Chapter 3: Training For “Beginners”
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Jill landed on the ground, flat on her belly and taking the wind out of her lungs. To make matters worse, her chin landed on a rock, the pain causing tears to form in Jill's eyes. She was too winded to cry out nor get up, so she continued suffering while lying down on the grassy ground. It took her a minute to realize that it was night out, which shouldn't make sense since it was day when she entered the portal. The only two possibly explanations are that time moves differently in the world where Chaersie was, or she was in another part of the world.

Before she could decide on one, Jill noticed a shadow appear over her. Getting whatever willpower she has left, Jill put her arms underneath her and rolled over, staring up at the starry night sky and a person with green eyes and a completely expressionless face.

"... That must have hurt," The strange girl, woman, whoever this person was said. Jill noticed, with a slight frown on her face, that the stranger's voice was exactly what she expected it to be. Monotone and seemingly emotionless. 

"Yeah, yeah it did," Jill replied, blinking the tears out of her eyes before sitting up.

Now that she was sitting, she got a better look at the stranger. She was wearing what looked to be a white lab coat, though it obviously wasn't, and dark blue shirt and black plain sweatpants. She also had... some rather big assets, meaning she is most definitely a woman. Her height was rather intimidating, and her red eyes, while not dull, were slightly narrowed, which Jill was absolutely positive was her default expression. Her hair was raven black and was as straight as could be, ending halfway down her back. Her skin, an almost pale tan color, made her look almost like a vampire.

As Jill studied the woman further, she noticed a black scabbard hanging from her hip, the shape clearly belonging to a katana or some kind of similar weapon. Then her eyes went back to those huge knockers-

'Wait, what the Hell am I doing!? I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous!' Jill screamed in her head, quickly looking away from the woman to keep whatever shreds of dignity she has left after her day.

Her turmoil didn't last long, however. Out into the distance, over a nearby lake or river, was a large city. Unlike the one she used to live in, the city looked to be clean and full of so many different things and lights. She also recognized that she was in a park, which is something she hasn't seen before. She has only seen pictures, and even then, those were nothing like the real thing. The grass was much lighter than it was in her current forest home.

"Never seen such a sight before?" The woman asked, placing a hand on Jill's right shoulder. Jill could only nod absently, still taking in the view. 

"That either means you're from some backwater country, and from the slums at that, or you are from the dictator whatever country."






"Why are you giving me that look?" The woman asked, seeing the wide-eyed glare Jill was giving her.

"Sorry I'm not rich or live where you do," Jill replied, crossing her arms.

The woman blinked out of surprise before responding.

"Is what I said offensive?"

Jill chose to ignore the question and, instead, focus back on the city full of lights, though her attention to the city didn't last long.

"Well, if you find it offensive, then suck it up," The woman said, her voice monotone and face expressionless still, "The truth hurts, but you might as well just accept it."

Jill opened her mouth, thinking of some way to retort, before she gave up with a sigh. The woman was right.

"So, where are we?" Jill asked.

"We are in the Euro Peninsula," The woman replied, "For further details, we are in Eifel Park next to the city known as Londor."

"So, the new country made up of Europe and Canada?" Jill asked, recalling the map she learned in history class.

"Yes," The woman confirmed, sitting down next to Jill, "My name is June, and you must be Jill, right?"

"Yes. Did Chaersie tell you?" Jill asked, a bit surprised the woman, June, knew her name.

"Yes, and I am your sensei, instructor, Monsunoir, or teacher. Take your pick."

"Monsunoir?" Jill asked, the word entirely alien to her.

"Yes, Monsunoir. It is the official term or name slash title earned by Ryōshi who teach other Ryōshi," June explained.

'Her voice sounds so young, and so awkward explaining things. Is she...what's the term? A kuudere or whatnot?' 

"Wait! That means you're a magical girl too, right?" Jill asked, the realization clicking in her head.

"Yes, I am indeed a magical girl," June admitted, "And, by the looks of it, you're like me, not having a magical girl outfit."

"That... explains a lot. I thought it was kind of strange why Chaersie never told me to transform, or why you don't really look like a magical girl."

'Wait. Did her eye twitch, or was that just me?'

Jill squinted, trying to see if she managed to get a reaction out of her teacher, but she saw nothing in the end, and also had to quickly look away upon seeing Jane raising an eyebrow at her.

"So, how many magical girls have magical girl outfits?" Jill asked, praying her blushing face would soon fade.

"There used to be many back in the days, but now you are the very first one I've seen in centuries," June explained.

"Centuries? Did you just say centuries?" Jill asked, turning back to look at June.

"Hmmm. I am pretty sure I am the oldest magical girl in this world," June admitted, not realizing that Jill had backed away from her.

"So, do magical girls not die or something?" Jill asked, a bit of hope and dread in her voice.

"No, magical girls used to die all the time," June admitted, causing Jill's hope to die down.

"All the time?" Jill asked, her voice almost a squeak.

"Well, not anymore, but magical girls still die," June explained, causing Jill to let out a sigh of relief, "Though they can't die from aging. At least, not in this world."

"Aw, fuck me!" Jill shouted, slamming her fist into the ground... or was going to until June catches it.

"What the-" Jill got out before she was pulled to her feet. She didn't even see June move yet, here she was, holding her fist in her hands while standing up, showing what had to be at least a two- or three-feet height difference between them.

"You're doing it wrong," June pointed out, gently yet firmly prying open Jill's fingers, "Don't tuck your thumb in. Keep it out and make sure your four fingers are curled up, so they are touching their base."

"There. Isn't that better?" June asked once she finally managed to turn Jill's hand into a proper fist.

"I guess so," Jill said, looking at her fist before looking back up at June, "Well, thanks I-"

Jill stopped upon seeing just the briefest flash of something dark in June's eyes. 

"Well then, are you ready for your training?" June asked, looking up at the moon. When she didn't get a response, she turned to look back at Jill only to realize she wasn't there anymore.

Jill, upon realizing what June was about to say, had made a beeline for it. Whatever flashed through June's eyes made her instincts flare up. Although she doesn't know why, she knows that she is most definitely is in danger. So, while June was distracted, she snuck away. Currently, she is hiding behind a nearby tree. Only after waiting a couple of minutes, at least, Jill assumed a couple of minutes passed, did she peak. Much to her surprise, June was gone. She must have walked away to either search for her or whatever an expressionless old magical girl might do.

Of course, poor foolish Jill has severely underestimated the old magical girl, who was standing right behind her with an apple in her hand. As such, the poor foolish Jill was prime for a jumpscare, said jumpscare coming from June taking a bite out of her apple.

"So, ready to start your training?" June asked once Jill recovered enough to stand up on two feet, albeit wobbly.

"H-how?" Jill got out, panting.

"I heard you breathing, found you, then went to get an apple before heading back here. Then, I walked up behind you."

Hearing this explanation, especially said in a monotone voice, made Jill feel like she lost a couple of brain cells.

"Fine... I guess I am," Jill grumbled before shivering. That flash came back again and, once it was gone, June smiled. It was a small smile, and a cute one, but it filled Jill with dread.

"Great! Now, let's get started," June exclaimed, her voice still monotoned. As she finished talking, she pointed up in the air with her left hand. 

"So, what do I-" Jill started, confused on what her training will be like, when she spotted a white and blue sedan flying in the air.

Jill squinted, confused, before she jumped three feet into the air and dove to the side upon realizing the car was coming right at her. Even if Jill is a tiny girl, she wasn't quite fast enough to dodge an incoming flying sedan that decided to say fuck you to physics. 

The sedan nailed her on her left arm, sending her flying. Luckily, Jill stopped just before she rolled off the cliff that they were on, and gravity decided it had enough of the sedan defying it and made it plummet off the cliff into the ground below, where it promptly blew up. Unluckily, Jill did not realize that she was on a cliff and, as such, when she opened her eyes, she saw a fire down below, as well as a massive drop. Seeing this after having been just knocked out, Jill screamed and tried to scramble backwards. It worked, at first, but her arm, which was nailed by a flying car, had other plans. 

Instantly, her arm gave up on her, making sure that Jill knows it too by sending a buttload of pain signals to her poor brain, which made Jill scream even louder and roll back from the cliff's edge before curling up into a ball, crying.

"MY ARM!" Jill cried out, looking up to glare at June who, she had no doubt in her mind, caused this. However, her glare died down upon seeing June a few feet in front of her, holding up a gag that Jill has seen in one of her friend's porn mags.

"... Are you serious?" Jill asked. June just simply nodded.

Jill wanted to scream. As she was, the pain she was feeling was so intense that she couldn't help but let out tiny little sobs. Yet, June didn't care one bit. Her face was as expressionless as always, and the fact that she somehow took out a gag, threatening her, told that she found Jill's crying annoying.

"Now, close your eyes and said Mirco," June ordered, her voice making it sound more like a suggestion, though Jill knew better.

"M-Mirco," Jill growled.

"I said close your eyes, which is another phrase meaning to focus in on yourself," June said, casually tossing the gag up into the air and catching it with the same hand that held it up, "Do it again."

Jill made some kind of snarling sound out of pure anger before she stopped herself and, with a long sigh, closed her eyes.

"Mirco," Jill said, her voice surprisingly calm despite the huge amount of anger and pain bottled up inside her.

Upon opening her eyes, Jill noticed a strange little mass of glowing blue lights in front of her, the lights looking like a swarm of fireflies. As Jill stared, memorized by the phenomenon, black words started to appear inside. At first, they were unreadable. Then, they formed enough for Jill to read them.


Health: 160/280

Mana: 78,000/Go Guess Yourself, Lol!

Status: You got clipped by a flying car that weighs at least 8 tons. You most definitely need help.

Level: 0



"... Well, that's a first," June said, a hint of surprise in her voice.


"GOD, I Hate Being A MAGICAL GIRL!" Jill yelled, forgetting about her arm as she slammed the ground, causing her to yelp in pain.

"Now, see how the box disappeared?" June asked, ignoring Jill's outburst, "You think the box gone and it will disappear."

"And now that you've learned how to check your own status, let's get back to training."

"Huh?" Jill got out, looking up before paling seeing five more cars in the distance and two more hovering right behind June.

"You're kidding, right?" Jill asked, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"If you can dodge a flying car, you can dodge a Monseuteo's swipe," June replied, "And besides, this is the training exercise for beginners. You'll be fine... probably."


It was at this point that a thought came into Jill's mind. June is a psychopath... and, going off of Chaersie's perky personality, and the fact that she willingly sends her over to June, that she too is a psychopath. And call it a hunch, but she has a feeling that, if magical girls can't actually die from age, means that there are probably quite a few who are just like June.

Maybe, just maybe, she should have chosen to stay with Chaersie instead, or take her chances of surviving by herself.



True fact! I put Jane for most of the chapter instead of June, so I had to go back to undo it all. Also, should I start making the chapters in first person or keep it the way it is?

2289 words.

Should I switch to first person POV?
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  • No. Keep it the way it is. Votes: 0 0.0%
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