The Power of a Legendary Relic
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[ Title "Horse Rapist" Acquired ]


Sora sat on his narrow bed, staring at the wall.

Was this the feeling that murderers feel when they kill their first victim?

Scientifically, nothing had changed inside him...he knew this.

And yet, he felt he was no longer the same person.

"Horse rapist, horse rapist..."

He couldn't get those two words out of his head.

And when he took another look at his status screen, sure enough, the words were emblazoned there in thin air...

Only minutes ago, he had taken such joy in using [Identifyon random objects... And now, he felt the wish never to have had that skill, so horrified was he by the title.

"I would rather have killed someone... even though that's just as hateful in the eyes of society -- at least that would add character to a man! at least that, being a killer, would make me! But a rapist--a horse rapist, when that was not even my intention... I am not a lolicon. When I look upon the buttocks of an animal, I feel no inkling of the desire to plow. Oh, gods, are my desires not wholly commensurate with the norms of society? All I want is a cute, weird girl, one who will either ask no questions about my history or who will accept my lies about my past. Is that so much to ask for?"

Feeling somewhat better, he stood up and paced about. He took the legendary onaho from the table and, in his lingering frustration, smashed it against the wall. To his surprise, it made a noticeable dent.

And strangely enough, this caused him to feel somewhat better. It reminded him of the fact that he held in his possession something that was not governed by the "laws of physics" he was familiar with. It was soft to his touch, but it was somehow hard enough to chip the inner brick of a wall. It had a hole, but the hole could not be probed by any object except that which it was intended for.

[ Title: Horse Rapist ]

Horse Rapist:
Human title.
Bequeathed to those men who have engaged in sexual intercourse with a horse
without their consent.