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*mischievous rattling*


    Turtle held the door open for Pops and Noodles. McLovin’ held a hand to his chest, “Why thank you, Turtles.” He walked right in front of Pops and Noodles which made them laugh.

    “Don’t get full of yourself.” Turtle replied.

    “Why not be full? Empty people are no fun to be around,” McLovin’ said. 

    “McLovin’ just cuz Sparrow isn’t here doesn’t mean a murder won’t be committed,” Pops said, looking over at McLovin’.

    “Murder can be romantic if you make it. Like Romeo and Juliet.” McLovin’ sighed in a day dreamy way, “How romantic.” 

    “Romeo and Juliet was a crack fic,” Turtle commented.

    Noodles sniffled, “I don’t wanna die.”

    “You’re not going to die,” Pops told him. “The lights just went out. That’s all! I’m sure the person at the front desk can help us.”

    “No one is at the front desk, may I remind you,” Turtles said. The group of four looked over at the wooden front desk that was empty. 

    “Well why don’t we ring the bell?” Pops suggested. “You want to ring it, Noodles?”

    Noodles nodded and continued to hold onto Pop’s arm as he walked up to the little bell off to the side of the desk. With a tap of the bell, it rang. The little bell rang through the small entry lobby, sending shivers up Noodle’s spine. Then there was a quiet rattling coming from behind the desk. 

    Creamy white bones popped out from behind the desk in a stench of rotting rats with a skeleton grin at the humanoid skeleton that looked upon them, “How can I help young travelers like yourselves?”


    “Why do they always scream, I don’t look that bad do I?” The skeleton questioned looking very confused, “I even smiled this time!”


Jazzy looked off in the distance with his hand formed into a check mark under his chin, “Murderous screams? Spunky!”

“Something is definitely off,” Sherlock said. 

“No dip Sherlock,” Pluto said with a deadpan, “We all know that everyone’s phones dying is more than a coincidence. Mine was at a hundred percent not even five minutes before the blackout.”

“Wait really?” Jazzy asked, “Then why didn’t you say anything back at the parking lot?”

“Noodles would have been too frightened and we need to move quickly to figure out what exactly happened before the blackout.” Pluto responded

“Weren’t we chasing a cat?” Jazzy asked.

“Kitty Kitty! Where are you?” Sherlock shouted.

“Sherlock stop shouting it not going to come to you--” Sparrow was cut off as a black cat flew past her face. “WHAT THE--”

“AFTER IT!” Sherlock yelled cutting Sparrow off as she raced after the cat again.

“Here we go again,” Pluto muttered, taking off after Sherlock followed by Sparrow.

    “YEah!” Jazzy shouted after them towards the cat.

    The four sprinted through the woods hopping over fallen logs and dodging trees that loomed overhead. Sherlock’s hair getting into her face due to a lack of a hairband. No doubt Noodles might have had one for her, but now, there was no way to get one. The cat zigzagged through the forest running under a fallen oak tree the four were forced to jump over. When they jumped over they noticed there was a steep hill on the other side. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop their movement as they tumbled into a cold creek. 

Jazzy was the first to recover, throwing his fists into the air with triumph. “Yeah! Cuts and bruises!”

“JAZZY NO!” Sherlock shouted.

“Jazzy YES!” He challenged.

“Did we get the cat?” Sparrow asked sitting up quickly and looking around, “I swear if I fell into a creek for nothing someone isn’t gonna be waking up tomorrow.”

Pluto, who had somehow managed to avoid the creek, looked down at the other three, “We need to head back, if you three stay out in this weather you're going to get sick.”

“When did you start playing Turtle’s role?” Jazzy asked.

“I would rather not deal with three sick individuals on a five hour drive home. You easy bake ovens.” Pluto replied with a glare.

“Fair enough,” Jazzy said as he stood up. Now that he was out of the water he felt uncomfortable being soaked in cold oil smelling creek water. “Ew.”

“Well let's head back then! We should run to warm up.” Sherlock suggests popping up from the ground.

“Sounds cracken!” Jazzy said. “Beat ya!” He jetted off and climbed back over the tree. 

    “Why is this water so muggy?” Sparrow asked in disgust looking down at the brown water. She looked over to where Sherlock was standing and squinted, “Is that a dead fish?”

    “What dead fish?” Sherlock questioned looking down to see a floating fish next to her leg. “That’s gross,” She got down closer to it, “Are those bones?” The fish jiggled and Sherlock marveled over it, “Cool.”

    “Ew!” Sparrow squealed and she ran over to the tree to climb over and join Jazzy who was entertained by watching Sparrow freak and Sherlock marvel.

    Pluto stared at the fish in horror, “What is wrong with this world.”

    “You mean town?” Sherlock asked. “Dunno but this fish is so cool.” She looked at the bones that were visible, “Little weird though.” It’s eyes were pale and clammy. Almost looked like a plastic Target bag with Q-tips sticking out of it.

    Sparrow was quiet for a moment, “Sure, let's go with that.” 

    Pluto observed the others for a moment before jestering in the direction she thought they had come from, “Lets head back.”

    “‘Kay! Beat ya!” Jazzy said as he jetted off towards where they had come from. 

The other continued on, but Pluto had to way Sherlock to join them, “Come on Loser! Stop playing with a dead fish!”

Sherlock sighed, “Awe. Bye bye fishy!” Sherlock stood up and followed after them. Since they were used to running you would think they’d be really fast, but they were tired and it was one in the morning, so what could you possibly expect from them?