in the past. L took one last look at the sword in the ground. "One day, when there are no more battles to wage, you may return here and shed tears again, and speak of your own victories." Eika made a strange squeaking noise and she nodded, holding her tears back. As L and Eika stood together, V took Luna and began to pack up the tents.